West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Dec 1930, p. 2

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0001 4 4 i sr Yrr -y '4 ~« :s --'4 '4 :~t r. 4"ii44 4 ~is4«'iy '- ~pu r '4ii'44 4 4 r4 '4 r r'vi yrrrr«rri '4 r'r "rIv r v i ~ '~r i ~ rrrrrr r'r rrr V THE IVFST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Cheisban Saence Society caunca EDIFICE Zeih sud Eseuimsll, aoiiybuss Thb Soslsty is ~ Bssush of The Moihsr Church Ths First Church of Christ, Scieulisi, iu Boston Msssschusslla Sunday Services ll 80 ~ m sud 7.80 p.m. SUBJECT, DECEbiBER Tlh, "God the Only Cause nnd Creator" Sunday Sshooi at 10.00 s. m. Testimony bfssliug Wednesday ~t 0.15 p.m. J'DEATH OF WlltS. A. CHILTON The death occurred yestenlay morning of Mrs. Gertrude Ann Chilton, wife of A. Chilton, at the famibf residence, 15th and Inglewood. The deceased, who was 61 years old, had been ill for a long time. Funeral services will be beld at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow (Satur- day) in the United Church, Dr. E. A. Henry and Dr. S. S. Oster- hout, officiating, and interment will be made in the 45iasonic plot, Capilano cemetery. The sympathy of the whole community will go out to Mr. Chilton and his two daughters in their bereavement. Burrard Funeral Chapel have charge of the funeral arrangements. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, December 71h, 1930. Sunday School meets at 9:60 a.m. 11 a.m.--Pubhc worship. Rev. C. G. MacKenzie, M.A., B.D., principal Columbian Col- lege, New (Vestminster. 7:15 p. m.--Rev. R. B. Y. Scott l(I.A., B.D„Ph.D., Union College, Vancouver, Dr. Henry is at Anniversary Services in Knox Church, Ker- risdale. Dr. Scott and Mr. McKengie are both scholars and preachers. and will bring great messages and inspiration from their visit. The regular meetings are as usual: Trail Rangers--Tuesday at 7 p. m. C.G.I.T.--Friday at 7 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone 1Vest 252R, Sundny. December 71. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, 'The True Scholarship " The ordinance of the Lord' Supper and reception of new members will be held at the close of morning service, 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Subject, "The Revival We Need" Mrs. Suddaby of Vancouver will sing. A cordial invitation to all. 8 p. m., Wednesday -- Prayer and praise meeting with short address. LEGION NOTES A committee composed of the f'ollovring have been appointed to administer the Legion Benelit Fund: Rev. A. Harding Priest, Magnus Ross, Mrs. G. E. Bay- field, Mra J. Wicking. Six new members of the Legion were initiated. On Wednesday evening Dr. Henry will continue the series of studies on Great Texts--The subject for next Wednesday is "Am I My Brother's Keepers" The regular meeting of the Women's Association will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2:16. It is the last meeting of the year, reports will probably be ready as to the results of the Sale of IVork and other tasks undertak- en by the Association. It is hoped every member will be present. We give advance notice that the "White Gifts for the King," service will feature the morning worship hour this year on De- cember 21 instead of as in the past at a special afternoon ser- vice. Christmas 7 p. m., Friday--C. G, I. T.Teen age girls are welcome. Is Imn than 2) days away I St. Anthony's ChurchYour Photo Pastor; Rev. Father Carey lsesidence: 2668 Marine Drive. Fridiby, Dec. 6-- 7:46p.m.--Evening devotions Saturday-- 10:00 a.m.--Children's classes 11:00 a.m.--Confessions 7:30 p.m.--Confessions. Sunday-- 8:45 a. m.--High Mass, Ser- mOll. 3:00 p.m.--Rosary, Instruc- tion, Benediction. Monday, Dec. 8--Holyday of Ob- ligation. 7:00 s.m.--Mass. 7:45 p.m.--Rosary, Instruction Benediction. Week Days--8 a.m.--Mass. Monday, being the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, is a Holydsy of Obligation. On this day we commemorate that sing- ular privilege and grace of God, by which Mary, the Mother-to- be of the God-Msn, was pre- served free from the flrst instant of her being from the stain of original sin. Mary is she whom Wordsworth truly calls "Our tainted nature's solitary boast." will please your friends and wiH save you that CHRIST- MAS SHOPPING. Prices to fit all pockets. blake appointment now. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. %V. The Y.P.S. had an interesting semi-monthly meeting on Mon- day evening at Mrs. O'Donnell's. The topic was the story of the Advent in its difl'erent phases. Those who contributed to the papers were Muriel Bell, Chas. Baldwin, Hilda Wagstaff, and Blanche Duckworth. The usual half hour of sociability wss spent at the close. The Annual Sale of )York took place on Tuesday last, December 2nd. The weather man put on his best behavior and gave the women a day like spring. )Vith their usual taste the workers transformed the hall into 8 bow- er of beauty. The various stalls were decorated in harmony with their objects of sale. The color scheme was red and green and was very effective. The fancy work was specially noticeable, much credit being due to the indefatigable labors of 8 sewing circle which met once a week for some months. The ionstions were wonderfully fine nd thanks are due to all who by gift or work contributed to 'the success of 'the occasion. From 8 to 9 in the evening, 4 8 fine musical program was rend- ered by the following artists: Piano Duet, "Sylvia," Mrs. 