0001 c rerr~e i'i"vv r .o r"W vr virrr "~ h vrvA or \I ~v r i s r r ev. r r ~ re@ r rr 4 eeoc "I - .'I're ~ w rt 'ry4 we/ ~ ' rri iop. r rret orow " i : ~ r ~ r rel .rrr«"re Or 'r vr r'r'r rrr rr.r' vrrr."rr .r -r» -rr .rrr. rr rrrev r 'r ~ tir i nrr rr err rv*rr .r .rre ~ ee'r . s rrrr v 'r~r THF. WEST VAN NEWg PUBI.IC 8('HOOI, CHRISTSIAS CON('ERT I'RO&iRA51 Draper's RHYTIIMIC EXFR('ISES „..... Pauline Johnson 2474 blorloo Dries 4. CHRISTMAS CANDLES,,.............. Pauline Johnson Lot us hsvo your orders early 6. (a) TERSCHELLING REEL I „Paulin~ Johnson fot oor well bsowii 6. THE BROIVNIFS (b) POLKA (Country ('ardens) X Cakesmas 7. CHRISThfAS CARPLS'uddings (a) The Shepherds Fouiid Th~ Mince Meat(b) Deck the Hali. (c) The Holly and the Ivy Msdo from the lots blrs. 8. SOLDIER poi Dl Dtspof s recipes, ood which horsgloss such sstlsforUoo io our )Pauline Johnson customers during the psst throe (b) THE GERMAN COUPI,E DANCFl iissrll. 10. HIAWATHA .................... Hollyburii I'hoss lrrsl SSS11. CASEY AT THE BAT...............................Pauline Johnson 12. IVELSH DANCE (The Ash Grove)........ Pauline JohnsonIJ. IIOBIN HOOD.....„.....„...,, Holi burn 14. ENGLISH SON ""'" '"'"""'"""""-"""" Byburu Ths saddest story of the month wss (a) Farewell Manchester about the business mso who married (b) The Viking Sp bls stenographer iolho belief that ho (c) I Will Give M i ing png would costless dloisliog to her. J=- e y ve an ppe. God Save the King, HoRFI(,ill,TURAL sio(IE'IY IHE I.ATE MRs. cHll.qoN HOllyburn HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING ancouver Horticultural d A i lt I 8 it t k THURSDAYoc!e y oo Chilton, to be filled with happyplace last Monday evening in the useful„'s 8 I I ad th FRIDAY and SATURDAY i(ial hall, Reeve have been many months of painlehland, the President, being in and helplessness, ended only by l A Treasurer W. McQuaker resent of the year's activities, and photographic co-operation in aGunk«present- scheme to be worked out by the gomgQCeed the annual statement, duly (,".G,I,T. durin th f llvhich showed the As- winter. I ivas struck with thesociation to have a balance in the keen enthusiasm she disPlsyed I oiih6 . 6. Both reports and with her Inventive resources LUPE Vei EXwere adopted. Reeve Leyland in combined with sound practicala short address thanked the dir- judgment in connection with theectors and members for the sup- technical details. I believe that The BURRARD himself. It a port given the Association and in her hands th eventure wouldt had been a very sat- have been a striking success. Butisfactory year, and he referred the following winter saw the be-especially to the bank balance ginning of that weariness whichcarried forward, which consider- turned out to be an indicati'n 'ca ion' e hard times was remark- pf deep-rooted physical trouble; Fpi I eople Who Areable, being slightly in excess of and the scheme was postponedthat at the end of 1929. This until she could get back herpsst year the Association had strength, a hope which was not A ent for SWAN BROS.introduced "Hospital Sunday," to be realized. gent or iwhich had been so successful DRY CLEANERS it wss intendml to make ft having as its leader for so long, THIRD BT. osd BT. DAvIDs A discussion n k place as to one who possessed Mrs. Chilton's North Vancouver the dmirability of ask;m the qualifications. She had read a Phone North 1310. council to donate a substantial good deal, and had profited by f th b f bo I a d her experience of life; and she IVest Van. Representati "e cleared and put in shape dm'ng was herseH the mother of F. RIVERS th ear 1931 Aft nu I r daughters. ShewasjusttheP r- I'hone )Vest 4101. of memb rs hsd ~ressed their son who could Provide a grouP viewsthematterwasreferredto of teenage girls with much the incoming directon needs oPPortunities for selfwx- that the new directors take into S e was no stranger to good lit- pn the cpmpet for the best gardens and best a sense of humor; and she was boulevards being open to mern- not anxious to Pla'y major Part bere only. herself. Such a combination of Thp following directors were Qualities made her leadership a elected for the year 1931: L wholesome and stimulating one Burley, D. M. Stitt, K. A. Ray, for the grouP of growing girls Mcquaker, Councillor G. I)'hom she led. Their association Elgar H Glm Mrs E A Ford with her was a valuable training Mrs. R. J, Kyte', Mrs. A. E. Ma~ for them in social duties and r~ on, Mrs. W. G. Barker. '" SPonsibilities. Votes of thanks were passed There are those who would say to the president and directors, that such work as thisisof little the secretary and the treasurer or no account in comparison with for their work, especially the purely religious propoganda. But secretary, to Miss Frame and Mrs. Chilton was a wise woman. Mrs. Alexander for providing the She never lost sight of religion; music at the two shows, to the but she was too shrewd and too West Vancouver Pharmacy for broad-minded to forget