West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Oct 1930, p. 6

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0001 ~V' AQWt V iocp mri P w' a vtgm ,~ i i'Ti V,' ~ «.aiihc -- ic p.-- ~Mi rty 4'-~'i i'rri ~ oo v'im i o' cot". i:"-rr % 'rigkiri ~ v 'err re vrrv" IPr rev- ~'gi ~r rrriwr. rrrrrrr =rr THE WEST VAN NEWS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave 2",~-.'.dw"hl'„'I„". Hollyburn IT b ad M Free DeliveryTelephone Service Suggestions for FriELEy and Saturday, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 MaoaBgbt hlAltSElHAI.LOWS, ddt lb. packet ................, ......., SSc BARTI.ETT I'EARS, Columbia per tin ........ . ... .... ...... Ssc Red 41 'u'bite SOUI'S- Chitkva ....................... per tia 1st ... AB others .......,. per tia llc AI.L BRA V. KeBogg's, per pht. 19c Red A White RICE 2 IL cartes........................ 204 Red R White OLIVES-- 12 ot. Select Queens .. 224 ....9 oa hlaasaailla Stugcd . 24e JEI.I.Y BFANS. per IL....... 19c Rtd 41 lrhite TOMATOFE-- large Sit tio.............. 2 tins 29c No. 2 tio........... 2 tins 24c Quaker Ql'ICK OATS. Noa-premium, per packvt ... Sic Red 4 white MARASCHINO CHERRIES, 2 os. bottle.....-- Ihc S oa botae ................ Shc POI'PING CORN . 2 Iba. Shc APPLES, hlelatosb Rmk pcr box . ................ ... ..... . 21.22 CAKE, hlsdmra, Sbegy'a each She Rcd St White PEACHES, halves No I tlo ........................... 194 Red ik White Sl'INACH, large No. 2yi tia ................ 194 I'IG BARS........... 2 lbs. Shc FI.ETCHER'S No. I BACOiV, per packet ...-.......,... She Red A White TEA, Finest Orange Pekoe. Imr IL ............ 44c ' Roberts'etter Meats 1580 Marine Drive "The Store of Quality and Convenience" "AS NEAR YOU AS YOUR PHONE" Call West 190 For "EVERYTHIliIG GOOD TO EAT" SPECIAL NOTICE 'I'HIS STORE WILL CLOSE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT at 7 o'lock prompt, from November 1st to April, 1931. Shop Earlier During Winter Months. "What are those square places marked off in white paint In the square I" "They'e safety tones." "How's that T" "Well, if you eao stand there aad are rua over by a motor car, your heirs can recover from the driver." Not So Dumb Dora: Could you suggest something suitable for a girl friend's birthday I Clerk: How about these book ends I Dorsi Just the thing! Sho always reads the ends before she does the beginnings. Loogomisi "I saw Kopweh the other dsy. He was treating his wife io a way that I wauida't treat s dog." Podiagai "Tao bsd! What wss he doing I" Lougomiai "Wby he was kissing her." "Yes, you'e right," said the lover of dogs. "Dogs do have understanding. There's a legend about a Scotchman who told his wife that he'd decided to give his Collie away. The dog heard him, ran awayand never return- eil. "It came to me difFerently," said his companion. "The dog heard the conversation, curled up in the corner and died of shame." "Died of shame?" ."That's it. He realized that anything a Scotchman would give away must be utterly worth less." A tourist from England, stoppiog at a New York hotel labored onder the defusion tbst alcoholic beverages were obtsiimble only by prescription. "Most I see the house physician be- fore I get a bottle of wioel" he asked tbe biB-hop. "No, better see bim after you'e bsd it," replied that bright young fel- low. HEAL WITH THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL ORGANIZATION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Syeeials 2 by 4 common sized, any length Shiplap, good grade ................„.... Cedar Bevelled Siding ....--.....-.. 39.00 59.00 59.00 Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone %Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m„Weot 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent 0 i i ii. iiii. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS EONSERVATNE MEETING (Cootlouvd frooi pago )) ment was 37,000,000. In 1928 It had increased to 325,000,000. Dr. Tolmie In taking over had found s treasury containing nothing but I.O.U.'s, and had had to borrow 58,000,000 to meet the deficit left by the Liberals. Mr. Maitland stated he propos- ed to show just what they had done since coming into power in 1928. They found the Sumas scheme had cost their predecessors 53r 600,000 instead of the estimate of 51,800,000, and it would grow nothing. They had put the land on the market, and had since 1928 sold 6,088 acres to 68 bona flde settlers, who were growing crops and paying taxes. The Liberals had spent 5600r 000 at Creston, but the soldier settlers hsd left because there was no water. Since 1928 they had put on a water system at a cost of 360,000 and settlers were coming back and bringing pros- perity to Creston. The Oliver dam had cost the Liberal Government f2,500,000 but the settlers could not pay the rates, and had started to move away. They had cut down the value of the land since 1928 so that men could make a living with the result that they had kept the settlers they had fouml v and new ones were coming in. The Tolmie government had largely increased agricultural production, and they stood on their record, asking the voters to give them a little encourage- ment by supporting Mr. Loutet. Government Inspected Only I.ASIB. BEEI', PORK, VEAL, Etc. COOKED 51EATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE Aihl BLESIDE STORFi West 3 WEST 303 Both Stores will close every Saturday night st 7 o'lock prompt from November 1st to April, 1931. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine I.IMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull, Manuger, Residence I'hone: TVest 368L SERVICE Everything for ihe Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOI"ING BUILDING PAPER ldlmatco -- Gyproc -- I'lasier Board Beaver Board -- Shingles extends to Shelter Bay serving Gleneagles and Eagle Harbor en route. The work, which commenced i,. October 13, involves an expendi- ture of approximately 520,000 and will take six weeks to com- plete. EXTENSION OF SEltV ICE IN TVEST VANCOUVER Extension of lighting service in the municipality of West Vsn. couver is now being undertaken by the B. C. Electric Railway Company with the construction of a distribution circuit to serve the districts of Whytecliff, Horseshoe Bay, Gleneagles, and Eagle Harbor, containing over 200 homes. The Britannia Mines high ten- sion line has been tapped close to Horseshoe Bay and a transform- er station erected there. The distribution circuit follows Mar- ine Drive after sending out a branch to serve Whytecliff, and BUILDING PERhll lis 517 150 A waterproof cover for fruit or jelly jars can be made by brushing a piece of paper with boiled linseed oiL When dry it"ill be waterproof. Maple syrup substitute can be .;; made by melting granulated 'ugarin a saucepan and stirring i-"i until slightly scorched, then add boiling water. This is good with griddle cakes. Eleven permits of a total value of 517,150.00 were issued in Oc- tober by the municipal hall staff. Particulars are as follows: Auto Camp Kolthammer, Harry, Fish- erman's Cove.......$2,000 Store Front Carley, Mrs. E., 22nd aiul Marine Drive.......... 200 Dwellings Brown, Harold, Park Lane 54,000 Tinning & Co., W., 21st and Inglewood ............ 4,500 Markle, W. E., 29th and Mathers ....................... 2,000 Phillips, M., 21st Street and Gordon .................... 2,000 Garage Rudolph, E., 29th Street and 51athers .................. 150 Bindlay, R. A., 17th Street and Gordon ................... 200 Additions Flett, J., 2621 Bellevue...... 300 Herman, Mrs., 23rd and Mathers Ave... 1,500 Bowes, Mr., 22nd and Es- quimalt ......................... 300 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Coro LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER 517,150 Pok tj 0 ilii 0 ilpol 0 ill~~iPO GRAND RALLY West Vancouver supporters of JACK LOUTET Conservative Candidate 0 are cordially invited to attend a final meeting at the LONSDALE THEATRE On Tuesday, Nov. 4t:h 0 at 8115 P.TTT. Il~o~lliipol 0