0001 il,I Ipgl Ct'rculati yttr i n $1.00 per year. t o1. VI SIX PAGES A Weekly Newspaper the District of Wgst Vancouvgr-- Ambi@side, Hollyburn, Wgstoyt, Duytdaravc Cypress Park, Caulfet'ld, Whytechff, Etc. N~sztands 5 p HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, DFCEM HER'8. 1931 ~ No. 30 !IORB azt I!6 t 366L APER )SPITAL « the 1 Lamb, diz( vill he Neith Vital uz ltk. 'lu thicz ;iez. Any d should u ductor ! an zp. Health l of this proceeds ezl Sale lllb, iaaa maiaalaai eau ailia I the iu- I of fer through ou haul- !m farm- ig te do berries," dquick. iere. We )re7 a lmzu a6.00 940 9.00 h 10.00 0 Jz laa 6 t60 s ts0 )g4 444 lZO galglaz sz ap go. Mia aal lng BUY AT HOhiE There is no question that at Christmas time the average householder spends more in purchases than at any other time of the year. It is usual to present a gift to each member of the fgmily at least, and also to have on one's table a few extra dainties, of which the family exchequer does not permit at ordinary times. Neither must one forget the Christmas cards, of which there are so many original and artistic ex- amples available. Now we can purchase aU these things in the city, where everything is one grand rush, resulting in spoiled or shop- worn articles being frequently bought, where the assistants don't know their customers and are only concerned in making as many sales as possible during Ivorking hours; True, ex- ~'changes are allowed in many stores, but that means going to«the trouble of buying again and possibly an extra trip to the city. On the other hand we can do afl our buying in West Van- couver, and so help the merchants who are keeping West Van- couver on the map by operating stores here. Remember, if there were no stores in the municipality, there would be no population here. This statement may seem absurd, but it is none the less true. Again thereais no need to go out of West Vancouver for our purchases. Everything that we can obtain in the city is also for sale in the local stores. The quality is just as goad, for the same articles are sold by the wholesale houses to the West Vancouver retailer as to his brother merchant in Van- couver. Prices are just as low, in point of fact frequently lower in our local stores on account of the high Vancouver store rents. When making purchases here, we ask that our residents give preference to those who advertise in this paper, and so make its publication possible. We need hardly say that no municipality would be considered nowadays to amount to any- thing which did not have a local newspaper, or that every newspaper's very existence depends on its advertising. By reference to this and other issues you will find that every line is represented. and each merchant stands behind his goods, and will give you that personal attention which you connot get in Vancouver, because he either knows you or knows of you. The recent overwhelming majority for the upper lands'y-law showed the strength of the community spirit in West Vancouver. Let us carry that same community spirit into our Christmas dealing by buying at home. CHRISTMAS PLAYLET LEGION W. A. I.ARGELY ATI'ENDED To Whom It May Concern: The Inglewood auditorium This is to certify that Mrs. was crowded Saturday evening F W. Rivers, a member of the on the occasion of the Christmas Women's Auxiliary to the Can- p!sylet "Secrets," written and «ian Legion in West Vancouver produced in aid of the United has been appointed by that or- Church Welfare Fund, by Mrs. ganization to represent it on the the pupils of the Framar Monte- Greater Vancouver Welfare Fed- szori School and the West Van- eration, working through the couver Schools Band. Canadian Red Cross Society inNorth Vancouver for the benefit The different membem of t e of needy persons on the North cast gave a very good interP - Shoitation of their various Parts and 'oul s lruithere was no hesitation or need OLIVE BAYFIELD, of prompting. Secretary W. A. The scenes were very pretty, Canadian Legion, Lkzpeciafly the garden of "Cuddle Post No. 60. Doon," in which a number of carols were well sung with the J. Tsylorson wrote the coun- assistance of Mise Marjorie cil re access to Lot 26. Block 4, Murray with her violin. The D,L. 811. dancing by the pupils of the Referred to the engineer for Framar Montessori School to ac- his report. companiments by Mrs. Sheffield added greatly to the pleasure of hlARGARET CURRIE the evening, and the selections HONORED by the West Vancouver Schools Band during the in(crea!s be Margaret Currie of the West tween scenes were well received. Vancouver Swimming Club, was A report of the playlet would honored at a