West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Oct 1930, p. 5

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0001 October 24, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS From Pig to Pie GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect eeoc«te lo L oc pt ~ U. t C. A«4 o soh«l m I 4 cue Al htt«t«e0 4 I c. Me«bto N tkcol Loose«po m«l«. CLASSIFIED ADS Thc rotc for Clcccidcd Adoccticcmcutc is 2 coute pcc word, miuimum 25 cents. Ecccpe iu thc case of timcc hcriug rcguicc cccouutc, ck deed dude are psychic ctcktiy is edosucc. Rom«shee ncccidmfc iu the West Vcu Ncuc gce ictmcdicic ccmdbh eer Ble IIL bee euf HORTON'S English Pork Butcher Opens in IVest Vancouver gt A Genuine Pork Pie Made from legs of pork only From 25c, 35c and upwards HOT BEEF PIE 5c each A SUFI'ER FOR 10c Take sotne home and try them. 1421 Marine Drive. I PTICAI. ANNOUNCE5IENT Edward Roberson, F. B. O. Ao of the Morris Optical CAI., Van- couver, is opening an optical par- lor next Friday, 31st October, in ~agar'8 Jewellery Store, 16th ~iud Marine Drive. He will be there from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. and thereafter these same hours on the 16th and 31st of each month. Mr, Roberson is a graduate of the Northampton Polytechnic In stitute, London, England, and has a long experience in optical work. He is 8 specialist in mus- cular and refractive or focussing errors. of the eyes. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. WEST VAN. "Y" The monthly business meeting of the West Vancouver "Yu was held in the Baptist Church on Tuesday evening. After the de- votional exercises business wss discussed and plans made for further work. Arrangements have tfeen mh('e for the "Y" to have a stall through the kind- ness of the executive of the Women's Association of the United Church at their Christ- mas Bazaar. Mrs. Chapman, Supt., gave a short talk from Miss McCorkindale's course of lessons on Temperanze and Life. J. A. Vernon's application to re-subdivide Lots 3 and 26 of Block 14, D.L. 564, was rejected by the council because such an alteration would not conform with the surrounding properties. The home garden if properly planned will provide an interest- ing display of bloom from the opening of the first snowdrop un. tll we gather in the last sprays of chrysanthemums in the very late fall. If adequate thought has not been given to the planning for a succession of bloom, there will be occasions when the gar- den may present a very drab appearance. We should not per- mit this to happen when with 8 little care given to i,he selection of our plants we may enjoy the delights of a colorful garden the summer through. Annuals are a great aid in securing the desir- ed result and with such a varied Ijst to choose from, color, soil, and location as well as time of bloom are difficulties soon over- conic. For early spring flowers there is 8 w'ide choice including such lovely blossoms as produced by the snowdrops, scillas, crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips both early and late flowering. In the shady places one may use trillums, violets, lily-of-the-val- ley and dogs-tooth violets. These are only 8 few of the more com- monly known spring blooms and soon an enthusiastic gardener will be enjoying a much more varied spring display. Then come the hardy low- growing plants, and by the way, now is a good time to set them out, such as columbines, dwarf iris, German iris, sweet william, phlox, primroses, hepatica, Eng- lish daisy, periwinkle, iberis, au- brietia and alyssum and not for- getting the clove pinks. Shrubs and larger plants are well represented