0001 i Lw ~p ~. ~'o "~" o i i ;wo. 'w w Mf .r ' ow Order Your Winter Suit aud Overcoat Now! Finest material to choose from at moderate prices. Local Agent for REGENT TAILORS: One Price--Suits or Overcoats 626.00. Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing. Close Saturdays 7 p. m. M. WILLIAMS Phone West 20 .... 1668 Marine Drive .... Rea, Phone West 286L F "'"'est176IRST MASON TRANSFER Ik FUEL SUPPLY Burn Diamond Sootless Conl FuU Stock of Nanaimo-Wefiington and 51cLeod River Hard Coal. Phone us and Save Your hfoney Alder and Fir Bushwood 56.75 ls buoiswis in IVeot Vss. ie Vesta C. J. Overington BARBER ls New Stere hlorise Drive at 11th Next Jofforieo Meat Store Expert Work--Ladies', ChiMros Gentlemen Pbowo West 135 for appoiatmost Prop K Boost, Phone West 3$ THE Handy Ann Store 21th a Marine Dr„Dssdxrsve DRYGOODS HARDWARE ih STATIONERY hlaobiwo Silk. Colored Sheen. Scotch Fingering Wool. I-Ply Purple Heather, D.M.C Skeiso, Sksbroidwry Samples ol Tes, Cogwe, Cocoa given away to adults only ws Saturday. Extrscut Orders taken xnd delivered after 4 p.m. C. T. WILLIAMS Radio Repairs asd SERVICE Rooidosce Phone 150-R3 I Park Road, West Vancouver BURRARD FuiNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, hlgr. Diotisotioe Funeral Soroloo Lady Assistant 32e-3rd St. E Phoae North 524 CONSEIIVATIVE ASSN. ANNUAl MEETING The annual general meeting and election of officers of the West Vancouver Conservative Association will be held at the Fortune Cup Inn on Friday, Nov- ember 28th, at 8 p. m. L. O. B. A. )IIILITARY WHIST DRIVE The L. O. B. A. is giving a military whist drive tonight (Friday) in the Orange EIau. Play will start st 8 p.m., and there will be good prizes and re- freshments. There will also be a drawing for an oil painting, for which 10 cent tickets will be sold. DIVISION I FOOTBAI.L West Vancouver defeated the Lions of North Vancouver 6-4 on the latter's home ground last Saturday. The locals'oals were scored by NacVean (2), Ashe (2), Masterman and Grisedale. The )Vest Van. team was: Stev- nes, Irish, Cornish, Fon'edter, John-Cox, Timbreu, Grisedale, MacVean, Ashe, Kendrick and Masterman. HO5IE OIL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Program Home Gas Symphony Orchestra under Calvin AVinter Sunday, November 16th, 1930 CKWX, 9 P. M. (AU Request Program) March, "King Cotton"........ Souse Waltz, "Wedding Dance" Lincke "Country Gardens" .... Grainger Selection, "Chimes of Norman- dy" ........................ Planquette Vocal Presentation. "Ride of the Vslkyriesw IVagner Xylophone Medley .... Arranged Jack Toevs 'Siziuiettaw .......................... Blon Overture, "Zsmpa,"........ Herold "There's No Gas Like Home." The Dates - Dec. 3rd and 4th THE PLAY "Tilly of Eloomsbury" AU West Vancouver Caste Proceeds LO.D.E. Child IVeifare. Produced by Guy Desmond Corporation of the District of West Vancouver %TATER RATE NOTICE DELINQUENTS ARE RE51INDED That it is my duty under By-law 145, Section 34, to cause the water to be turned oif at their premises if the rates are Not Paid at the Municipal Hall by noon Saturday, November 15th, snd this action, if taken, will cost the ratepayer 62.00, JAMES OLLASON, Collector. Drop in and see BILL GROUT at WEST VAN MOTORS 1443 Marine Drive House Phone West 458R Garage I'hone West 268 Bring him your car troubles. Ask him to tell you about FIRES'TONE TIRES & TUBES -- WILLARD BATTERIES RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINIiNG SHELL SUPER GAS snd OTHER GOOD PRODUCTS THE WEST VAN NFWS ARM I9TICE SERVICE AT THE 31E510RIAI. ARCH In spite of the fact that Tues- day was not a public holiday, there was a good attendance at the Armistice Service arranged by the Duncan Iatwson Chapter, I.O.D.E., at 10:46 a.m. at the Memorial Arch. Rev. A. Harding Priest and Rev. H. P. Iiumph- reys conducted the service, the former giving a short and earn- est address. Dr. Henry unfort- unately was unable to be present. Bugler Ninchins sounded the last post and the reveille. A large number of organizations and private persons placed wreaths on the Arch, among them being: Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., Canadian Leg- ion, )Vest Vancouver, Legion Women's Auxiliary, West Van- couver, the Reeve and Council, the West Vancouver School School Board, L.O.L. No. 2990, L.O.B.A., King David Lodge, A. F. & A, M., Naomi Chapter, Ord- er of the Eastern Star, the IVes'. Vancouver Choral Society, West Vancouver Scottish Society, St. Patricia Kindergarten, Blasdeu School. IL T. A. At the next meeting of the West Vancouver Parent-Teacher Association, Tuesday, November 18th, the speaker will be Mr. Randolph H. Bennett, B.A., B.C.L., Vocational Guidance Dir- ector for the City of Vancouver. The board of school trustees of Vancouver has definitely com- mitted itself to the policy of vo- cational guidance on behalf of the city pupils and Mr. Bennett took up his position in Septem- ber of this year. The new dir- ector arrived with the highest recommendations following post- graduate courses in this subject of vocational guidance which is receiving so much attention from present dsy authorities in educa- tion. The regular meeting of the P. T. A. was postponed for one week in order that there might be no clash with Armistice Day func- tions. Everyone interested has a