West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Dec 1930, p. 3

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0001 \ December 5, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS \'E ilv. f(24 Gray Cabs LOlVEST RATES IN VANCOUVER --for the firs TWO MILES lac Ecch Adduioooi Half Msc N co 4 c sit p 4 You only pay for Distance You Actually Travel ONLY OiVE RATE-- DAY OR NIGIIT Phone Fram your home or offic in Weii Vancouver Municipality ond a Gray Csb wi6 be waiting For you on srnvol oF the Ferry ai the Vancouver side. Uie Gray Cobi for Every Occacion snd Save Money and Time NOTE oUR Nsrf pHDNE NUMBER SEYMOUR 7131 B.O. IEOTOR TRANSPORTATION LTD. For iho Best Home Made Xmas Cakes SCOTCH BUNS, SCOTCH SHORTBREAD XMAS PUDDINGS biioco Pico -- biioco Meat Almond Paste for ooic. Come io Stratton'3 Bakery Ambiooidc, Phone West 21 HAIRDRESSING iiiiSS A. SHLLS, 1402 Duchess Avenue liiorccniog, Finger Waving, Heir-cuiiiog, Mooicociog, cic. For Appointment- Rcxidcoco Phone West 2SOR K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance t BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgc. Dioiiocuvo Funeral Service Lady Acoioioni $20--zcd Si. R Phooo Nocih 020 ! FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS AmbleSIEIe Sheet Meta1%iyorks LAURIE SPECK. PfoPiicioc 1455 Marine Drive I'h o I o7L2 COI ONEL RUEI L ADDRESSFS LEGION Colonel W. S, Buell, C.B., hon- orary provincial treasurer of the Legion for B. C., addressed the members of the West Vancouver branch of the Legion on Monday evening in the Legion hall. In speaking of the Minute Silence it was customary to keep at all Legion meetings in memory of fallen comrades, he stated that in his case and no doubt in the case of his hearers, some partic- ular comrade who wss sleeping in France would come up in their mind. The one whom most fre- quently he remembered wss a great grandson of Joseph Brsnt, the celebrated Indian chief. This young lieutenant while serving at the second battle of Ypres was killed as he wss in the act of smilingly waving his arm to acknowledge a message from him. The British Empire Ser- vice League of which the Can- adian Legion was a part, had branches or associations all over the Empire, and was doing 0 great work for ex-service men. While both political parties had claimed the credit for the recent more kindly consideration of pension claims, the real mover had been the Canadian Legion. In closing he referred briefly to a scheme for assisting in the higher education of ex-service men's children now being under- taken by the province. It was announced at the busi- ness meeting which followed lat- er that it was intended to give 0 series of whist drives or milit- ary whist starting in January. The matter of the Xmas party was left to the entertainment committee and the Legion W. A, NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBALI. ASSOCIATIOiV Games for Saturday, Decem- ber 6th, 1930. Division I. West Van. vs. Lions; Ambleside Park; 2:30 p.m. Referee, Mr. Botham. Canucks (Bye). Division H. West Van. Midgets vs. West Van. 0 Keys; Inglewood School; 2:30 p. m. Referee Mr. Mast- erman. Kiwanis Bluebirds (Bye). Division HI. Capilano vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds; Mahon Park; 1:16 p.m. Ref- eree, Mr. Wardlaw. Lynn Valley Rovers vs. North Shore Wanderers; Lynn Valley Park; 2:00 p.m. Referee, hIr. Moon. Kingsley School vs. North Shore Rangers; High School ()Vest); 2:00 p. m. Referee, hir. Pen- nycook. MUSICIANS'LUB OF WEST VANCOUVER STUl)ENTS'IGllT CONCERT Let(ou Iiall TOmNIGHT (Friday) Nofe the iimc - 8 p.m. THROAT EASE PCS EVAN'S PASTILLES Li'DEI4'8 SMITH BROS. SIENTHOL a ECCALYI'TLS BROMPTON LOZFNCES Tooc forociic Tbcooi Portilio --soo ii as pcoiocibm o» well oo o cllco. Personal !!Local and G. C. Byrnell is back at his office after an absence of two weeks due to