West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Dec 1930, p. 3

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0001 December 19, 19SO, Gray Cabs LOlVKST RATES IN VANCOUVER ---for the first TkVO MILES Iec Ecch Additiuuci Naif Mlle N Cv 4 l Z*t P 4 You only pay for Distance You Actually Travel OiNLY OiNE RATE--DAY OR NIGHT Phone From your home or o%ce in Wali Vancouver Municipality snd a Gray Cab will be waiting For you on ulclvsl oF the Ferry ui the Vancouver vide. Uze Gray Cabl for Every Occasion and Save Money und Time NOTE OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER SEYMOUR 7131 B.C. IIO'I'OR TRANSPORTATION I TD. Mother was taking Tommy shopping; they stood before a window showing gowns on a charming young women of wsx. "Mummie,'exclaimed Tom- ~~," is this where Daddy bought Myon?" Fuc the Best Home Made Xmas Cakes SCOTCH BUNS, SCOTCH SHORTBREAD XMAS PUDDINGS Niece Picu -- Miucc Meat Almond Puvtc for sale. Corns io Stratton'6 Bakery Amhicuidc, Phone West 27 HAIRDRESSING MISS A. biiLLS, 14SS Duchess Avenue Malcciiiug, Finger Waving, Heir.cuttiug. 9)uuicuriug, etc. For Appciutmcuc- Rccidcucc Phone West 280R Prop„R Buuut, Phone West 29 THE Handy Ann Shoppe Duuducuvc --24th uud hiuriuc TOYS GAMES, - BON BONS XbiAS WRAPPING PAPER Dvy Goods -- Hucdwure Stationery -- Schoci Supplies. Rcuuuuuhiu prices. Orders taken uud delivered after 4 p.m. 1 TEA COFFEE COCOA WEST VAN. CHILDREN TO BROADCAST OVER CJOR DEC. 24, AT 8:15l This is a wonderful opportun- ity for the children of West Van- couver who wish to help the West Vancouver Santa Claus I"und by singing Xmas Carols or playing some musical instrument over the radio Christmas Eve from 8:15 to S:45, If you have not your name down and are between 12 snd 16 years old, call in and see George Willis at Kent Piano Co., 1683 Marine Drive, next to Piggly Wiggly, tonight or Saturday evening. The songs or carols you sing will be put up for auction and monies received will be given to West Vancouver Santa Claus Fund for poor children. All services are given free except cost of Broadcasting Station. There will be prizes for the best singers and players. All those who have already applied and their name listed here may go to the residence of Mrs. Colin MacLean, 2031 Marine Drive, be- tween 2 and 5 p. m. Monday, who with the assistance of Miss Mar- garet McIntyre, will judge and arrange the program. Is your name here? Gwen Lightly, Doreen Childs, Olive Childs, Pearl Robertson, Margar- et Kitching, Maisie Busst, Iris Smallwood, Stewart Johnston, Norah Stronge, Doris Cullin, Leone McLeod, Jean Currie, Be- atrice Hodgson, May Armstrong, Harold Johnston, Leslie Willing- ton, Mowa Bachelor, Frank Tea- roe, Edward Tearoe, Ronnie OL Grady, Mary Edington, Garnett Williamson, Walter Tearoe, John Fiddle, Frank Smith, Harry Philips, William Parker, Robert Timbrell, John Wright, Walter Parker. IjJOHN WATT ELECTED PRESIDENT OF NORTH SHORE CONSERVATIVES John T. Watt was elected pres- ident of North Vancouver Dis- trict Conservative Association at a meeting in K. P. Hall, Thurs- day night, 11th instant. Other officers elected: Honorary presi- dent, Premier R, B. Bennett; honorary vice-presidents, Premi- n- es lid h- li- H. nd he ey, I- nt. r Health and Happiness to all For Christmas and the New Year F. J. TROUGHTON Dundarave, B.C. 14th and Marine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Cortlcelll Silk Hose snd Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. er S. F. Tolmie and Ma)or-Ge FURNACE and eral A. D. McRae; first vice-pr SHEET METAL vicehresident, Sidney Hump REPAIRS IAgggbies de SheetMetal%VOrks J. N. White. representing t city association; T. C. Crawl representing Lynn Valley Assoc 1456 Marine Drive ation, snd W. J. Dent, represe ing West Vancouver. See our windows for USeful KInaS GiftS Open uveuiugc uucii Xmas Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear THE WFST VAN NEWS Try the DRUG STORE