concert in Ingle- not be complete without mention woad High School here Wednes- of the scenery, which was rcuUy day night for an heroic rescue beautiful, and equal to that seen she performed at Dundarave in in larger productions on the pro- July. fessional stage. Margaret was presented with-0 the parchment certificate of the I.EGION NOTES Royal Life Saving Society for her rescue of a boy who was AU those having books of sinking after a raft on which raffle tickets for the Xmas he and two others were playing, drawing are asked to turn them broke up. in by 7:30 p,m. on Tuesday, She dived for the lad and car- 22nd December, in the basement ried him to shore, where she ap- oi the Legion Memorial Hall. plied artiiicial respiration. She The draw will take place at 8 is holder of a Royal Life Saving p.m. the same evening. Society elementary certificat and used methods which she had The council 'instructed thc learned In her course. engineer to write the P.G.E. to The presentation was made by have their bridge at Altamont Bishop.elect A. H. Sovereign of inspected. Vancouver. CHRISTMAS ISSUE On account of Christmas fafl- ing this year on a Friday, the Christmas issue of the West Van News will be published next Wednesday, 23rd instant. This will give our readers aU Thurs. dsy in which to take advantage of the advertisements and do their shopping. AU advertising copy and re. ports of organizations, etc. must be In our hands by 12 noon next Tuesday at the latest. We would ask that they be sent in Monday wherever possible. I. O. D. E. The December meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., took place at the home of hire. Hirst on hfonday, Decem- ber 13th, with the regent, Mrs. Hayes in the chair and twenty- six members present. After the opening for(nalities, the minutes of last meetmg were read and correspondence dealt with. It was announced that the Girl Guides have opened a toy shop at Col. Savory's office and will be very glad to accept any toys, which will be repaired, painted, and put into condition to be distributed at Christmas. Please leave at Col. Savory's of- fice on Saturday morning or they will call for it if necessary. Mrs. Masterman passed round a Health Unit Chart for in- spection, showing how the uii- ferent districts are linked up with a central bureau. Mrs. MacLean, who has been away for some months, waz wel- comed back to the Chapter and after tea was served and the National Anthem sung the meet- ing adjourned with mutual ex- pressions of good will for the coming festive season. Members are reminded that the next meeting, January 11th, wifl be nomination day and all are urged to attend. Mrs. Leyland has kindly pffered her home for the meeting. Mrs. Chapman in her hospital report stated that a party would be held on January 6th, at Shaughnessy Military Hospital and as many members as pos- sible were asked to attend. Arrangements were made for a telephone bridge--to be held the first week in January, play to take place any afternoon or evening during the week. Fur- ther particulars will be publish- ed later. The members gratefully ack- nowledge the offer of Mr. Tearoe of a half ton of coal and the use of his truck on Christmas Eve. The drawing of the picture by Miss B. A. Fry, took place, Mrs F. F. Lovegrove being the holder of the winning number. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The West Vancouver Scottish Society will hold its next regular meeting tonight (Friday) at 8 o'clack in the Clachan hoteL After the transaction of busi- ness a social evening will be held. D. A. Barbour wrote the coun. cil re serious fiood damage, also A, H. Bradbury re Lot I, Block 4, D.L 682 The writers were informed that their letters must have been written under a misappre- hension as Lot 2 is nat owned by the municipality. COUNCIL NOTES Reeve Leyland was appointed by the council to represent the municipality st the meeting of the North Shore Watershed Forest Protection Commiffee held at the Court House at 11 a.m. last Wednesday. Mr. Fletcher, solicitor, and his client came before the council in regard to the renewal of the ski camp lease on D.L. 1147 and 1148. Mr. Dudgeon and several inem- bers of the HoUyburn Pacific Ski Club were also present in regard to their proposal to build s cabin on Block 5, D.L 1123 and to pro- vide a skiing course on property under Timber License 2371. In addition to the foregoing the question of the user of the ski camp on D.L. 1147 and 1148 was also deal with. After dis- suasion of aU the points involved with both parties, it was finally agreed by the lessees of the ski camp that. if the Hoflyburn Pac- ific Ski Club