0001 v 'yr'~'r 'rv'rv vr r»'.r- vvyrr ~» vrrr rrr ul» 4, ~'P v v» I Hollybnrn Hall Cor. 14th & Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p.m.-- Gospel Ad- dress. Speaker for next Sunday JOHN WILSON WEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Christmas lt bat than 60 days away I Your Photo will please your friends and will save you that CHRIST- hiAS SHOPPING. Prices to fit all pockets. Alake appointment now. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. )V. AR Work Guaranteed Phone Sey. 1046 Established on North Shut» 20 Years. (Lady Aaaiataut) HARRON BROS. 8( bVILLIAhISON funerallIirectars North Vancouver I'arlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 r~o~toO~]C~o~j IV. T. ATWOOD Plumbing Installations New or Replacements Supplied ON TERMS Phone West 301 For information. f~o~)il~~o~g THE West Van News Published Evcty Friday vtuaiucm aud Editorial Office) 12th aud Marine Dtivc (Natl tu llollyhuru P O.) I'hone West 363 Mail Add»eau) P.O. Iiuc sl, HuRybutth HC. Publiahct F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 01.00 ~ raut by )uuB ot cut)'lat, Ncwaatauda dc. pcr copy THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th au4 Eueuimalh Hullybutu This Society la u Btauch af The bi»that Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, iu Boat»a Maaaachuaatta Suuday Satvkvaa ILSO ~. m. aud 't.do p. m. SUBJECT, NOVEMBER 10th "MORTALS AND IMSIORTAI.Su ! Suuday Scbool at 10.00 ~ . m. Taatimany blactlug Waduaaday ~t S.ld p.m. November 14, 1930 United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, November 16th, 1930 The Sunday School meets at the new hour--9:55 and closes at 10:50. Dr. Henry will preach st both moi ning and evening service. The morning topic will be "The Duty of the Near-by." The evening topic will be "The Tragedy of Pilate." The regular meetings of the week are as usual. Tuesday 7:00 Trail Rangers. Wednesday 8 p. m., Congrega- tional gathering for prayer and meditation. Friday, 7:00--C. G. I. T. The next bi-monthly meeting of the Young People'0 Associa- tion win be held at the residence of hir. and hirs. Geo. Bell, 2395 Jefferson St. (bus to 24th and 2 blocks up). The new method of meeting at homes has proven very attrac- tive. Half of the evening is spent on the young people's topic and devotions and the balance in a social hour with music and re- freshments. It is helpful and up- lifting and sociable. No one need be lonely or unacquainted if they care to come to us. Preparations are going on a- pace for the Sale of Work which takes place on December 2nd. Keep vacant the date and full notices will be given later. 1Ve suppose most are acquaint- ed with the change in the hours of service. Just to jog the mem- ory and to let all know, please note:--In the morning 11:00, in- stead of the former 11115; in the evening 7:30, instead of the former 7;15. This brings us in line with the rest of Vancouver city. Mrs. John l)iacPherson of Van- couver will address the meeting of the Women'0 Missipnary So- ciety which meets on Monday afternoon. instead of the usual Tuesday at 2:15 in the church hall. Mrs. MacPherson was the representative of the Provincial President st the recent meeting of the Dominion Board in Tor- onto. She is an able speaker and has a report that no woman of the church should miss hearing. Those who have tickets out for the lecture recently given by Dr. Henry are asked to make re- turns not later than Sunday. BRITISH ISRAEL 1 CANADIAN LEGION hlEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 a. uL--a»haul (at Chlldtcu. 2 p. m~pcakct) MR. PERCY KlNG Dr. hiarjory McCnbblni DENTIST Hasta I pm tuspm Satutdaya: 10 ~ . uL tc 4 p. )u. Evauluga by appulstmaut Rc al Bank Building 'bona Weal 440 Rcaldcuca I'haut Weal 20$. NURSING HOME Subicc(4 uSPIRITUAL GIFTS" Mr. Klug broadcasts avct CKWX avery Wcducaday at 8 p. u), (Mta, M. L I.a('haec», R.N.) 204 - 24th Street FA»( Natth Vaucuuvcr Rvaldaucc I'haua) Nutth ISISR St. Stephen's Church From Pig to Pie Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 22nd (November 16th) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, on Sunday at 3 p. m. The church committee will meet Monday evening at 8 ou clock in the choir vestry. Next Wednesday the fourth diocesan Laymen's Conference will be held at St. James'arish HalL In the afternoon the Bis- hop of Columbia and the Arch- bishop of New Westminster will speak on the Lambeth Confer- ence and the evening subject is the missionary work of the Church. Baptist Church HORTON'S English Pork Butcher HOT I'IES 5c Each. Take acme home aud tty them JOIN OUR XMAS CLUB:-- I'ay what yau like, Have what yau like IC yau want u Pla that'a At tc cat it'a a ttaati aa tty cua Crom Hcttau on tha Sttaat. (IUI('K SNACK LUNCHES, HOIIE MAI)E RltAWNS aud I'OTCED MEATS ilGS FEET, Et AH made uu the ptcmlaca. 