0001 'I\ er rw WV vowr iw Jvr oo i v r ~ 'ieo v i sp(ro -' i% 'S .Hv' Os v. ~ -" \i"v v'. i 'v;v-L'S rx oivwi v i) i ~~9:,a B ~ ,ir. 'rr" '. rrr er vrv'i vrrrrr rrrrw~' rr "r r rrr -. «rrro rr r 'r 'rrr November 27, 1011. I THE WEST VAN NEWS HIGH SCHOOI. NOTES Class leaders, October exam- inations: Grade XII (Sr. Matric.) 1. Evs Berkenmaier ..... 76.8 2. lan Hamilton ...--........ 71.3 3. Jack Watt ............ 67.0 Grade XI (Jr. Matric.) 1. Josic l~yland ......, 7$ .7 2. Jack Mercer ................ 73.3 3. Douglas Forrester .... 66.6 The Rugby team finished its schedule Tuesday afternoon, playing a game with Kitsilano Intermediates. The score was 6-0 in favor of the latter. This is the first season that West Vancouver High School hss hsd a team in the Rugby league. Under the guidance of Mr. Sin- clair the bovs have made a very creditable showing. Basketball and Soccer are now tbe order of the day. A basket- hall tournament is proposed for Friday evening, December 11th. Proceeds to be used as a fund to assist injured players. The usual program of debates and class concerts is being car- ried on as an essential part of the Students'ssociation activ- ities. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,"„„-,'.,"'"„'.,',„", Ambleside „""".„", "„".„'.„." QUALITY BARGAINS Friday Ct Saturday, November X7 9',8 St)GAR--fk C. Granulated i TURNIPS ............ 16 lbs. 26v 10 Rs ----,„„-;-„---- ' GO13)PV YELLOW SUGAR CAKES OF (IUALITY--Lish( Fvoi) Csko.....i lb. siss 26( k& a White COFFEE 'od f) )vhiio Si'A()HETri with 1 ih (is 37s ~ Choo o ssd '1'omsio Sauce. CREA'H '()F"v').HE'A'T- ' "" 's ox tis .....,...... 2 for 2)v Po\ Psvksgo )go .)1(NCE TAkTS --Dolicioss hoi SHREDDED WHEAT or cold .............. 3 for iso Pov package ............ 9c I "Dos'1 Scratch it Close, Clean it I'ANCAKB FI OUR--Assi 'lean" wi(b Jemima....... 1 package kOYAL CRO)YN CLEANSER 1'ANCAiiE SYkUP--iisy Per psvkvi............ 6c Brand ...... 1 glass log, hisdo is B. C. both for 37c i ROYAL CROWN SOAP-- ROYAL CROWV WASHLVG 6 bsv carton 2 1v 1'OWDEk--large packs( ... 17e i Save the wrappers for 1'so(s) Bi(is Edinburgh Rolls. Fletcher's, boned S( rolled Ib Ibc BACON sliced balf lb. packets 2 for 25c W. Carley came before the council in regard to his applica- tion for permission to rent the east foreshore at the ferry v:harf, The chairman of trans- portation reported he had not had an opportunity to look into his request properly, as actual measurements would have to be taken on the groun'd. The appli- cant wss informed the matter would be dealt with st the next regular meeting of the council. kfr. Gallilee came before the council in regard to the seepage of water on his property. He was informed that the situation would be looke1 into immediate- ly. FOOTBALL The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game at Ambleside Park at 2:30 p.m. with Hastings Athletic: Strong, McLean, Gray, H. Downey. A. Downey, Grieve, Griesdale. Nor- mand. Davie, Bean, Hamilton, Griesdale, Dawson, Johncox. All West Vancouver support- ers are asked to turn out and support the team. A delegation consisting of S. Gisby, A. Cromar Bruce, W. Partridge and F. E. Brine at- tended the council meeting to urge that the bowling green be placed at 20th Street instead of at 13th Street as has been rum- ored. After thanking Messrs. Gisby snd Bruce for the suggestions which had been made, the reeve informed them that nothing would be done in regard to the proposed bowling green until such time as the suggestions made had been fully considered. "Hello!" called a feminine voice over the telephone, "is this the humane society?" "Yes," replied the ofFicial in charge. "Well--there's a book agent sitting out here in a tree teasing my dog.w EVEIXY tv)siN Pit)D When You'e Thinking of EVRRV P)A)D ~- K)(DWSTHtS IS Things to Eat THE PLACE ~ 'ToTR E i CALL ROBERTS %Vest 190 hg LL r The store for tsi AV IN C SERVICEATISFACTIOfv Government Inspected No. I Grade Meats FOR CASH OR C.O.D. i Provisionsi FOWL ...each 50c Eggs Eggs (Fresh Seconds) )B by Extras ( 26C................................doz. Pork LEGS (Fores) P0RK BUTIs 1 4lb. "..'.'.......................... 17c i PoRK sTEAK 1 5lb.. PoRK cHoPs 45 NO. 1 Steer Beef BOILING BEEF 9lb. .TEEING BEEF 25c....... 2 lbs. ML)(CED STEAK 25C.... 2 lbs. POT Ro 'T 1 Pc BI.ADE RIB ROAST lb. wING RIB 1 5 I b. ....... DEEP SIRLOIN lb........................