LO.L. No. 2990 held its regu- lar meeting in, the Orange hall last Tuesday evening with a good turnout of members, when the new officers conducted the busi- ness. Committees were appoint- ed for 1931. A member of the Home Board gave s splendid ad- dress on the Protestant Home for Children, where there were now eighty children. The lodge p. m. next Monday to pay sn of- ficial visit to North Vancouver will assemble at the hall at 7:30 Lodge No. 1840 for the election and installation of officers of that lodge. ~ ~ Mrs. Brown of Winnipeg was a guest at the Clachan hotel for a few days this week. ~ ~ Mr. Brunett of Vancouver, is staying at the Clachan hotel. ~ v ~ On account of sickness Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Chisholm, 16th and Irglewood, were unable to attend the At Home at Government House, Victoria, today, to which they had been invited by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. ~ ~ ~ Miss Dorothy E. Corbett ent ertained at bridge at her home on Monday, Dec. 1st, and the following girls spent an enjoy- able evening: Miss Phyllis Davis, Vivian Armstrong, Helen and Evelyn Colpitts, Mons Sent- ance, Verna Bachelor, and Phoebe Pescod. ~ v The drawing for the doll raffie put on by St. Anthony's Altar Society took place in the )Vest Van. Pharmacy on Saturday eve- ning. Quite a number were pres- ent and W. J. Hilton did the drawing, the winning ticket No. 266 being held by Sylvia Morris. ~ ~ ~ The semi-monthly meeting of the Girls'ridge Club was held last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Crane, 2348 Math- ers Avenue. Mrs. Alan Bean won the first prize. Those present were: Miss Flo Stover, Miss Connie Thomas, Miss Phyllis Neil, Miss Margaret Johnston, Miss Violet Clements, Miss Dor- othy Corbett, Miss Lulu Moss, Mrs. Harry Wright, Mrs. B. Ren- dall, Mrs. Alan Bean, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Ashe. \ ~ ~ A new engine has been instal- led to run the foghorn at the First Narrows lighthouse result- ing in a considerable increase in the volume of sound. It is in- tended to change the light to red and white early next year after the fog season is over. v At the regular meeting of St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. last Monday plans were made to shortly give a supper to eighteen children with a Christmas tree after- wards. ~ \ ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Groom and family have moved from the Fortune Cup Inn to 2641 Marine Drive. v ~ Trust--Porter The marriage of Miss Ida Por- ter to Mr. Sydney H. Trust took place last Friday evening at her home on Duchess Road, Holly- burn, Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry per- forming the ceremony. Owing to the illness of the bride's aunt, only a few of the closest relatives of the family were present. Mr. ard Mrs. Trust left afterwards for a short visit to Seattle. ~ ~ ~ Engagement hir. and hfra. R. MacVeen, 2355 Bellevue Ave., announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Janet N. IEtta) to Sir. Al- bert C. Crighton of 966 28th Ave., Vancouver, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crighton, formerly of Nelson and Vancouver, the wedding to take place on January 10th, 19S1. J. Holt, 11th snd Marine, who has been very ill at Shaughnessy Hospital, is now progressing nicely. c c Mr .snd Mrs. Cuthbertson and family, who have been since the summer occupying Mrs. George Pineo's house at 13th and Keith Road, have moved to Van- couver. \ c c Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Smith and family of Glasgow. Scotland, have moved into the house of Mrs. George Pineo, 13th and Keith Road. Mrs. Martindale, 15th and Es- quimalt, has moved to 17th and Heywood. ~ ~ c Mrs. Mary Dickson is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Condon, 18th and Esquimalt. v c ~ W. C. Gunn, 23rd and Jeffer- son, has returned to his home from hospital, where he hss been a recent patient