0001 v November 14, 1930 By NINA G, BUTT, Landscape Architect ~ol t U. I c. Aa~ sd od I Loot so Asddiooiso ood 0 4 ~I ~. NA L N stood Ladosoto 0 Clematis paniculata, C. tangu- ties, with its beautiful yellow flowers, which are followed by lovely feathery seed clusters, are wonderful plants for covering an unsightly pole or dead tree. Cle- matis Jackmani, which has purple flowers, is a little harder grow to perfectjon but is even re beautiful than the white owerer C. paniculata, The Chinese Matrimony vine is a vig- orous grower and will do splen- didly in a small area. The clus- ters of small purple flowers are followed by bright long lasting red berries. For larger areas the wistarias should not be over- looked. For general purposes perhaps the honeysuckles are the best of alb They can be used for trailing over a steep bank to hold the soil, or to cover an unsightly pole or dilapidated fence or shed. If you do not wish togo to the expense of purchasing vines nm the nursery, you may ob- n the desired ej?ect during the summer months at least, from the use of some of the annual climbers. They are rapid grow- ers, and last at least until frost. There is the cucumber vine, (rather inclined to become 0 pest) Scarlet runner (the beans of which are esteemed as food) the morning glory, and that fine creeper which you can almost see grow, Cobea scandens. Urchin: "IMr. Brown, your wife's calling for you." Grocer: "Well, I'm busy now. Tell her I'l come in ten minutes. Where is she? In, the garden?" Urchin: "No--in the canal!" The trailing vines are very use- ful for covering walls, and may also be used for steep iiank. It is much easier to maintain 8 steep bank that has been vine- covered with the proper sort of trailing vine than to try to keep 8 neat appearing grass plot that is nearly nine-tenths on the per- pendicular. The Japanese honey- suckle will grow where it is al- most impossible for anything else to grow. The Boston ivy, and the Virginia creeper will also creep rapidly and make a pretty display of fall coloring. The per- iwinkle, "myrtle" (Vince minor) planted amongst 8 few rocks will provide a beautiful evergreen coverirg and will present dainty blue flowers as an added attrac- tion in springtime. The same plant is splendid for use on s half shaded bank provided it is planted In pockets where the moisture will be retained during the driest weather. You will see that there are many uses for vines. Carefully selected they will do any reason- able thing that can be expected and there are few homes which will not be enhanced by the use of vines in one or more locations. NOTE--Tho vsli will so Id I II ~ VI ~ io ol toailw so a m t ibo t dso Io d I~ Iom I, Th mo ilo sbo Id ho dd oossd I ih rii I IO OI ih SdiiO . Th oos I IS po Io ~ oo It Iao ol u ~ V Ioo I lstlt I 4 Irsd ~ ~ I Vsd, Oyster Cocktails 3 or 4 oysters Cayenne pepper Lemon juice Tomato sauce Tobasco sauce Put oysters in a cocktail glass, mix in the cayenne, lemon juice, tomato sauce and put in a few drops of tobasco sauce. Let all stand in glasses on ice for about 3 hours. 1 Ton of Coal For a Name We want x suitable name for t good coal we have arranged to beadle on North Shore, of wmch we have just received the Stot carload (ttovo) mined in B. Co toot'ots, high in heat, ltiv is ath. A right good coal. Tty it; txd give as what you think to be t good trading name for it. Sender of accepted name will receive I TON FREE tf charge. PRICE PElt TON~ Siovt $ 11.50 I I'I Ttx $5.7S We ttt also North Shore Agents for the oCtnmoto Bti- quettoto ytu httt about over your radio. Pot Tox $ 14.50; Mince Meat II/2 cups chopped beef (roast or steak) 1 pint chopped apple I/2 cup chopped suet I 1-3 cups sugar 1 cup cider I/2 cup syrup from sweet pickle jar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon mace Grating of nutmeg I/4 teaspoon cloves I/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2-3 cup raisins (Sultana pre- ferred). Mix all together. Cook 1 hour. Put into serilized jars. GARDENS