West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Oct 1930, p. 2

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0001 fwi 3'wo r I'N C'IAwII'rr IIIVIIiua"rrruiV IVAX'IAWV r r rr'VV'. 'I vr-err V' ~rrrrv rr«y'vr v'vrv..r= rrrrrv rtv Irrvvvr . ~rvv- 1902 Guuvuuicod Io! Phone . 1046 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th R Muviuu EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor Eu h hcd 20 Yuuru. (Ludy Assistant) HARRON BROS. 81 W ILL IAI) ISON funerallIirectnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fau. 134 wls them aigs freshv" asked Mandy of her dusky grocer, pointing to 0 basket of eggs. "Ah ain't sayin'ey sin't I answered the grocer. OAh isn't askin'ou is dey ain'," retorted Mandy heated- ly, "Ah is askin's dey is." THE West Van Nems Publiuhcd Every Friday duoiucuu uud Rdkoviui Office: ifih uud Muviuo Drive INcxt to Hokybuvn Pc.o.) Phone West 363 Mail Addrogoi P.O. Bog $ 1, Hokybuva, ILC. Pubiiuhcr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Weet 363 $ 1AN u year by mall or currier. Newogisudu 6c. pcr copy OLS,:;„i;;;, VCTp~ OAI4IE B, LI N W. w Ks T 'a2vd, ted Church , E. A. Henry, D.D. , November 2nd. 1930. A. Henry will preach and evemng. a. m.--Topic, "Called to I m. Topic, "Tragedy II School. attention is caned ol hour of service. to give better accommo- those who use the bus ink service will start at instead of 11:15 as , and at 7130 insteud of School will meet tes to 10, instead of 10 at 10 minutes to 11. and pupils are asked to t in time to start't 9:55. and adherents are asked to secure envel- to be regular and syst- tributors as no certain or estimates can be loose open collectiona forget the lecture on y next (November 5) on "Some Girls " nion talk to 'The Boy" last season. The proceeds are to go to the Sunday School deficit. The whd'e communiity is invited. Mrs. Colin MacLean will sing. On Sunday, November, 9th, which is 'I'hsnksgiving and Arm- istice Sunday, the Stewards are asking for a special thsnkoffer- ing in order to strengthen the material side of our task. On Tuesday evening last tie opening supper meeting of the men's Club took place. The Women's Association provided the supper and the Hsllowe'en decorations were very tastily used to add to the eil'activeness of the occasion. The speaker was Rev. Dr. Hugh Dobson, Field Secretary for Social Service and Evangelism of the United Church. He dealt in a masterly way with the problems of today snd the solution given through the application of the principles of Jesus. Next iiionday evening at 8 ou clock the Young People's Society meet for their monthly devotion- al meeting at the residence of hire. A. hL O'Donnell, 25th and Inglewood. After the regular program a half hour will be spent with music and refreshments. The regular monthly meeting o! the Women's Association will be held next hiondsy, 4th Nov- ember, at 2:16 p.m. At 3:30 o'lock the women of the congre gation are invited to come and have a cup of tea snd to bring their "white elephants" for the sale of work December '2nd. The elephant can be any object or article of clothing or piece of furniture that can be made sale- able and is no longer of use to the owner. The officers for the season elected to the Men's Club sre: President--F. J. Patterson, MA. Psst President--W. R, Hamilton, Vice President--W. Herrin, See. Treasurer--C. L. Hilborn, Convener, Membership -- W. Turnbull; convener Publicity- W, Blair; convener Bowling team --Geo. Hay; convener Musie- J. Haydn Young. THF. 1VFST VAN NEIVS WEST VANCOUVFR Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th uud Euquimuk, Hokybuvu Tbio Society io u Branch uf Thc bio ihcv Church The Pivot Church of Chvioi, Scientist, iu Boctou hluuouciluxlluo. Sunday Sorvicoo ILSO u. Tu. Oud 7.$0 p. Tu. SUBJECT, NOVEMBER 2nd, VEV ERLASTINGI PUN ISHMENTV Sllllduy School ut 10.00 ~, au Touiiiuouy Mcciiug Woduogduy at 8.15 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 18th and Heywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, November 2nd, 10 a. m.--Sunday School. Wc study the International Lessons. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Lordship of Christ." The ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed at the close of the service. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Questions that perplex, topic, "Am I my Brother's Keeper?" A cordial invitation is exteml- ed to all who don't attend else- where. 'I'he Young People's meeting for sacred song will be held si the home of hIr. and Mrs. Green 20th and hIarine. hiondsy, 7:30--Young People' meeting. Au young people over the sge of 16 are welcome. Wednesday, 8 p. m.