0001 inblc 548 'an. lew Ten lsc December 26, 1930. CLEARANCE SALE OF RADIOS i 'l O &8 PP Wlllbuy Radioland,s-tube set, New batteries.$ $ 2ay 00 Buys Jewett 6-tube set with new batteries. 2ays VV Lovely tone. $ 48 00 g O fhfh Buys Stewart Warner. Plugs in your light sock-'eosVV et. Cost f226. A real buy. All these sets are guaranteed and can be taken on ten day trial. Easy terms arranged. We carry a High-Grade Line of PIANOS Look them over. s, I I/'I " atj~ (1 MAJESTIC, ROGFRS, PHII.CO, I'ADA, BRUNSWICK, and GENERA!. ELECTRIC IIADIOS. We take your Gramo- phone or !battery set as part paymenL GEO. E. WILLIS '"'""'"'"'"' ' d h KENT PIANO CO. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The following officers were ~+I chosen from the newly elected $ directors of the Horticultural,,. Association: President--Mr. K. A. Ray Vice President--Mrs. G. Elgar Secretary--ihIrs. E. A. Ford Treasurer--Mr. Wm. McQuak- er. Honorary Presidents--Domin- ~ ion Minister of Agriculture, Provincial Minister of Agricul- ture Hon W. R. Atkinson, J. '- Loutet, M.L.A. Past President--Reeve J. B. Leyland. The President, Reeve J. B. Leylanl's, expressed his appreci- ation fbr assistance given by the past directors and said he would be only too pleased at any time to give all assistance he could to further the interest of the Hort- icultural Association. He then introduced the new president, Mr. K. A. Ray who took the chair and thanked Past President Leyland for his good work dur- ing the year as president of the Association. The Association is planning to ve lectures during the early nths of next year, the firs take place in February at a te to be announced later. Committees have also been rmed for the various sections. A new feature this year will a movie class in some sections the catalogue. Patron at riding academy: "Won' horaabsak riding give one the head- ache I" Groom: "Nc, madam, just the ra- verse. Cheer Chatler $~.1 Jones was at the theatre, and be- hind him aal c lady with s child on her lap, which waa crying uneeuing- ly. Unable lo stand it any longer, Jones turned smilingly lo the lady ssd asked: "Has that infant of yours been cbrialaced yel, mc'amf" "No, sir," replied the isdy. "If I were you I would call it "Good Ides," said Jones. "And why 'Good Ideal' said the isdy indignantly. "Because," acid Jones, "it should be carried ocl." It wac Jones who had lo be carried ccl. "You simply can't and an honest maid. The one you recommended iaf1 cud took nine of my napkins with har." "What kind werc lhay?" "Dining car napkins I brought bscis from my Ical trip." The Court was silent; the magistrate had ordered the usher to call the first prisoner. A man was put into the dock. "You are accused of stealing a chicken," said the magistrate solemnly. "Have you anything to say?" "Yes, your worship," said the prisoner. "I only took it for 0 lark." "A lark!'~napped the magis- trate. "No?resemblance whatso- ever--ten days." VANCOUVER CREOSOTING" i)t. Cosy LTD. !": NORTH VANCOUVER THE IVEST VAN NFWS PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT VERY SUCCESSFUI The Inglewood School auditori- um was crowded on Thursday evening the 18th instant, for the annual Christmas concert put on by Pauline Johnson and Holly- burn Schools. These concerts have always been well worth see- ing, and that on Thursday was no exception. There was more dancing this year, and every one of the items was particularly well done. The costumes were very pretty, snd the young participants showesl no hesitation at any time, nor did they make any mistakes. The several choruses by the children were well sung, snd a good tone was ma!stained throughout, the blending of the parts being excellent. Three plays figure on the pro gram, "Hiawatha," "Casey at the Bat," and "Robin Hood." The second named related to a country baseball team, and the young actors went through their parts like veteran baseball play- ers. "Robin Hood" was also very well done indeed for such young boys and girls, but "Hiawatha" in our opinion was the outstan&l- ing number of the evening. The costumes, including the facial get-up, and also the stage set- ting, were wonderfully natural. The most striking feature, how- ever was the way in which the whole cast seemed to have ab- sorbed the stoicism of the Indian, Particular mention should be made of the long speeches made by Douglas IVatt as Chief and Helena Clegg, both being de- livered without any hesitation and in the real Indian spirit. Attention should also be called to the playlets, "Little Leaves" and "the Brownies," by the younger scholars, which were charmingly done in a charming setting. To sum up, every item on the program showed that very con- siderable timeandeifort had been given to its preparation both by pupils and teachers, and the re- sults must have been as gratify- ing to them as to the large audi- ence who were present. NARROWS BRIDGE TO BE hIOVED TO SHALLOWS IN NEXT FEW DAYS Pacific Salvage Co. workers employed on the Second Nar- rows bridge span Monday jug- gled the mass of steel into an upright position. It is necessary to get the span on an even keel before it can be moved into the shallows to be lifted on barges and slipped onto the floating dry- dock at the Burrard plant. The span is now lying on its side in sixty feet of water, on the edge of the tide ilats about 0 quarter-mile west of Moodyville. It is well out of the traffic routes of the harbor. The teacher was angry when Wjnnie appeared at school a quarter of an hour late. "Why are you late 7" she asked sharply. "Please mi83, 'eplied the sin- ner, "it was late when I started from home." 