West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Dec 1930, p. 4

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0001 r w4 rt t' m rtt 't t tc t trc t;it ~ tt' 't t' t 't t r't' t t r t t'm t I' r rt 't r ~ 'A t.n rt Cr~ t r, rt'rrrrrr rr . rrr. r THE IVEST VAN NEiVS ).iltl) OF TIIAI)E i IIOTEST AGAIVST (tni.. iVILI IAil 7 IIEilAIIKtt The regular monthly meeting the West Vancouver Board of de took place last Monday ening in Colonel Savory's of- e. A letter was read from the iusmish Board of Trs&le re- esting endorsement of a reso- tion sent by them to the pro- ucial government and J. Loutet .L,A., asking that the road now der construction from Squam- h to Britannia Beach be ex- nded to Horseshoe Bay, A solution was passed according ard copies were ordered sent the provincial government anil Loutet, ilJLA. A resolution was also passed dorsing the resolution of pro- t against Colonel iVUliams'e- arks made by the iVest Van- uver council and copies of the me were ordered sent to the inister of marine, the minister trade snd commerce, the West ancouver council. A. E. Munn, .P., and J. I.outet, M.L.A, Some discussion ensued on the atter of the delay in the estab- shment of a house to house postal delivery, caused, it was ex- plained, by the failure of a num- ber of residents to number their houses and instal letter slots. It was decided to ask the Hol- lyburn postmaster'0 permission to put a notice in Hollyburn post office stating the cause of the delay as given above snd asking the co-operation of the public. iVEST VAN ELKS'/ B( XSIAS CHEER FUIqo Only six days to Christmas now. If you have any money to spare for those iVest Vancou- ver families who are not so Tra blessed with this world's goodm ev !ou cannot do better than give fic to the above fund. iVe wish to thank the follow- Si ing, who have kindly donated ns qu follows: lu V. V. Vinson,......... 5 5.00 vi Sire. Korner .................. 8.50 M St. Anthony's Altar Soc. 5.00 un iVest Van. Slunlcipality.. 25.00 ls Sire. V. I'. Johncox ...... 12.00 lteeve J. B. I.eyland ... 500 re Father Carey ................. 15.00 ly Ed Black ......... 2.00 to Staif and pupils Pauline J, Johnson School ...... 40.75 5tr. and Mrs. A. Dicken- en son . ............................. 5.01) iV. C. T. U....... 5.00 m F. A. (I C. P............... 2.00 co Friend ............................25 sa Josephine Assn and m Wendao Hayes .......... 10t35 of lilies lmwson „............... 1.00 V Sire. Dick ................... 1.00 M A. Harvey Smith ........ 5.00 W. J. TurnbuU ..... 5.00 "Okanagan" ....... „...... 3.00 L O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of ihe Duncan Lassos (hapter I 0 D b was held st the home of Mrs. Gordon Gray on Monday, Decemiier 9th, with the Regent, Mrs. Small, In the chair. After the opening prayer (he members were asked to remain standing while 0 silent vote of sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. Chilton and Sir. Seaers--in their recent bereavemeuts, was passed. Report of Municipal Chapter was read by the Regent and dif- ferent appeals heard and voted on. It wss brought to the notice of the meeting that the Boy Scouts had been very busy in preparing and paintmg toys and oifered them for distribution through the I.O.D.E. It was decided to hold the Children's Masquerade Party ou Monday, December 29th, at the Inglewood High School, the Trus- tees having allowed the use of the auditorium for this occa- sion. Mrs. Chapman was appoint- ed convener, with a committee consisting of Mrs. Leyland, Mrs. Dundas, Iiirs. J. Mclntyre, Mrs. Dorohoe and Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs .Eastman gave 0 report on Chilil iVelfare, with an account of the play "Tilly of Blooms- bury" which realized a