West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Nov 1930, p. 3

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0001 LI ~ j l 4 November 14, 1930 THE WEST VAN NEWS t gll I ~ 'Q y" y In the ORANGE HA On Wednesday, at 8:I Ll., 22nd and biarlne, November 19th 5 p.m. Children 25 cents CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT The West Vancouver Choral Society is giving their opening concert of the season with a lull orchestral necompaniment at the Hollyburn Theatre on blonday, 24th November, at 8 p. rn. A very interesting program has been arranged of choral music, part songs, and orchestral selec- tions. Admission 50 cents and 76 cents. LBBlUN BANQUET A most successful event was the banquet given by the Wom- en'9 Auxiliary to the Legion members in the Memorial Hall on Armistice night; in fact, many of those present stated it was one of the most enjoyable even- ings they had ever spent. The hall was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers and leaves and about 8 hundred guests sat down to 8 sumptuous repast at most attractively laid tables. The toast to the King was pro- posed by Captain H. I. Vince, and the Silent Toast by Rerr. A. Hard- ing Priest. That to the Legion was proposed by Mrs. G. E. Bay- field, and was responded to by Major B. H. Harrison. The lat- ter gave the toast to the Wom- en's Auxiliary of the Legion, and Mrs. W. T. Atwood, president of that organization replied. The toast to the British Em- pire wss given by Colonel K. W. Savory and that to the Munici- y lyly by E I yl A, y. Rivers acted as toastmaster. Following the toasts commun- ity singing was enjoyed by all, after which an excellent musical program was given by the follow- ing artists, to whom the Auxil- iary is very grateful for making the evening such 8 success. Aubrey Clarke, Mrs. W. R. Clark, Mrs. R. Froud, Colonel M. H. Tristram, Sid Desmand, George Childs, Tom Turner, Jr., 8 quarL ette composed of R. Froud, A. J. Addy, J. Holt and J. G. Fiddes, also the accompanists Gordon Gray, Mrs. Tom Turner, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove. It is hoped to make the ban- banquet an annual event. Admission 35 cents. Bone Dry ! FIR Full Load $5 COAL TRANSFER MOVING Phone West 48 OOC COOKE PETE LE REAL HOLI VBURN Barber Shop 16th & biorioo BXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Soucnor WEST VANCOUVER- Offico No. 1447 Morioo Dr(To. Phppo West 40E VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 619 HBBiipgB Si. W Phono Seymour 4199. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Amblesiiie Sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK, Pyopyieioy 1466 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleeide Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance He Knew Already Johnny wanted to play with the big chaps, but his brother very firmly said "No!" "Why?" pleaded little Johnny. "Well, for one thing, some of them use bad language, and you might learn to swear." "But you go with them," argu- ed the little fellow. "Oh, well, I can swear al- ready,'aid big brother. I Why aren't yoo buByr Can't ypu Aod something to dor Goo whiz! Have I gptio hunt up work opd then do a, iao'I Do not miss the OPENING CONCERT of the season to be presented by The West Vancouver Choral Society (80 voices) On Monday, November 24th, 1930 Commoocins Bt 8 o'lock FULL ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT CHORAL MUSIC PART SONGS" ONSORCHESTRAL SI'.LEC I I Admissloni-- 50c and 'ISc. West Vancouver Orchestral Society CONCERT Local and Ussr Miss Helen Matheson enter- tained at 8 house party over the holidays at her summer home in Caulfeild, the guests being Miss Yvonne Dreyfus, Mr .and Mrs. Iwonard Du Moulin, Miss Esther Eddy, biiss Dalton Marpole, Ed- ward biulqueen, Alan Russell, Laurie Procter, and Philip Woat- ten. ~ O B The Ladies'adminton Club has opened for the season and are using the courts in Dundar- ave Hall. ~ ~ ~ Mr. 51orton of Mission, is 8 guest at the Clachan hoteL ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Caulfeild, have moved to the city for the winter. B B B Mrs. Cole, 2434 Mathers Ave., is expected home at the end of the week from the North Van- couver General Hospital. ~ B \ David Dewar and his sons Lloyd and Harold, who have been away for several months in the Peace River iDstrict, have re- turned to their home at 22nd and Bellevue, coming by motor. ~ B Mrs. Perry, who has been 8 patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital, has returneii to her home at West Bay. ~ ~ Mr. James, who has been away for the summer at Lake Atlin, has returred to his home at 18th and Esquimalt. B E G. C. Byrnell, 15th and Gor- don, has been confined to his home this week through sick- ness. ~ B Mrs. E. H. Jupp was a bndge hostess at her home at 20th and Inglewood last Friday afternoon. O In spte of the wet weather which prevailed over the week end, a large number of hikers spent the holidays on Hollyburn Ridge. So far there is no snow up there. F. Buscombe had the misfor- tune to break an arm last week as the result of a fall. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital and is now back at his home at Caulfeild. ~ E F. C. Page has returned from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, to his home at 24th and Bellevue. ~ 'B ~ Miss Helen Nightingale of Dundarave, is visiting in Cobble Hill, Vancouver Island. B ~ Mr. and iMrs. William Sloan and family of Kerrisdale, have taken 8 suite at the Fortune Cup Inn, and have taken possession. ~ ~ L.O.L. No. 2990, North Van- couver No. 1840, L.O.B.A. No. 703 and North Vancouver L.O. B.A. gave 8 large Hallowe'en party on Wednesday evening, 6th instant in the new Orange Hall, there being about one hundred and fifty present. There were songs and recitations, skipping contests for the ladies and other novelty contests for the children. Fd.'lowing the presentation of prizes all adjourned to the lower hall, where an elaborate Hallow-e'n banquet was served, the table being also gaily decorated with Hallowe'en colors and flow- ers. Later there were fireworks for the children, and one of the most successful parties ever given by the order closed with a dance, RI)S FARES REDUCED Upper levels hus fares have been reduced and are now the same as the fares biarine Drive to Altamont, that is, 17 tickets for 50 centrL Bus tickets there- fore, are now interchangeab)e. Personal Cod Liver Oil Extract An excellent tonk. John Hart, 16th and Esqui- malt, is confined to his home through sickness. B B B The West Vareouver Police are organizing a i)rat aid class. Any youth over 16 years of age or adult who would like to take the course is asked to phone the police office, where full informs tion can be obtained. B ~ ~ A. F. Tabor, who hss been a- way for three months on an ex- tended trip to New Brunswick and the Eastern States, has re- turned to his home at 13th and Inglewaod. \ B ~ Miss Davidge, the able and ef. ficient teacher of domestic sci- ence in the Inglewood School, is to be congratulated on the suc- cess of biiss Mabel Phillips who has won eleven prizes during the psst two years. Not only was Miss Phillips successful in carry- ing oif many first prizes from our local Association but she also won three firsts, one second, and two thirds from the Canada Pa- cific Exhibition. B B B Mrs. C. Chinnery, 13th and Inglewood, left on Monday for Seattle. biiss Dorothy Parkin gave 8 party recently at her home in North Vancouver, which was at. tended by 8 number of her friends in West Vancouver. Mrs. C. Poisson entertained at the tea hour last Wednesday aft- ernoon at her home, 2994 Belle- vue. ~ B ~ birs. Lestock Raid gave a shower at her home at 31st and Travers on Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. George Blyth (nee Pauline Edmond), who was recently married. E. S. Gamage is putting on 9 special sale of large Wealthy apple traces, and other fruit trees, shrubs, ornamentals, etc.. also Shot Silk roses (West Van- couver's emblem). LEGION SIIIOKER The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, is giving a smoker at 8 p. m. Thursday, Nov- ember 27th, in the Legion hall. A fine musical program hss been arranged and three boxing bouts will be staged during the even- ing. There will also be the usual rations. Kerfoot's (English) Throat Pa8blles In two strengths--one for children--for the preven- tion of colds and other hry factions. WEST VAll I'IIARMCY IISZ Morioo Drive Tho Store Bf Sorr(EEL We dohror Phoae West 87 EmBygoocy Pimoo WBBL 881 (After 9 P.m.) Bny Home Products Stratton'8 Bakery 1468 Moyhlo Dr(re Phoae WEEL 87 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY Scotch Shortbread, Nut Bread, Birthday & Wedding Cakes FUEL VERNON fEED STORE iL C SEARLE Pbooo Wert 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and BuiMing Supplies. Betty (to teacher): "biummy wants you to come to tea on Saturday." Teaeheri "Are you sure, dear?" "Yes, because I heard daddy say: 'Ask her aed get it over!' The flower show had been a great success, and 8 few even- .ings later Councillor Jones, who had performed the opening cere- mony was reading the local re- port of it to his wife. Presently he stopped and, snatchirbg up his stick rushed from the room. Amazed, his wife picked up the paper and read:-- "As Councillor Jones mounted the stage, all eyes were fixed on the large red nose he displayed. Only years could hare produced an object of such brilliance." DIEOEiiOOB Poi: Why oro yoii wrormg Bo ioosy coats on such o hoi day? biiko (Eorryiog paint can): I'm go- ing io paint mo fence, ood ii Boys on this can, 'To obiolo best rBBoiiB, por Qo oi IBBBt ulreo coors GLENEAGLES COURSE BEING ENI.ARGED Arrangements have been made to extend the golf course at Glen- eagles. Several holes have been lengthened considerably and three new greens are being con- structed. As a special enducement to North Shore residents the fee for 9 holes is now 26 cents, snd a charge of 60 cents is being made for a whole day's play. XbIAS GOODS IiN! A BmBU dopoBii oin hold ooul Xmas. Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear bvest Vancouver Scottish Society Us( St. Andrew's Night Military Whist Drive io be held in the 'CLACHAN" On SATURDAY, Nov. 29th, 1930 Play BTBTEB OE s.uip.oL GOOD PRIZES DANCINO RRFRSSHMENTS U Admission Soc. 14th and biarine Drive. Phone )Vest 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. cy h 'VANE AB m