'Alexander and Miss Frame. Song, "Carmena," Mrs. Barn- den. Violin Solo, Scottish Selec- tions, Mrs. Reid. Song, "My Curly-headed Baby'iss EIBs. Piano Duet, "Sleigh Bells," Mrs. Alexander and lilies Frame. Violin Selection, Mrs. Reid. Song with Banjo accompani- ment, Miss Ellis. Established 1908 AR Work Gusrsslssd Phone Sey. 1046 Established ou North Shsss Zs Years. (Lsdy Assistant) HARRON BROS. fit WILLIAMSON funeral 6treetors North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 I. O. D. E. The regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held on Monday, De- cember 8th, at the home of Mrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Mathers, The Dundarsve Ladies Choir will be heard over Radio Station CKSC at 9:30 o'lock on Thurs- day, December 11th, when it is anticipated an entertaining pro. gram of Christmas music will be presented. THB West Van News Published Erssy Pridsy dssdusss sud E4UIosial Officsl ilia ssd Msrius Drive (Nsxl Io Hsiiyburn P;,O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addrsss4 P. O. Box 01, Hoaybula, ILC. Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 IAIO s yssl'y lusil ol surlier Nswsslsuds 5C. psr copy HARD TI5IES DANCE The West Vancouver P. T. A. is giving a Hard Times Social and Dance next Tuesday, De- cember 9th, at 8 p.m. in the High School auditorium. There will be modern and old time dances snd refreshments. Ad- mission, members 25 cents, non members 35 cents. P.T.A. ANNUAL FROLIC Hard Times Social and Dance TUESDAY, DECE4hI HER 9th at 8 p. ML in the High School Auditorium Admissisa members 86c. Nos:members 86s. REFRESHMENTS biODERN A OLD TIME DANCES 1 BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEOION MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- le ~. m Schsol for Children. 8 p m. Spsskss; MR. PERCY KING Sub)scil "A ROYAI. PRIESTHOOD" Mr. King bsosdcssls over CKWX svsry Wsdnssdsy st 8 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Advent 2 (Dec. 7th.) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7:16 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service on Sunday at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild at 3 p. m. The Church committee meets in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'lock. The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary for the pres- entation of reports and the elec- tion of officers will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'lock. Every member is requested to at- tend. At 8 meeting of the Sunday School teachers last week it was decided to hold the Christmas entertainment for the children on Tuesday, December 30th, for the primary department and on Friday evening January 2nd for the main school. Word has been received from the M.S.C.C. that the Sunday School has now been assigned Alice Martin, the daughter of an aged Indian mis- sionary, as their "adopted" child at Carcross Indian School. As the second Sunday in Ad- vent is Bible Sunday, all who have the Bible boxes are asked to turn them in snd receive new ones. "THE GONDOLIERS" Local Residents Taking Part in North Shore Opera. It is pleasing that the four West Vancouverites who are members of the North Shore Op- eratic Society are all taking minor roles in the opera. Mrs. S. A. Gleam is taking the part of Inez the King's fostermfyther, Margaret Nyland is playing Fi- ametta, Dorothy Corbett, Giulia, and Herbert G. Mason is playing 8 gondolier, Giorgio. The opera is being staged st the Lonsdale 'I"neatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next, December 8, 9 and 10th instant. The Box office is now open for exchange of tickets which can be had from above members or phone theatre, North 211, and make your reservations. An innovation is being made this season whereby children with adults will be admitted to Monday evening performance half price (50c), The opera will commence at 8:20 p.m. and it is requested that patrons will be in their places. T npcpmller 54, 1930. Hollyburn Hall (.or. 14th JI Duchess I LORD'S DAY-- 10 s. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Woinhfp and Breaking of Bread 7:30 p. m.-- Gospel Ad. dress. Speaker for next Sunday JOHN BRAY IV ED N ESDAY- 8p. m.--Prayer and Bible tQ Study. Df. Marjory IhICCnbbln DENTIST Hours: I p. m. Io 0 p. m. Ssiurdsysl 10 ~ . m. Io 4 p.m. Evssings by sppoinimsut Royal Bank Buiidiug I'hsus West 4 IS Rssldssso I'hsss West 693. NURSING HOME (birs. M. E LOChsucs, R.N.) 164 - ydu SIsml Bsm North Vancouver Residence I'housl North 186SR NAO311 CIIAPTER WyHIST DRIVE Members of Naomi Chapter, O. E. S., will hold the second of their series of whist drives on Tuesday, December 16th. Ow- ing to the inclement weather on the evening of the first drive the committee have decided to allow an "average" score to all new players so that they may be able to qualify for the aggregate prize. NOW PLAYING A Delightful Comedy Romance in TECH BICOLOR I'FOLLOW THRU" 8lsrslse Nancy Carroll ssd Buddy Rogers This is s rery siss Plclsrs YOU KNOIV Tbs Klsd yell. Pstrsss Llhs NEWS and COMEDY IION., TilES., IVKD. Nell lVSSk THE N. S. OPERATIC 8OCIETV "THE CONDOI.IERSO nsy your Tickets NOIV ts avoid dissppoistmisl, At the Thsslre Box Offiis. THUR„FRI„SAT. Next I'reik George Arliss 4 (QQ Ettglisl~ ONSDAL *I ANNOUNCE5IENT Dr. Marjory MCCubbin DENTIST Wishes to announce that she is still carrying on HER PRIV- ATE PRACTICE in the Royal Bank Building, 17th and Marine Drive, in addition to the School Clinic. Her hours for private patients are I p.m. to 8 p.m.-- Ssturdays 10 s. m. to 4 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Pl C 41