West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Oct 1930, p. 5

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0001 )3 IIC fclluq Iilltà unless boss. ip 3?R iOS I 08 Oetobrr '31, 1930 ~~o~ QOO~l~o~f Plumbing Installations New or Replacements Phone West 301 ! For information. ~~~o~ o ~~o~g B. C. GAZETTEER The lion. F. P. Burden, Minis- ter of Lands, has issued a publi- ., Oation which will prove of verygreat value to all who are lnter- 3"'+xted in the geography of Brit- ish Columbia. This work, a Geographical Gazetteer of Brit- ish Columbia, prepared by Major G, G. Atkin, Chief Geogropher of the Department of Lands, and his staff, will prove a most vahi- able reference book. The Gazetteer, which has been carefully compiled from the most authoritative sources, covers 291 compact pages and has approxi- mately 23,000 names of geo- graphical features of the Prov- ince. A preface deals with his- torical and physiographic mat- ters. This includes a concise re- sume of early history and settle- ment. It describes the topograph- ~ 'cal divisions of the Province. Other matters in the preface deal with the physiographic fea- tures and furnish a considerable amount of useful information in concise form. Them is a list of ,the main rivers of the Province 'and their principal tributaries. A list of the islands of over ten :ataquare miles in extent is shown 'giving the areas in square miles; and similar tables show the areas of the lakes and main drainage basins. Other lists show the areas in square miles of the citi- es, munic'palities and villages. Three pages of the Gazetteer are devoted to charts showing mileages between different points by road, railway and coastal steamship. Brief descrip- tions are given of the parks of ;the Province--both Provincial *'and Dominion parks--showing , &their areas, location and means .of access. Another interesting feature is .„.ata list of the historical monu- ments and tablets erected in „'„British Columbia by the Histor- y acical Sites and Monuments Board gP~I Canada, and other authorities, +his shows the location of the istorical monument or tablet, Tdate of erection, and a concise description of the historic event the memorial was erected to cele- view deals with climatic condi- '.brate. An interesting brief re- t.k,,g 'view deals with climatic condi- ;. 'tions prevailing in the Province.',~ Place Names Perpetuate History ":(',: As 8 work of reference the " '. Geographical Gazeeteer of Brit. ish Columbia will prove a most valuable addition to the libraries of all who are interested in this 'br Province. It covers in 8 most',lt'- comprehensive way the geo- +""rk graphy of British Columbia. and hreflects great credit upon its ' a gJompfler snd upon the Honorable Mr. Burden, the Minister of ~ . Lands, who is responsible for its Issue. Owing to the special nature, $ and to the cost involved in pub- ;Pgg lication of this volume, it hasI'een found necessary to place a charge of two dollars ($2.00) per " volume upon it. a I'm ihltcty aod 1 want a drink. Dtlok milk--It' shod for iha blood. Yeah, bui I aio'1 bloodihltxiy. GARDENS and THE IVEST VAN NEWS GARDENING By MINA G. HABIT, landscape Architect trax I I~ tmuacacI c U. at c. Aw kaa sahaal at I wl ~ Anhnaalaca mcowcmIac. N~LC N Ilaaal ticularly preferred ss fond by the birds. It is chosen by landscape ganieners in the east for its charm through the winter when snow and sleet accentuate the beauty of its gracefully arching branches. It requires no trim- tning. The lists of plants and shrubs which we have given in this snd in preceding articles sre of neces- sity very incomplete but should be sufflcient to give you a goml start in the planning of your home grounds, and, as you pro- ceed, you will come across many other desirable plants in your books and seed and nursery cat- alogues. It should also be re- membered that there are many wild flowers and shrubs which may be transplanted from near- by woods and which are often more attractive than the garden kind. In many cases the shrub or wild plant may be improved in its natural setting by taking only a piece of the plant