0001 '%WE. C ar rvvhis a vv r v vww 'vvv v- '" w4 s 0 a s' 47 s '$a' sv ~ c, v' ls:" s ~a v va tv Asks' ' ~ r vs :r's a v ~ ~ s'. ' 'V«'cr v« . "~ ' v rv' r v v yr rvsv vvv vvrvvv ~vvrrrbv ~ ~ v vr. ~'vv~ ~ '.v. ~ ' rvm- rvr rvvsravcvv rrvvrvvv v'mith S GrOeery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,",",'„""..,"'"„,'„',„", Soilyburn Telephone Service Free Delivery COFFEE ............. I lb. Iin 46c I TE.'I. Nabob Bran& pcv I IK iin 4ac ~ Al.l. BRAN, Kellogg's, pac phi. Ipc CATSUI; Nabob. 12 os. .. I'lc'UTTER,Finest Quality only, 2 Ibm'51.99 ~PANTRY CAKE Shelly's 2 lbs. 49c Rcsl tk White EXTRACTS- IH oa. 17c 4 oa.......... glc APPLES--Novihcrn Spies ov W inter Bananas, 25 Ba open hox . . .... . . .. .. ......... 5 I .25 bIARMALADE, bluvvay's. 49 oa 1st ....................... 25c BOVRIL, 2 oa....... 55c 4os.. 65c RED PLUbiS, Nabob .... 2 tins 2lc PEAS, Columbia Choice, 2 iins glc BERRY SL'GAR, 2 lb. carton 17c Rvd lb White BREAD FLOUR 7 na sack 29c FIG BARS .... 2 ibss ssc SRELI.EI) WALK UTS, halvsa, white meat, Fancy dvy crack, lb. ..................... 19c Rcd gi ighiio Sl'ICES, I'uvo-- I'appar, Cloves, Ginger. Cinna- mon, Nutmeg, cic. 2 tins Ibc BAKIN(: SUI'I'LIFsi Curvaais, Australian .. 2 lbs. 25c Seeded Raisins, Nabob, 15 ospackcis.... 2 pkis. 25c Peel, Lemon and Orange, whole caps, pov Ib ................,..... Igc PasivyFlouc. Wild liusc, I 9 na sack . ... .............. 45c SOCKETS SAI.MON, lied 6 White I'incsi Quality Northern IL C. Fish ....................... Fs Rs iin 22c I lb. Iin 41c MEATS FOR CASH Under the supervision of Bert Sulter I'ORK Fore Legs ........................ 15c Butts ......................... 22c Fresh Ham, legs, half 22c lb. Fresh Ham, fillet....... 25c lb. Loins, half or whole .. 2.ic Pork Chops .............. 25c lb. EGGS -- EGGS from Davis Poultry Ranch 11th and Mathers Fresh Daily No. I NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 lbs. 81.10. No. I STEER BEEF Pot Roast ................ 12yic lb. Round Bone Oven Roast per lb......:..... 12ytc Blade Rib Oven Roast, per lb.. 12s/tc Rump Roast ... 20c and 22c lb. Deep Sirloin ........,....... 25c lb. Farmer Pork Sausages 25c lb. Cambridge Sausages 2 lbs. 25c Kidney Chopped Suet.. 20c lb. EXTRA SPECIAI, Neii Zealand Butter with meat order 3 lbs. 51.00 Roberts'etter Meats Daily Delivery to All partsISS) Maiine Drive West 190 CONSERVATIVE ASSN. (Continued from Page I)'f dredging as recommended in the foregoing was deemed by your Board to be sufficient, first, by reason of comparison with other equally important and sim- ilar channels, and second because of the enormous improvement which will be effected over pres- ent conditions. Moreover we are satisfied that this clearance will care for any traffic which may develop within .the lifetime of the bridge. Such !mprovements to the channel will materially re- duce the tidal currents, straigh- ten the fiow, and largely elimin- ate dangerous eddies. The vertical clearances recom- mended will care for all existing traffic today on the Pacific.u THEREFORE be it resolved, that as the aforesaid statements of Commissioner Winiams are detrimental to the best interests of the Port of Vancouver, a pro- test be forwarded to the Premier the Minister of hiarine, and the hiinisier of Trade and Commerce. Vice President--W. W. Rut- !edge (acclamation). 