0001 I, 193). bb)R Ab gib ely lv lb I A st) ii Iaiag ipp I ar(t6 'Ic. iinviv Store IGs Icbappvg pplaa hag witb eb of (iu. ce aud of clevia or fruit 11 the piano Iwaa able alto was ignew ar- )II.Tootle" ader(usa): ra. Tootle iong RY t N ON December )8, )931. THE WEST VAN NEWS Odorless Dry Cleaning all Dyeing SUITs I ctvuumi ivv ~ ra rv I RPAENT SUITs To ORDER DRrssgs) a $ X4.00GOA'is Pruxxee Higbar grmie vuiix uuv uwu mxku 333.00 uud up ALTERATIONS uue REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286L I'hone Wes( 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive W. L. OGDEN ~O West I46 ~ MEN'8 AND I)OYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY Suitable xmas Gifts For Men and Boys I. I P, The Whist Drive of the Inde- pendent Labor Party, West Van couver Branch, held at the C!achan on December 11th, was one of the most successful and most enjoyable affairs held so I'ar this season. There were twenty-one tables in play, and after twenty hands at whist refreshments were served..Following this dancing was in order till midnight. The prize winners were ss fol- lows: Ladies 1st, Mrs. George Currie; Ladies 2nd, Mrs. Groom; Ladies, sealed number, Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. Grisedale. Gentlemen's 1st, Jack Boyd; Gentlemen's 2nd, Harry Smith; Gentlemen's sealed number, E. M inions. The draw prize was won by Mrs. Romans, which she kind- ly asked to be turned over to theElks'mas Cheer Fund. The next I.L.P. whist drive will be held on December 22nd. All the proceeds over bare ex- penses will go to the Elks'mas Cheer Fund. Owing to the large sale of tickets this whist drive will be held in the Orange Haik COUNCIL APPROVES PRIN('ll'LE OF HEALTH BOARD The council on Monday even- ing endorsed the resolution pass- ed at the informal joint meeting of the West Vancouver Council snd School Board held on 2nd December and reading as fol. C) lowe: "Moved by Trustee Smith, suconded by Councillor Fiddes, that we approve of the principle involved in the Metropolitan Board for the unification of all Public Health snd School Medi- cal and Dental Services of the Cit es and Districts in the Bur- rard Inlet and Fraser River Har- bor area, and that this resolu- tion be put to the council and school board for endorsation." John Nyland wrote the council re repair wharf facilities, ferry department. The matter was referred to the Transportation Committee. "Ix your sister still In Atiuuiuv" "Suy, that girl ain't still anywhere." BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL u. V. WHITE, 31gr. l)isiiu tive Puuerai Service Lady Axxixiuut 320--3rd S(. R Phone Nuvib 320 Blanche Turney wrote the council re footbridge Cypress Creek, at Waterfront. Referred to the engineer with power to act. DEVELOPE WITH WEST VANCOUVER Keep Up to Date with a Modern Radio My brother, Wa))y Craig, who is head of my Service Depart- ment, lives in IVest Vancouver, assuring you daily, expert service at City prices. I carry full stocks of ROGERS, MAJESTIC, ATWATER- KENT, WESTINGHOUSE, FADA, and NORTHERN ELEC- TRIC sets--the old standard lines for years past and the years to come. Prices range from Battery Sets at $5.00 Used Electrics from $25.00 New Electrics from $5S.50 to~$210.00 Easy terms with full exchange privilege SEE 5)E FIRST AND LAST Gordon Craig "Vancouver'3 Original Radio Specie)istu 633 Richards Street Seymour 6808 P "TIME IS FLYING" I Only I 1Veek (o Xmas Get those photos taken NOW Phone West 40 or West 80 or Seymour 104(i The king Studio Is here to serve you. Prices that flt all pockets. 1586 liiarine Drive V. V. VINSON, Propnetor Local and The friends of Gerald Hard- man gave him 3 surprise party on the occasion of his birthday last Saturday night in the Clach. sn hotel. There were about thirty guests, and s vrry enjoy- able evening wss spent in danc- ii'g, ~ v \ Mrs. W. M. Jackmen ls seri- ously ill at her home at 22nd and Pslmerston Ave. ~ ~ A large Studebaker taxi which had been stolen on the (Vednes- day of last week in Vancouver, was found lying wrecked at the foot of the embankment just west of Csulfeild on Marine Drive, ~ ~ ~ Colonel K. W. Savory, 27th and Ottawa Ave., is confined to his home through sickness. The closing exercises of the public schools took place this afternoon in the various class I'coil( S. ~ ~ i'. L. Hilborn is building a house on 27th Street. ~ ~ ~ Rev. A. Harding and Mrs. Priest are leaving New Haven, Connecticut, today for Toronto, where they will spend Christ- mas, leaving there for Calgary the first week in the New Year. Mr. Priest has been taking 3 special course at Yale Univer- sity. v The ladies of the West Van- couver Teachers Badminton Club and the Dundarave ladies played to an 8 all tie in a badminton tournament, staged in the Ingle- wood School on Mondav evening. Pefreshments were served at the end of the match, about 40 players and supporters being present. A return match will probably be arranged early in the new year. u A collision occurred on Wed- nesday evening at the corner of 13th and Esquimslt between a Vancouver taxi, which vras com- ing down 13th Street, and a car driven by Erie Harrison, who was proceeding east on Esqui- malt. The body of the taxi, which it is alleged turned over three