West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Nov 1930, p. 6

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0001 ~s s»i 4 k ~ rsii Vi ~ %- ~w ssW -Vi V t ~J 'i Ir .-" u ~ pi. ~ 'i - J' ' ~ ~ " 4 v ..VVI i' Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,", -.'„,""„,'„',.", Hollyburn Telephone Service Free Delivery Suggestions friday and Saturday, Nov. 14th L 18th Rsd a White BAI(IN(i I'O'tt'DER 12 ux. tis.................. 25t CRISCO, I lb. tis ........ 25s Iti'LK COFFEE AND TEA- Pss ns 25x 5 lbs. 51.00 Fry's COCOA. H lb. tis.......... 2tc Rsd Ii 'traits MATCHES. Pocket siss, ssrtsu (12 boxes)....... Ise Chstsss CHEESE, tI lb. pkt-... 19s RAISINS, Australian Suitssxs 2 lbs. .......... ..... .... 21 c CURRANTS. Auslrsiius R~lsuu- sd, ................ 2ibs. 25t Nabob I'Lt'11 JA51. I Ib tiu ... 13c Nabob PRUNES, 2 nx carton.... 25s SHREDDEI) )Y HEAT, psr pkt. Iss GINGER SNAPS, ....... 2 lbs. 29x Rsd a \Vhite )IOLASSES. 20 sa tiu ............... .... .... Its ICING SUGAR, bulk .. 2 ibm Its Fletcher's BACON, psr packet, zsc Save the coupons for idsgic Tss Caddy. 51ADEIRA CAKE, Itsbsrtsuu's each .....-................... 19s I'FMRL BARLEY Si'LIT PEAS 2 lbs. TAI'IOCA ~ SAGO DRIED GREFN PEAS 1St ROGER'S SYRUP, 2 Its tis .. 15c SANI))VICE BISCUITS, Spsstsl Assurtsd. psr lb........ 26t Aylmer I'ORK A BEANS, 16 sx. tiu .............. 2 tins 29c COLUidBIA I'EAS Choice Quality. sixs 6, psr tis.. Isc Chuke Quality, siss 6, psr tiu.. Its h resh Killed LOGAL TURKEY Milk-fed Chickens Spring Lamb Young Local Veal No. I Steer Beef THE WEST VAN NEWS COUNCIL NOTES Tom Caudwell attended the council meeting to explain his letter requesting permission to cut the big logs on D.L. 1094 N.E.Vs, 1081 N.E.I/0 and on the road allowance around his own E.i/0 of S.E. I/0 of D. L. 1094. His application was granted subject to (a) sale of the prop- erty (b) a time limit of 6 months for the removal of all the fire- wood, and the ckaring up of all the debris, and (c) the permis- sion being not assignable and the roads being left in as good con- dition as at present. John G. Sentence suggested to the council the leaving open to shooting of the area west of Cy- press Creek lying north and west of the P.G.E. right of way. The clerk was instructed to confer with the solicitor regard- ing bylaw to put this suggestion into efFect. The matter of youths carrying firearms within the shooting prohibited area was also men- tioned by Mr. Sentence. Captain B. W. Markham, 1st Battalion, the Vancouver Regi- ment, was informed that the council would be very glad to pass on the ferries all men in uniform on Sunday, November 9th, but were sorry they could not otherwise depart from their established policy of granting no free transportation on boats and busses. M. Bulkley was advised by the council that the street signs on Bellevue at 25th Street had been attended to. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion wrote the cou))cil stating that several of their members were out of em- ployment and aslung that these men be put to work as soon as the work on the pipe line start- ed. They were advised that the matter had been attended to. Major Marsden sent an invita- tion to the council to attend the Armistice Day ceremony at Vic- tory Square at 11 a. m. on 11th November. He was advised that as many members of the council as find it possible will attend. Fried Oysters Fine cracker crumbs Butter Drain and wipe fine oysters, dip each in the cracker crumbs and arrange upon a large cold platter. Set upon the ice for half an hour, then fry in butter that has been gradually brought to a boil. Cook a few at a time, and if the crumbs come oif in the fat, strain them oif before the next instalment goes in. She was visiting the zoo and gathering as much information about the animals as possible in one short afternoon. Eventually she came to the house where the bears were quartered. "Are these animak carnivor- ous?" she asked the keeper, who was keeping a watchful eye upon all the small boys in the vicinity. The keeper scratched his head, and then he smiled brightly. "They was, ma'm," he ans- wered; "but they'e all right since we washed 'em in carbolic." Cup: Wbs wss driving when yuu hit that carT Drunk (triamphsutiy): Nona of as; we wss s'.I on th'ack seat. The council authorized an ex- penditure of not over 312.50 on Gleneagles Drive as applied for by R. A. Wyllie & Son Ltd., and C. J. Archer. An expenditure of not over 31,000 on the ferry wharf was ordered arranged for by the council and a letter from the contractor to be obtained con- firming his price for the work. The unemployment relkf mem- orandum of agreement in dupli- cate enclosed with City Engineer Phiiip's letter was ordered by the council executed by the reeve and clerk on behalf of the corp- oration and forwarded to Vic- toria. Mayor Malkin's letter re ac- cess to Vancouver was referred by the council to the Reeve and Councillor Morgan. The clerk's report on the Lighthouse Park lease, which ex- pires on 1st May, 1931, was re- ferred by the council to the reeve and chairman of the parks board. The foreman reported on: 1. Road at Cypress Par)pf(om Marine Drive to Sigmond's ant) thence east 200 feet: which re- quired re-shaping and gravel. Would cost 335. Expenditure authorized. 2. Request for ditch T. E. (V. Russell. Cost 340. Expenditbre not over that sum authorized. 3. Ditching 2Srd and Ottawa. Cost 3100. Referred to chairinan of the waterworks, engineer and foreman. 4. Drainage 3200 block Marine Drive. Laid over. 6. Drainage D.L. 657-2-3. Re- ferred to the engineer to make a satisfactory arrangement with R. H. Newlands. 6. T. Garrow's request for road improvement at Wellington and Imperial avenues. Referred to incoming council. One more week for this grand Butter Special For Saturday Only New Zealand Butter ("g".""SL-") 3 lbs. for $1.00With meat order Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive "The Store of Quality and Convenience" Phone West 190 a November 7, 1980. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, I'ORK, VEAI Ktc. COOKED SIEATS Ol" ALL KINDS, DKI.ICATFSSKN {Two Stores for your service) HOI,I.YBURN STORK AiSIBLKSIDE STORK )Vest 3 WEST 303 Both Stores will close every Saturday night at 7 o'lock prompt from November 1st to April, 1931, West Vancouver Lumber Co. 16th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 11$ IV, J. Turnbull, liianuger, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Buard Beaver Bourd -- Shingles Yoff Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY 'V V 5'V VVVrw V V VVVr~ Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. ae 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m., West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent Cooke and Lemal's application to cut dry wood on the N.E.I/9 of D.L. 805 was granted by the council subject to (a) sale of the property (b) a time limit of 6 months for the removal o! all the firewood and the clearing up of all the debris and (c) permis- sion not being assignable and the roads being left in as good con- dition as st present.