0001 1821 E 057 I 05 ilc Ic be ii Sxy obel pclrt'ni k s pm s pm rt mx ~rt)SC ii SN" Lt'D. December 18, 1981. A complete line at lowest pricox CC Boxed Cosfoctiosccy Xmsx Wrapped Cigars ssd Cigslciics, Boxod Stationery, Yard ~ LESAGE DRUG STORE antee. It feels that if it has tn underwrite any construction, it might as well underwrite the work itself. This it is not pre- pared to do. It insists that the provision for 8 Peace River rail- way is a national, not a provinci- al project. It is assumed, therefore, that the present proposal does not involve 8 big bond guarantee, or it would not be considered. Mr. Jamieson, who is repre- sented by the cabinet as speak- ing for American capital, has re- turned to Seattle temporarily, but is expected to return to Vic- toria shortly to resume the ne- gotiations. According to Premier Tolmie two other syndicates are also making offers for the railway at this time. U 41. CAPITAL STILL DICKERS I'OR P.G.E. Direct negotiations for the sale of the Paciflc Great Eastern Railway have been proceeding in Victoria during the last few days between the cabinet and representatives of Americar. capitaL Cabinet ministers admitted this week that they had hopes oc consummating this deal with H. I. Jamieson of Seattle, who has been here frequently of late and has spent much time in pri- vate consultation with the cab- inet. So many plans for the sale of the P.G.E. have been advanced in British Columbia in the last decade and collapsed, one after another, that the government is cautious in anticipating success from the present conversations. A government spokesman said, however, that the negotiatious were making progress. The basis of the proposed sale of course, is a closely-guarded secret. In the past most of the interests seeking to buy the gov- ernment'5 railway have asked a government guarantee of bonds io cover the extension of the line northwards to the Peace River country. This 'is the rock on which these deals have founder- ed, for the goverriment has re- fused to make any bond guar- They IVere Persistent The ambitious young actor had set out to coequer the provinces with "Hamlet," but the tour soon ended and he was compelled to walk home. "Didn't they like you?o asked a sympathetic friend. "They didn't seem to," replied the actor, sadly. "But didn't they ask you to come before the curtain?" he en Ask me. repeated t would-be actor, with tears in h eyes. "Ask me! They ev dared me." PLANT S SPECIAL SALE OF PLANTS for Christmas at Cut Prices AZALEA, POINSETTAS, ASPIDESTRA, CYCLAMEN, CINNERARIA (Assorted Colors) CROTONS, DRACENA, BEGONIAS, BOSTON, WHITMANI, and PLUMOSUS Ferns PRIMULAS, CHRISTMAS CACTUS, RUBBER PLANTS, SOIANUM (Christmas Cherry) HOLLY WREATHS, RUSCUS (Xmas Red) Orders taken for ~C152 Flowers~ For Christmas Delivery Prices on Potted Plants 35c to $35(1 ROBI1VS01V'S Advertisiflg Sale to January 1st of I . /Ieoleatfir/ Cg PQTQI gGenre ffe Hand Caroed, 18-inch, 32 cut Bring this Coupon Save $ 3.01 0 It Hardly Seems Possible --bsi it's true. We spprccisio your patronage. The mssetsciocor bso allowed as ~ foe of these beset(tel $4.M opsrkiiog Crystal Cbokols io sell si ibc sdvoriiciog price of 99c. It ii is inconvenient for yoe io come during this time, come in ahead sod leave 99O scd your crystals will be I~ id aside for yos. mesio io 2 casts Scc vonl, misimsm txvieg regxixe SCCOSStx, SR dSOSLIt is a source of constant sur-prise how lightly both owners and contractors treat the ques- tion of foundations for houses whose sites are liable to flood- ing. It would seem that the les- sons of the winter of 1919 have been utterly forgotten, so reck- lessly do builders extend their houses over the level land bord- ring creeks. We notice in othe." places that when 5 city oificisl suggests caution, 8 glib-tongued contractor is usually ready to offer 5 big-talk guarantee to the eagerly credulous owner that his work will stand up against even Noah's flood itself. It is prob- ably the same in West Vancou- ver. I have been studying creeks and rivers for more years than I care to specify; and the more I see of them, the more I look upon them as slumbering dem- ons. We have to build, not