West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Dec 1930, p. 5

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0001 December 5, 1930. 1 ~ lilt ling ing. 1hy the llig- IID Kds ueli quet dcc. iihc. A- )fih I Silk ulhy izfic. i,Al. ,All. lka- Pdf ',ioCt. viiit- Sytd (lest. GARDENS and GARDENING . BUTT, chitect schoei ai hoeac w A ~ iccecacc ood Laadccaoo mauo. By NINA G ldhadscape Ar 0 edwie ia Laadocaalaa U. et C Aaauoeiao. meal N Chad stock. If suckers do appear (you will know them as soon as they appear by the fact that they have nine leaflets on 8 stem) cut them oi? beneath the ground. After the plants have been set in the ground the earth should be firmly tamped around it, but not so close that the ball of earth which came with the plant is broken. Make a mental note of the approximate size of this ball of earth when you are planting and keep about that distance a- way from the stem of the plant when tamping. The burlap a- round the roots need not be re- moved, simply loosen the sack- ing at the top and turn it down so that the edges are beneath the ground when the plant is in place. The burlap will soon rot away. Soak the ground around the newly planed shrubs quite thoroughly, and cover the ground around with leaves, sawdust, or some such material to retain the moisture. Water thoroughly once a week. Daily sprinkling is much worse than nothing. NOTE The ~ew iii ~ hi r ii ~ aia co io wcoa I I Ula co oioc che cadw ia thi ~ l~ Th c ~ Clo ho id 1 ddcaced ia ihe It c ia oi ii ~ Ediae. Th ac lii Om ia w ic i coo ac li ~ o c wd r eic u dai ed ~ ew eal 1VEST VAN. OY" The monthly meeting of the West Van. "Y" was held last Tuesday at Mrs. Reid'8 home, 19th and Bellevue. After the de- votional period, business was dis- cussed and plans made. Plans were also made for the hamper to be given away for which each member is asked to donate some- thing and to please leave it at Miss Green's. Refreshments were served and enjoyed by all and 8 vote of thanks extended to the hostess for kindly opening her house. Masals (Raisin) Wine Put 4 lbs. of sugar into a pan with 2ick gallons of water and boil from 35 to 45 minutes. Meanwhile run? lbs. of raisins through a mincing machine. Pour over the boiling liquor. Stir well until thoroughly mixed, then cover with 8 thick cloth or blanket. Stir occasionally for 3 days, then let stand for 3 weeks. By, this time it will be perfectly still. Skim, strain, pressing out all the liquor into a cask holding about three gallons, do not bung up for 8 few days. Add finings if required, and in a few days it will be ready for bottling. If left for 6 months before bottling the flavor will be far better. In planting trees and shrubs except privet and grafted or bud- ded roses, do not place them any deeper in the soil than they were at the nursery or wherever they were previously growing. Plants secured from a reliable nursery'ill have the roots tightly bound up in burlap, and when lifting ' plant place the hands underie ball of earth so that the soil will not become loosened from the roots, If when you lift up the plant it appears that the soil has become loosened it is 8 pretty good indication that the plant has not been properly dug, or has had careless handling before you received it. If the tree or shrub has been grown properly, and hss been transplanted sever- al times during its stay in the nursery, the soil should adhere to the roots and stand a reason- able amount of rough handling. lteliable nurseries take every precaution to see that the trees 'and shrubs purchased from them~ erch you in good condition. In the case of budded or graft- ed roses it is advisable to plant two or three inches deeper than the plants were set originally. This hss a tendency to discour- age "suckers" from the parent CHElillCAL ANALYSIS OF ISI.AND COAL SHO1VS l(IOIIE HEAT VALUE After all is said and done, it is not what you pay for coal, but the price you pay for the HEAT you get. That is what counts. You can take 8 sample of Na- naimo-Wellington and Comox Coal, put it side by side with any other coal on this market, and you'l find that none gives as much heat as the Island product. Ask any fuel engineer'e'l tell you. Chemical analysis of Island Coal shows an average of 13,030 heat units, where nonlsland vari- eties show anywhere around 10,- 000 (some as low as 6,000). This is a very important thing to remember when buying