sickness. ~ ~ o Ferry No. 6 went on the run again Tuesday afternoon, the re- pairs to her hull i ns recent ac- cident having been effected. ~ ~ ~ Wm. McCartney, who has been living at 1056 Duchess, has moved to the corner of 15th snd Esquimslt. ~ ~ o Ed Neville, 21st and Marine Drive, has returned from 0 two weeks'acation, which he spent at Victoria and other points in the province. o ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McDonald, 24th and Bellevue, have returned to Vancouver. The drawing for the doll to be raffled by the St. Anthony' Altar Society, will take place on Saturday, 13th December, at 8:30 p. m. in the West Vsn. Pharmacy. o o Miss Dorothy E. Corbett ent- ertained at bridge at her home on Monday, November 24th, and the following girls spent a very enjoyable evening: Miss Connie Thomas, Miss Violet Clement, mrs. Alan Bean, Mrs. H. Crane, Miss Lulu Mass, Mrs. Harry Wright and Miss Florence Stov- er. hfiss Connie Thomas took home the prize, having high score for the evenmg.\ o ~ Mrs. T. Korner gave a book tea last week at her home in West Bay on behalf of the West Van. News Elks'mas Cheer Fund. The sum of $8.50 was realised. ~ ~ Engagement Mr. J. Porter, Duchess Road, Hollyburn, wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Ida Somerville, to Mr. Sydney H. Trust, son of the late Lewis Wil- liam Trust, R.N., of Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. The marriage will take place this month. o ~ Mrs. Roy Faulkner of Gull Lake, Sask., a former resident of West Vancouver, is pictured in a recent issue of a London paper placing a wreath from the Can- adian Legion of Gull Lake on the cenotaph in Whitehall. ~ ~ hIrs. Harold A. Chamber, 1147 Duchess, and her mother, hfrs. H. Stibbard, left on Tuesday evening for their home in Tor- onto. J. H. Charmsn, who hss been living for some months at the Fortune Cup Inn, has moved to 2203 Bellevue. ~ \ ~ The West Vancouver Boy Scouts are collecting old toys and are painting snd fixing them up for distribution locally. Anyone who has old toys they wish to give are asked to kindly phone West 147L1 or West 42Y3. ~ ~ o The semi-monthly meeting of the girls'ridge club was held last Monday night at the home of Miss Connie Thomas, 2748 hiarine Drive, Miss Margaret Johnston won the first prize, the consolation going to Miss Violet Ckments. Those present were: Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Alan Bean, the Misses Dorothy Corbett, Violet Clemente. Lucille Johnston, Ivy Miles, Flo Stover, Margaret Johnston, Phyllis Neale, Edna Thomas, Connie Thomas, Mrs. Harry Wright. ~ o o Mrs. Edmonds, who has been living in one of the Burley cot- tages at 28th and Waterfront, has moved back to Vancouver. o o ~ Mr, snd Mrs. P. P. Van Bosse are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. ~ ~ Mrs. Martindale has moved from 15th and Esquimalt to a house at 16th and Haywood. ~ o ~ The forestry department is giving a free lecture next Mon- day at 7:45 p.m. in the Ingk- wood auditorium. It will be open to high school students, the higher classes of the public school, and the general public, snd will be illustrated with a number of film pictures. These pictures in addition to many dealing with forestry in Canada, show the dirigible Los Angeles'rip over the United States, also 0 series of local views, among which is the open- ing of the new Capilano bridge last spmng. o o Captain Jscksonb senior, 20th Street, is corfined to his home through sickness. o J. A. Vernon is building a new house at 23rd and Inglewood. On Saturday morning a man started to row from Capilano to Vancouver, but, getting lost in the fog, took refuge on the dol- phin at Burnaby Shoal. There he started to keep the bell ring- ing. The captain of the Sonrisa on her way to West Vancouver noticed the bell was not ringing in a natural manner, and on