substan- tial sum to be used in the above conriection. It was requested that letters of thanks be sent to Guy Des- mond and Sydney Desmond for their work in producing this play; also letters of thanks be sent to Mrs. Burling, J. E. Dur- bin and Ed Black for their as- sistance. Donations were voted to Prov- ince, Sun and Uncle Jerry Funds, also to Imperial Veterans anil Elks iVelfare. Mrs. Small gave a short address to the members reviewing the work of the past year, srd urg- ing them to have an objective in the coming one. She extended greetings to aU, and reminded the members that the next meet- ing would be Nomination meet- ing and to give some thought to the coming nominations. Mrs. Leggatt sang two delight ful solos, after which tea was served by the hostesses. After singing "God Save the King" the meeting adjourned. 'I'he next meeting will be held on Monday, January 12th, at thc home of Mrs. J. McIntyre. IVishing as my clients and I! friends I(l "i (I hP C~ioniplinlrnts „'I of the Sinn il and thanking them for LI y their patronage during the;iyear. ,""M. WILLIAMS t,'6th ood iiiocioc, Ambicoido CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING II'boot srcoi 20 sp~ t QNE Us Wtat l76 I IRST MASOiV TRANSFER 4k FUEL SUFPLY Burn Diamond Sootless Coal FuU Stock of Nanaimo-Weaington and SicLeod River Hard Coal. Phone us and Save Your Money Alder and Fir Bushwood 55.75 5155.85 NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION I GORDON ROBSOiV BorcLtoc A Sonritor IVEST VANCOUVFR- Office No. 1447 biotioo Drive, Phone West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite SIS; 610 Hastings Si. W Phone Seymour 4100. Games to be played Saturday, Division I. Canucks vs. Lions; High School (iVest); 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Botham. iVest Vsn (Bye). Division II. iVest Van. Midgets vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds; Inglewood School; 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Mast- erman. West Van 0 Kays (Bye). Division III. North Shore Rangers vs. Cap- ilano; Boulevard Park; 1:30 p.m. Referee, Mr. Smith. Kingsley School vs. Lynn Valley Rovers; High School; 2 p. m. Referee, Mr. Hampton. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. North Shore iVanderers; Mahon Park 1115. Referee, bfr. Hi!der. HARD TIMES DANCE The Hard Times Dance under the auspices of the West Can- couver P. T. A. held in the High School auditorium on Tuesday evering was an enjoyable affair snd was attended by 0 goodly number of ciitizens amongst whom were Reeve Leyland, Mrs. Leyland and aU the members of the School Board. The costumes were of many and varied types. The ladies prize was won by Mrs. Phillips snd the gents by H. Clead, The music was supplied by Geo Child's orchestra and the refreshments were dispensed by Mrs. Phillips and her ladies'om- mittee. Artists were Mr. Woods, Mr. Phoebe aud bir. Childs with Miss Frame at the piano. Visitors were members of P. T, A. Provincial Federation Ex- ecutive in the persons of Mrs. E. Mahon, President, Mrs. A. E. Delmsge, 1st Vice President; Mrs. T. Conlan, Treasurer; Mrs. D. McLean, 3rd Vice President: and Mrs. H. L. Bell, convener of Loan Papers and Speakers'om- mittee. Of these the last named four acted as judges of costumes and the prizes were presented by Mrs. E. Mshon, who gave 0 short address on the relations between the local associations and the Provincial Federation. Mrs. Mahon is s successful candidate for the Vancouver School Board and made this a flying visit by motor on com- pleting an arduous campaign at a meeting in Hastings East, just thirty minutes previous. The hostesses of the evening were Mrs. Geo. Baldwin and Mrs. F. J. Patterson. Bone Dry FIR Full Load $5 COA.L TRANSFER MOVING 0 