West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Dec 1930, p. 5

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0001 8 tery 4th, „1 6 @t Ito bht 4&II "mhrh ! noe semm c~ he ' th.i RE jRDAY ler ce BR03„ IVIOS 10. f Hmrtn, I pbcn iw nl tercet I dnnnniic I, nnd nit fain them ligicu in- hiTifim of rdl them clrgmsnd, ufenl lo t of hir d Italic 3 r-htu,,toh iiinngfh irmly; , trnmpb , mother. fy aimiie d ii they ncfnfd it ii. -P. ninfirt OL I December 12, 1930. THE WFAT VAN NEWS NAOMI CHAPTER Opening Specials The rate Ior Ciaatddod Adroptioomeoto io 2 costa pap word, mioimsm 25 costa. Except in the esse OI thcco hociog Iegoior accoaoto, ail cioaoi- Sada ore parable strictly is odeascc. Remember Clomlscdo 4 the West Vaa Ftewo gct Immodiato rooslta Members of Naami Chapter, 0, E. S., will hold the second of their series of whist drives on Tuesday, December 16th. Ow- ing to the inclement weather on the evening of the first drive the committee have decided to allow an "average" score to afi new players so that they msy be able to quahfy for the aggregate prize. Proceeds for relief work. PHILCO BABY GRAND WORK WA.'ITED--By tho day. P4mc West 240R . FOR ItRNT--Comioctabia asd attrac- tive bungalow. Formated. Fell piombing. Fireplace. Goad Scars. Garage 815.00. Phone West 427L FREE QQQ 90 $5.0«»h Inside Aerial 6P al aI 0-- Salance 52 weekly LOST--Chriotiao Scicoce Text Bcohbetween Dsndacaeo oxd Aitamoxt. Plmpo phoae West 196L2.FOR RENT--Practically ocw boone. Pally mcdcco, Six rooms. Good Imxacc. 530.00. Phcoa Wcat 806L FIR AND ALDER, 14 is. Iaogth, 66he per cordi 20 in. to 80 in., 85Jio a cant Cord length, 8440 daBvcmd. qxkk delivery. Phone West 882RI after 5 p.m. CREAM WICKFJt DOLL BUGGY- As good as new. Coot 512.00. Will sell for 54.00. Phone W. 410L FUN ERA I. OF hlRS. A. CHH.TON The funeral services for Ibirn. A. Chilton, which took place lant Saturday afternoon, were very largely attended, the United Church being filled with the very many West Vancouver residents who wished ta express their lave and respect for the deceased and their sympathy for her husband and family in their bereavement. The wreaths were many and beautiful and stretched to n height of several feet right a- cross the chancel of the church. Dr. E. A. Henry conducted the services, assisted by Dr. S. S. Osterhout, and both in their ad- dresses testified in feeling terms ta the life of Christian service which had been sa prematurely cut off in the passing of the de- ceased lady. Several of the late ~ Mrs. Chiltan's favorite hymns were sung by the choir and con- gregation, Mra. J. E. Durbin pre- siding at the organ. Following the service interment was made in the Masonic plot, Capilano cemetery. The Burrerd Funeral Chapel hnd charge of the ar- rangements. FOR Re'.4T--Faoc Iaomad boagaIow. Fully modern. FsBy Iornmbad. Car. 14th and Decbcso. Phone West 8. WILL PARTY who toot oobcaBa os the 6ISO bsx on Thorcday, 4th, kindly Icaeo ot West Von News OI- Aoa. Rcwacct WANTED--Mcadwi Sccko Ior Pcdica Rcingc Home. Phoae Roberts A. Vaos, West 303. FOR RPVT--Lower pact CI hosxc, three rooms, modern, 88.00 month. Phone West 63IL WANTED--Cocker Spoaicl Pop shoot month or six wocts old. Male. State price. Apply West Vao News. FOR REVT -- Fsrsiohcd bsogaiow. 525.00. Apply Burley, 26th ond Waterfront. Phone West 150R2.$8:. OL pp buys almost new Radiola 33Sold for $ 111.50. Be sure to see this. WANTED--Your banery Iet radio or thar gramophone. Will aiiuw yoo a nood price now oo we can sell them before Xmas. FOR XMAS CARDS--Peroooal or ao- Portcd, Pco Margaret Johoonet ot John Lawaan'o oiice, 17th ood Mar- ino any afternoon Item I to 8 or phone West SS. FOR RENT OR SALE -- Partly Iors- iahcd hcooe on Waterfront. Apply Lcyiand, West SSRI. itIARCELLE SHOP -- MatcaSa, 60 cents; reset, 36c; Anger wave, 75c. Phone Mrx. King, West 804. GARDRV CONSTRUCTION--Laoda- cape axd general gardening. Phoae, IL J. Kyto, 2667 Bellevue. NEXT WEEK we are going to (ctt all your tubes Free oF charge. We erect amialx, repair your Iet, and supply Tubes and Saucriex R &DIG--WIII traCk for Ict oc OCR mt, 5 new tabes. speaker. Wct A and B. Batteries. Phiico charger. Gooraotoad goad working order. Phoae West 225. George Willis 'l" Kent Piano Co. FURS CLEANED. STORED or Re- modeled. Sommer prices. Hoiiyboro For Store. Kcitb Block, Hogybors. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Reo- idencc Phoae West 241R.phone West 692 1583 Marine Drive ptcct'Iw'I'CPIP GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUIT, ldtndscape Architecl 0 «I I Ia Land pl ~ U. ot c. A Ica» school at Land pe Architect ta ml c dom a. menthcc N tteaal Lao& p se Ic . SUBSTATION ENLAIIGERIENT Considerable progress has been made on the enlargement of the B. C. Electric Railway Comp- any'0 Fir Street substation, Van- couver, B. C. The new 12,000 volt section is well under way with the bus structure erected. Good progress is also reported on the new addition to the build- ing which is 37 feet high, 94 feet long, and 26 feet wide. Final stages in the enlarge- ment of the company's substa- tion at North Vancouver have been reached. The new light and power structure is practically finished ard will be cut in this month. An expenditure of ap- proximately $125,000 1 is being made here covering substation enlargement and the change- over from 2300 ta 4000 volt dis- tribution. WEBB'S SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dosdacavc, ALL THE BEST Bcaodo of Cigars, Cigarettes ami Tobaccox Also Ex- change Pater Hands and Cosaol cards Free. Ambiocidc Too Romeo. FOR THB BEST SLABS aod Iaoido Fir phoae West 230. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING-- Apply C. L Konisgc, Residence phone West 3041L requirements of good disign must be met if there is to bc real beauty expressed. That is why beautiful gardens are not conceived and made in 0 day. It takes time ta plan them, and time ta build them. And naw, after the season's work in thc garden is done, aH the dilferent phases can be considered effec- tively and leisurely. It is the design that counts; the design with the proper plant- ing and maintenance means everything. It embodies provis- ion for satisfying every require- ment of form, texture, pattern and color. But in the plant world it is diiferent than in any other. Plants have ta grow, some of them for many years, before they fulfil their part in the de- sign. That is why the problem is more difficult than it is with the decorator who can work with pigments in paints, colors in textiles, rugs nnd Boors and create his picture in a perman- ent, substantial form, immediate- ly. The first requisite then, far old homes or new, is ta have a plan for the grounds. The plan is a record of a carefully devel- oped idea, an organization of the grounds into a pleasing schema in which walks, drives, open areas, plants, etc., all play their proper part. It is simply a rec- orded idea to follow aut. A number of weeks ago we suggested that those of yau wha wished to make over your old garden or try your luck with 0 new one, should first of all gei the right start by making a plan of your home grounds, on which plan accurately located aH exist- ihg features should be plainly shown Then it was suggested that if yau had in mind to mat- erially change any feature of the place, that another plan of the same dimensions with the fixed boundaries and features shown upon it, would ail'ard opportun- ity ta sketch in the new arrange- ments. IVO just want to give a little review for the sake of encouraging those who have not yet made their plans. Garden planning is many-sid- ed. The kind of a garden han ta be decided upon, its location, itn relationship ta the house, itn pro. portions, anct lastly its furnish- ing and adornment. Most people da not think of aH of these fac- tors offhand, and unless 6 plan is made have mistakes ta rectify that entail the prolonged use ofhe shovel. Take a tip and use a pencil instead. To get the most out of a garden it must be plan- ned ta meet the requirements of both utility and beauty--just as the house is planned. If the garden is to be along formal lines, there is the nice little problem of proportion. Repetition, balance, rhythm, and accent play their part in the formal design. The beholder of the completed garden may nat be conscious of anything but the beauty of the picture, but the After food has been carefully selected, it is important that it should be carefully stored and prepared. It must be kept clean and sweet. LISTINGS lVANTED--We taco oev. eral parties looking for Rcddeotial ~od Acreage Bargains. II yoo wiob to sell please aobm t location asd prtco. 