0001 A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatiytgiv the District of West per year, Cypress Pa Vaytcouver-A mbleside, Hollyburn, Weston, rk, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Dundaravg Newsstands fic per Copy WVol. V SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O, ~ WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, DEC. 5th, 1930 No. 2S lli BL G ris )Sa I sii i )pis err irz cisi CONSFRVATIVE ASSN. ELECTS OFFICERS I Protest to Ottawa Against Col. Williams'peech The annual general meeting ! and e)ection of officers of the West Vancouver Conservative Association took place at the Fortune Cup Inn last Tuesday 'ight, there being a large attend ' ance of members. The auditors who examined the ri secretary - treasurer's b o o k s ~tound them in excellent shape, and their report was adopted. A resolution was passed thank- ing J. Loutet, N.L.A., for his ac- .tion as regards Colonel Williams'ddress, taken by him at the meeting of the North Vancouver :( City Council J. Loutet, who was present, , tharked the members for their i support in the recent election, ) which had been of such material assistance in his being returned. He spoke of the proposed amend- ment to the District Associa- tion's constitution, the full ef- fects of which should be careful- ly weighed before being adopted. It would be necessary to get ::„. after the voters'ists at once. He stated that North Vancouver was 100 per cent behind West Vancouver in its efforts to get a F!ret Nruvow 'idge. The following resolution pre- pared and proposed by N. G. '& Blanchfield receiving the unani--'I'ous support of the meeting. WHEREAS Colonel R. D. Wil- '. liams, recently appointed Har- ,,': bor Commissioner, was reported ") in the Vancouver press to have -,'I stated in a public address that ;7 the proposed First Narrows 4 bridge would be a menace to nav- igation, and that the 35,000 people now living on the North . Shore are not i» serious need of i+J a bridge;'"g AND WHEREAS the statements ,;, of Col. Williams are not in ac-'i cordance with the facts, it being 'vident that the present means i o'f transportation are entirely in- 'adequate, and not only the pres- J.'nt but the future growth of pop- .Pulation and business is seriously retarded thereby; 'AND WHEREAS the Commis- :2 sion appointed by the Dominion Government in 1926 made the )ILr)fol)owing findings, namely-- 1. That a Bridge over the First Narrows is desirable, and would be of benefit to the citizens of Vancouver and surrounding area. 2. That it is perfectly feasible to construct a bridge across the First Narrows, that would provide reasonable and adequate protection to navi- gation. "Your commission believes I. hat the following minimum clearance should be maintained S i7r approving any set of plans for ithis project; 1. Izrteral clearance, 1.400 feet clear opening at high water; 2, Vertical clearances above high water ordinary spring tide (a) At the xi&les ot the clear opening 175 feet; (b) For a distance of 100 feet on either side of the cen- tre of the bridge 190 feet. snd we further recom- mend; "The lateral clearance of 1400 feet, combined with the program (Continued on Page 6) COURT OF REVISIOV Councillors Morgan and Jack- man with the Reeve will consti- tute the Court of Revision of the Voters'ist to be held st the municipal hall, 10th December, st 10 a.m. hIUNICIPAI. ELECTIONS "Tl I,LY Ol" BLOOIISBURY" BUI I.DING PEIthHTS $8,525 A (rREAT SUCCESS Six building permits of s total Packed houses both nights value of $8,525 were issued dur- greeted the play "Tilly of ing last month at the municipal Bloomsbury" at the Hollyburn hall. Particulars are as follows: Theatre on Wednesday and Store Thursday nights and those who Smith, A. H., 15th and were fortunate enough to be Marire Drive ........... $2,000 present saw a production that Dwelling has never before been given here. Anthony, R. B., West Bsy 1,900 Mr. Guy Desmond is to be heart- Vernon, J. A., 23rd and ily congratulated on giving us Inglewood ............... 2,000 such a delightful entertainment Biddall, J. D., Cypress and it is to be hoped that there Park ..................... 700 will be many more to follow. Dyble, R. S., 23rd and West Vancouver should be proud Bellevue ................... 