Phone West 48 DOC COOKE PETE LE REAL HOLLYBURN Barber Shop W. CARLEY Paints, Stains, Glass, Etc. Furniture Repairing and French Polishing, Sign Painting. Furniture bought for Cash or Exchanged 2152 51arine Drive 16th 0 Horioc EXPERT SERVICE E. 10ARSH, Proprietor BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, bigr. Distinctive Fuocroi Service Lady Assistant $20--zrd St. K Phoae North 646 Two interesting events marked the annual meeting of the Unit- ed Church W.M.S. Auxiliary this week. The first was the presen- tation of a life membership to one of the old and well loved members, Mrs. C. Archibald, who though taken entirely by sur- prise, made a most fitting little speech of thanks and apprecia- tion. The second was the an- nouncement of the treasurer that this Auxiliary had met its entire allocation for this year. The election of officers resulted as follows:-- Hon. Presidents--Mrs. E. A. Henry and Mrs. Archibald. President--Mrs. John Reid, 1st Vice Pres. -- Mrs. George Baldwin, 2nd Vice Pres.-- Mrs. iV. A. MscLaren. Secretary--Mrs. A. M. O'Don nell, Treasurer--Mrs. Wm. Herrin. Ferry Schedule for Xmas Day FROM WEST VANCOUVER:-- Hourly Service: 8:00 A, M. to Midnight. FRO14 CITY:-- Hourly Service: 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 A.M. (Midnight) Bus Meets AU Btmts LFGION 51ILITARY iVHIST DRIVES The Canadiun Legion, iVest Vancouver, is giving a series of military whist drives every other Thursday evening beginning 7th January next. There will be six drives in ao over n period of twelve weeks. Four grand prizes will be competed for, in addition to which there will be four prizes each night. The drives will sturt at 8:15 p. m. sharp. The series of whLst drives put on by the I.egion last fall and winter were deservedly popular, and lt is ant- icipated that there will be a large attendance this winter at these events. It is annourced in Ottawa des- patches that Captain F F. Love- grove, late Seaforth Highland- ers of Canada, has been awarded the Colonial Officers'ong Ser- vice Decoration. Ioc-4 t SAFEWAY STORES DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE We are in a position to take care of ao your Xmas Shop- ',I I ping. ~i MIXED NUTS .............................. 19c. lb. 3lbs. 55cil.'I .'I'j ASSORTED WINES .............,.......................... 29c bottle ii. HARD MIXED CANDY .....--..................................... 2 lbs. 25c ti'. ASSORTED CREAMS .............................. 2 lbs. 25c tt XMAS CRACKERS ....................... 39c, 59c, and 89c 'ILAYER FIGS ........................................ 2 lbs. for 35c I ====Be December 19, 1930, Draper's Home Bakery 2110 iliocioo iiriro Btishrs uun (Ill R Srrru ((ihristlnils KEnas Cakes Puddings Mince Meat All Home Made Phoae West 206 Hol1yburn THEATRE THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATUIIDAY ' 'Untamed' iih JOAN CRAWFORD SPECIAL Monkey Comedy ~4 The BURRARD LAUNDRY Ll olios For People iVho Are Particular Agent for SiVAN BROS., DRY CI,EANERS THIRD ST. ood ST. DA VIDS Norih Vancouver Phone North ISI0. iVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone iVest 4101. W ishing you all the Compliments of the Season. K.W. Savory 1443 hlarine Drive Ambleside Phone 'lVesi 340 Evenings, iVest 143 Hollyburn Garage 1503 Marine Drive Phone West 100 H. DA VIDSON Prop hiodc It Up. Ao old lady woo always waylaying the minister io the street to ooh him questions. Ooo doy oho button-holed him ond said: "bic. Brown, would you picoco tell mo the diiforonco between Cherub!m ond Sorophimt" The mioictoc ibooghi wiidiy for ~ miooio or iwo. Thon ho replied, wiib an ioopiroiioo: "Well, they did have o dilfotcoco, boi they have made ii ~ op. ot D 21 iil ti 8 I of de Ci lit I Wl cs) S pr da I gl t