0001 ovember 28. 1930. ST. STEI'HEN'S W. A. ANNUAL X1NAS BAZAAR 3 to Sp.m. Friday December 5th in the I'ARISH HAI.L GARDENS snd ~ j, ca du ta la I~d «Pl S V. af C. SW Oll Iottl IS m w 'i., Our previous articles have', dealt with the plapning smi y Ipjanting of your home grounds j but nothing has been said about j the preparation of the- soir in ! which to set the plants or sow "", the seeds. I: In so far as West Vancouver GARDENING A G. HUTF, 0 Architect wioaa 3 heel al L w4 po A hlloot ro md Nattmu Iaadwap Ihtolo. ure to prevent it from again forming into lumps . A load of sandy soil mixed with the clay will also serve the purpose. An- other plan is to plant red clover or alfalfa and let it grow to a height of about 0 foot when it should be spaded in. This will provide a considerable quantity of humus material, a very real necessity for the successful growing of flowers. Except for the various aquatic and bog plants water standing in the soil is fatal. If your gar- den is low lying or there are wet spots in it, a layer of rocks placed 0 couple of feet below the sur- face will provide drainage if the breaking up of the hard pan does not allow the water to drain oil'. is concerned there is not such 0 variety of soil as one finds most places. Some books give rather complicated directions concern- ing the work but, we do not be- lieve that such, directions are necessary. Our 'experience has indicated that t)te main essential -- l Is to dig the soil up thoroughly and to 0 depth that will allow the roots to penetrate deep enough so that 0 reasonable supply of 1 moisture may be available. In many parts of West Van- couver you will find that hard . 'anog only a few inches below the surface of thp ground. In gl egup i such oases it ls essential that it egus 'e broken up and mixed with the j', 'ther soil. In those places where i clay is encountered it is advis-'ble to break up the clumps of i barB earth and mix in a quanti- ty of decayed leaf mould or man- 2th hatt NOTE Th Mtoo Ill oo Id r It ~ plea Io ~ O t4ao ooo Iap th S d I thl tol 4 The oa attom bovid ha ad4 oM I th It Io ~ r I th Zdlloo. Th ~r Ol appwo I ~ wlp I ~ o o II ~ p raoa I pip 4 4 144 ~ at Orna Major: "Are you s poet or an sv. 1.st or spy(hing like that to Recruit: aNo. sir." Major: "Then go sud have your hair cut immediately." ',OS„ ins (ivs : I j) 1N THE ORANGE HALL HI.UE SYNCOI'ATERS'-PIECE ORCHESTRA Refreshments Tickets 50c (can be obtained from any member of the Lodge) VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO., LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER 3155 ,'t &e ~ 43 Grand QgaglCQ L.GL. at 8:30 p. m. Next Friday 5th December'HE WEST VAN NEWS MAS(iUERADE CARNIVAL I)RAWS LARGE CROWD The masquerade carnival last Friday evening at the Orange hall wss very largely attended. The orchestra soon hsd every- body dancing, and the floor was crowded, especisuy in the latter part of the evening, when a num- ber came in from other social events. Dancing was continued up to 2 a. mo instead of I o'lock, as had originally been arranged. There was an up-tthdate midway in the basement, consisting of various games of chance, which proved Iquite an attraction to the many guests. The grand march took place at 10 o'lock, the following being prize winrersi Best dressed gentleman--Mr. Hardy, of North Vancouver, Spanish gentleman. Best dressed lady -- Miss Groom,lady of Georgian period. Best original costume--Miss Gwen Clay, Snowflake. Best comic costume -- Met Chapman. The judges were Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. W. B. Small, Coun- cillor L Garthorne, Captain Clsmpitts, and Captain F. F. Lovegrove. Following a brief address from Reeve Leyland on the good work being done by the Swimming Club, Mrs. Leyland presented the prizes, also the two medals for first and second in the Ladies', C. Diving Championship this year, which were won at Dun- darave Regatta by Molly Ed- wards and Margaret Currie re- spectively. In the unavoidable absence of Miss Fxiwards, the medal was received by the Club Captain, Laurie Speck. WINTER ON THE RIDGE To the Editor. Leave your chrysanthemum scented garden, where grass and hedges are richly green; where flowers that should not appear till spring are exploring on sunny days, like naughty children ex- posed to danger. Take your pack and bug, and walk up the slopes of Hollyburn st dusk amidst the giant cedars. Sleep on fresh boughs in a warm log cabin and wake in a fairyland of snow and evergreens. A week end on the Ridge is the birthright of every young- ster in our midst; to own a pair of skiis and to learn how to use them, the healthful ambition of our boys and girls. See their cheeks redden and their eyes clear after a day on the Ridge. Wealthy people travel across oceans and spend thousands tc enjoy what we have within twc hours'iking from our back doors. IVhen fog and drizzk keep you indoors down here, a. hove the two thousand foot leve'ou have the clear bright sun. shine and exhilarating air of winter . A veritable paradise