times, was completely wrecked, while the other auto had its engine very badly dam- aged. Fortunately nobody ex- cept the drivers were in the cars and they both escaped with a few cuts and bruises. The following were the win- ners in the Santa C)aus Fund draw put on by Bowman's Apron Shop: Mrs. R. Rogers, 6839 Leonard Street, Vancouver; Mrs. Clayton, 3001 Watson St., Vancouver; and Mrs. Swenson of Vancouver. ~ v ~ The West Vancouver United Football team will hald a Xmas drawing at Ambleside Tea Rooms on (Vednesday, 23rd De- cember, at 8:30 p.m. A special meeting of the football team will be held next Monday, 21st De- cember, at 8 p.m. in the ferry rooms. There will be no game on Saturday. The snow is now seven feet deep at the ski camp on Holly- burn Ridge. an unusual amount for this time of the year. Con- ditions are excellent for skiing. ~ ~ Mr. Vellenoweth has rented Mr. Mowatt's cottage at 23rd and Marine Drive for the winter. TO ASK ASSISTANCE OF ROCKEFEI.LER I'OUNDATION The council approved of an ap. plication being made to the Rockefeller Foundation and to the provincial Board of Health on behalf of the municipalities of Burnaby, Richmond, and West Vancouver for iinancial as- sistance in order to establish the proposed Metropolitan 'Health Board. Personal Charles Lauder is cleanng his lot on Marine Dr(ve near 24th Street. ~ v v Percy slasierman, 2337 Nel- son Avenue, left here on Monday for 3 business trip of 3 few days up the Fraser Valley. ~ ~ ~ Howard Downey of Horseshoe Bay, shot 3 mule deer while hunting last Monday in the country just viest of Eagle Lake. The animal weighed 160 lbs. dressed. The friends of Mr. and bfrs. E. S. Pearce, 19th and Marine Drive, gave them 3 surprise rty on Thursday evening of ast week, when 3 very pleasant evening was passed in cards and music. Miss Valentine won the first ladies'hist prize, that for the gentlemen going to Joseph Tite. The consolation prize went to bfrs. Joseph Tite snd J. Mc- Ewan, Harry King being the winner of the hidden prize. A- mong the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. J. McEwan, Mr. and Mrs. Woad- ford of North Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, Mrs. snd Miss Valentine, and Miss Grace Tits. \ v x A further supply of old clothes etci, have been received at the police o(fice from St. Stephen's W.A., Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, snd the R.A. O. B. v v x Major and Mrs. A. Mills and family, who left here about a year ago for Mon(res), are now living in Cape Town, South Af- rica, where Major Mills hss opened an oil'ice for the Sun Life Assurance Co. ~ ~ ~ Cliff Upham, 15th and Hey- wood Avenue, was indisposed at his home over the week end. HOLLY NEEDED TO DECORATE HOSPITAL Officials of Women's Auxiliary to North Vancouver General Hospital have issued an appeal for contributions of holly to dec- orated wards for the Christmas season. Contributions will be received at the hospital until December 23rd when decora- tions will be arranged. Here' something Tbui happened in the store this week. A lady bougbi Six Christ- mas Cards (rum Ux uue said ~be wmbxg xbu ceuM Rv(uvu Twu Duxvu Sbe Bough( Iu Tewu ~u Ouv Vuiuuu Were Buiivr. Sbu wux rigbt. WEST VII PIARI)IACY The Stoxu u( Suxvlxc. 1402 Ieuxiuu Drive Wvvi 32 Emergvuxy Pbuuu Wxuv 321 (A(mr 9 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY 3For Xmas (fpooos XMAS CAKES, PLUM PUDDINGS, Real Scotch Short Bread Sco(ch Bun, Mince Piss, ALL SPECIAL ORDER NOW Made at 1468 Marine Drive GORDON ROBSOi( Surxmvuv a Sunclvux WEST VANCOUVER- OI(ice No, 1442 Ruriue Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OPFICE- Suiiv 313 610 Hastings St W Phone Seymour 4199. ROLLYBURN Barber Shop Iaib a Huxvue EXPERT SERVICE E a(ARSE Pruvvivmr FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies Christmas Pudding 2 eggs 1&Q cups currents Iig cups raisins IVa cups suet Q cup sugar 1 cup molasses Ig cup milk 4 cups flour I teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar I teaspoon mixed spice. Boil or steam 3 hounk Sauce to taste. P. C. Chapman wrote the council in reference to the boule- vard on the north and east boun- dary of D.I 555-25-11. He was advised that the per- mission asked for was granted but only in so far as municipally owned property was concerned. Ernest Morrison wrote the council in regard to garage facil- ities, Lot 34, Block 41, D.L 430. Referred to the chairman of the Board of Works for report at the next regular meeting. Arthur J. Ajello and others wrote the council re grading of 29th Street, Palmerston to Mathers. Referred to the engineer for his report. What's in a Name7 "And so you go to school now 'aid his dear old grand mother. "and what is your nice teacher's name?" "Dunno. grannie. Between ourselves, we all call her 'Cuc. ko(A" +maS GiftS For II™, For Her RndThe Children At PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14(b uue aiariuu Drive. Pbouv Weui 144 Exclusive Agvuix Curucvni Silk Hoxu uue Uuivuxuui Swvuivxu uiuu Noveniev, Toys, Svbuoi Suppiiux, Hemstitching We Sl'ECIALIZE in genuine TULASIFEN COAI» ROSEDEER DRUSIIIEI.LER and CANMORE BHI(IUETTFA with FOOTHILL aed BLUE FLASIE Always an Hand. WEST 298 )464 )Marine iNORTH 248 BLAIR'S WOOD AND COAL