West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Oct 1930, p. 3

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0001 October 31, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS I I~ I I I j I~ I I I I I Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Saturday Special Home-made Bread Whole Wheat and White 4 for 25c. '1 Lunch Rolls Daily Open All Day Thursdays. 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 366 Nua ls tbu time tu gct your WINTER'S FUEL 'sVe have aa uullmltcd supply ul DRY FIR TRANSFER MOVING Drag Suu tu rent. Phone Vvest 48 4(1'OC COOKE PETE tg NIAL BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D. WHITE, Hgc. Dict(active Funeral Sccrlcu Lady Assistant $20-zrd St. R Phone North $24 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS AmbleSide Sheet Meta11Vorks IAURIE SPECK, Pruprlctur 1466 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 ILW. Savory 1443 hiarine Drive Ambleside Phone IVest 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance C: "I tell you I won't have thisroom," protested the lady from the country to the bell-boy. "I ain't going to pay my good money for such a small room. You think just because I'm from a small town"-- The boy interrupted: "Step in madam. This ain't your room. This is the elevator.u I.EG ION WOMEN'8AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., was held in the Memorial Hall on Monday afternoon with the President, Mrs. Atwood, in the chair. Twenty-one members were present. The meeting open ed by all standing in silent trib- ute to Cullen comrades followed by the singing of "0 Canada." In addition to routine business, final arrangements were made for the sale of poppies and also for the banquet which the Aux- iliary is giving to the Legion members and their wives on Armistice Day. A most interest- ing report was read from the Provincial President of her trip to the Old Land this summer when she visited the headquart- ers of the British Empire Ser- vice League in London. During her stay in London she placed wreaths, one on the Cenotaph and one on the Unknown War- rior's Tomb. One wreath was composed oC red and white car- nations and the other of roses and lillies and were very beauti- ful. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. E. L. Howdle visited two patients from West Vancouver at Shaughnessy Hospital, their presentation of fruit and flowers being much ap- preciated. At the conclusion of business tea was served in the Supper Room. CORRESPONDENCE Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--Noticing the finger posts on "Postman" Streets we find none on Bellevue between 24th and 26th, except on the north side of the track. This is misleading for the postman, and the residents are at a loss tn know where to put their mail boxes. Don't you think there should have.been double fingers printed "North Bellevue" anil "South Bellevue" ? There are a great many houses on South Bellevue compared to those in the lane on north of track. From 26th west they are put on Belle- vue South. How is it the differ- ence is made? Yours for accuracy, M. BULKLEY. hiidgets Defeat 0 Keys By 6 goals to one the West Van. Midgets defeated the 0 Kays, the other local team in the North Shore Juvenile league, last Saturday at Inglewood School. The play was much closer than the score would indicate snd both sides put up a good brand of football. THE Handy Ann Store R Buuut, I'hone West $$ DRYGOODS HARDWARE, STATIONERY HOUSE NUMBERS TEA, COFFER uad COCOA EXTRACT FLAVORINGS SCHOOL SUI'I'LIES, Etc. Orders taken aud delivered after 4 p.m. Margaret Johnston Aristmas Carbs ccpccscutlag Clarke & Stuart at JOHN LAWSON'S OFFICE 17th aad hlurluu Drive Every afternoon Crom I tu S PERSONAL and Assorted LECTURE by DR. E. A. HENRY "SOME GIRLS" The place is--the West Vancouver United Church. The date is--Wednesday, November 5th, The Tickets are--35 cents, The Time Is 8 p. m. It is the comPanion lecture to "The Boy." It is on behau of theSunday School Fund. )VEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th. Local and Personal Colds, Coughs, 'FluMargaret Johnston has againbeen appointed representative Cor Clarke dt Stuart's Famous Christmas Cards, (personal and assorted). For the convenience of her patrons she will be in Mr. Lawuon's office (next to Holly- burn P. O.) every afternoon from one to six. c c ~ Mrs. C. S. Downing and daugh- ter Ruth, 20th and Inglewood, have left for California, where they will spend the winter. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Townsend of Kerrimhde, is moving tomorrow into hire. Foster's house at 26th and Belle- vue. ~ c Mr. and Mrs. Mounce, have moved from their summer home at Travers and Marine Drive and have returned to Vancouver, where they will spend the winter. ~ \ A McLeod of Wbytecliif, has taken the Strickland cottage at 14th and Duchess. ~ ~ ~ Surprise Party The friends of E. S. Pearce gave him a surprise at his home 19th and Marine, last Tuesday evening on the occasion of his birthday. A very pleasant time was spent in cards and games, and refreshments were served later in the evening. Among those present were: Mr. and hfrs. J. McEwen, Miss Grace Cheyne, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Woodford of Capilsno, Mrs. Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Josepn Tits, Mrs. LeShure, Miss Grace Tite. ~ \ A halibut schooner, while coming into the harbor at I a.m. on Wednesday morning, went a- shore near the First Narrows lighthouse as a restfit of the heavy fog. She was refioated at 8 a. m. and proceeded to her des- tination. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Currie have taken the York house at 16th and Duchess. ~ c ~ Mrs. Frank Ward Halbus has left No. 2 Park Road and return- ed to her home in Toronto. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. V. Eby and smail daughter have moved from Point Grey to "Whitecaps" cottage, 29th and Waterfront. c Mrs. C. L Robertson of Van- couver, who has been spending the summer in Chilcotin, B. C., has returned and is staying with her son Gordon S. S. Robertson and family, 2530 Mathers Ave. Mr, snd Mrs. F, Rivers and family, 25th and Marine Drive, have moved into a house at 28th and Marine. A skating race of twelve mlles was staged at the Hollyburn RoL ler rink on Wednesday evening, 22nd October. The winners were I, Gerald Hardman; 2, Robert Lemon; 3, Alvin Bell. ~ c ~ Mrs. W. R. Parkinson oC Bur- quitlam, who hss been residing at 1044 Esquimalt Avenue, with her two house guests, Miss E. V. Danard of Vancouver, and Miss M. Stramberg of New Westmin- ster, yesterday afternoon enter- tained Mrs. Harvey of North Vancouver. Mrs. Parkinson and Miss Stramberg left today to re- turn to their respective homes. c Mrs. Bob Black, 19th and Mathers, who has been ill, is now able to be out and around again.\ ~ The mothers of the children of the two primary classes at Paul- ine Johnson School have been in- vited to see the two classes at their work next Tuesday after- noon. ~ c ~ Mr. and Mrs. Brewster of Van. couver, have taken a house at 22nd and Bellevue, and expect to move in at the beginning of Nov- ember. Check them before they get a start. GRIP FIX LAX BROMO QUININE 2ITs and many other remedies. Phone West 37 for your wants these wet days. We deliver WESI YAH PHAHNACY Tbc State uf Scrctce. Esse rgcacr Phoae West $21 (After S p.m.) Buy Home Products Stratton'8 Bakory 144$ bfaclac Delve Phase West 22 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY Scotch Shortbread, Nut Bread, Birthday fk % eddmg Cakes ~ ~ ~ Miss Joan Cullington, Radcliif Ave., entertained a number of her friends at her home on Sat- urday evening. Bob Bayne,who has been for two years in Toronto, has re- turned to West Vancouver and is now with the Hobb Coal and Transfer Co. Miss E. A. Carmichael of Van- couver, has moved into a house at 19th and Waterfront. Ernest James, who has been spending a two weeks'acation at Rock Bsy, B.C., has returned to his home at 24th and Jeffer- son. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. P. Hopkins of Vancouver, have moved into a house at 22nd and Bellevue. Bert Gisby while driving along Marine Drive on Saturday even- ing, crashed into the bridge at Sandy Cove as a result of the spring bracket of one of the rear wheels of his car breaking. He was not hurt, but the front of his car was badly smashed. c ~ c A most etdoyable afternoon bridge, under the auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., was given by Mrs. I. Wells Crawford and hfrs. E. J Pearce at the home of the former in aid of the furnishing of the Infants'ard of the Fender Harbor Hos- pital. There were seven tables in play and the prizes were won by Mrs. P. C. Chapman first, Mrs. E. H. Jupp second, and Mrs. H. L. MacLean, consolation. The hostesses were assisted in serv- ing by the regent of the chapter, Mrs. W. B. Small, Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie, and Mrs. Blair M. Clerk. TONIGHT Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., Masquerade Dance. COMING EVENTS November 11th -- Legion Wom- en's Auxiliary Banquet to the members of the Canadian Leg ion and their wives. November 14th--L.O.B.A. Milit- ary Whist Drive in the Orange Hall. December 5th--L. O. L Dance in Orange HalL December 6th--St. Stephen's W. A. Xmas Bazaar In the Parish Hall. FUEL VERNON FEED STORE iL C. SEARLE Phase Wast s Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. SECOND RECITAL The Musician'lub of West Vancouver will give their second recite) next Fnday, 7th Novem- ber, at 8:30 p. m. in the Legion halL A fine program has been arranged Silver collection Hu Acu ruu fond af muvlag pic- tures, Jcuulc I Shc (bapcfunp)i Ayc, Sandy. Then maybe, lass. yu'll help mc gc ~ half-a-duscu duua uat u'bc attic. XhIAS GOODS ARRIVING. Make an early choice Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone )Vest 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER L O. D. E. ANNUAL MASQUERADE DANCE INGLKWOOD HIGH SCBOOL FMDAY, October 31st, 1930 ARCADIANS ORCHESTRA Duuciag s to I Admission 75c. PRIX F.~ IVhat is more annoying than a balky motor on a coM morning'. One that won't start at all! The iirst trouble leads to the second. Excessive use of your starter will run your battery down, no matter how good it is. Be safe rather than sorry. Have Bill Grout put your car in shape for the winter at %Vest Van Motors (The Shell Station) Bustnmm Phone West 268 Residence Phone West 45SR cu C„l