0001 THE IVEST VAN NEWS December 19. 1930 h r hhmpr .Vh h I hhm r r I r I ~ 4 ~ W I IW I I" x unkur ~ ir 'r'. I I*"I- r'. X -I'. 'P' ~\ r' ir'rr Iu~ -I'rhu ' ~ 'r rpw T rI r.-rrrrwh' I'rr Announcement C. H. GRIFFITHS Has taken over the FORTUNE CUP INN to bo known as Fortune Cup Apartments 25th and Water(rong WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDipiCE 20ib uud Egeuimuii, HuByburu Tbig Society ix ~ Branch of Tbu bfuibar Cburcb Tbu First Cburcb of Cbrigi, Scieuiixi, iu Boston Muggucbuxettg. Sunday Services 11.30 u. m. und 7.30 p, m. SUBJECT, DECEbiBER 21st, "Is the Universe, including Man, Evolved by Atomic Furcel" Sunday School ui 10.00 u. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ~t 0.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Advent 4 (December 21st). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7:16 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service Sunday at 3 p. m. at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild. ROOSIS (No Board), AFTEILVOON TEAS, Phone West 339 Lawyer: hSu your husband died iuiegtuie 1" Aunt Suiruy: "Nu, indeed. Ha died wuy down is old Kuintucky. United Church SIIinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, Decenfber 21st, 1930. Next Sunday the Christmas thought stands in the forefront of all the services. At 11 a. m. the Sunday School will unite with the whole church in the Xmas "White Gifts" ser- vice. The School will meet at 10:30 to mark attendance and do the necessary school work. Then all will take their places in the church auditorium; which is be- ing beautifully decorated for the occasion. A Junior choir will oc- cupy the choir stall under the leadership of Mrs. Colin McLean. Sunday Musical Services MORNING Christmas Carol -- "The First Noel." Chorus--"Prayer of the Norweg- ian Child," R. Kountz. (both by )Vest Van. Junior Choir under the leadership of Mrs. Colin MacLesn.) Solo--«0 Little Town of Bethle- ham," Walford Dsvies. Mrs. Colin MacLean EVENING Anthem--"Let us now go even unto Bethlehem," Hatton. Solo--"The Lord Is My Light," Marsh. Mrs. Howard Leggatt Anthem--"And the Glory of the Lord," HandeL Solo--"Oh, Thou 1thnt Tellest Good Tidings," Handel Mrs. F. Stainsby Anthem--"The Hallellujah Chor II Christmas Carols. Those who missed the concert given on Tuesday last by the Dundarave Ladies Choir missed a real treat. The night was one of the worst of the season from the standpoint of weather and affected the attendance, but 0 generous offering was given which will be used in social wel- fare work. The Ladies Choir de- serve deep appreciation for the unselfish gift of their time and talents for so worthy a cause. All the proceeds are being used for the purpose specified. There will be no Wednesday evening meeting this coming Xmas when Santa Claus is on his job. King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 31 I Hastings St. W. On Christmas Day at St. Step- hen,'s there are two services, at 8 a. mh Holy Communion,snd at 10:SO a. m. Shortened bfstins snd Holy Communion with an- them and other Christmas music. At St. Francis', Csulfeild, there is a celebration of the Holy Com- munion at 9:30 a. m. ID1511 Hite anti ail a erg Hlprru Xmas All persons who have boxes of the Bible Society are asked to turn them in at once. The Trail Rangers attended s meeting last Tuesday afternoon at St. Andrews Church, North Vancouver, in connection with the election of a representative from the Nozth Shore at the an- nual Boys'arliament. Mr. W. A. Rundle addressed the meeting. Egixbiixbud 1902 AB Work Guuruaieed Phone Sey. 1046 CARD OF THANKS birg. I G. Sellers wishes iu express io ber many friends uud iu tbe hosts of friends of ber late husband ber sincere ibxukg for their many kiuduuxxeg uud Sorel tributes both before xud after Mr. Sellers'euttu Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Heywood, Phone West 252R, Sunday, December 21st, 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. White Gift Service. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Great Birthday." Solo, Mrs. Lashbrook, "The Gift." Old time Christmas hymns. