0001 THF. WFST VAN NFWS Nnvcmhi r 27 ln'll 4 F 4'V444 *SF wc44 4 vr 24 v c c Wi 'v v V'i hh' %rc'vv c cv * .r' ~ " "" ~ vrt r%*i r r;,, ':.. r"",I fr VF'vrV~'A v ' 'r.rr vr v»-rrrrv"-r. r« vrrvw v.wnor.'rr r r.m4V 44rvv~ vv Fvwr rrv rvvrFvvr rrr v TOYS, GAMES, CARDS, PAPETERIES, ETC. will be seen at our new store to be opened Degmbet'st, Neyct Door to Old Store Letting your hair grow? If ycs are one of the many whc src wcsring ~ longer hch, keep it neat. Nothing looks cc untidy as ctrsight ends, snd It hi quite unnecessary when ycs can have the ends cf your heir permanently curled or is the very fschicnshie roll which seeds nc piss, for cc little as $2.6O. Gu'ey)n'olyu Beuuty Shoppe 1640 IHcrisc Drive. West I IT DRY FIR Full Load sth00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Phone West 4$ COOKE 4(t LeNEAL In Evidence "I'm sure he's 0 waiter, Marie." "Why do you say so?" "Because, when I asked him whether I could always rely upon him, he said he'd stick to me through thick and clear." The Wrong "Jock." There was an outburst of hil- arity from the kitchen, and the mistress paid a visit to that quarter to administer a mild re- proof. "I see," she said to the r:.aid, "you are fond of jocular- ity." "Oh, no, ma'm," sn!d the blushing grl, "you'e got the wrong name. It's Jock McPher- son." Neat Judge: "I have listened very carefully to you, hlr. Brown, for an hour, but I am none the wlset'. Counsel (politely): "I hardly expected your lordship tb be, but I thought you might be better informed." Ectchiichcd cs North Shore 20 Years (Lady Assistant) HARROiN BROS. at WILLIAIIIISON funeral Qirertnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nems Pshiichcd Every Pridcy PshBchcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bccisccc sml Editorial Ogkct 11th cnd Mcrlsc Drive (Next to HSByhscn P. O.) Phone West 363 Mall Addcccci P.O. Bcz 01, HcDyhsrs. B.C. $ L00 s ycsf hy cslvicr; $2.00 c Ycc hy walL Ncwcctsndc sc. pcr copy. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, November 29th, 1931. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 s.m. and 7:30 p.m.-- I'ublic Worship. Dr. Henry will be in the pulpit Irorning and evening. ihlorning topic: "Fragments given to God." Evening topic, "Christian Life a Song." The big event of the coming week is the Annual Bazaar. This annual sale of work has always been an outstanding feature of the Women'9 Association. It takes place on Tuesday next December 1st, and will be offici- ally opened at 2 o'lock by Mrs. T. A. Spencer. It is hoped that as many as possible will be present at the opening hour to welcome the guest of the afternoon and to give the sale that impetus at the beginning that means so much. Christmas presents will be there in variety, including some delightful cutwork, the more practical aprons snd handker- chiefs. The Home-cooking stall expects to clear itself rapidly as usual while the candy is to be even better and more plenti- ful than ever. The children, too, are being remembered this year and a giant tree is prepared for them. In the lower halls down stairs visitors will be invited to test their skill in many ways both amusing nnd clever. Everybody is invited to come and not only make the day n hugh financial success which the church needs very much at present, but a social success as well. The sale will be open both afternoon and evening. In view of the need of prepar- ing the hall for the sale on Tues day the Y.P.S. will meet on hionday evening at 8 o'lock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, 2131 Marine Drive. It hss been decided to use it as 0 "Question Night." As all the rooms will be in use there will be no meeting of the Trail Rangers on Tuesday night. The C.G.I.T. meet ss usual on Friday at 'I p.m. Keep ever in mind the dates that I:0 ahead. December 4th--The West Van- couver Orchestra which is very kindly sharing their pro- ceeds with our Social Welfare and Relief