and we have 8 large choice beyond the follow- ing: Spireas, detuzias, peonies, bleeding-heart, oriental poppies. Iris, Japanese, German and Jap- anese daphnes, tamarjx, bush honeysuckles, viburnums and roses. Weigelas, cydonia, kerria and azaleas such as Azalea mol- lis and A. amoena, as well as lilacs and viburnums make up but a small part of our available selection. If your desires turn to tho larger trees, and there is usually even in the smallest garden, spaces which are enhanced by a tree, you might profitably use such specimens aa Hawthorne, dogwood, flowering crab, labur- nums, Japanese cherry or chest- nut. For mid-summer when many gardens sre for a period rather destitute of flowers, you may use gladoli, tigridlas and many of the jtne lilies. The dahlia is an- other good old standby, for if planted early in summer it will bloom from mid-summer until frost. Corepsis, perennial phlox, funkias, golden-glow, geum, rud- beckias, hemerocallis, kniphofia are all sturdy dependable bloom- ers for this period. NOTE--Th II« tlt t ht« It ~ ~I«el ~o «co eu«o I 4 th c cu lo thee eol« Th Co«ttoo ho hl 4 epc «m 4 the Nt I ~ et tho Sett«. Th ul pp ~ I eo ee Ip I«oe « U ~ I Ileptp 44 I 4 ~ I poa HOML'IL DISTRIBUTORS Program Home Gas Symphony Orchestra Sunday, October 26th, 1930. CKWX, 9 P. M. (Old nnd New Favurites) March "Royal Australian Navy" I.ithgow 'I'ranscription "The Perfect Song" .............................. Breil "Dance of the Hours" from "La Giaconda"....... Ponchielli Vocal Presentation Empire Opera Company (Courtesy Vancouver Theatre) Selections from the opera "Lucis di Lammermoor" ........................ Donizetti Novelty "Noise ................ Amdt An Old Irish Ballad...... Selected Overture "Patrie" ..............Bizet Popular, "Go Home and Tell Your Mother" ............ McHugh "There's No Gas Like Home" F " " West 176I IRST MASOIV TRANSFER & FUEL SUPPLY Burn Diaenond Sootless Coal Full Stock of Nanaimo-IVellington and McLeod River Hard Coal Phone us and Save Your Money Alder and Fir Bushwood $6.75 FAIRYLAND LF COURSE !ji ' " " ". 'o~ Grand Opening Oi W ANT FD -- Rccpcucibk Girl ftu hcuccworiL Tuo chiidttu. Phone West 4161L FOR kENT -- Three.rccm Modern Puruichcd Buugcicu. Large iicieg room,'ccpicce. Wast Bcy, $2o.oe. Phcue West 89RI. TRADE HOUSE iu Vcucourcr for IVcct Vcucouvcr house. phone West 895L TO RENT--FuruichetI Modctu Sic- rooms. Close iu. $Z5.00. Apply Bcx 49, co West Vcu News. P(IUND on 14th cud Gcrdcu--Brooch. Owner can haec same by phoning West 474 sud puyiug cost of cdver- tioemeue. TO RENT--Throe-room futuicbcd coe- tcgc, 16th cud Clyde. Close tu forcy. $ 1Z.00. Apply Mrc. S. Lsuccceor, 151k cud Clyde. FOR RENT OR SALE -- Pcctiy fucu- ichcd house on WcictfrcuL Apply Ltyicud, West 52RI. BOY OF 15 YEARS 1Vcuic Odd Jobe. Phone West 29. WINDOW BLINDS Mode tc Order cud Repaired. Estimates free. Cur- tain rods. Apply F Pcctce, 19th Street cud Mcriue Drive. Residence chose Wcce 257L GAkokhi CONSTRUCTION--1«udo- ccpe cud general gcrdcuiug. Phone, R. J. Kytc. 2557 Bciicvuc. FOR SAI.E--Rock cmi Aipiec plsutu Large variety. Phone C. G. Bucccu, Wcce 95L2, FOR SAi.