0001 ~ ~ ~ A Weekly Newspaper Circulati yfgi n the Di st@et of West Vancouver-A mbleJJde, Ho/lyburn, Westoyf, Dundarave $ 1.00 per year. CyPreSS Park, Caulfeild, WhyteCliff, FJC. Newsstands 5c per Copy Vo1. V SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST'VANCOUVER, B.C.. FRIDAY, JAN. 2nd. 1931 No. 32 I) l5) left, Ithe left, ,eet -.'thee,d . ' eeeI hll Ieihe Izthe COUNCIL NOTES The Pacific Stages were ad- vised by the Council that the '; time schedule handed to Reeve ., Leyland had been examined and that the Council expected a con- tinuation of the one now in effect , until the new licenses had been . issued. he chief clerk of the Depart- ment of lands, forest branch, in Vancouver was informed by the neil that the latter were tak- up with their Dominion rep- resentative the question of the general account owing for 81,199.29 in connection with the Caulfeild fire. Ikhe council sent a letter of thanks io the Minister of Marine - thanking him for his favorable 'eception of the council's request for a renewal for a further peri- od of 21 years from next May of the Lighthouse Park lease. Miss Evah B. Bolton wrote the council asking if there would be ' postal delivery to her house at 2604 Mathers Avenue. She was advised that, while nothing def- inite had yet been announced by the Post Office Department, the council hoped that mail would be delivered. i'. W. RuuuiphwIHLe ln re'Ier-'nce to the very unsatisfactory condition of the road through hiz property at Gleneagles. He was advised that work on, the Gleneagles Road had been auth- orized and would be done at an early date. The Minister of Marine wrote a letter acknowledging receipt of the council's letter enclosing a copy of a resolution passed by the latter in reference to the Second Narrows bridge and the proposed First Narrows bridge, MUSICIANS'LUB stating that the matters alluded to in the resolution would receive his most careful attention. He also stated that he had re- ceived a copy of the council's resolution of strong protest a- gainst statements alleged to have been made by Commission- er R. D. Williams concerning the Second Narrows bridge, which would also receive his due con- sideration. The council instructed the engineer to take up with L. hi. White the matter of his concern regarding water damage to his property. The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Meeting with engineer Forsythe to arrange for the care of the pavement at No. 10 bridge and of ditches and culverts at the westerly end of Marine Drive 2. Street lights. The light at 22nd and Bellevue again refer- red to the engineer to have shift ed if possible. 3. Additional air compressor and drills. Lowest rental tend- ered was that by the Vancouver Pile Driving Co., namely 8240 a month. It was resolved that the rnachine be hired on the re- ported terms. Tan fng m. ~p~ ta! Xn 1. Ottawa east of 15th Street Cost of gravelling 820.00. An expenditure not over 820 auth- orized. 2. Esquimalt east of 11th St. Cost of repair $70. An expendi- ture not in excess of 870.00 authorized. 3.i Mathers west of list St. Cost of improvement 88.00. An expenditure not over $8.00 auth- orized. 4. S. Lambert's flume. Cost of repairs $ 12.007 Referred to the foreman with power to act. TO GIVE RECITAL The fourth recital of the Musicians'lub of West Van- couver will take place in the Legion Memorial Hall next Fri- day, January 9th, at 8:30 p. m. There will be a silvercollection.'he following is the program: PROGRAM VOCAL ENSEMBLE-- (a) Music, when soft voices die..Wood (b) Tally-ho! ............................ Leoni (c) Song of Shadows ................ Gibbs (d) Snowstorm ........................ Rogers Sopr'anus--Mesdames Brydone, Willoughby, Hodgson, Edwards, Grey. b/ezzos--Mesdames Bager, Froud, Grey, Rivers. Altos--Mesdames Jack, Bain, Burling. Conductor--Mrs. F. X. Hodgson. PIANO-- (s) Prelude F Sharp hiajor ............................Arensky (b) Preludium Valses (No. I) ............,.....:.... Poldini (c) Etude in G Flat ............................................Chopin Mrs. G. McLennan CONTRALTO-- (a) My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice (Samson and Delilah) .........................,..Saint-Saens (b) The Maid Sings Light....„........Macdowell (c) Habanera (Carmen) ..............,...........Bizet Mrs, F. Stainsby May Viney (b) Cloths of Heaven ...........,............,... Dunhill VIOLIN-- (a) Romance ............................................ Weiniswski (b) Allemande ........,................................... Locatelli s (c) Polonaise ..........................'........... Seybold t ~ BARITONE-- (a) The Lavender Room ......,......,... Arundel (c) The Mighty Deep ............,.„...„„... „,. Jude Aubrey Clarke SOFRANO-- (a) One Morn, as in a Garden.............,..Schubert (b) Air de Lia (L'enfant Prodigue)..... Debussy (c) Sents's Ballad (Flying Dutchman)..Wagner Barbara Tristram't the I'iano--Mrs. J. E. Durbin Iris Hutchinson Margaret Nclntyre, ATHI ETIC ASSOCIATION TO BE FOR5IED A very enthusiastic meeting wss held on Tuesday evening at the Ambleside Tea Rooms to dis- cuss the possibilities of forming an Amateur Atheletic Associa- tion in West Vancouver, s par- ent organization to promote and further the interests of sport in all its branches in our municipal- ity. A general meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 27th, place of meeting and further details of which will be published st s later date. All organizations and residents of West Vancouver are extended a cordial invitation to attend. Come prepared to state your views and get behind this move- ment. Those attending were: P. C. Chapman, V. V. Vinson, J. R. Mitchell, A. P. Kerley chairman pro tern, G. Vance, Dr. Stainsby, L. C. Raid, A. Strong, W. F. Pochin, secretary pro tern, E. S. Gamage, J, E. Condon. I HARBOR BOARD APPROACHED Re SPEED OF C. N. R. BOATS Recently the waves set up v some ui the C.BLPH boats are :unLJW~ 1Wi~Ãrec epee ep front doors of certain houses