Committee. December 12--The Musical play "Secrets." for our Relief work. It will be given in the audi- torium. Advance notice is given of the "White Gifts" Xmas service on Sunday, December 20th, in connection with the morn- ing gathering. Of this more anon. I'in Wheels Put 2 teaspoons soda and 4 teaspoons cream of tartar into I quart of flour. Sift twice. Add 2 large tablespoons lard snd butter mixed, and enough milk to make a dough easily rolled. Roll about I inch thick, spread with 0 little melted butter, I cup of currents snd sprinkle over a little sugar. Roll up into s round loaf, cut into slices shout I inch thick. Bake in moderate oven. This recipe without the currants, makes an excellent biscuit recipe Handy Anne Shoppe DUNDARAVE Phone West 39 A splendid selection of WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society 4 HURI.H EDII ICB 20th ssd Ecqcimcit. Hcuyhsvs Thu Scciity ic s Branch cf Thc Mother Church Thc Pirct Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mccccchscetts Sunday Services 11:20 s.m. Snd Tiso p.m. Sunday, November 29th "Anclenl and hlodern Ne- cromnncy, alias hlesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounc- ed." Sunday School at 10:00 s.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ~t si16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor Rev. H. P. Humphroys Phone W. 252R. Res. 1343 Heywood Ave. Sundny, November 29th. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and adult class. 11 a.m.--hlorning worship. Pastor will preach at both services, topic, "Christian Liv- ing." Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m, Evening worship. Topic, "Wilt thou be made whole." Service preceded by short song service. If you are not attending regu- larly elsewhere, come and meet with us. Monday, 7:30 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Young people over the age of 16 heartily welcome. Wednesday, 4 p.m. -- Child- ren's meeting. Friday, 7 p.m.--C. G. I. T. Teen age girls welcome. Presbyterian Church Services in the Orange HalL Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford, Phone North 1107. 3:00 p.m.--Church Worship. Sermon subject: "The Trans- port Wagon." Transportation is one of the great questions of the people. Travel light but don' forget the essentials. What are the Spiritual Essen- tials of Christians? Thursday. 8 p.m. -- Regular Mid-week Service followed by the Choir practice. Thought for the week: Prayer changes things nnd people. CANON SOVEREIGN AD- DRESSES ST. STEPHEN'S hIEN Canon Sovereign addressed a large gathering of men in St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Tues- day night under the auspices of the men of the Church Commit- tee. His general topic was the opportunities presented to men in the church toward building the character of the younger citizens. Speaking enthusiastic- ally of the future of West Van- ccuver he stressed the import- ance of the kind of citizens de- veloped. He appealed for boys and girls to be helped in such a way as to make them capable nf the opportunity ahead. West Vancouver'0 future lsy not only in the development of Hollyburn Ridge but in the integrity of her citizens. Canon Sovereign dealt with the laudable work of service clubs under the headings of 1. Friendliness 2. The Common Meal Togeth- et. 3. Service for others. He took these and applied them to the parish life, appeal- ing specially for adequate care of the boys and the supreme need of "playing with them" and also the example of honesty and the value of regular church at- tendance to stimulate ideals and the power to attain them, Christian ideals in business, politics and civic ai?airs was given considerable thought. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN I.BDION MEMIIRIAL II AI.L NEXT SUNDAT-- 10 c. m.--Reheel Icv I hiidvcc. 2 p. m.