1421 Marine Drive. Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone 1Vest 252R. Sunday, November 1dih 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11 a. m.--hIorning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Personal Service." 7:30--Evening worship. Topic, "Oifended with Christ." The ordinance of Christian Baptism will be observed. The monthly meeting of the Baptist Women'8 Mission Circle will be held in the Church on Thursday, November 20th, at 2:30. Miss Mann, missionary from India on furlough, will ad- dress the meeting. All ladies int- erested in mission work are cor- dially invited. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Nov. 1--All Saints'ay. 7 a.m.--Mass, Nov. 2--Sunday, 8:45 a. m,-- High hiass. 3 p. m.--Devotions. Nov. 3--An Souls'ay, 7-8 (I m.--'Three Masses Confessions -- Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, 11 s. m. and 7 130 p. m. Bible and Catechism Classes-- Saturday, 10 a. m. Week Days--7:30 a. m.--Mass. The council went on record as supporting 8 resolution of the North Vancouver City Council to the eii'ect that the B. C. Govern- ment be approached for financial assistance in restoring the Sec- ond Narrows bridge for traffic. The Women'0 Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, West Vancou- ver, were granted permission by the council to tag in West Van- couver (but not on the ferries) on Saturday, 8th November. Qh I The Women's Auxiliary will hold 8 sewing meeting on Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bernard Hayes, Radcliif Avenue. Following their weekly prac- tice, the adult choir was enter- tained on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson. At the annual Anglican Road Races at Hastings Park on Mon- day, St. Stephen'0 girls carried otf both relay cups in competition and the boys although not suc- cessful in winning any cups, won two medals. Will Parker secured the third place medal for junior boys and Bob Timbrell got the second prize in the tad race. Milton Ward and Waiter Parker were fourth in their respective races. The winning team of seni- or girls, who captured the Beech- er Cup, wss composed of Mar- jorie Atwood, Muriel Dawson, Jean Garrett and Phyllis John- son. The intermediate girls team who won the Creery Cup in 0 field of seven schools, comprised Nancy Kearns, Mildred Lettner and Betty snd Molly Morrison. The cups and medals will be pre- sented next Monday night at St. George's Parish Hall, 14th and LaureL Those attending are ask- ed to catch the 7 p. m. West Van. ferry. Now Playing THE BROTMERlp All llllB 1 CrackerS' Qmggougf (ckc(og WEST VAN. "Y" wnk (ricky Ug)aa Rath ~ad a kis aaaL U"The monthly business meeting of the West Van. "Y" will be held at 8 o'lock in the Baptist Church, 15th and Duchess, on Tuesday, 18th. All girls over 16 years are cordially invited to at- tend. xtracts from Chief Constable'0 Report for Month of October, 1930. Collections-- Fines ................S 90.00 Licences .......... 155.00 245.00 Summonses and Warrants.. 12 Motor Accidents ................ 6 Warnings to Drivers ....... 7 Coroner's Enquiry ....... I hiissisg persona, Indigent and Hospital Enquiries and Searches .................... 7 Street Lights reported out.. 9 Fires Attended .................... 1 Premises found insecure.... 6 Constables'eports .......... 8 Permits issued-- Shooting ....................... 19 Blasling .. ..................... . I Lo'Eiigd'LE H. G. Selwood, M. V. Master- msn and others petitioned the council for protection ditching on Ottawa Street West from 23rd Street. The matter was referred to the chairman of the waterworks, the engineer, and the forelnan. The AYPA meet Monda) evening in the Parish Hall. COMING MON„TOES» WED. NEXT 'Manslaughter' Aaaa Dmt Muiav' BEST SELLER CLA88)C I I T») have Si'Byl) aml Tllltlld m uu» p»uvvful l»vv l)tarn» »GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST')(UNS., Fn)„SAT Na»l Weak. ft The little girl was reading ou her price-winning essay. And then I usually end up the day by playing 8 game of chess with my brother." "But you don'I play chess, ' dear l" exclaimed her mother "I know I wanted to put dom lnoes but I couldn't spell It "How do you know it wss a stork and not an angel that brought your baby brotherT'Well, I heard daddy com- plaining about the size of the bill, and angels don't have bills»u ~ h Thc Arch of Rcmc)nbtuncs 4 »I0++ $e