~cbiuct Scuiug Mcchiue 516.00. Diuiug Ream Table. $8.00. Giucc Cupbuuni. $ 12.00. Phoae West I ssk2. POR RENT--Shock Futmobcd Suttc. HcctctL Would cuit ccupiu. Pbmm West 94R. LOST--Geuticmcs'c Wciice bcurius iuiiicic C. H. C. Rcuct4 Phuuc North 1708-O. TO kENT--Gcouud door bedroom cud icrgc iioiug room. Partly furuichcJ. Suit coupic. Phone Wept 22R. Fok kENT--1245 Kciib koc4 Sec rooms. piumbiug, garage, $10.00. Phone Weci 820R. Fok kENT--Lower puctiou dupicx hcu c Pcciiy furs«bed ttccy curn fcrehbic. Full plumbing; eire-pkce. Good location near ferry. Small family rteuitcd. Rent $BL Phoae West 421L BC%('AI OW with cctcc large Iioisg room, euo bcd rooms, fuiiy mcdccu, bccueifuiiy citucied in occluded guc dce $6000 B R. Hccciccu, West 401L bi.'111. DELIVERY Wc will iuciui iettet slot iu your door very reason- cbiy. Phone West 64L cc West 2R. I'0 RENT AT 540.00--Aittcctivc mcd- cru seven-room house in Kitciiuuo. Hardwood ficucc. Garage. Phone Seymour 4452 or Bcycicu 16071 NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Games for Saturday, October 25, 1930. DIVISION I. Lions vs. Canucks; High School (West), 2:30 p. m. Referee Mr. Botham. West Van (Bye). DIVISION II. West Van. 0, Kays vs. IVest Van Midgets; 'nglewood School, 2:30 p. m. Referee Mr. Mot- tershcad. Kiwams Bluebirds (Bye). DIVISION III. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Capilano; Mahon Park, I p. m. Referee Mr. Wardlaw. Kingsley School vs. North Shore Wanderers; High School, 2 p. m. Referee, Mr. Hilder. Lynn Valley vs. North Shore Rangers; Lynn Valley Park, I:45 p. m. Referee, Mr. Moon The council has communicated with the minister of public works that his intention to rec- ommend to the Lieutenant Gov- ernor-in-Council that the roads mentioned in the chief engin- eer's letter of 19th September, be classified as a primary high- way was agreeable to them. The roads in question are as follows: Nelson Ave. from Marine Drive to Horseshoe Bay ad the loop formed by Chatham Street, Roy- al Avenue and Bay Street, com- mencing and ending on Nelson Avenue. The arranging of a site in Ambleside Park on which the Boy Scouts could build a hut was referred by the council to the reeve and engineer. BLSI'tESS LOT ou Menue Dnoc cdjciuiug buoy ccuttc, $900 or piece oifer. TIVO Skeu-he ATERFRONT LOTS-- near 16th SttccL Fully ducted. Rich dark cmi. Snap price of $450 ouch. WATERFRONT LOT jest ouc bicck ftum Ferry. $ 1500; cu coty cucy terms, or will coucidcc cash oifcc. R. I'. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. Phoae Seymour 7454 or Phone C. J. ARCHER. Woce 225 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Noeccy Public FIRE INSURAN&'E Irc have Small Amouutc cu Horne fcc Gccd Mutlgcgc Lccuc. 1406 Mcriuc Drive Office Phuuc West 21 or Scy. 1260 Recidcecc Phoae IV. 62R or W. 20LY FOUNDATION CBJIILNT WORK- Lcudccupiug ccd Leuco icid. Rock walls, drains. coptic tanks, fcudug cud land cicuciug, chimneys cud furtutccc cicuttcd cud TcptlirctL Phoae T. Bcruoti, Tccidcucc phone West 290R. FUkS CI.EA'iED, STOkED cc Re- modeled. Summer pckcL Hoiiyburu Fur Store, Kcith Block, Hoiiybucu. PAIttTIIIL Ieccctcttug Fccucb Pci ichiug, Cccicy, Rccidcucc Phone Vl cct 71Y. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAk BEST--Duudctccc, ALL THE BEST Bccudc of CigcrA Cigcreucc cud Tobcccuu Aico ET- chcugc Poker Hands cud Ccucoi cutdc Ptuc Ambiecide Tcs Rooms FOR THE BEST SLABS cmi Iuside Fir phone Whee 280. POR PAINTING, KALSO'uiNING- Apply C. I Kou.ugc. Residence phoae ivcce 591R. FOR PLUbiBLNG REPAIRS -- Bec- idcucc Phone West 241R. «e .r 4«lh M401 135 West 1st St., North Vancouver SATURDAY, Oct. 2,5th, at 7 p.m. Mayor Morden and Ex-Mayor L.D. Taylor will play the opening game Orchestra in attendance Light Lunches See the Finest Ibliniature Golf Course In Greater Vancouver EVER BODY WELCOME n H-- I@I k II ,J It EST VANCOUb LR CONNERI ATIX b AILSOCIATION A Public Meeting in the interests of JACK LOUTET CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE will be held in the HOLI.YBURN THEATRFL WEDNINII)AY, OCTOBER 29th at 8 p.m. SPEAKERS:--JACK LOUTET AND OTHERS Come and hear the issues of the campaign discussed.