and GARDENING THE WEST VAN NEWS NORTH SHORE JUVENII.E FOOTBALI. AS9OCIATION Games for Saturday, Novem- ber 16th, 1930: Division I. Canucks vs. Lions--High School ((West); 2:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Botham. West Van (Bye). Division II. West Van 0 Keys V4 West Van. Midgets; Inglewood School; 2:30 p.m. Referee, Mr. Master- Kiwanis Blue birds (Bye). Division IH. Capilsno vs. North Shore Rang- ers; Capilano School; 2:00 p. m. Referee, Mr. Smith. North Shore Wanderers vs. Ki- wanis Bluebirds; Mahon Park: I:30 p. m. Referee, Mr. Hil- dsr. Lynn Valley Rovers vs. Kingsley School; Lynn Valley Park; 2 p. m. Referee, Mr. Wardlaw, Souffle of Sweet Potatoes 2 cups mashed sweet potatoes 3 eggs 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons melted butter Seasoning Put potatoes in a bowl, beat in the eggs, which have already been whipped light, Add melted butter and milk, season to taste. Beat hard until very light. Turn into 8 buttered pudding dish and bake till brown on top. Lobster Cutlet I/2 can lobster 1 oz. butter 1 oz flour Salt and pepper 1 wine glass lobster juice 2 tablespoons cream I tablespoon lemon juice 1 egg Cracker crumbs Drain the lobster, melt butter and add flour, salt and pepper. Add lobster juice, if not enough add a little milk. Boil well stir- ring all the time. Add cream snd lemon juice, stirring the lobster chopped fine. Beat all together and cool. When set divide into portions. Form cutlets and for bones stick in a small piece of macaroni. Dip in beaten egg and cracker crumbs and fry in butter. oSO ytw rtfxtt tt pty dt twt dtl- lxht ytw twet mot, Stm'lo oNo, txh. Ah doesn't refuse, Ab ixt'oftxmt.o FOR SAI.E--Tet ttetx, fttatt, 1st 7, sxls; camp fttxltatt, tttvmh beds, oil burner, ttc., IO bte-hived, $ 130 eath. Pbtot West 58YL FOR SALE--Four Room Stito. Evtty thing tltdtric. Ftigldtitt. Gemgt. $46.00. Apply Applttoo Ctttt. Phone Wttt 424. POR RENT OR SALE -- Ptttly fere- itbtd htttt Im WxtttftonL Apply 'Loyltad, West 03RI. POR RENT--Coafottxblo tptttmteL Pertly fmviltht4 Pall plxmbixg. Fittplact. Good ltextlon near forty, $ 16.00. Phone West 4271 hlARCELLE SHOP -- Mtttogt, 60 ttxtt; reset, 36c; sxgot wave, Vsd. Phtxt Mtt. King, West 304. WINDOW BLLiDS Mtdt tt Otdtt tnd Rtptittd. Eotimtttt free. Cer- tain ttdt. Apply Fo Pttttt, 19tll Street xed Marine Drive. Residence phone West 2!iVI GARDEN CONSTRUCTION--Ltxdd- caps txd general gxtdtntxg. Phone, R. J. Kyto, 2567 Btnovxt. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rot- idtxto Phoae West 241R. A Scot was engaged in an ar- gument with a conductor as to whether the fare wss 3 or 10 cents. Finally the disgusted con- ductor picked up the Scotsman's suitcase and tossed it oil'he train, just ss they passed over a bridge. It landed with a splash. oMon," screamed Sandy. "Isn' it enough to try and overcharge me, but now you try to drown my little boy?" Sambo: "Ah wants a cake ob soap. Clerk: "What kind ob soap do yo'ants?" Sambo (slowly): SVell, Ah wants 8 cake ob soap tuh wash my head wif." Clerk (readily) I "Den y'ants Ivory soap," Silas: "Is Bfll Perkms 8 har?" Hiram: "Well,I don't know as I'd go so far as to say that butI'l tell you this much--when feeding time comes, he can't get his pigs to stir until he gets someone else to call them for him." ROOM AND BOARD ie caefdttxbh boast. AR home ttokmg. Pbetv Woot 58L. MILK GOAT atd Kids Pot Sale-- Apply Jones, Glttttglox. UPHOLSTERING tal Fetxnttt Ro ptitt. Lixoltxm ttd Cttpttt laid. Stw Sing. N. IL Ellis, 1420 Wtttt- fnmL FOR RECT--Partly ftttitbod or will ~tn ftvt toots modetn beset wite fxtiltte tt Notth uitxt tttott 18th ttd Clydt. Phoae Wttt 2SSB. IONA'-TONE Mtgxttit Health Belt for rent, SLSO pot week. Tox mie- sttt home tttttmtet wgl help dtt Jxtt tty. Por petticelttt, phoae West SMIXS. FOR RENT -- Ftmdxbod bexsthsss. Every ttmltaaevt. Betlty, 28th tml WttotftoeL Phoae West 15982. FOR RENT--Ftttiobtd besot. ately dtvotxtts. Rett ttttottblt. Phone West 51R. TO RENT -- Cefttmxbod svt-stern