that could fill our ferries with passengers in idle hours, build as new buses, give health to our bodies and re- lief to our taxpaying pockets. IVe need not go abroad to gath- er capital for developing our Ridge. Let US take the cream of the profits. Build roads up to the first lake from Fifteenth or Eleventh Streets or anywhere you have. We have our munici- pal engineer. We have dozens of men out of work. All we need is to tell them to go ahead. There are thousands of people in Vancouver who do not own 0 car, working people who could spend a dollar, but little more on transportation for an outing. Would they come if we o(fered them the winter sports that make the Swiss Alps 0 universal playground 7 Let's build a road to the Ridge and through it give ourselves bigger and better fei ries, more buses and practically no taxes by the time our children are old enough to laud our enter. prise. R. A. FRASER. o CLASSIFIED ADS Ths Isi~ (ov c(ass(gott Attvmtlssmsots is 2 spots pov word. misimsm 25 assis. Except io Ibs casa oi thoss haring Iogsisv sossoais, sii visssi- sods are payable strictly is sdvsuos Rsmsmbov c(sss(sass In tbs vvsst Ysu Naos goi immsdisis Issuits. JAPA.iESB %OMEN Wssts Hosso- work bp dsp. Pbouo Marion Hosbiuo West 430R1. LOST--Os 5(svius, 14th ov Fsitsu. brown parse containing ovm $200 sod tlokots. Phone West ZS6L WELL EDUCATED Youug LOST t(s- o.rts ptwiims. Expsrioucsd m Isssh- isg, mokiug, kutwtisdgo of book- kospiug ssd typewriting, Rpfovsso- ss. Phoss West 706YK FOR XMAS CARDS--Pvvsossi or as- sorted. svs Msv ot Johns(os at Jobs Lswsos's o ms, 17th sod Msr- iss, any sfisvuoos fram 1 to 0 ov phone West 65. FOR RENT--Fouv Room Suits. Evsvp- thing olostr(o. Frig(As(vs. Gsvsgo. $45.00. Appi Appisum Coot(. Phone West ~ FOR RENT OR SALE -- Partly furs- ishsd house on Wstsvfvosi. Apply Lopisod, West 6381. WANTED--Cspsbtv Christ(su womss for light housswovk from 0 till 2 Ssii, $15 pov mopus Phone West 134 FOR SA(,~vovsl s(oo bu(Miug lots on Folios Avenue, Tovms $26 down smt $ 10 por most(h Apply io W. Divkiusou, 730 14th Street. MAN (YANTS ODD JOBS--AOT kisd of work. Spssisiip, gsrdsuiug. Phone hip. Brum, West 347Y. MARCELLE SHOP Msvooiis. 50 oasis; reset, 36oi iiogor wave, 76s. Phone Mrs. King, West 304. %(NDOW BLINDS hisso Io Order sud Ropsired. Estimates free. Cur- tsiu rods. Apply E. Pssrcs, 10th Street sod Msvtus Drive. Rssidsscs phous West 257L FOR RFNT -- Fuvu(obott btmgstsw. Evsvp ooovvotssop Bu iop 231k sud %stsrfvosi. Phoae %os( \60RZ RADIO--ivi(1 trade Jov ioi sv selL Battery sti, 5 new tubes. Load ~pvsksv. Wot A sm( B. Batteries. Phi1co shsvgsr. Gosvsotesd good wovkmg order Pbous West 225 FOR SAI E--Rook ssd Alviss piscis. Large variety. Phone C. G. Bsrnwt, West 03L2. FOR RKNT--1243 Koiib ROOIL avo rooms, piutubiug, garage, $30.00. Phoae Wssi 020R. GARDEN CO'.(STRUCTION--Lauds. cape sud general gardening. Phous, R. J. Kpia, 2667 Bellevue. TO RFXT IN BL'SINESS BLOCK- Stsslu bsstod roots sunsbk 1st of. scs or for hviu qusvisvs for bust- uovs party. xosiisut location. Modors, Phone West 303. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rss- idoucs Phone (Vsst 241R. WAot TED--Oos ov two psyiug goosts. Very moderate io eougsuisi paopis. Apply Box 10, West Vsu News. FURS CLEANED. STORED m Rs- modslsd. Summer pr(ssu Ho((Thurs Fuv Store, Ksiih Biook, Hoiipbuvs. PA(NTING, Decorating, Frouvh Po(- Ishtug, Csrisy, Rosidsuce Pbous %sat 71Y. NORTH SHORE JUVENILF. FOOTBALI ASSOCIATION Games for Saturday, Novem- ber 29th, 1930. Division I. Lions vs. Csnucks; High School (West); 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Botham, West Van (Bye) Division II. )Vest Van. 0 Ksys va Kiwanis Bluebirds; Inglewood School; 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Hilder. West Van. Midgets (Bye). Division III. North Shore Rangers vs. Lynn Valley Rovers; Boulevard Park; 2:00 p. m, Referee, Mr. Hampton. North Shore IVanderers vs. Cap- ilano; Mahon Park, I:15 p. m. Referee, Mr. 51oon. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Kingslpv WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudsvsvs. ALL THE BEST Brssds o( Cigars, Cigarettes sud Tobaccos. Aho Ex- ohssgs Poker Hsuds ssd Cousoi cards Free. Ambissido Tss Rooms. FOR THE BEST SLABS smi lss(ss Fir phous Wast 230. FOR PAINTING K ALSOyiihihG Appiy C. L Kouburt. Rm(dmuvt pboos West $04R. LISTINGS 1YANTED--Wo hsvs ssv- eral parties ioskisg for Residential sm( Acreage Bargains. H pou wish Io sell piosss suhm.t ioasiiou sod price. IMPORTAN~ opiiss Rock Qtsugv Woigolis Fovspthiss H dvs Ltisos, Rsd ssd Cui 7 sp Msp(vu Etc. Grafted 2 yv. Rbodttsutbuom Piuk Pearl, Dooosstov, oio. Ap ios, 2 pr. 50oi 4 pv. 51.00 3 ssr Bartlett Pssvs . $ 1.00 4 Year Plums $1A6 Fiibsvis ....................... Jo Black Cupvoum (smougi.. As Edwin S. Gamage 700 Matiso Dvivs wast Ysuosuvov Novth Shoto Bvsuvh o( 14 svaovIm Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Surrard Sheet l)ietal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phsus North 345 Rwh 1'bouse: Novih 513Y-1553X