0001 *W c rr r "i rirrt r vr h "r '4 v rr rt 'iq u ir 'i v 'i ar wh y v v' ~ "vudi'v .rs Cv . '.: ~'i. ' r- ~ yu is vv vs '~ v r~%;irr, rr r r .rr vrrcr rv rrrrv.r -rar rrr r' ~v'r " r Wishing al l A Happy New Year Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,', ",'„,'""„'.,'," Ilollyburn SUCCESTIONS: Friday fk Saturday, December, 26 & 27 .... 2 for 2ic; 6 tins 59c .... 2 for 21c; 6 tins 69c 2 for 21c;; 6 tins 59c ......... ..................... I 9c fic '....„.....,..............,........... 45c ..................,................. 27c .... 2 lbs. 75c; 3 lbs. 61,08 ....................... 3 dozen 49r. 19c per dozen Columbia Green Beans...... Large Tender Peas ........... Red Jt White Tomatoes ................... Red a White Golden Bantam Corn . Windsor Shaker Salt .... Red dt White Tea, per lb.................. Australian Apricots, 2Vs lb. tin ..... BUTTER--Finest Quality ................ Sunkist Oranges............ Sunkist Lemons .................. trlAPPY ?qew Yea?e OllE Alto ALL! WE'D EE PLEASED 'Tct ltAvg Mu, CALL ~ u t IVe will have a i,t New Supply of Fresh Killed LOCAL TURKEYS itt Lt GEESE tui'lid lit CHICKEN l No. I STEER BEEF LA5IB AND PORK it V For the New Year. Dairy Produce it l Fresh Vegetables tt and Flowers tii Nl ti ROBERTS't BETTER MEATS vent phane WeSt 190 'e-- -======= . Fig Sweets I cup sugar IA cup water ",i teaspoon cream tartar Figs Put sugar and water in a sauce psn. Do not stir while boiling. Boil to a yellow tint, then stir in cream tartar, just before you take it from the fire. Wash figs and lay them carefully in a dish, then pour the candy over them. If preferred the figs may be dipped in candy. He's Hud Hvpcrieucu t A lady wus entertaining thu small sun of hev msrvied friend. "Are you quite sure you ceu cui your meat, Wiiiyl" she asked after watch'.ug him u moment. "Oh, yessum," he replied without looking up. "We often have it as tough as this at home." "The codfish lays a million eggs, While the helpful heu lays one; Bui the cadfish does uot cackle Tu inform you what she huv done. Aud so we scorn the cudfish coy, Bui the helpful heu we prize, Which iudicatea to u thoughtful mind Thai it yuys lu advertise." "Now, what's the trouble?" naked the doctor. The patient turned a weary face towards him. "I'm afraid I'e caught insom- nia," he said. "I never get a wink of sleep until three o'lock in the morning." The doctor smiled. "But insomnia isn't contagi- ous," he reminded him. The patient sighed. "It is in my case, doctor," he replied. "You see, the baby next door has it." The Wuy of u Reformer He wus one of those sad-faced meu whu delight in becoming railway-car- riage bores, aud when he saw a happy- looking stranger smoking contentedly near by he felt compelled iu avk u few questions. "Sir," he began, "Will you allow your boy io smoke cigarettes when he grows upt" "I have never given the question u moment'v thought," replied the strang- er. Tbe vad-faced muu sighed. "Audr be went on faintly, I sup. pose you have never thought about stopping his drinking?" "I never have," admitted the mau. The sad-fuced man positively gasped. "Can it be true," he muttered, "that there are such muusievs living; such bardeutd, cuiious--" "But I think you ought tu know," interrupted the stranger, "that I have been s confirmed bachelor uii my life." Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. ,', Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at lesth;I )t. Wishes all its Customers and l riends'i,he (fumpltments of the SruBIIII ',ll if D. MORTON, Local Manager .4 AA%v%F-~WV~WVrd re THE WEST VAN NEWS LEGION RAFFLE The drawing for the prizes in the annual Christmas RaMe put on by the Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, took place in, the Legion Memorial Hall last )Vednesday evening, hire. W. B. Small, who was to do the draw- ing, was unavoidably detained, her place being taken by Mrs. J. Wicking. The following is the list of prizes with names of win- ners: Season Ticket, Hollyburn Thea- tre, G. Sale, Water)oo St., Van- couver (961). 4 lbs. Butter, Mr. Albin, Mathers Ave., (939). Fern Basket, Colin Turner (858) Turkey, J. Thompson, Amble- side (262). Article, Lady or Gent), Mr. Tan- ner, 23rd and Bellevue (288). Camera, A. S. Lawrence, 11th and Esplanade (688). 5 Sacks Coal, bliss Harrop, Rad- cliff, (239). Xmas Crackers, E. B, Sparkes, Burrard St. (441), Emb. Pillow Slips. W. Tinney, 20th Streets(727). 