your winter's supply. You should buy goal heat... not simply "coal." Even if Island Coal were more expensive... which it isn'... it would still give you more heat per shovelful. Today's price of Nansimo-Wel- lington and Comox Coals is less than last year's and still lower than imported coals. Why pay more for less heat? )Vhy send money out of British Columbia when the Home Pro- duct is a better bargain? Why pass up your opportunity to help business conditions here? Thirty thousand people in British Col- umbia are dependent upon the coal business for their daily liv- ing. Your ton of Island Coal guarantees one day's mainten- ance for at least one B. C. family... and every ton of Island Coal in your coal bin means more money in your own pocket and more heat and comfort in your home. ON STOCK Large Supply Wellington Furnace also G ALT COAL Recommended for Range. ED. BLACK 26th and Marine Drive. WEST 68 THE WEST VAN NEWS CLOSEI 'I«. Indian Summer and the "short blue moon'ad been much short er than usual in the valleys of the 'Purcea pangs, frosts hsd come before the snow, ptarmigan and varying hares hsd turned white, then, after 8 few days of eerie stillness November was ushered in with 8 booming bllrr sard. For three days snd nights the snow sifted through the trees, blanketing the forest floor four feet deep, grey skies cleared, sub- zero temperatures clamped down snd Winter reigned. From his cabin on the South Fork, Luxton began to string his traps on a flfteeen mile triangle, a small line but good. He had "nursed" it. A fur pocket. This was accomplished in a few days. Then, as he needed meat, an early start was made to get a deer. The open fireplace was replen. ished with three green logs, fire- guards put up, the stove wss filled and closed, s mulligan of grouse and snow-shoe rabbit set on the side, and the coi?ee pot filled. Loxton stepped out under the stars into the twenty-live below, tested the gentle winds, and started up an easy slope toward a distant lick where he was sure 8 buck would be bedded down. 'I'he east was paling when he came upon his quarry. He was kneeling to fir as the buck rose when one of his snowshoes settled deeper, and, even as the report rang through the still air, he knew he had made 8 bad shot. The deer was of? End there was nothing to do but follow eas. ily until he laid down from ex- haustion and stii?ened. Though badly hit with a stomach shot he led Loxton some twelve miles over a rough coun- try across Wigwam snd Lodge- pole Creeks above their conflu- ence, then in 8 glade on the banks of Wigwam he found the buck lying down Within an hour the deer was dressed and ready for packing 8 good rough eight mike to the cabin when Loxton made his second mistake that day. He tried to cross Wigwam on the ice with a hundred and twenty pounds on his back Leaving his rifle on the shore he started across the shoal ice and was two-thirds over when the unexpected happened, a crack, 8 flounder, 8 swift short struggk,and the deer wss on the ice while Loxton was ashore soaked to the skin. It was twen- ty-fiv below zero. It was useless to try to make 8 fire. His clothes were already becoming rigid so he did the only thing possible in order to save life. He headed for the cabin like a bird. A long four-mile rise across country, over windfalls, up and down gullies, took it out of him. To sit down and rest 8 moment would have been heaven, but he knew, oh, he knew well, that, if he did, he would sleep and not awake again in this world. Besides, he had seen frost-bite amputations. He reached the summit of 8 long low ridge snd there four miles below him he saw the cab- in. A blue wreath of smoke was rising from the c CLASSIFIED ADS mecca lo 2 ccola pev word, aluiaua havlug regular acccosla, all clcacb WA'CTED--hlcudcd Sacks for Ponce Refuge Home. Pboua Robaviu A. Yacc, Waci 888, BANTAM ROOSTER WANTS BCLai. Will comabod donate. Pair io go io Lcgiou va fla. Phone 15'eai SSL POR RENT--Five toom buogaloo'u Watavfcoui, corner 21at aud Argyle. hlao three voomad fmvdchod cotta Very cheap sent. Apply 2124 Avgy)c Phone West SOL UPHOLSTERER -- Fucuiiuvo, Cwra, L:oalaum cud carpeia lai& N. CL Ellis, 1420u Watacfroot, RacMcuco phone West 847Y. SAW-FILING--Sawo ccaad Coc aud delivered, Raaidama phouo West 847Y. FOR RKCT--fdcwcv paci of three rooms, modavu, 58.00 mouth. Phoca West SSR. WANTFD--Paiuliug Paper-hauglug Kalaomi'slog aud Plcaior.paichiog. Eetlmatea fcaa. Pbouo Weel 888R. WANTED--Cocker Spaulal Pap shout month or ~ iu waakc old. Male. State price. Apply West Vas Nawc. FCR ANi D ALDER, 14 iu. Ccugtih Sshe par cord; 20 is. to 80 iuo 56.60 o cord. Coal length, Sdhe delivers& Pboua Wcat Sii2R1 ofter 6 p.m. FOR RENT--Four Room Suite. Evacy- thine electric. Frigidaire. Garage. Sls.ee. Apply Applaiou Coact. Phone West 424. FOR RENT Focoiahcel buugclow. 