qn the beach and flooded the floors to a depth of six inches. L: Burns and about thirty other residents signed a petition and sent it to the Vancouver Harbor Commissioners, from whom the following reply'has been receiv- Vancouver Harbour Commis-'ioners,Vancouver, B.C. December 20th, 1930 L. Burns, Esq., 1434 Bellevue, )Vest Vancouver, B. C. Dear Sir: . I'duly received petition signed by you and others, in regard to the alleged trouble caused by the Canadian National boats, partic- ularly the "Henry" and "David," by tyavelling at excessive speed, and have instructed the Harbor Master to check up the situation and take whatever steps are nec- essary to have the situation rec- tified. Yours very truly, W. D. HARVIE, Secretary. LEG ION MILITARY WHIST DRIVE The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver, is putting on the flrst of a series of six military whist drives next Wednesday, January 7th, in the Legion hiem- orial Hall Play will start at 8:15 p. m. sharp, and there will be good prizes each night as well ss grand aggregate prizes. Re freshments will be served after the cards. Admission, 35 cents. THE 5IUNICIPAI. ELECTIONS The voting in the municipal elections will take place this year on Saturday, 17th January, be- teveen the hours of 8 s. m. and 8 p.m. in the new Ambleside halL A reeve, two councillors, two school trustees, and one police commissioner will be elect- ed,snd nomina«iona for candi- dates must be delivered to the returning officer in the council chamber of the municipal hall at any time between this date and 2 p. m. on nomination day, which has been set for 12th Jan- uary. A notice relative to this appears in this issue Voters should remember that I'.R. having been abolished, they will be required to place a cross gainst the name of any candi- te they fever, and sot e(umbers i O'R CRJ-B Wee ee-Hre~vivcn- f candidates. as has been done previously. BUILDING PER5IITS 7 Three building permits of a total value of 51,400 were issued this month at the municipal hall, particulars of which are as fol- lows: Additions MacEwan, Miss, 13th and Duchess ................... $ 300 Edwards Bros. Sherman I 000 Garage Griffiths, C. H., 25th and Bellevue 100 $1,400 During the year just passed 109 permits totalling 8157,925 were issued as against 116 for 8162400 in 1929 Genepal V. W. Odium szote the reeve and council thanking them for their letter re exchange of lands at Fisherman's Cove and conferming the terms of the exchange. WEST VANCOUVER FERRYhlEN By Norman MacLeod 7 Oh, the little ferry boats nosing through the fog, Dodging ship, and tug, and raft, here and there a log, Hear the ditferent foghorns, shriek, and grunt and roar, Listen to the echoes come back from the shore, While we sit and listen, nerves upon the rack, Yet the sturdy skipper gets us over there--and back. 7 Skipper in the pilot house, standing by the wheel, Knows how we depend on him, nerves must be of steel; I'eering through a blanket of fog, that's thick and fat, Smells the way, snd takes it like a homing cat. All balll the handy skippers, who have got the knack, And take our little ferry boats, over there--and back. Yet, some dsy we hope to get, what we need, a bridge Leading safely tp our homes nestled 'neath the "Ridge;" So should it be foggy, out or homeIvard bound, Wouldn't matter'quite so much, st least we won't be drowned But while we'e debating, and while a bridge we lack, .Trust'pur gallant ferrymen to steer us there--and back. EX-REFVE VINSON EXTEVDS THANKS As chairman of the West Van- couver B.P.O. Elks Xmas Cheer committee, I wish to acknow- ledge with heartfelt gratitude the wonderful support and co- operation accorded my commit- tee in their efforts in raising funds to try and'make life a little sweeter snd the world happier for those less fortunate in our municipahty. We found helping hands and a kindly word in all our efforts, and, if we have only made life s little brighter for those less fortunate vre feel that our work was well done and may the com- ing year be full of happiness to all. We acknowledge with thanks the following: West Vancouver School Board for donating the use of the High School auditorium for our An- nual Dance; the Municipal Coun- cil for donstioa; to the School children of our public schools for their wonderful spirit snd good cheer; to the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides snd their officers for their el!orts in securing toys and other Xmas Cheer for the chiN- ren; the West Vancouver Swim- ming Club for their ation u IR Ray for his donation o! candies; hlr. NscLesn for tea which came in as sn added extra to our ham- pers; to Nr. Geo. Hay snd Col- onel Savory for the use of their store and office for storage; to 7 the citizens and friends who fur- nished delivery trucks and their services in delivering hampers: the West Van News for their support and ceHoperation in building up a spirit of commun- ity pride through donations, showing that we of West Van- couver have the civic pride and ability to look after our own. For the support received from the churches and other societies in our municipality we are truly thankful If some unfortunates were overlooked it was no fault of the committee, but a lscle of inform- ation. The following is a complete account of all moneys received by the West Vancouver B. P. O. Elks Xmas Cheer Committee: West Van News by cheque from public subscription ............ $235.57 Net proceeds of dance and turkey raffle....... 183.82 Donations, LMr. and 51rs. J. R. L. McDsniels.... 10.00 Proceeds O.E.S. whist drive ................ 11.40 Nary C. Frame ..... 1.00 A Friend ............. 15.71 Paragon Club .......... 7.60 Grand Total ........... 8465.00 V. V. VINSON. SCHOOL BOARD ANNLIAL MEETING The annual meeting of the West Varcouver School Board will take place at 8 p. m, Tues- day, January 13th, in the Ingle- wood School. The West Vancouver P.T.A. is co-operating with a musical program and 'refreshments. Everybody welcome.