in- vestigation took the man off and towed his boat to Ambleside dock. ~ o o Mr. and ihirs. James Jefferieo and family, left here on Tues- day evening for Halifax, where they will sail on the "Lancsstri- ar." on 8th December for the Old Country. Mr. Jeiferies is flm- proved in health, and hopes to be fully recovered as a result of his trip, which he expects will be for three months. hfr. Jef- feries has made hosts of friends during his long residence here, all of whom wish him bon voy- age and a safe return. The council accepted the offer of Pemberton gf Son for $12,000 Dominion of Canada 5+?o bonds maturing 1st November, 1932, at 102 for(nnking fund investment. ~ ~ o IV. H. hIarks wss granted per- mission by the council to cut trees on Lot 10, Block 4, E. 100, D.L. 65l as requested and in- formed that the lot must be cleared up to tho satisfaction of the engineer. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Turney has gone to San Diego, California, to spend tho winter months. WEST VAN I'IIAINACY 1402 Mocisc Drive The Stare of Scccbe. We doiicoc Phoae byooi 22 Emocgoocy Phono Wcoi $21 (Afior 0 p.m.i ! is bsoioooo Is Wooi Vos. 10 Toom. C. J. Overington BARSER Io New Stoic Mxcioo Drive ol 14th Next Joffocicc Mooi Store Expert Wort--Lodico', Chiidccs Ocoiicmoo I'boos Woof 1$$ for oppoioimooi FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A C. SEABLE Phoae Wooi 0 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Bedding Supphes. Useful Recipes ( Cocoanut Fruit Cake '/» cup fat I cup sugar 2-3 cup grated cacoanut 2-3 cup chopped almords ! 4 cup candied orange peel 3 beaten «bites of eggs 1tk cups Sour I/4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder I/4 teaspoon vanilla Cream the shortening, add sugar gradually, the cocoanut, al- monds, orange peel and vanilla. Alternate the flour sifted with the salt and baking powder with the mdk. Beat, fold m the egg whites. Bake in a loaf tfn, m a moderate oven, about 30 mmutex. Baked Chkken Dip raw chicken, cut mto suit- able pieces for serving, into melt- ed fst and then into Sour mLxcd with salt and pepper. Brown the pieces of chicken in a little fat in a pan. Add enough water to cover the bottom of pan. Cover and bake about I)k hours. Baste occssionafly. FIG WINE Ingredient~ lbs. black figs, 2 lbs raisirs, 5 lbs. brown sugar, 5 quarts luke warm water, and 1 cake Fleisehman's yeast. Method--Mince up figs and raisins, as small as possible, add sugar and luke warm water. Stir well until sugar is dissolved, then sdd crumbled b.east cake. Stir ivell every day for 15 to 18 days, strain through a flannel, and bottle. Can be used any time now, but improve~ with keeping a little. o o ~ hlr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron recently entertained 0 house party from Powell River st their home in Caulfefld. A tea snd a sale of polychrome work and of artificial flowers, etc., has been arranged by hiiss Casey snd friends in aid of the People's Mission, Vancouver, from 2 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, December 11th. Mrs. Young, 2063 Esquimalt, has kindly open- ed her home for the occsmon. ~ o o The council re-sppointed J A Baxter 0 member of the town planning commission as froni November 3rd, 1930.\ Colonel A. Whyte oifered $300 for D.L/0 1493, 1494 and 1495, also narrow strip west of the abandoned P.G.E. rightmf-way to the shore in D.L. 149a, of all nf which he was the original owner. He was advised that for the time being none of this property was for sale. I XMAS GOODS IN! GJ Brooks'ry Goo 14th and Marine Drive Exclusive Agents Corticelli Sil also Novelties, Toys, Sch Policeman Your honor, this man is charged with stealing snuff." Judge: "Dischargedl Snuff is made to be pinched'" 4 for Young and Old Shop early ds and Men' Wear Phone West 144 k Hose and Universal Sweaters ool Supphes, Hemstitching.