52S.00. Apply Barley 20ih aud Wa\evfvoui. Pbouc West 159R2. FOR XMAS CARDS--Pacaoual oc uo- aoctcd, aec Slacguvat Johootou oi Jobs Luwcoo'c oficc, 17th sud Mar- Iiic, coy cfmcuoos fcoul 1 io 8 ov pboua West 65. FOR RCPT OR SALE -- Partly favu- ichod house on Waterfront. Apply Leylaud, West SSR1. SCARCELLE SHOP -- Mavcano, 60 cents; raaai, S6c; finger wave, 75c. Phone Mva. King. West 804. WINDOW BLINDS Made io Ovdac aud Repaired. Eatlmctec fvoa Cuc- talu rods. Apply L Paccco, 1911, Street aud blaviuc Drive. Rccidcsca phouc West 267I FOR RENT -- Fovuiabad basgclow. Every couvaslcuco. Burley, 28th aud Waterfront. Phoae West 15982. RADIO--Win trade foc loi or oalL Battery aei, 6 ucw ucbcc. Load cpaakav. Wat h aal B. Bcttcvhah Philco charger. Guarauicad goad working ocdcc. Phone West 226.GARDEN CONSTRUCTION--Lands- cape cud general gardening. Pboua, R. J. Kyio, Ki67 Bellevue. POR SALF Rack cml hlpiuc plauic Large vcriaiy. Phoua C. G. Bacmw. Weal 98L2.FOR PLUMBING REPACRS -- Rca- idauca Phone West 241R. FURS CLEANED. STORED or Rc. modalwL Summer pvicac. Hollybuvu Fuv Stoic, Kaith Block, Hollybocu. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudomvo, stove pipe and he knew he would reach it, ss he knew he would put all that wae best in him in the effort. He didn't pause, though his heart was pounding and lungs and throat were sobbing with the fierce exertion in the keen air. He wss desperate but he did not know that or he would have beau despairing. Down the long slopes he raced, the old man with the scythe at his heels, down 8 ravine which nearly Sot him until 0 bump into a tree dove 8 flickering glimmer of panic out of his head, 8 scramble up a steep bank and he was on the level with a mile to go i He didn't let up, across the flat he raced, shoved open and closed the door, and stood shuddering and gasping in the heated room. It had been a near thing. The coffee pot was full, also a sealed bottle of IVhite Horse CeL lar whiskey (this ad? is not pub- lished or displayed by the L.C.B or by the Goverment of British Columbia). Loxton mixed him- self 8 goodly potion and stripped to the buff before climbing into the blankets. When he awoke the sun was shining on 8 bright snd frosty world, but he did not know until 8 week later at the settlement ALL THE BEST Brauda af Cigaca. Cigarettes cud Tobaccos. Alco ET- change Poker Hands cud Coucoi ccida Free Amblamdc Tea Roomc FOR THB BEST SLABS aud luakla Fiv phoua West 280. FOR PAINTING. KALSObllNLNG- Apply C. 1 Kouiuga, Rccidcsce Chose West MICR. LCSTCNGS WANTED--Wc have acv. eral parties looking for Raaidautial aud Acreage Bccgaiuc. If you wish to sell please submit locatiou uud price. IlBPORTANT--Note chaugc of ad- dress cud new phone. Suite 2 at 425 Howe St. Sey. 4055 Or phouo C. J. ARCHER, Wcct 225. R. P. CLARK Jh CO. ESTATES LTD. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pubnc FIRE INSURANCE 1Vc have Saan Aaouuto ou Head foc Good Mortgage Loccuh 1406 Maciuo Dciva OCfica Phone West 21 or Sey. 1250 Residency Phone W. 8'JR or W. 204K that he hsd slept twenty-four hours. --P. H. «Yes, sir," panted the new shepherd, aI got all the sheep in, but I had to run hard to get those lambs." "Lambs? I have no lamb& Let's see what you got." was the answer. Looking into the shed, the astonished owner saw fourteen The rale Cov Cloaalaad Advarilaa 25 caste. Erccpc In ibc coco of thooc Seda are payable aicleily is odvcuca. Rcaaabev Oamisadc lo the West Vas Nawo gal imaanaio mccduh LADY Deci ceo Poalilou co Houccbcdd help or dally work. Apply Bcci 12. West Vcu News VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Coos LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrar(l Sheet liietal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Pbauo Novib 84S Roa. 1'houaai Novih SCSY-15%X The council referred the mat- ter of the rental of a compressor to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer. A repre. sentative of the compressor deal- ers wss present.