-----..-" T.BONE ROAST lb. . . ......„.. I ! PORK SAUSAGE 6 L Our Own Make....lb. I sIC ! CAMBRIDGE 31bs for SAUSAGES Our Own Make I'URE BEEF DRII'I'ING BACON By the Piece, lb....., ...... 23C i'b."........................ 25c HEAD CHEESE dI g 2 for.................. „... C'ICKLEDPORK C lb..... 1 T & 2pC LOCAL VEAL RIB STEAK dIL I 3 I.BS 2 Ibs S syc STEWING VEAI. RGUND ETEAK 15C ' " "'3C $ 15C slRL GIN sTEAK 2Pc c 2PC lb ..„„„C . lb.........-- ---"--------. T BONE bTEAK fan I CHOPPFD nnNEY,..... 1 5 Ib .. LU SUET, Ib ..----------- lb. S)VEET YIINCEI)IEAT Home-made, Ib ..........-...... Local Lair LEGS I b. .. ........................... No I AI,BERTA CREA l)1 Ef1Y BUTI'Ek.......... lb 28c 3 lb Roberts'etter MeatsI PHONE lvVest 190 f)ellvery to ail West Van 'EFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED IHEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service HOLLYBURN STORE AMB,ESIDE bTORb West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 16(h and Marine I.I MITED I'bone West 116 1V. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BE R ING BUILDIiVG PAPER -- I'laster Ifosrd -- Shingles SASH DOORS ROOF lmmatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board CONSERVATIVES HOI,D ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of the West Van- couver Conservative Association took place last Wednesday even- ing in the Fortune Cup Inn. Fol- lowing the presentation of the ai,nual reports the retiring pre- sident, W.J.Dent, gave a resume of provincial affair for the past year and J. Loutet, M.L.A., spoke, asking for support of the government in these trying times, for which they were in no way responsible. Mr. Rose president of the North Vancou- ver City Association, was also present. The e!ection of ofFicers for the ensuing year resulted as fol- lows: Hon. President--Hon. R. B. Bennett, Hon. Vice Presidents -- Hon. Dr, S. F. Tolmie, J. Loutet, M.L. A., and Senator J D. McRae, President--J. T. Watt, First Vice-President -- W. Blair. Second Vice-President -- W. R. Hamilton. Secretary-Treasurer -- H. G. Barker. Executive--W, J. Dent. Reeve J. B. Leyland Colonel K W. Savory, Captain C. J. Archer, H. A. Eager, N. G. Blanchfleld, J. Speck, J. J. Rutledge, J, Eding- ton, G. B. Joy. Auditors--W. K. Woodcock, J. Speck. The district convention will take place next Friday, 4th December, at the North Vancou- ver City Club at the corner of Esplanade and Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. The West Vancouver delegates will be the off'cers and members of the ex- ecutive the alternates being D. McC. Stitt and Captain F. F. Lovegrove. A hearty vote of thanks was massed by the meeting to W. J. &a WEST VANCOUVEI( S(,OTTINII SO(,I ETY A very enjoyable program of music and readings wss given the members and friends of the Society on Friday night at their regular meeting. On account of illness Dr. Ure of the University of B. C., was unable to present his lecture schedule for the evening. The Rev. Mr. Allen'0 readings from Barne, and Dickens "Christmas Carol," and Miss Ida Allen on the Scottish Memorial were especially appreciated. Mrs. Howieson delighted the gathering with songs and hfiss Jean Kinloch snd Miss Frame gave selections on the piano. The whist drive and dance on the following evening wss very well attended. Mrs. DePencier winning lady's first; Miss M. Nightingale, lady's second. Mr. Dawson, gentleman's first; Mr. Nightingale, gentleman's second The consolation prizes going to Mrs. Dowling and Mr. DePencier Owing to a previous booking of the Clschan, the next whist dr.'ve on December 6th will be held in the Legion Hall. Paying Game "Will you come and play at 9 zoo, auntiefw creid little )Villfe. "Certainly, my dear," replied auntie, "but how do you playf" "Oh I'l be the elephant and you will be the kind lady that feeds him with sweets and buna.w I Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12xia Garage including floor ......... 530.00 60 Ft. Close Board Foxes 5.00 Ship)op from ................... 9.00 2x( Common, sisod........ 9.00 2 x 0 io 2 x 12 common, sized ................ 10.00 1xz A sod 4 D. D. Fir, psr 100 iia fb .....50 Cedar Lstt:so, pov 100 iia. r~.rr ver r'r