cordial invitation to hear Nr. Bennett's address at Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday night at 8 p.m. ( iol I "i IVEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Last Friday evening, Novem- ber 7th, the West Vancouver High School teachers and stud- ents held their annual party in the Inglewood School Auditori- um. The evening was spent in games and dancing. Other fea- tures of entertainment were: Tap Dance, Jean Hutchinson. Recitation, Hattie Young. Anchors Aweigh, (Male Sex- tette): Lawrence Grafton, Stan. ley Lettner, Rupert Harrison, Eugene Lopateci, Kenneth Lop- steci, Gordon Edwards. A number of guests were pres- ent, among them being students of the last year's Matriculation class and members of the School Board. The High School Orchestra furnished the music for the dancing. Refreshments were served snd at 12 o'lock a very enjoyable evening came to an end with Auld Lang Syne. Last Tuesday the girls used their new grass hockey sticks for the first time. The girls are forming teams under the direc- tion of Miss NcSweyn. Too Iktd! Worried mother: "What's the baby crying for, Buly?" Billy: " 'Cos he saw me eating my apple." Mother: "Weu, he's hsd an appk of his own, hssn't he?" Billy (in sn injured tone): "Yesl an'e cried afi the time I was eating that, tool" November 14. 1930. HollyisurnTHEATRE'lUSI('IANS'LUBGIVE FINE RECITAl. The second recital of the Musi- cians'lub last Friday was well attended by West Vancouver music lovers. The Moskowski wsltze set for four hands was s bruusnt piece of work handled &lelightfufiy by Mrs. Durbin and Mrs. Burbridge at one piano and Nrs. Knight Hodge and Nips Margaret Mr- Intyre at the other. Miss Frmla Herrin gave great pleasure in 5 group of piano solos rendered in an able and musician. ly manner. Mr. Alan Mclntyre whose cello has been heard far too seldom in solo work, gave s group of three numbers whose diverse character gave the artist oppor- tunity to display both tone and technique. In the vocal part of the pro- gram Mrs. Chas. Donohoe's de- lightful light soprano voice was shown to advantage in a group composed of Cyril Scott's "Black- birds Song," Dvorak'5 "Songs Ny Mother Taught Ne," Beach's "Oh! Love But a Dsy,w and clos- ing with Dr. Arne's "Lass with the Delicate Air." bliss Joan Durbin who gave great pleasure in her rendition of her group; had chosen Brahms "Sapphic Ode,w two of Grieg's lovely songs, wIVith the Primula Veris" and the dramatic "The Swsnw closing with Scarlstti's "Cease, oh Cease, Ny Heart from Wounding." These four varied numbers gave Miss Durbin s chance to show her interpreta- tive ability of which she took full advantage. Mr. James Lowden's fine bari- tone voice was heard in a varied group beginning with Handel's "Hear me ye Winds and Waves," "Had a Horse" (a Hungarian Folk Song), and closing with the Toreador song from Carmen by Bizet AU three were splendidly sung and the familiar Carmen sir with its well known and splendid swing, provided a rous- ing close to the recitaL The next on December 5th will be Students night and it is expected to be most interesting. THURSDAY, FRIDAY ssd SATURDAY Buster Keaton IN "Free and Easy" i Have your Furnace overhauled or new one instsued before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet Netal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phone North 315 Iles. Phones: North PISY-15523 The BURRARD LAUNDRY Ltmlmd For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CLEANERS THIRD ST. asd ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone 1Vest 4101. One day s professor was ac- costed by a dirty little bootblack: "Shine your shoes, sir?" The professor was disgusted by the filthiness of the lad's face. "I don't wan,t s shine, my lsd," he said, "but if you'l go and wash your face, I'l give you six- pence." "Righto, guv'nor," replied the lad, as he made his way to s neighboring fountain. Soon he returned, looking much cleaner. "Well, my lad," said the pro- fessor, "you have earned your sixpence; here it is." "I don't want your sixpence, guv'ratr,w replied the lad, with an aristocratic air, "you 'ang on to it and get your 'air cut." When was Adam married? On his wedding Eve. FOOTBALL The following players of the West Van. 0 Keys football team will turn out for the game on Saturday, November 15th, at Inglewood School: G. Mssterman goal; M. Ward, right back; Mil- ler, left back; J. McDonald, right half; G. Mason, centre half; J. Murray, left half; W. NcMiuan, outside right; P. Farmer, inside right; L. Blaine, centre forward: I. Hamilton, inside kft; 5L Chap- man, outside left. Spares: J. Savory, ¹ Davidson, I Johncox. Everybody out. pRIZES---Best Dressed Lady Best Dressed Gentleman Com ic Original Sun. Dodger's Orchestra. Refreshments in charge of I.O D.E. Ladies, 50c. Gents, 75c. W. V. A. S. C. Masquerade Carnival Orange Ha'll, 22nd and Marine FRIDAY, Nov. 2,1st, '30 Dancing 9 p.m. to I a.m. In aid of I.O.D.E. Relief Fund, Elks'mas Cheer Fund and IV.V.A.S.C. Tank Fund. Ciegst) witl lies fipweip s Iov«y I'„'eries ~ightiy testis J sip)a fic )re bs „parer Chisa oiosp ip Uifiy in ten «'«bwwi ~+herr tbe hell slL Th over 5 toil, pele W If I ezpea oal nth op Sita the cfiinbe elb sn which creepeI grow, Uicl wife' 1 F P ~ g koo too hi thl for wii cls Pli I I v r' 1 Al'll to