--Prayer and praise. Friday, 7 p. m.--C.G.I.T. Teen sge girls welcome. Friday 8 p. m.--Choir prac- tice. St. Anthony's Church Pastor Rev Father Csrey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Nov. I--All Saints'ay. 7 a. m.--Mass. Nov. 2--Sunday, 8:45 a.m.-- High Mass. 3 p. m.--Devotions. Nov. 3--All Souls'ay 7-8 S.m.--Three hIssses Confessions -- Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. ITL Bible and Catechism Classes-- Saturday, 10 a. m. Week Days--7:30 a. m.--Mass. HOSIE OIL DISTRIBUTORS Program Home Gas Symphony Orchestra under Calvin Winter Sunday, November 2nd, 1930. CKWX,9 P.M. (A Trip Around Vancouver) Potpourri "Melodious Memories" ....................................... Finck Reel "Molly on the Shore,".... Grainger "The Japanese Sandman"...... ...........'. Whiting "Song of Indisw , .... Rimsky-Koruskoff Valse "Sleeping Rose,".....Borch VMandsrin's Garden" from "The Willow I'late".. Herbert Vocal Intnrludo, "0 Solp Miow, ...........di Cspun "Morning" .............Oley Speaks «A Day at tho Vancouver Fair" ....................-.....,.. Arranged "Here's A Ho, Vancouver" ... .......................,.............. H illiam "Th«re's No Gas Like Home" hir. Snd Mrs. J. Franson have taken 0 house st 12th and Clyde. 1 BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION ME61URIAL HALL NEXT BUNDAY-- 10 u. Oi~huol fov Children. 2 p. ul Spvulivvi MR. PERCY KING Sub)Oct i VSI'IRITUAL GIFTS" bir. King bvoudcouiu over CKWX every Wednesday at s p. iu, I St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 20 and All Souls'ay, (November 2nd). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School anil Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--hlorning prayer. 7:IS p.m. -- Evensong, An- them, "What Are These in White Robes," (Stainer). There is Divine service at St Francis'hurch, Caulfdfld, on Sunday at 3 p. m. Oi tober Sl, 19:IO, I Dr. Marjory McCubhift DENTIST Houvu: I p. iu. Io 0 p, uu Saturdays: 10 u.lu. Io 4 p.m Evenings by uppo',uiiuoui Royul Bank Buudiug I'houo West 444 Rooldvuco I bone nevi $9L NURSING HOME INTO. 91. E I.OCbuuco, R.N.) '2$4 - 2iih Sirvoi Ruui ~Nuvih Vuucouvoi Rculdvuco I'houci North 1259k C. T. WILLIAMS Radio Repairs uud SERVICP! kvoidcuco Phuuo 1$0 Rs I I'uvk koud. Wcoi Vancouver From Pig to Pie HORTON'S ' English Pork Butcher The monthly meeting of the Diocesan Board of the Women s Auxiliary will take place Tues- day, November 4th, in St. James Parish Haik On Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 p. m. November 5th, the LV. A. will have a sewing meet- ing and handkerchief shower ai, the home of Mrs. Capt. Graham, 2128 Bellevue Avenue. The Girls'uxiliary are giv- ing a concert in the Parish Hall Thursday evening, November 6th. Last Saturday more than twenty boys turned out for the paper chase with Tom Lightly, Bill Parker and Harry Phillips as "hares." Wegther'permitting another paper chase will be held tomorrow (Saturday) from the Parish Hall at I:30 p.m. and any West Vancouver boys are welcome to attend. WEST VAN Y The monthly meeting of the West Van. OY" will be held at Mrs. Turnbull's home, 13th and Fulton, at 8 p. m, Tuesday, Nov- ember 4th. We hope au mem- bers will endeavor to be present. All over sixteen are cordially in- vited. HOT I ILS Sc Euch Take voiuo home uud iry them. If you want u Pio ihui'u ik Io cui it'u u trout; oo iry one from Hovion on ibo Street. IIUICK SNACK LUNCHES, HOME h1ADR RRAWNS uud I'OT I'ED $1 EATS I'IGS'EET, Eic. AR made ou the prctuiucu. 1421 hlarlne Drive. SPECIAL 14.iu. Cedar Pcr Load 52.50 STOVEWOOD 3 Loads $6.00 PHQII(g wgriT 24 GORDON HOBSON Burviuiov a SCOcnoi WEST VANCOUVER- Offico No. 144T bfuviuo Drive. Phone Wcut 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings Si. W Phone Seymour 4199. "Oui of iuy wuy, wretch, I'm Tidiug io the hounds." "Give ux u lift--Pm going io the dogs myoclL" )% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ino ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) I Now Playing AT LDNSDALE ' '"PI ~ ]4 ]/ i I ~gi I I I [)l)k ~ gg ~ I I ELSIE FERGUSON I MARIAN NIXON This iu ~ strong dvuwu of u famous woiuou Iuwyrr wbo «ovvifiivw bcv uuw«uwi curcII io save flic lifo uf ibc duugbiev ob» deovvtvd iu cbudbIwd I FABLESJ ) REVIEW ( ) COMEDY iI I I i uxxv wxvx I Wo Offur You I I ~ MONDAY uud WEDNESDAY THURS. PRI, SAT 2 Nigbix iiuiy I Joags Cravveord LITTLE ACCIDENT ~ I Pour II)ushing )Irides" IAo I LADlES I A nlogc Piuy I Apuri fioiu ihr uuuouuny good eu- A Iiio si'I'i'xsn.-- I u Iiuiuiuvui In ihix phvuvv ii vffvru you u bviiiiuui fuvbivu dioPiuf. I Ac ~ Pnw, Evvu liiggII. istNOTE. ELECTIDN RETURN5 ou scvoou wED. Nieui Aiio "BUY AT HOME" Ovcwiue Wod„e p.n. Oct