makes application in sufficient time before the next seasan to permit of its being done, the lessees will provide equal facilities to those granted other clubs. The members of the HoUyburn Pacific Ski Club were informed that the municipality had no control over the property under Timber License 2371 and permission to Ho anything on that land would have to be ob- taineu from ",he parties. contmq ling same. hiiss A. D. Collie wrote the council re overflow of water D.L. 656-31-6. Referred to the engineer for his report. The recording secretary of the West Vancouver L.O.L. wrote the council in reference to the boulevard in front of the Orange Hall. Referred to the engineer for his report. A. H. McRobbie wrote the council in regard to the ilooding of Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, S.W. prts. D.L. 682. He was informed that there was no responsibility on the part of the municipality, the lot over which the water flowed belong- ing to a private party. F. H. Heep wrote the council rc fire hazard timber limtis No. 45077, etc. He was informed that the council was advised by its legal department that the corporation was onb liable for its own negli- gence, the negligence of its ser- vants or agents, and could not in any way be held to be the guard- ian of the general public. nor was the Corporation liable for the acts of its lesseeiz The P.G.E. wrote the council re culvert at 26th Street. It was left to the attention of the eng- ineer. City of Trad sent a resolution to the council re provincial gov- ernment grants. It was resolved that this res- olution be endorsed and that a committee consisting of Council- lors Dickinson, Fiddes and Elgar draw up a suitable resolution to be forwarded to the provincial government. The engineer reported on: 1. hi. O. Blair. Access to gar- age, 1760 Bellevue. That this matter was now in order. NOhIINATION OF CANDL DATES AND POLL hiUNICIPAL ELECTION The nomination of candidateu for the municipal election wifl be held at the municipal hall on 11th January, 1932, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. and W. Herrin has been appointed returning of- ficer. The poll, if required, will be opened at the New Ambleside Haik 'corner of 14th and Marine Drive on 16th January, 1932, from 8 s.m. to 8 p.m. H. V. Bell has been appointed deputy re- 'turning oificer. XhlAS CHEER FUND u We shall only be publishing one mugs issue before Christmas and on the 24th instant the monies collected by us will be turned over to the Elks'mas Cheer and Relief Committee of 'West Vancouver, who will use it in the municipality only. Thers- i fore'n giving to the fund you may rest assured that your money wdl be used for nonq but , West Vancouver residents who are horely in need of your as- sistahce. While a substantial sum has been collected by us, it. is so far not as large as that received by , u» iazt year. and the needJs very considerably greater t h i s Christmas. Only those who are engaged in vrelfare work m the mupiclpality are conversant 'won tne stnzits to which not~ few, but many families have been reduced by the general lack of employment, for the great majority of the sufferers are tao proud to 1st even their friends know the extent of their suffer- ings. It is earnestly hoped that a sufFicient sum will be collected to enable aU to be looked after and we earnestly ask you to lend your assistance to them by donating to this fund: Already received: V. V. Vinson ............$ 5.00 (mrdon Robson .... 6.00 Gwen Clay .................. 6.00 Sl. Stephen's Girls'.A. 5.00 Friend ...................25 Reeve J. B. Leyland ... 5.00 Municipality of West Vancouver 2o.00 A. Harvey Smith (Smith's Groceries) ... 5.00 Owners of Messinger Blk. 5.00 A. H. Albin................. 6.00 hir. and Mrs. A. Dickinson 5.00 A. Searle (Vernon Feed Store) ....................... 5.00 Friend Bill .................. 1.00 St. Anthony's Sub. Div. Catholic Women's Lea- gue............................ 5.00 Local Bridge Club .. 3.60 A. E. B.................... 2.00 )V. J. TurnbuU ........ 5.00 Mrs. M, Aztley .............. 5.00 W.C.T.U., West Vancouver 5.00 hl. Morris ...................... 2.00 Mrs. Brealey .................... 6.00 Pauline Johnson School 39.70 A. A. A ................... 6.00 Annonymous ..........60 Mra Romans .. 5.00 T, G. P.............. 2.00 Bowman"s Apron Shop... 5.00 $165.95 J. Blackafler's application, Diversioa of stream D.I 557WS The clerk to forward a copy of the engineer's report H. Huggins'pplication, ac. peas to 2669 hiathers Avenue. It was resolved that the road be opened at a cost not to exceed $60 as the work program per- mitted.