for the average winter flood, but for the flood that comes once in a score of years. IVe have to re- member also that as a townsite is built up, the trees felled, the roofs extended, and the under- growth replaced by roads or hard-beaten earth, the peak flow is much increased, and may eas- ily be more than doubled, by reason of the quicknese with which the fallen rain is carried into the creeks. Let it be clearly understood that such an increase in the ilood waters constitutes no ground of action against the keel authorities. The activities of man which lead to the more rapid runofF are in 8 similar legal category to "Acts of God," unless it can be proved that the local authority has deliberately diverted a stream from one wat- ershed to another. We can see many cases in which the half of 8 house is supported on mere posts set on wood blocks resting on the nat- ural surface of the level land adjoining 5 creek, where it is morally certain that the house will be damaged to the extent of 5 thousand dollars as soon ss the record flood comes. People seem to have absolutely no idea of the way in which a river can change its course during a great flood and eat deeply into the level land, making a dead set a- gainst every post and bearer resting upon it. An owner should keep in mind that wherever a stream once flowed in that level land, it may find its way again during high water. Foundations for posts should be carried down at least 4 inches below the deep- est hole in the bed of the neigh- boring creek. The best wsy in such a case is to use blocks of concrete of a I to 6 mix at least 12 inches square, set in a cake of concrete at least 2 feet square and 6 inches thick in the bottom of the excavation for the post. It is hard to say how closely the water of the record flood is likely to approach 8 basement; but the height may be increased through the slogging of 8 cul- vert or the operations of neigh- fors further down, and this should always be kept in mind. If the sheeting boards of the basement ar'e carried down to a level at which the flood-water will reach them, a very heavy pressure will be exerted by them on the posts. which msy easily sweep the projecting part of the house to destruction, and expose some poor and credulous man to a loss of a thousand dollars through his endeavor to save fifty when he wss buIlding his house. Yours truly, J. PORTER. Tbo lsio foe Cisooiaod Adrocrta 25 cools. Rxcoe( is ibo esse of (bose sodo are poysbio o(ck(ly ia sdcssca Rcmombcr Cisaiscdo ia the Wooi BUY Yosc IJ(tio Dssgbme ~ Bkyclo for Xmss. C.C.M. is bcsciifsi cos- diiios. Peko $ )6. Phone West iesR2 Vsa News goi immmSOIS cossns. FOR XMAS CARDS--Sco Msrgscci Jobxxios, Olcbscd Tos Boomo, )fib ssd Boiiovso. Tate Cscscgio'o sdcko ssd Bsy Anoogs ia ~ piece with s Csims. Acreage is good Ioa«mm Crom $50 sp. Apply John Lswxos, Weoi 66. FOR SALP tiavisg Casa okcick Wsobisg 5(scbisc iThor), good coodl«os $45 Phone Wab 298L ticLEOD RIVER HARD. LUMP ssd EGG. Ed Bkck, West 55. PAI.'VTING. KALSOIIINING AND PAPERING -- Tahe sdvsslsgs st cbcspoc winter sriola Pboso Mat 294 R. FOB SALE--Joycyck 57.00; Wis- chester Repeater $5.00; Mcccsso, 0 Volt Rovorxibio, 52.76; Moccsso 8 Volt, $R.25) One Mircocxcovo $1.00; One Aic Rifle, $ L60; I/6 H.P. Elec. irk Motor $7.00. Pboss West 18IL5 WANTED TO RKST--Models Six- room Busgsiow. Pbosc Welt 812. FOR SALE--Boy's Bicycle st 1224 Esse)meit. Good cosdiiks, $8.00. Phoae West 429Y. SNAPSHOT CALENDAR MOUNTS, ssd cboics of 25 Locsi OIows. DO- CS)oping, printing, osisrgisg, color isg. C. J. Brodorlc)«Photo Pisisbcc (Ssgsv'4 Store). 1622 Msriss. FOR REVT--Corn(or(etio ssd siirsc tive Iiiik bosxc, modern. felsisbsd oc psriiy fsesisbcd, $15. Pboso Wcsi 820L MARCELLE SHOP -- Mscccnm coctx; reset, ssc; seger wave, 76c. Phone Mex. King, West 804. CARLEY Bays ssd Sells Pscsilsco- Rcpslcblg slxi Pobsbelg, Psbus, oils, stains, gisso. Pboco West 'ICY. TO RFVT--6 cons modccs Good gsedoa Nsmbor of good fcsii trees. Cosvcskst location. $20.00. Apply John Lswxos. West 66. FOR SALB or EXCHANGE fo West Vsscosvcr Plvporiy -- IM acres dykod land with goad bsiidmg at Piit Meadows. Apply John Lsvxos West 66. FUR WORK OF ALL KCNDS--Wart Vsscourcr Fsniocc, Wc&i 894L. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST --Dusdsrsvo. ALL THE BEST Bcssdo of Cigars, Cigsmtics ssd Tobsoloa Also Ex- cbxtlgc Pokcl'ssdx ssd Cosai cards Fret Ambisskio Tcs Booms. BOARD AND RESIDK(CE -- Isib ssd Bclicvcc, near Cocry. Rsics at. tractive. Pbmm West 468L McLEOD RIVER HARD, LUIIP ssd EGG Ed Bisck, West sa WE HAVE TEN OP THE CHEAP- EST LOTS m West Vsxcocvcr- Some close in. Sure money-makers is near fsisco. John Lswsos, West 66. MOLEOD RIVER BARD, LUb(P ssd EGG. Ed Bisck, West 68. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ra- idocco Phone West 24 IR. COMXIUNICATIONS The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir: May I take this opportunity of thanking the public for their wonderful as- sistance in making the produc- tion of the children's playlet "Secrets," on Saturday evening the success it was and to an- nounce that after meeting all expenses 5 balance for welfare work of $105 remaina A de- tailed balance sheet is appended. I wish also on behalf of the producers to thank the many helpers who gave their assist- ance so willingly, snd who, where expenses had been incur- red, refused reimbursement from the proceeds. There were so many who helped that I can not mention all, but the names of 8 few occur to me as I write: Mrs. R. P. Allan, Mrs. Fraser of Mon- tesorri School, Mrs. G. M. Shef- field, and Miss Marjorie Murray Mr. Jordan and Mr. Condon of the Schools Band, Mr. Arthur Douglas, Mr. J. E. Durbin, Mr. Parnum, Messrs R. Dsvison snd )V. J. Dent and those who helped with the costumes, and the School Board for the use of the Auditorium. Last but not least must also be mentioned the members of the east, the little dancers, and the personnel of Schools Band. Balance Sheet as follows: Receipts: Advance cash sale of tickets, $56.70; advance credit sale, $18.95; cash at door, $81 04 sale of candy, $10.05; sale of materials, $1.90. Total $ 118.64. Expenditures -- Materials, $4.65; printing tickets, $8.64; advertising, $2; sundries. $8.45; balance for Welfare handed to United Church Welfare Commit- tee, $106. Total, $118.64. Please also accept our thanks for the freely given publicity which undoubtedly helped to make the entertainment a suc- cess, Yours fsithfulhe, F. E. BRLVE, Treasurer and Business bianager Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC Eoisbiisbcd 1912 REAL ESTATE AiND LNSURAiNCE Choke Aclcsgc ssd Homcoiios ~I hilrsciico Prices biONEY TO LOAN ON MOBTGAGES ! 1405 Manse Dnro Phoae Wai 2( or Seymour )260 Ercedsgs Woxt 204 Y The teacher was telling the story of the wolf and the lamb. "You see children" she said"if the lamb had been good he would not have been eaten by the wolf." "No.n said one small boy re- flectively, " but he.would have been eaten by us" Candy Csdbscy'o Asoocicd Cbocoislol $100 lb. Ssgsnd Aimomi (Esgiisb) ..... 50c Ib Licolk» hnooclo, (Esgbob) .......... Cec ib Ics biisto (Esgiiob) ..... 5ec Ib Tlso Fcsiis (Esgiixb) . 40c ib Tartish Dcbgbi (Res)) (ec Box Msr«Frmto. Exanal 75c Box Fry s 'iidt Beds ssc Fry'o tiiik Drops . 80c ib Flcscb Cccsms .. 40c ib Fnscb Creams ssd JOIDO .............. Iec Se Chocolate Fsdgo -- Qc ib 5(isi Cbees . 4ec Se Olsseo Lcmss Siiccs.. 20c Ib Best Xma Mani 2ec Ib We carry the largest stock ot Cbocoisics is Boxes tlom iec box io Siaea Xmas Clsciiccx Bic, 45c, fsc, 75c, 96c. $IXL $).sa $o 76. $2.00 207e less than City Prices. Cslldy Cellos sc slid ioc Cstc docolsiios, sii tbxtx He Scored The smart young lady belund the counter was asked if ehe kept electric bulbs "No," she replied, "we don't keep them. We sell them." "IVell then" said the would be customer "just for a change you can keep the one I wss going tn buy.o The Competent Critic The author of 8 book was hot- ly discussing with a candid friend the merits of the publica- tion. "You csn't appnmlate it," he said, ") ou never wrote a book yourself." "No," was the retort, "and I never laid an egg, but I'm a bet- ter judge of an egg than any hen." igo Have Ii--If ico Bsvcs'I We ih'iR Gci IL Warner's Candy Shop 1754 Msliso Dlico. Honybscs TBB ONLY ChxiDY STORB THE WEST VAN NEWS OUNDATIONS AND FLOODS CLASSIFIED ADS