-- Spi cher: MR. PERCY KING Subject: "TIIE )IARRIAGE SUI'I'Elt OF THE LAhlH" Mr. King hrocdcscts over CKWX every Wednesday ct 9:20 St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. I". A Ramsey, LS.T. November 29th, 1931. Advent Sunday and Anniversary of Dedication 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 snd 11:16 a.m.-- Sunday SchooL 11:15 Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Preach- er, the Rev. B. Nest, S.S.M. Monday--St, Andrew's Day- Holy Communion and Interces- sions, 10 a.m. Sunday is the 6th Anniver- sary of the Dedication of the Church, and the thought oi'hankfulnessfor sll that "St. Stephen's" has meant to the congregation, together with the thought of Advent Sunday with its call to prepare the heart and mind for Christmas will be the dom"nnnt note in the services. The Rev. B. Nest, S.S.M., of Kelhsm, England, will be the preacher at evensong. Monday, St. Andrew's Day, is always kept as 0 day of prayer for the missionary work of Christendom. There will be Holy Communion snd Intercession at 10 a.m. Wednesday has been set by the Primate as a day of prayer for guidance in the present eco- nomic depression. Throughout Canada special services and "All Day Watches" are bing arrang- ed. Ow.'ng to the absence of the Rector this week, there will be no services in St, Stephen's Church, but those who are in the city are asked to try nnd attend the noonday brief service in Christ Church Cathedral, com- mencing at 12:15, The Girls'uxiliary Sale is to be held on Thursday, 2:30 to 5,30. The A.Y,P.A. heard an inter- esting account of the recent con- ference in Victoria from the del- egates, Mr. S. Lettner, Miss D. Dawson snd the 2nd lecture on "First Aid" by Mr. Lightly on Monday. Next ihlonday Mr, F. A. Walk- er will tell of his hike from Ed- monton to the Yukon. After Evensong on Sunday the Admission Service to the A. Y.P.A. will be held in the church when it is expected that over 20 will be admitted. Caulfeild Service at 3 p.m. on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Diocesan Board will be held on Tuesday, December 1st, at 10:30 at St. Michael's, Van- couver, corner of Broadway and Prince Edward. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. Sunday--8:45 a.m., Holy Mass. I:30 p.m., Sunday School.-- 2:JO p.m., Rosary, benediction Week Days--7:30 a.m., Holy Mass. Friday--7:30 p.m., Special De- votions. Saturday -- 7:30 p.m. Confes- sions, I)f, hIBfjory ihicCubbiu DENTIST Hcsrci 9 ~ . m. to 0 p. m. FSIUFdcyc: 10 s. Is. tc I P. Is. Evvsissc csd Saturday Atter- sccsc hy sppcistmcnt esty. Royal Beck BSBdiss I'hcsc Wvct 444 Itvcidcccv I'hccc West 20X f)R C I) H Sh,ALP, DENTIST Hsy Block, 14th ssd Msrise Dr. Omcc Hours 9 tc 0 p.m. Evenings hy cppcistmest, Phono West 72 NURSING HOME (Mvc, M. E I.SChcscc, R.N.) 204 . 24th Street Eccl North Vcsccsvct ltccldcscc I'Iwaci Nccth 196SR C. J. Overington I'IONEER BARBER 14th snd ltlarlne Expert Work Phone West 135 Spanish Bun I large tablespoon butter or shortening I cup brown sugar 2 eggs (save I white) 2 teaspoons cinnamon '/2 cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 11/4 cups flour Butter and water mny be used instead of shortening and milk. Cream butter and sugar, then add eggs then cinnamon, flour and cream of tartar. Last of all the milk in which has been dis- solved the soda. Take the white of egg, beat stilE, then add brown sugar enough to sweeten. Put on top of cake and brown in oven. This cake should be baked in small bread pnn. Put nutmeg or cocoanut on top of icing. Bran Drops 1 cup bran, 11/2 cups flour 2 tesvpoons baking powder I egg Butter, size of egg I cup sugar, milk or water Mix with milk or water of about the consistency of fruit cake. Drop by spoonfuls on 0 greased dripping pan. Bake in quick oven. Now Playing RICHARO BARTHELMESS Is The Last Flight NEWS -- COihlEDY/ gtt5.00 h, GIVEti AWAY FRIDAY NIGHT .IEXT I'I'ESK MONVTUEIL.WED. BL'BL'ANIELS Ic "HONOR OF TIIE FAMILY" T H U Br F n I ra A T. SPIRIT t)y NOTRE DA)IE ! Dresserware Night TUESDAY Loi(8() ALE