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic, "A Visit to Bethlehem." Special Singing. For behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. CARD OF THANKS Mr. A. Cbiituu aud family wish iu express their giueere ibuukx iu their many friends for the kindness uud sympathy exieudgd te them uud for the beautiful Sorel tributes received during their recent gud bereave- ment. Egiubiixbgd on North Snore 20 Years. (Lady Axuiuiuat) HARRON BROS. (k WILLIAMSON g uueral directors North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North IS4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Monday, 7:30--S. S. Christ- mas Tree and entertainment. All sre welcome. United Watch Night service will be held in St. Stephen's Anglican Church, New Year' Eve, at 11:15 p. m. Reserve the date. A week's special services for the deepening of spiritual life wifl be held in the Baptist Church, beginning Sunday, 4th January. The friends who have collec- tion boxes of the British and Foreign Bible Society are asked to return them next Sunday, either to Mrs. W. C. Thompson or Wm. Herrin. West Van 1Verj()s PuMiubmt e~e~ Pris y duxiugug uud Editorial Office: ilia uud Mxfiuu Drive (Ngxi iu Hoiiyburn P O.) Phone West 363 Nail Addguux: P.O. Bux 61. Huiiyburu, 1kC. Pubiixbgr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 6tdn) u yuut by muii ug currier. Ngwxxiusdx 6c. per gupy CHRISTSIAS (Continued from Page I) And for failure in that test no excuses were accepted. It should give us to think snd think furiously especially at Christmastide, and more particularly at this time when sorrow and starvation and misery are stalking the land. There are very few of us who cannot give something, and those few who cannot can at least give service. One thing is certain among a world of uncertainties, that the measure of our Christmas happiness will be in direct proporttion to our giving. That, of course, is 0 very old story, but like most old stories, it is true or it would never have become old. There never wss 0 time in the Christian era when man had 0 greater opportun- ity of relieving the suiferings of his fellows. Let us, all of us, therefore embrace that opportunity and so help to make this unhappy and struggling world a better and a happier place to live In. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 m m.--School for Cblldrua. 3 p. m~puukug: MR. PERCY KING Sub)get: "THE CH REST IkECOSIE MAN" Mr. Kiug broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 0 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2668 Marine Drive. Saturday, 7:30 p.m.-- Confes- sions. Sunday, 8:45 a. m.--High Mass, Sermon. 8 p. m.--Rosary. Instruction Benediction. Week Days, 8 a. m.--Mass. Christmas Chmstmns Fve (Fast and Abstm- ence)-- 10:30 s. m.--Confessions. 7:00 p. m.--(,'onfessions. Christmas Day (Holyday of Ob- ligation)-- 5IIDNIGHT -- High Mass, Sermon. 8:SO a. m.--Second Mass. 9:00 a.m.--Children's Mass Benediction. CHRIS'11MAS (O. E. Christes Maesse, Christ's Mass) is the an- niversary of the Birth of Our Lord at Bethlehem, most prob- ably in the year of Rome 749. The exact date of this most im- portant event cannot be precise- ly determined, owing to conflict- ing statements of early writers. It is certain however, that by the middle of the fourth century the Feast of the Nativity was celebrated at Rome on December 25. On this great Feast the Church calls on us to give, with the angels, "Glory to God in the highest" and to unite in praying "peace on earth to all men of good will." Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th dt Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p.m.-- GIospel Ad- dresss. Speaker for next Sunday IIOIIEitr Stc6«RDO ~ IVEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m,--Prayer and Bible Study. I Df. Msriory McCubbin DENTIST Rouge: 1 p. m. io 6 p. m. Suturduyx: 10 ~ .m. tu 4 p.m. Evuuiugg by uppuisimeui Royal Buuk Bundiug 1'bouc Wggi 41$ nuxideure Pause Wcxt 393. NURSING HOME (Mru. 31. E LuCbuugg, R.N.) 264 - 24ib Street Euxi Nurik Vuueuuvur nexiduuce 1'buue: Nur(b 1360R DUIV HARA VE I.AI)IES CHOlit CONC EltT The Dundsrave Ladies Choir under the direction of Mrs. F, X. Hodgson,gave an enjoyable con- cert in the United Church on Tuesday evening. The proceeds of the concert, which wss under the auspices of the United Church IV. Ah were given in aid of the West Vancouver Welfare fund. The carols sung by the choir were very well rendered, and the other items on the pro- gram were well received. Mrs. F X Hodgson who was in her usual good voice, sang two solos. lilrs. J. E. Durbin acted as ac- companist. G. Lancaster has moved into one of the suites in the Hay Block, 14th snd Marine Drive. 'TEMPLE TOWER'ntensely Thrilling biygiery blclodrums SPECIAL TOY MATINEE SATURDAY, 2:30 Children, bIlug u gaud tuy xud you wni be udmnied tu the Alxuuee saturday fur so An myx are fur dixtrlbuuou amongst the less fumuxum kiddiex thix Cbgimmxu. MON.I TUES„WED. NEXT WEEK 'The Big House'AST: Lewi~ Stowe, Wgnum naggy, Karl Dgxu PQCW~ICII'&JCICICICCICICltCIC~CtCJCJC ib()r Ianungrr nnh &tuff of Ij)y Konshu(y ai)entre (TJnkr tilts 0))ilfortoultg of IIIIsj)tng goo n Ilerg jfHerry Oillrfstmau ~~~~~~~~~~~~:,~-:,~44 LonisoAL E NGW PLAYING suiv PLAYixo CJI r )I 'I shol wtsi chai r] ~ 'g