leaving the rest to beautify the woods. Rather than destroy these desir- able wild plants, procure speci- mens from nursery men in your neighborhood who specialize in just this type of plant materiaL There are many planta and trees which are very attractive in the fall. Many of them have bright showy fruit and leaves and most of them in addition provide a handsome picture in bloom and greenery during tho summer as well. There are the dogwoods which in this section often bloom twice 8 year, and the clusters of bright red berries which follow are a delight to us as well as 8 dainty evidently much to the liking of numerous birds. Then the snowberries, the Indian currents, and all the viburnums (these are beautiful both in their foliage and fruit and the foliage of some colors brilliant); mountain ashes and the foliage and fruit of Thun- bergs'nd the common barberry give us varied choice. The barberry, particularly the Japanese or Thunberg's Bar- berry ix a most useful and decor. ative shrub. It will thrive in either shady or sunny locations, and in the spring will burst into dainty green leaves followed by pretty yellow flowers which ma- ture into bright red berries. The foliage in midsummer is of a richly varied dee reen du- ally assu coloring o until the h brilliant r most of th p g gra ming its brilliant fall f crimson and scarlet cavy frosts come. The ed btrriex hang on for e winter and are par- Fairyland Golf Course NOTE Th ~tw rel caaaQ n ~ ah ole I aa aa u a ac talac Ih ~ Cm Ia Ihl cal Tha awaIINN ahaalu h auutwM Ia Ih It r Ia a at the suit«. ll ~ rel am Ia It Ia «a w II ~ o ~ Nut Ia 4 has ~ CI 135 West 1st Street North Vancouver Contest LADIES'RIZE--Leather Travelling Bag. Fully equipped GENTS'RIZE-Club Bag. 4 Orchestra in attendance Saturday Evening. Ferguson's Motor Transfer Phone West 85 Phone Doug. 429 Pembina SootleSS BURNS ALL NIGHT Lump per ton $ 12.00 Egg " 12.00 Nnt " 11 50 Nanaimo %wellington Lump per ton $ 12.00 Egg " 12.00 Nnt " 11 50 Special prices on orders of three tons or over. Seven trucks at your service All those playing next week are asked to turn in their scores, as 30 lowest ladies'cores and 30 lowest gentlemen' scores will be entered in a competition for which the prizes are CLASSIFIED ADS / FOR SALE-- keck cad Alpine plaola. Imtsc cctlciy. Phone C. G. Barrow, WICI 98L2. FOR RENT OR SAI.B -- Partly fcta- iahod house on Waterfront. Apply Laylaod, West ClRL FOR RENT--Cmafotlahk xpxtimaaL Partly fotoicbad. Full plombios. Fitaplacc. Good lccoiioa naxt ferry, ~ 15.00. Phone West 427L FOR RENT--Eaqoimall Ataooo, half block east of liih Si. Oiitociitc cix-toom semi-bungalow ioclodicg kitchen range. Maga! Accot Clew, immediate poccccaloo, 320 on leach or 817 50 for winter mooiha Aoply Whiiakot aod Whilakat, 942 West Pander SL Phone Saymoot 7949 or G. C. Bytock ai terry dock. VOlt SAI.E -- Aiitcciitc fotxiahcd small cottage with verandah. Easily removed. Two tents complaia with lumber, also ico bcc-hicac with stands. Offcta. Phoae West 63Y2. SIARCELLE SHOP -- MatccBO, ds ccoicl theat, 36c; Ilhsct wctc, 76c. Phone Mta. King, West 304. lh'INDOW BLINDS Made io Order and Rapaitcd. Eaiimaica Cree. Cer- tain rods. Apply E. Pcctco, 19th Street aod Marine Drive. Racidcoco chanc West 2571 GARDEN CONSTRUCTION--I.aoda- cape aod general Iratdaoicg. Phone, R. J. Kytc, 2567 Bakavoc. TO RENT AT 640.00--Aiitxclitc mod. cto cacao-toom bouse in Kiicilana. Hardwood floors. Garage. Phone Seymour 4482 cr Bcycicw 1597L RUNGALOW wilb exits latza lirixz room, iwo bad rooms, fully modern, beautifully ciioaicd in ccclodcd zat- dan, 630.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404 L. ~SIIBMARINE PHONE CABLE LAID ACROSS INLET Providing. 