0001 rr x v r rhea wrrrrr v rv u w s vr 'v swrmb ~uaa~ ~p I s Iw s yr4 um pss s-s5u xrir sc ~tws@ su Jw- swr l& I ww 's ~w r P 1 r"r r vv-rrrrrrvs ~ rrrrvrrrrr. rtv 6 vr;vr rrv .vvrPrwrv rrrrv REGENT CLOTHES $26 pp Local Agent M. WILLIAMS phuuu West 20 1566 Msrtuu Drive Rua Phuuu West 266L Our Own Make Suits and Overcoats from $45.00 DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLOSF. SATURDAY Suits, Overcoats and Dresses from 61.26 7 p. In. West 176 I IRST MASON TRANSFER SI FUEL SUPPLY Burn Diamond Sootless Coal FuU Stock of Nanaimo-1vellington and McLeod River Hard CoaL Phone us and Save Your Money Alder and Fir Bushwood 56.75 In business tu 4Vust Vuu. IS Yuura BARBER Iu New Store htutiuu I)rtvu ut 14th Next Jefferius Meat Store Expert Wuth--Ladies', Children Guutlumuu Phuuu Wsut 125 for appointment "If I stood on my head all the blood would fiow to it, now would it not'?" "Yeth" "Then how is it that when I'm standing on my feet it does not rush down to them?" "Because your feet aren' empty." FAIRYLAND GOLF COI'RSE Ol'EN ED Fairyland Miniature Golf Course was formally declared open by Mayor hforden in North Vancouver on Saturday evening. An attendance of over sixteen hundred people passed through the doors to see and play on one of the most up-to-date and pic- turesque miniature golf courses in British Columbia, A very interesting game was played by Ex-hiayor L. D. Taylor of Varcouver and Mayor Morden of North Vancouver, for a silver cup presented by the Ifianage- ment and supplied by E. J. Snell, jeweller of Vancouver, B. C. Ex- Mayor Taylor came out at the short end, giving the victory to Mayor Morden. A very enjoyable evening was spent by everyone. An orchestra was in attendance and a lunch counter under the management of "Chic" Chamberlain. Brief addresses were made by Reeve Leyland, Ex-Mayor Tay- lor, Mayor Morden and Geo. Fowler. Congratulations were ttiven by all to the President, »Ir. Roberts, for giving to the North Shore a miniature golf course to be proud of. Teachers "Johnny, what Is steum?" Johnny: "Water cruxy with tue heat." p ( o .ii~o~(Po~~.~~ tj The Electors of West Vancouver are cordially invited to attend a Public Meeting in the interests of E. H. BridIIman LIBERAL CANDIDATE In HOLLFBURN THEATRE TUESDAY, Nau dthat 8 p,.m. II Hon. T. D. Pattullo, D In Ltj Speakers: Hon. lan Mackenzie, M.P. Dr. J. L. McDougall Il Go Pols .(Po CHAIRMAN - CEO, HA)t0'~~Poi 0 l A HOT FIRE is what You Need! Phone ED. BLACK West 68 (Established 1919) Nanaimo-Wellington Lump ................ 612.00 ton Nanaimo-Wellington Nut .................... S11.00 ton It lasts longer, gives more heat and is a B. C. product. SOOTLESS COAL Drumheller Lump..................,.. 913.00 ton Drumheller Egg .................................. 912.00 ton Gait Egg, the Super Range Coal........ 613.00 ton Canmore Briquette ................................ S15.00 ton All Prices are for Cash Only, with Quick Delivery. 25th and Marine Drive, Dundarave, B. C THE WEST VA N NEWS g ROREltl~LAWRENCE St. Stephen's Church with its decorations of michclmas dab. les and autumn foliage was rec ently the setting for the marri. age of Miss Violette Lawrence and Mr. Dudley Roberts, with Rev. Harding Priest officiating at the ceremony. Escorted up the aisle by her father, Captain A. S, Lawrence, the bride was wearing a becom- ing gown of eggshell satin fash- [oned on long graceful lines, with 6 cap of old Limerick lace which also fashioned the close-litting cap, from which her wedding veil was caught with a chaplet of orange blossoms. She carried a sheaf of Ophelia rose-buds, As matron of honor, Mrs. A. H. Parson hsd chosen rose flst crepe for her pretty frock, with hat in blending colors, and she carried a sheaf of Christian Chrysanthemums, with fern. There were three bridesmaids, Miss Joyce Herrln, Miss Jean Watson and Miss Molly Humph. reys from Victoria, cousin of the bride. The two former were dressed in blue tulle, fashioned on the long lines, with picture hats in matching tones. Their flowers were white carnations and pink chrysanthemums. Carrying a sheaf of Christian cryssnthe- mums, Miss Molly Humphreys was dressed in blue flat-crepe, also fashioned on the long lines with close fitting hat in corres- ponding color. The nuptial music was played by Mr. L. Grout. A reception was held at the home of the bride after the