'Then why didn't you start earlier?" "Please, miss, it was too late to start early." CLASSIFIED ADS The rale for IZuainad Adraaliaamcalc ic 2 aasm par wvrsL misimsm 26 assis. Ecacpl Is lba casa of lbua hsvisg avgsisr sccoaalc, sk duai- sada are payable atrlaily is adacsca Rammsbaa Cisui5ads is lbc Waal Vss Naws scl immadialc racsks. LOST~ Mu(hss'M Brissna ssd White Bulldog. Reward oifcrcd. Fasrssida, Cspilsso P.O. DRY FIR OR ALDER, 14 in. Icsglb, $0.60 par cord; 20 bs. lc 30 Is. $630 0 cord. Cord length, $430 de- livered. Phase West SOZRI after 5 p. m. WILL TRADE Saaaa-Room Hosu, 386 - 14th Ava„weel, City wsiuc $4300 for house ssf acus1 value m West Vancouvar. Phone West 12SX WORK Vi'ANTED--ky lba day. Phoae Waal 240R . Fik AND ALDER. 14 is. Iassgth, $030 pasr cold: 20 IIL lo 80 10., $530 s assasL Cord Icsgth, $4Jio daiivcamL Gvkk delivery, Phone Wast $52RI after 5 p. m.FOk SALE -- Four-hola high eras Waaucghcucc Electric Rcaga, Beau- tiful condition. New, $142.00 Sell $76.00. Phone West 460. FOUND -- Psic Horn.rimmed Spaa- lcciaa. Owner can have same by applying Granger'4 Grocery. WANTED--Young Mss wak aduaalad ssd prvgmwswc, who wssuld hkc lo learn rsdlq repairs scd installation. Mval be in good nssscisi position lo aapporl self while learning. G. WS- lis, Kent Piano Cc 1633 Marine Drive. POR RENT--Fosv romsad bssgciow. Fully ssodacc . Felly fcrsfabast Ccr. 14th asd Dcahasa. Phase West S. FURS CI.EANED. STORED m Rc- mcdeiad. Smsmcr pricca Hoiiybsrs Fcr Slorc, Kekh Black. Hcilybsrs. ALL THE BEST Bamsdc ef Cigars, Cigarettes ssd Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Psskar Hands ssd Ccwsoi cards Free. Ambicsidc Tas Rooms. FOR THE BBST SLABS csd issida I sr phone West 2SO.FINE XMAS I'RESENT--SZO worthof Records, nearly seas, includes Kreiaiar, Clara Butt, Hsmbourg, dc Psahmsss, Boy Singer, $5.00. Write Eiiicll, Cscifand P.o. or phme West 302R, POR PAINTING. KALSOMINLVG- Apply C. L Kosicga, Basidcscc phase West 8941L WANTED--Ccpcbia Girl for House- work. Two children. Sleep is. phone Wast 4NR. GARDEN CONSTRUCTIOV--Lamb cape ssd gasaaci gardening. Phone, IL J. Kyle, 2567 Bcncvuc. Fok RENT Fcasiahad bungalow, $25.00. Apply Burley, 26lh scd Walarfronl. Phone West 169Ry WANTED-CbrialissWomssforiigbl hocaawcak in Dcsdsrsae, 9 lo 12. ~ 15.00 s mossb. Phone after 0 p.m, Weal. 134k.FOR kENT--Practically saw house. Fully modern. Six rooms. Good furnace. $30.00. Phone IVaal 300L. FOR RENT OR SAI.E -- Paaliy furn- ished bassa on Waterfront. Apply Layissd, West OSRI. Acre!ings snk ajrst nii9kcs Is All iflicnls gnh fcicniho for s facica Xmas anb A Bccu Hnppfl anh tifnnpcious irm gcsc. IIARCELLE SHOP -- biaraane, 50 cents; reset, S6c; linger wave, 76c. Phone hfrs. King, West 804. FOR PI.UMBING REPAIRS -- Rca- idesca Phone West 241R. WEBB'0 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dasdsrava. R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. Sails 2 at 4Z5 Howe Sl. Say. 4055 Or phoae C. J. ARCHER, Waal 225. At last the disgraceful rumor had been traced to its source ard Mrs. Turpin, the daily help, was confronted by an infuriated mis- tress. Instead of bowing her head, however, she defended her- self with vigor "I was only repeatin', mum, what I 'sard from your own lips," she asserted. "Good heavens!" shrieked the mistress, "do you mean to say I told you my husband was in jail?" "Not in so many words," con- ceded Mrs. Turpin, "but I drew my own conclusions. You said you was going to give a coming out party in the autumn!" e GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pcbnc FIRB LVSURA.'ICE Wishing Our Clients and Friends A HAPPY NEW YEAR 1405 Msrssm Drsva Office Phone Wast 21 or Say. 1200 Residence Phone W. 82R or W. 204X There came an angry rap on the kitchen door, and the house- holder immediately opened it to admit her neighbor, who was in a state of great indignation. "It's that mischievous boy o. yours," cried the enranged wom- an, holding up a huge brick for the other's inspection. "He' been and thrown this through my window." A delighted look came over the fond mother's face. "Really! How interesting'" she remarked. "I wonder if you will let me have the brick? We'e keeping sll the little mementoes of his youthful pranks--they'l be so interesting when he grows Up. The class were taking a lesson in geography. "Now, Billy," said the school- mistress, unrolling a msp of Egypt, "what great river flows through this country?" Billy was a bright boy, snd he immediately answered. "The Nile, teacher," he re- replied. "Very good," praised the mis- tress. "And now can you tell me what are its tributaries?" Billy thought hard for an ans- wer, and finally burst out 1 "iVhy juveniles miss" Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Bijrrard Sheet l!Ietal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phoae North Sl5 Raa. Phases Norah 9ISY-1503K For Real Tea Value, Maclean's Orange Pekoe Leads All:-