1,800 to have people capable of such Garage a production. Miss Sybil Chap- F. C. Dalgleish, Inglewood man in the leading role of Tilly east of 11th St... 125 gave us a wonderful piece of act- ing and at the end of the second act handled a situation in a way that many a professional actress ANNUAI, might have envied. Miss Joan GENFRAI MEETING Durbin as Lady Marion Main- in the part of Lady Marion Main- waring was perfect, the part suit!ng Miss Durban's talents to perfection. Miss Ola MacLesn as Constance Darner, was well re- ceived snd Mrs. Gary Eastman as hirs. Welwyn, the mother of Tilly, who a!ways had such trouble with her h's, was the cause of much laughter and at other times made us feel more like crying. Mr. John Fox who played Dick htarnwamng, 'so very much'n love with Tilly, gave a fine inter- pretation of the part, and looked very much the handsome hero. Mr. Philip Chapman who played Luciuc Welwyn so admirably, is to be congratulated on his per- formance, and we would like to see Mr. Chapman in many such parts. Mr. Sid Desmond, as Percy Welwyn, had the house rocking with laughter Miss Evelyne Black as Amelia IVelwyn, gave us a delightful piece of acting and succeeded in making a minor part stand out well to the fore. Much laughter was caused by Grandma Banks as played by Nrs. Gordon Gray, the mother of Mrs. Welwyn; and Miss Laura Edmonds as Sylvia Mainwaring, the daughter of Lady Mainwaring, was excellent and presented a striking figure on the stage. 'I'he comedy role of Stillbottle, who consents to be Butler of the Welwyns, for the afternoon--he really is the Bailiit -- was in the capable hands of Mr. Guy Desmond, and was a performance we will long remember. Other parts were well played by Mr. Gordon Gray ss the Butler; Mr. C. Dunham, as hfr. Mainwaring; Mr. Murray Watson, a perfect Indian law student; and Mr. Fred Parks as the Rev. Mr. Rylands. During the intervals between the acts the orchestra under the direction of Mrs. J. E. Durbin, played some delightful selections. Nominations ot candidates for the municipal election will be held at the municipal hall the 12th January, 1931, from 12 noon to 2 p. m., James Ollsson to be returning officer. The poll if required, will be opened at the New Ambleside Hall on Saturday 17th January, 1931, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m., H. V. Bell being ap- pointed deputy returning officer. zsi - ~ )VEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL NOTFS IVest Vancouver Agricultural & Horticultural Association Incorporated To all those members or friends who have a problem, whether of flowers, shrubs or garden, an op. portunity will be provided st this annual general meeting to fully discuss with Nr. George Moore, judge and specialist in all branches of floriculture, their mrnhioma.rdLgarreeratuuL A formal lecture wiri be dis- pensed with. Just a round table talk and then questions and ans- wers. Councillor Hlgar, chair- man of West Vancouver Parks committee, has been invited to give a short address on recent park development in the munici- pal ity. There wtil also take place the Election of 10 directors, reports of progress, chairman's address, business usual on such occasions. a little music and tea. Remember the place and time, the Legion hall at 8 p.m. next Monday, December 8th. Last Friday, November 28th, two debates uere held in the Inglewood School. The subject of the first wss: "Resolved that Canada is a bet- ter ptace to live in than the Urited States." Those upholding the affirma- tive side were Rupert Harrison. and Mary O'Donnell, of Grade XI with Jean Garrett and Ethel Lloyd on the ner(fitive side. A decision was made in favor of the affirmative side. The subject for the second wss: "Resolved that Orientals should be allowed into Canada. The affirmative side wss up- held by Ida Allan and Norman Wellington of Grade IXb, and the negative was supported by Ronald Irish and Walter hicLin- toch of Grade IXa A decision wss made in favor J sf the negative side. L.O.L. APPOINT OFFICERS At the meeting of L.O.L. No. 2990 in the Orange hall on Tues- day evening the following offic- ers were installed for the ensuing year: Worshipful Master--Vic Fer- guson. Deputy Master--J. O. Britton. Chap)air.