8 third telephone cable link between Vancouver and the North Shore, another submarine tekphone cable was laid across Burrard Inlet by the B. C. Telephone Cor Tuesday morning. It extends from Pier D, Vancouver. to the foot of Chesterfield avenue, North Van- couver. The telephone company'8 cable barge Brisco, manned by the compatu '0 Vancouver "heavy" gang, performed the job. The operations commenced on the North Shore, the Brisco pulling sway from the foot of Chester- field avenue at 10:10 o'lock. About an hour later it had reach- ed the south shore, with the cable safely deposited on the floor of the Inlet. Iyith splicing work at the two shore connectioIns yet to be done, it will be several days before the line is ready for service. The new cable contains 100 pairs of wires, and replaces the one damaged beyond repair when fouled by 8 ship's anchor last May. It arrived from England Friday aboard S.S. Narenta. An irate customer entered the grocery store of a Frenchwoman. "The insect powder," she angrily exclaimed, "is no good. It hasn't killed a single cock- roach." "Ah, Madame, you have not use it correctly. First you catch ze cockroach. Zen tickle heem in ze ribs until he open ze mouth. Ah, zen pour ze powder down hees throat and poof! he choke and die. 5OR SALE--Cobixcl Scwiaz leachioc 615.00. Dining Rome TabIRA 68.00. Glaaa Cupboard, 612.00. Phone West 169 R2. FOR kKVT--1248 Kaiih Romk acc rooms, plumbinm Zctaxa, 620410. Pbooa West 620R. WANTFJh--Rdlabk Gitl ma cmkt 18 Io take child COI daily. Phoaa West 158L W 8 VTED--Vicar Loi, cklony oi (atty Rcoconoblc ptwa Phoae Ftacct 919R. TO klLVT lN BUSINESS BLOCK- SIOCOI htoicd tools aoncbkI fot of- ika or for living qootkta fot'oal- nctc party. Exockaoi locatioa. Madato. Phoae West 393 FOk RENT--Farokhcd Hooac. New- ly dacotalod. Rent tcoaaacbk. Phone West 51R. « ANTED--Paattmo ca help la home Yooox aad active. Phone West 299R TO kENT--Daaitcbk foot toom lmcaa Fall Plombiaz Partly f tolxbcIL Aooly 1331 Clyde Accooc. MAIL DELIVERY--Wc mill iaalal letter slot is your door very tcaaoo- ably. Phoaa West 64L ot West S!2R, 1OUNDATION CEMFVT %ORK Lcmhcapioz aad Lowac laid. Rock walk. dtoicc, aaplic toaka. faacin ~nd land «laatiog, chimneys oad fctaccac clcaocd and tcpoitc& Phone T. Batooli, taaidcoca phoae West 290B. FURS CLEANED, STORED at lk- modclwL Sommat ptkwa Hokybotn For Store, Kciih Block, Hokybota. PAINTIVG Docotauox Preach Pal Iahmg Cctlay Racldaoca phone West 71Y. WEBB S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Doodatata. ALL TRE REST Brands of Cfzcta. Cigarettes aod Toboccoa Also Ex-chcost'okcl'anda cod Cancel corda Free. Amblcaido Tca kaama FOR THE BEST SLABS aod Ioaido Fw phone Weal 230 FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING Apply C. L Koainzc. Rccidaocc phone West 394R. FOR PLUdlBIVG kRPAIRS -- Raa- idcnco Phone West 241R. BL SIII ESS LOT ac hlamoc DIICC adjoining busy caaitc. 6900 ct dose allot. TWO Skdll-WATERFROVT LOTS-- near 1dib Street. Fully clcataIL Rich dark sail Snap price of 6450 cocjh WATERFRONT LOT joai aoc black from Fatty, 61600; oa very easy lance. or will consider caab as'ct. R. I'. CLARK 8: CO. ESTATES LTD. Pbaoa Scymlmt 7454 ot Phoae C. J. ARCHEIL Wmi 225 GEO. HffkY Real Estate and Insurance Nalaty Pcblic FIRE INSURANCE Wc Lave Small Amacoia aa Heed fot Gaad .llotixazc Loans. 1406 Matloo DTITC Oflice Phone West 21 or Say. 1200 Rmxkoco Phoae W. 32R ot W. SNX Hei "Darling, is it yet the psychological moment to ask your crabbed old dad for your hand?" She: "It is, my hero--he is sitting in his stacking feet." One morning Brown looked over his garden wall and said to his neighbor: "Look here, what are you burying in that holes" 'Oh, he said, rim just re- planting some of my seeds, that' alla "Seeds Ir shouted Brown angrily. "It looks more like one of my hens." "It is. The seeds are inside." CI'ROTI'NCIAL ELECI'IO.iS ACT In pursuance of Scciioac 183 aod In& Chapiat 70. Cf the Pmvhwial Elccliooa Act, the undermentioned persons have been oppolalad asaoicl Homphtcya. Sdoay. 16th cad Boola- ccld, North Vcacoovat, agent for Jack LCUICI, coadldcio. McDooacn. Rkhawl Irving, 612 ldih Stnwi East. North Vancouver. ~gent for Edwanl Harry Btdxaaaa. ccodIdolc Doled al Notlh Vctxoucat, tbic SICh day of October. A.D. 19SL E. N. COPPING, Rciotaioz Ofntaw. Tbc rale fat tzccdacd Adtatllaamaom is 2 ccats pct ver& miaimam 25 taxia. Exccpi lo iho ceca of lkmc hatioz tczolat accoooia, ak cfaad- Scd» atc payable aiticlly ix cdtcaca Rcmcmbcr Cloaaiacda lx Ihc Wast Vaa Nara xcl immadiala tccolla.