34.00 Lumber, J. Thompson, Ambleside (272). Leg Lamb, A. Bannister, Msth- ers Ave., (189). Xmas Cake, bliss G. Tite, Holly- burn (300). 49 lbs. Flour, J. Lowden, 1506 Esquimalt (173). Box Apples, W. Wotherspoon, 11th Ave., East, City (444). Turkey, Miss Baird, North Van- couver (317). Box Chocolates, Mrs. McDonald, 23rd and Jet?erson (40). 5 Bags Coal, Mrs. F. Guinan, 25111 SL, (607). Box. Fancy Stationery, R. S. Mc- Call, 19th and Esquimalt(942) Xmas Cake, A. E. Matthews, 1321 Esquimalt, (575). Ham, kev. A. H. Priest, 22nd Street (193). 49 lbs. Flour, Reeve Leyland, (681). Large Box Fry's Chocolates, M. Thorewaite, North Vancouver (307). Roast of Beef, AIrs. Oliver, Ar- gyle, (520). Box of Apples, Col. Savory, 29th Street (912). R. I. R. Hen, F. Wagner, Sher- man, (82). Nabob Tea, I lb., N. Sister, 14th and Duchess (405). Leg Lamb, E. Rathje, Hollybuni (142). Load Wood, C. Dickie, 7th Ave. West, City, (443). Pair Bantams, C. Sharman (840) Bantams sold again by auction and won by G. Edwards, 22nd Street. December 26, 1930. Jefferies Superior Meats Government Inspected Only A Happy aud Prosperous New Year to All Turkeys ~ Geese Positively no cold storaae birds y(jgl +i HA)ifs, half or whole, 32c. lb. LA51 B BEEF PORK VEAL COOKED MEATS OI" ALL KINDS, l&ELICATFDSEN {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhlBLESIDE STORF, S Pl ' ~ ll ls GROUSE MOUNTAIN REVOLVER SHOOT There were twenty competi- tors at the Christmas competi- tion of the Grouse Mountain Re- volver Association, which took place at the ranges of the West Vancouver Police Department on Mathers Avenue last Saturday afternoon. All the first prizes were turkeys. Particulars are as follows: 10 yards Deliberate--1st, Cst. J. Young, North Vancouver; 2nd, Dep. Chief Gauld, North Vancou- ver; 3rd Cst. Hailstone, West Vancouver. 20 yards Deliberate--1st, Maj. Harrison, West Vancouver; 2nd, Cst. Hailstone, West Vancouver; 3rd Cst. Lowes, )Vest Vancouver. Snap Shooting--1st Cst. Bowl. ing, North Vancouver; 2nd, Cst. Lowes, West Vancouver, 3rd, Sgt. Gurr, North Van. District. Rapid Firing--1st, Cst. Ilail- stone, West Vancouver; 2nd, Mr. Wilson, West Vancouver; 3rd, Cst. Kruger, West Vancouver. Aggregate--1st, Cst, J. Young (154), North Vancouver; 2nd, Cst. C. Hailstone (150), West Vancouver; 3rd, Dep. Chief G. Cauld (147), North Vancouver. Lowes tied with Cauld snd lost decision on a toss. K. Sogoif wss informed by the council in reply to his letter that no contract work pat present contemplated in the Water Sys- tem reconstruction and extension but that, should it be deemed r ecessary or expedient to let con- tracts at a later date he would be promptly advised snd invited to tender. The father wss very disap- pointed with his boy's progress at school, and the end of the term had brought a rather bad report from the headmaster. "Look here, Tommy, you'l have to buck upi" said the father "There must be an alteration!" "Well, dad," said the boy, "cant'here be an alteration in the school?" "What do you mean?" asked his father, "Why, it's like this," explained Tommy, "I had an awful time of it last term--aren't there any schools which advertise 'easy terms'?" "I say," said a bumptious in dividual to a man standing st the street corner, "just tell me how I can get to Blank Street." "Well," replied the man, "take the third turning to the left ilrst to the right, second to the right again, fourth to the left first to right, fifth to left, cu across a square, pass through s crescent, take the second to th left, and you ll get it. The stranger followed the In structions given. After three- quarters of an hour he was start- led to arrive at the place wher he had asked the question, snd t see the same man standing st the u corner. "Why did you direct me wrongly'" he demanded. "You asked for Blank Street,- "Yes." "Well, then, I directed you all right. This is Blank Street." "Any callers while I wss a- way? "Only one. A young man tried to sell me an aspidistra, but he I'ftr went away when I told him the -'.'a: .i family wasn't musical." West 3 WEST 303 -.a4 u r'M~ -"vr';2~~%'~mt 'AP-~W fmemfWAYll il i$~ Wishing all our customers and friends A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR ,'est Vancouver Lumber Co. j I 15th and it farine LI 511TEn Phone bvest 115 'i» mdiv c r~ i