--T. K. Light)y Treasurer--H, Johnston. Financial Secretary--J. IValler Recording Secretary -- Jim Ferguson. First Lecturer--W .T. Atwood Second Lecturer -- J. Duck- worth. Marshal) --C. Huit. First Committeeman--A .E. Harron; Second Committeeman, J. Tears; Third Committeeman, Norman Rodgers, Fourth Com- mitteeman, J. Hutchinson; Fifth Committeeman W. Carley. Tyler--Norman Rodgers. Pastmaster-J. Duckworth. The county master assisted by the county secretary and the members of North Vancouver lodge conducted the election and installation of officers. Several addresses were deliv- ered by visiting members, WEST VAN. ELKS XMAS CHEER FUND We have by request of Ex- Reeve V. V. Vinson, chairman of the West Vancouver Elks'mas Cheer Committee, opened a fund through our columns on behalf of the West Vancouver Elks, Fund, and any money re- ceived by us will be turned over to that organixation, and the money acknowledged to the don- or through our columns. Remem- ber Xmas is close st hand and there is not much time lett. We thank the following, vrho have donnted as follows: V. V. Vinson ..„. „.„......$ 5.00 hire. Korner .......,......... 8.50 St. Anthony's Altar Soc'y 5.00 West Van. Municipality.... 25.00 $4)L50 T. E. W. RUSSELL FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE T. E. W. Russell arwounces that at the forthcoming January elections he will be a candidate for School Trustee. Mr. Russell has had a number of years'x- perience as school trustee, hav- ing been chairman of one of the first school boards in Alberta. He has always taken s great int- erest in school a(fairs, and this spring he presented a challenge cup for an annual road race from Csulfeild to Ambleslde for the high and public schools here. PERRY SURPI.US $7,86795 The auditors report on the municipal transportation system for the ten months ending 31st October showed sn operating surplus of $7,867.95. The re- ceipts for the boats were $ 70,- 858.42 and expenditure $48,434- .22, the buses taking in $ 17,021- .71 as against an expendiutre of $ 15,373.68. The 'above figures do not in- clude an approximate charge of $17,500 for depreciation and de- benture interest. W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the United Church on Thursday, December 11th, at 2:15. All ladies Interest- ed in the cause of temperance are cordially invited. COUNCIL NOTES A. Rogers appeared before the council requesting equal treat- ment for sign owners at Horse- shoe Bay. The question was re- ferred to the engineer to see if certain sign complained of has to come down, / A represertative from Letson dr Burpee attended the councfi meeting. The tenders for valves, hydrants, and special castings were swarded as folio~a: Valves snd hydrants: Termin al City Iron Works at prices quoted in their tender. Total $4; 847.85. Special castings: Letson dr Burpee at the prices quoted in their tender. Total $1,493.55. Thomas Dick wrote asking ss to whether the mail dehvery would operate in the district a- round 26th and Lawson, ss there was no street sign at that cor- ner. He was advised that there was a litle uncertainty as to where the mail delivery would operate until it should be started, but that the street signs were all placed in the positions chosen by the postal authorities. J. hL Larnie asked for street lightirrg on Clyde between 10th nerd'l't I S rNs~ T le oIat~ was laid over aWaiting the B. C. E. Railway Co.'s reply. The foUowing «ere referred to the foreman: 1. T. Caudwell. Gravel for 11th Street. Report. 2. C. A. Durward. Gravel for 1105 Esquimalt. hiaintenance. 3. hIrs. Vickery. Repairs to 13th Street at Jeiterson. Report. The foreman reported on: 1. Duchess East of 11th St. Cost $40.00. An expenditure of not over $40.00 authorized. 2. Esplanade 11th to 12th and lane to Keith Road cost $70.00. Expenditure not over $70.00 authorized. 3. Road east of Glenesgles. Cost $75.00. Referred back to him with power to sct. 4. Lane west of 24th, soath ot hiarine Drive. Cost $20.00. Laid over. 5. 13th and Duchess, graveL cost $2.00. An expendrture not over $2.00 authorixed. JThe engineer reported on: 1. Gasoline purchases. The council decided that the waterworks and board of works ears be supplied with oil at the ferry station, the engineer to purchase for his own car where it wss suitable. 2. Brush on primary roarLv, suggesting that the road gang at the request of district engineer Hay burn brush left from slash- ing in D.L 430. Cost not to ex- ceed $50.00. hIUSICIANS'I.UB CONCERTTONIGHT The Musicians'lub of West Vaacouver is giving a concert to. night in the Legion hall, at which all the performers will be pupiLe of the various IVest Vancouver teschera A very interesting and varied program has been ar- ranged. Please note that the concert starts at 8 p. rn. There will be a silver collection