15IPORTA.'iT--Note change of ad- draao aod aaa phoae. Sotto 2 at 425 Howe St. Sey, 4055 Or phoae C. J. ARCHeR. treat 225. R. P. CLARK dk CO. ESTATES LTD. A Scotsman arrived at Eustan Station one day by a noon train, and gravely asked a cabby if hs could drive him ta catch a train at Waterloo Station at four 0'- clock. Cabby thought ha could do it in the time. The traveller got in- side and for three hours and fifty minutes that cabman drove the man from the North by devi- ous way across London. When he wan set down at Wat- erloo the Scotsman sought a policemsni aIVhat's the fare from Euntan,a hs asked. "Three shillings," wan the re- sponse. "Here," said the canny one, handing him the money, "will you kindly settle with the cab- man while I get my ticket2" DO VOT HeSITATB earner hotoco we have ever ogcrod at the bargain Prtco ai 5350. smo 4 129 ft. x 140 IL A 86 It. Iot in same vklxity baa ioat been sold for 8750. This io Your Opportunity to prepare for next Spring. I II ACBES at ALTAMONT. Forced to Pcu for low price ai 8350. Sec Mr. 'll. R Scttoe GILLBSPIE HART Jt Co. 456 Howe St. Sey. 9360 The manageress of a laundry was bewailing the lack of educa- tion among members of her own sex even when occupying goad positions. aI receive many letters," ahs said, nand I find two words which frequently occur are generally misspelt." nAnd what are the wards so" 'Preposterous'nd 'exhorbi- tant." GEO. HA.Y Real Estate mud Insurance Notary Psbmc FIRE LISURAFCE We have Small Amooota os Hand Icc Good nlortgagc Loaaa. 140S niarioc Drive Office Phone West 21 or Say. Inca Residency Phoae W. 32R ar W. 20LY 18 31 With aH its opportunities lies before yau, ARE YOU SATIS- FIED WITH THE RESULTS OF 19302 Consult CRESCENTIA Winnipeg'6 noted Palmist and Psychologist. Bring her your worries, perplexities, your aspirations. SHE CAN HELP YOU. She has helped thousands. Let her help you to start the New Year right. At "THE CLACHAN," 15ih and 16th December. Fees $1.00 and $2.00. NOTE--Tho wit Sl o Idw n ~ PIt w ca Ilolt Nwnmc Iho ~ d I Ih4c I w». Th O coot scald h ddco ocd I tho rnn I c ~ I Iho Editor. Th ~aa ec atn ptaw la aa Ip I N ~ p twa plp 4 4 ~Ical ~ t wmd, Turn on Ihc switch, it's ready ta go. The aerial will bring you Denver, Portland, Seattle, Sak Lake City, Loo Angeles and other distant stations. ~ I tfh pp buys 5-tube Jewel Battery Set$ I" hms a lovely tone mnd very powerful. $ 4't j pp buys 5-tube stewart warner completewith batteries nnd beautiful cabinet. IP.hl. 0 ISL fg nnd A charming girl was taken ta nee a Rugby match. She didn' understand Rugby. "Why did they stop that man and knock him down as soon as he picked up the hall?" shs asked "Because ho waa trying ta score," explained her companion.~ CBut isn't the abject of tha anme ta nCareS" "Yes, but he's on the other side. Ha was going the wrong wsy--that is, towards the wrong goaL" nWell," said the girl, OI don' sea why they should knack him down for that. Everybody is likely to make mistakes." How He Spent It. . Mother: "Jimmy, I gave youixpsnce this morning for taking your castor oil--what did you do with the money?a Truthful James: "I bought chocolate with half of it, and gave Fred the other threepence ~ for taking the castor oil'a The teacher was examining Johnny'8 homework. "Johnny," nhe said, athls looks suspiciously like your sister' writing." nYes?n queried Johnny. "Well, miss, you see, I used her foun- tain pen." VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Coos LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrarl Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Ptwoo North 345 Reo. Phaooat Forth tuSY-1562X