2nd Vice President -- N. G. Blurchfield (acclamation). Sec. Treasurer--Captain C. J. Archer. Executive (acclamation)-- W. R. Hainilton, J. B. Leyland, Cap- tain F. F. Lovegrove, J. T. Watt, E. IV. Weeden, W. Carley, Colon- el K. W. Savory, J. 51. Edington, H. A. Eager. Ecbofficio--Dr. F. E. Dorches. ter. Hon. President -- Hon. R. B. Bennett. Hon. Vice Presidents -- Hon. Dr. S. F. Tolmie, General A. D. McRae, J. Loutet, M.L.A. Auditors--T. E. Batchelor, W. K. Woodcock. The officers and executive were unanimously elected ss del- egates to the convention of the North Vancouver District Con- servative Association's annual general meeting in North Van- couver on 11th December. The election of officers result- ed as follows: President--W. J. Dent (accla- mation). Ambleside L Phone %Vest 199 NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m., W Suggestions Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5th II 6th THE WEST VAN NEWS EXHIBITION OF I'AINTINGS iN LEGION IIAr.i. More than a hundred guests attendeil the First Annual Ex- hibition of Paintings by the West Vancouver Fine Arts Class consisting of Miss B. A. Fry and students. The exhibition was formally opened by Reeve Leyland who in the course of his remarks ex- pressed pleasure in the quality of the work shown. He congratulat. ed the class upon the fact that bliss Fry had recently been hon- ored by having a picture hung in the Royal Canadian Academy. Exhibitors and members of the class are hiiss Lily Lawson, Miss Fva hIcBain, Miss Ma&lge Speck, hiiss Gertrude Lawson, Mrs. T. Dick, Mrs. Barbour, Gertrude Pitman, Barbara Mather. There was also some fine work sent in by students in Miss Fry's class in New Westminster. Presiding at the urns were Miss E. McBain, Mrs. E. Hill, hIrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. T. Dick, Mrs. B. Har- rison, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Rud- olph. Those assisting were Mrs. Condon, the hlisses 51, Macfie, E. Millard, H. Ritchie, J, Leyland, G. Pitman, K. Armstrong, A. Lemon, B. Barbour, Joan Ajello, Peggy Marshall. Miss Frame ivas responsible for a very enjoyable musical pro gram consisting of solos by Mrs. F. Staineby, Mrs. Barbour, Miss Joan Durbin, Miss M. Ellis and violin solos by Mrs. L. C. Reid. December 6, Ipso f West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and 51arine LIMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull. hlanager, Residence I'hone: Went 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU SEE SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles Miss Simpson (to the lady principal): "Mr. Johnston has come to take me for a drive. May I go7" Lady Principal: "You know that the rules of the college pro- hibit such a thing unless you are engaged. Are you engaged to Mr, Johnston'ju Miss Simpson: "Well, no--but if you let me go I shall be by the time we get back." ik% '.a'„'-'. ~1l~b~i'~ J~jilt '---Ig% I~v 'j,jljW~jss Iiyqf[ NEW CslANT OUR SERVICE AF T E R 2 0 months of work, theRuskin hydro-electric develop- ment, fifth power plant in the British Columbia Electric Railway Companysi mainland system, is in operation. It stands for the B. C. Electric's assur- ance that the electric power supply for this district shall always be adequate. Twenty months ago, the Stave river ran turbulent and unmolested through its rocky gorge. Today it has been stemmed by a 185-foot dam of solid concrete and its waters diverted through the power house to operate the dys000 horse power generator that helps to keep the homes and stores of this district lighted and the wheels of the factories turning. The Ruskin of today is only one quarter of its ultimate size; eventually it will have four generators of a total capacity of 188,000 horse power. Instead of five high tension circuits from Alou- ette-Stave-Ruskin, there will be eight. , ~ 1st Ill s Wc shall bc glad to scud you a bootsjct dmcribtag tbts Project. Writs or Phoae Publicity DePart- mcst, 3PJ B. C. Electric Building, Vancouver, B.C. iR Ieb Imlm mini IIII IIII IIII I IIII I IIII I nil i Inl IIII G W.25 a «su 7 ura skaw~ 5 LUMBIA ElECYRIC RY0 CO0 Jefferies Superior Meats Government Inspected Only EXTRA SPECIAL SMOKED PICNIC HAMS--6 lbs and over, each..... 81 00 SLICED BACON IN PACKAGES, per package .. 20c LAMB, BEEF. PORK, VEAL COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATFDSEN {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhlBI.ESIDE STORE+ )vest 3 )VEST 303