cere- mony. The bride and groom re- ceived the guests assisted by the bride's mother, Mrs. A. T. Law- rence, who was dressed in wis- teria lace, with corsage of pink carnations. The groom'6 mother, Mrs. Charles Roberts also assisted, wearing a becoming gown of black, also with corsage of pink carnations. The room was prettily decor- ated in the color scheme of lav- ender and primrose. The bride'6 table was lovely with it's centre of a three-tier wedding cake, with tulle, candles and flowers in lavender and yellow, surround- ing. Miss Louise Stipp from Se- attle, and Mrs. R. Lawrence, pre sided at the urns, while Mrs. A. J. Humphreys from Victoria, cut the ices. Rev. Harding Priest acted as toastmaster. hIr. and Mrs. Dudley Roberts left for Victoria for their honey- moon, the bride wearing black broadcloth with fox trimmings, also blue crepe de chene dress and hat to match. They will later make their home at 19th and Bellevue, West Vancouver. NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBAI.L ASSOCIATION Games for Saturday, Nov. 1st, 1930 DIVISION I. West Van. vs. Csnucks, Amble- side Park, 2:30 p. m. Referee Mr. Bothsm. Lions (Bye). DIVISION II. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. West Van. Midgets, High School (West), 2:30 p. m. Referee Mr. Mot- tershead. West Van. 0 Kays (Bye). DIVISION III. North Shore Rangers vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds, Mahon Park, 1:16 p. m. Referee Mr, Wardlaw. Capilano vs. Kingsley School, Capilano School, 2;16 p. m. Referee, Mr. Pennycook. North Shore Wanderers vs. Lynn Valley Rovers, Boulevard Parjt 2 p. m. Referee Mr. Hilder. W. H. Hawes, 22nd and Mar- ine Drive, has taken the Ingal house at 16th and Fulton I Useful Recipes / I'reserved Quinces 1 lb quinces 2ttk cups water I lb. sugar Whole cloves Pare, quarter and core quinces. Put in to steam while preparing the syrup, hiake a syrup of 24,» cups water, 1 lb. sugar snd 3 or 4 whole cloves to each pound of fruit. Now put the quinces in syrup and cook until red. Then bottle. October Sl, 19SO. Hollylsurn THEATRE PRIDAY uud SATURDAY John Barrymore "General Cracks" Taify 2 cups brown sugar I cup boiling water 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon butter Flavoring Boil all together for So min- utes or until it hardens Chocolate Caramel 2 cups brown sugar I cup molasses 1 cup grated chocolate 1 tablespoon fiour 1 cup boiled milk Butter, size of egg. ihiix together tlour, sugar and grated chocolate. Add molasses and boiled milk. Boil together for 30 minutes then add the but- ter. Boil for another 30 minutes or more. Pour on fiat tins to cool, Cut in squares. Quince Jelly 15 ibs quinces Water Cloves Sugar Wash and stem quinces. Cut up and put in preserving kettle, peelings cores and all Cover with cold water and add 6 whole cloves. Cook until soft. Turn into jelly bag and strain. Meas- ure juice into preserving kettle. Take an equal quantity of sugar and warm it in oven. Boil juice 15 to 20 minutes, then add the hot sugar. Stir until sugar is dis- solved, removing any scum. Boil hard for 5 or 10 minutes, then pour into hot glasses which have been sterilized. Customer (in drug store): "I want a little pink tablet." Druggist: "What's your trouble?" Customer: "I want to write a letter." "He was 6 man who had indeed suifered much," says a country paper, in a short obituary notice, "he had been a subscriber to this paper since its first number." x 4us = '~~s A~ g8~ OI+ Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 I,onsdale Avenue Phuuu North 245 Rua Phones: North SISY-1562X The BURRARD LAUNDRY 4 I wiles For Peopkt 1vho Are Particular Agent for SWAN BROS., DRY CLEANERS THIRD ST, uud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS i I'hone )Vest 4101 "Why do you call that fellow wheelbarrow?u asked the visitor in the office. "Because he's no good unless he is pushed," growled the boss. ~QQD Dry»sids Bush Fir g8 PP Q A T Nanaimo-Wellington, Newcastle,A T Drumhelier For a quick fire try B. & W. Egg at 510.50 per ton 1&9 g++I ~ tItgs+nsfegs sERvlcf ud quAUOut MoNo 15th and Marine Phone West 17 Res. West 332R West Vancouver Conservative Association COMMITTEE ROOMS For the forthcoming Bye-Election have been established In THE YATES BLOCK 14th and Marine Drive Phone lVest 160 ~ 9 Winning out on quality alone MRCleall'S Orange PekOe :"tI "tl -I I 1