that teen loaning their windows for the agegirls are not to be dragooned exhibition of prizes, and to the West Van News for publicity given the Association. It wss KEEP THIS DATE OPEN also directed that letters of Th rspzy De+, The meeting was then adjourn- ed at the call of the chair, and For WEST VANCOUVER PUBI.IC SCHOOLS tea and light refreshments served. Q Christmas Concert gThe Second West Vancouver ComPany pf Girl Guides will be To be heM in the HIGH SCHOOI, AUDITORIU51 at 7:30 I'.M.glad to receive donations of toys, clothing, etc., for distribution to Doors open at 7 o'lock sharp. Admission 25c. the needy. The Guides will mend any broken articles. Phone Mrs. S ecisl bus leaves IVest Bay for High School at 7:06 anil ~~~~ A SUGGESTION ~~~~~ IVhy not make a gift of a lVELL TAILORED SUIT or OVERCOAT for Xmasf Splendid selection at the right prices DRY CLEANING and PRESSING M. %VILLIAMS Phone West 20 .. 1668 Marine Drive .. Res. Phone IVest 236L Hollyburn Hollyburn L.O.L. DANCE A good tiome was had by those who attended the dance given by the L.O.L. No. 2990 in the Or- ange hall last Friday evening. While there was not as large an attendance as usual due to the many social events lvhich have taken place recently, those who were there appreciated to the full the excellent music played by the Blue Syncopaters Orchestra, who lived up to the excellent rep- utation made by them when they provided the music for the dence given earlier in the year by the L.O.I on the occasion of the opening of the Orange hall. F " West 176IRST MASOiV TRAiNSFER 8'UELSUPPLY Burn Diamond Sootless Coal Full Stock of Nanaimo-Weflington and hl«Leod River Hard Coal Phone us and Save Your Money Alder and Fir Bushwood 66.75 GORDON ROBSON I Sslvlsiot 6 Solirnsr I WEST VANCOUVER- Offirs No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone Wast 496. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite SIS; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. STUDENTS RECITAL LARGELY ATTENDFD The first students recital of the Musicians'lub of West Vancou- ver took place last Friday night before an audience that crowded the Legion hall. Six of West Vancouver's music teachers presented pupils and a varied program resulted, which except possibly for its length, was very enjoyable. Mrs. Knight Hodge, who con- vened the program, deserves a large meed of praise for the suc- cess of the program generally and particularly for the train- ing and leading of the student orchestra in their rendition of Haydn's immortal Toy Symph- ony. 'I'he teachers represented on the program. were Mrs. Durbin, piano; Mrs. IVilson, piano; AIrs. F. X. Hodgson, vocal, and Mrs. Knight Hodge and Miss Mcln- tyre, violin and piano. The next recital will take place on Friday, January 9th. Bone Dry FIR Full Load $5 COAL TRANSFER MOVING Phone Veest 48 DOC COOKE PETE LE NIAL HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th & Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor l~o~f(OO~II~o~i bV. T. ATIVOOD NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Plumbing Installations Games for Saturday, Decem- ber 13th, 1930. Division I. West Van. vs. Canucks; Amble- side Park; 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Masterman. Lions (Bye). Division II. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. West Van. 0 Keys; Boulevard Park, 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Hilder. West Vsn. Midgets (Bye). Division III. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. North Shore Rangers; Mahon Park; I:15 p.m. Referee, Mr. Mot- tershead. North Shore Wanderers vs. Kingsley School; High School; 2 p. m. Referee Mr. Moon. Lyr.n Valley Rovers vs. Capilano; Lynn Valley Park; I:30 p.m. Referee, Mr. Smith. into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that there is a big place for workers who can appeal success- fully to the social and dramatic instincts of these girls, and use these instincts to detain them within the circle of religious in- fluences. Mrs. Chilton had abilities of her own; but she thrust them resolutely into the background, and devoted herself instead to helping the members of her r-. family to develop and realize ~ their ambitions. Mother-like,too she gave of her own strength freely,--probably too freely,-- and afForded one more example of that self-sacrificing mother- hood which men can only admire and wonder at, thankful if they have learned to appreciate it while appreciation avails. --P. New or Replacements Supplied ON TERMS Phone West 301 For information. (~0~ I 0 ~~O~J 'hs: "What woold yoo do if I shoobl cry 7" Hs: "Hang oot s sign, 'Wst Paint'." g Santa Claus g will be at The Clachan Hotel on Wednesday, Dec. 24th from 2 to 5 p. m. All children nine years of age and under who wish to meet Santa Claus sre asked to send in their names to the Clachan Hotel by Saturday, December 20th. QQ kobmson, West 35X. Gifts will returns after concert.be called for. Maclean's Orange Pekoe, the Best by Test