as the result of an accident. ~ c v C. H. Griffiths is having a double garage built at the back of the Fortune Cup Apartments, 26th and Waterfront. ~ v Mrs. W. G. Wiltshire of West Bay, is able to be out and around again after her accident. ~ ~ Mrs. Margaret Boehme hau moved into the Rhodes house at 18th snd Waterfront. ~ ~ c Mrs. Perry, who hss been a patient in the hospital as a result of an accident on the bus, has returned to her home at Ivest Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. L Mac- Dsniel, -438 Duchess, spent the week-end in Chilliwack, where they attended the funeral of the late Mr. Arnold. c We regret that the name of Mrs. C .E. Burbridge, piano, was inadvertently omitted from the list of teachers whose pupils pro- vided the numbers at the Stud- ents'ecital given by the hfusicisns'lub of West Vancouver on Friday evening, 12th December. v c v Mrs. Bryant is very. ill at her home at 13th and Waterfront. ~ ~ c A successful concert was pre- sented by the Dundarave Ladies Choir at Wesley United Church on Sunday afternoon in aid of benevolent works. This consisted of a delightful selection of sea- sonal choral rumbers and solos. and a substantial sum was raised. This program vras broad- casted over Radio Staticm CKFC. ~ ~ ~The members of the West Van- couver Teachers'adminton Club, gave a good account of themselves Monday evening when they won from St. Paurs 8 games to 4 in the Inglewood gymnasium. A Happy zfmas fo all our customers WEST VAN PIILUNACI 1492 Muliuc Drive The Sieve of Scvvhe. Wc deliver Phuuc 'West 27 Emclgcucy Phoae Weel 221 (After 9 p.m.) i I-UEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE Phuuu West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Sapplles. Rcu Pause Euc)metes West 297L Free E. S. PEARCE Window Shade Specialist Suu Awuiugu Cuciuiu Rods 1999 b)uviuc Dv Picture Flumiug Cuc. 19th Si. Wishing All I My Friends and Patrons. "THE COSIPLISIENTS OF THE SEASON" C. J. Overington BARBER 14th and Marine lt C H GRIFFITHS TAKES OVER FORTUNE CUP C, H. Griffiths has taken over the Fortune Cup Inn, which in future will be known as "Fortune Cup Apartments." As the change in the name implies, there will be rooms for rent by guests, but ro board. Afternoon tees, how- ever, will be served. Those de- siring informauon are requested to phone )Vest 339. SIASQUERADE PARTY The children of West Vancou- ver will be delighted with the an. nouncement that the Duncan Lawsoa Chapter, I.O.D.E., are again planning a Masquerade Party for them, to be held this year on Monday, December 29th. Now everybody get busy and think up your costume for there will be lots of prizes for the c!ever ones. Last year some of the grown-up children, young people in their teens, weze a little disappointed that they were not included in the program so this year the committee have ar- ranged that the younger children are to have full sway from 7130 to 9:30 o'lock, at which time they will have supper and the floor thrown open to the bigger brothers and sisters. Ever) one remembers the jolly clowns and Santa Claus, and the balloons, refreshments, and the rever-ending fun. The committees say that this year the party will be better even than last year so be sure and come on Monday, December 29th. The admission is only twenty- five cents, and you pay at the door. Death of Sire. J. E. Condon's Brother The death occurred on Thurs- day, 11th instant at Tranquille of William Dickson, brother of hlrs. J. E. Condon, The deceased who was 24 years of age, had been ill for some years. Funeral services were held last Monday in Vancouver, and Interment was made in Mountain View Ceme- tery. %Vest Van Motors Extends Xmas Greetings und Best Wvchec for the New Yeuc io ull our puilcml und Fviendc. We uho w)vh io thank you For your business in ihe short time we have been m business Wc hope io con)k)ue io serve you m the Fuiuce BILL GROUT. Phone Well 268 Local and Personal w 'vrv r hbd wv