htott. Modern. Conveniently locat- es, $25.00. Apply Box SS, Htnybete P.O. RADIO--Win tttdo for ltt or vtlL Battery tot, 6 atw tubes. Loss speaker Wtt A xxd B. Btttvtsah Philto thttgtt. Gxttxattod good wotkmg order. Phone West 225. FOR SALE--Rook ted Alplet pltxtt. Large variety. Phoae C. G. Barrow, West 98L2. FOR RENT 1248 Koitb Rox4 svd ttomt, phuxbing, gtttgt, $20.00. Phone Wttt 020R. TO RENT LN BUSLNESS BLOCK-- Steam heated room xeitxblt for of- stv tt for hviog quarters for busi- ness party. ExttHoxt lttatito. blodtto. Phone Wttt 893. FURS CLEANED. STORED or Re- modeled. Sxxuxtt ptittx. Hvllybote Fet Store, Edith Block. Hollybmx. PAINTING, Dttotttixg. Ftteoh Pol- ixhing, Chtlty, RtxMtxdt Phone West 71Y. WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIBS WEAR BEST--Dxedtttvoh ALL THB BEST Bthxdo of Cigars. Cigarettot txd Ttbxccta Aho Ex- change Poker Hands xxd Consol cards Free. Amblmidt Ttx Rooms. FOR THE BEST SLABS txd Ietidt Fit phone West 230. FOR PAINTING, KALSOIIININC Apply C. L Koxixgt, Rtxbetooe phone West 394R. THE POSTAL AUTHORITIES ARE )VAITING In, announcing their intention of establishing a house to house delivery in West Vancouver, the postal authorities, it will be remembered, stipulated as 8 condition of such service that all houses must firs be numbered and mail slots or boxes installed in the front door of every residence. Since then a number of alterations have been carried out in Hollyburn post office in connection with the house to house delivery, While many of our residents have had mail slots or boxes installed and their houses numbered, quite a number have not done so, aud the postal authorities are now only waiting for these latter in order to start their mail carriers. Contrary to the disbelief of some, it is the intention of the government to establish 8 house to house mail delivery here within a certain area, but, as they have categorically stated, every house in this area must be numbered and a mail slot or mail box provided. The reasons for these regulations are obvious. The mail car- riers cannot be sure of leaving letters at the right house unless it is numbered, nor can they for safety's sake leave a letter on 8 verandah at the mercy of the winds or dogs or anybody who feels inclined to pick it up. We have been asked frequently what is the cause of the delay in starting the promised house to house delivery. The above is the answer. It is now entirely up to our resi- dents, for whom the postal authorities are waiting. FURNITURE AND PERSONAL EFFECTS INSURANCE is some- times overlooked by vxttfxl people. $ 14.00 will covet $1,000 fot pttiod of 8 years. It is ehvxp. Immtdiatt pttttctiox can be obtained by phte- ixg R. P. Clark Estates Ltd Note New Addtma tad New Pboxt- Sxitt 2, 425 Howe Street. Soy. 4065 District Btpttdtxtttivt--G J Atthtt West 225. R. P. CLARK Jk CO. ESTATES LTD. GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Peblit FIRE INSL'RANCB VI'o hare Satn Aaotete tx Htal ftt Good Mortgage Ltthx. 1406 Mttiat Drive Office Phone West 81 or Sty. 1200 Residence Phono W. SSB ot W. 204X i.,".';::."....I IT S HERE ['*"::,, THE NRAUTIPUL New THE GREATEST RADIO VALUE VET OFFEREO Exqulsltt Console - Sthutgul Toto ~ Nltt Tthts - Dyttmk SPtohtr $109o50 COmPlete i.tJL Wtst Vhetotvtt BLAIR- JORDAN RADIO CO. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 119 Ltttdtlt Aw. PhOne Netai 473 "A Sttttt Rtsle Strvltt for the North Short." FRUIT TREE SPECIALS Large Wealthy Apple Trees read to bear.... $1.00 each Large stock of Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Ornamentals, etc. Shot Silk Roses, ( ((Vest Van.'s Emblem) $0 cenLL Edwin S. Gamage 700 Stook hlttixo Drive Vi'oot Vtaootvot North Sloxt Btxhob of B. C, Nttsotito CLASSIFIED ADS The tttt fot CltttlSts Asvtttixoavett ld 2 ttett pot word, ahilaxa 25 toxtx. Rxttpt la tbo tttt of those btvixg togxltt ttttextx, xn tlxtti- Sodv tto ptyxbL ttthtl ie ssvmstt. Rtatabot Clxtdistdt la tht Woxt Vea Ntvt got Iaatsittd ttttltt. '«Grv-r.s ' M q I A S A.