West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Oct 1930, p. 4

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0001 rr& h v'rrh rhr Vr rvhhr~v' r'vr~ re / Iu e v h Vrvv 'Vh L ) 4 h rvh 4 r r 2 r ruut t r r ~ m rx -1 rs ~ ' u"t'rrt ~ «'rr ,r v rv. - J v ~ rv r :rv ~'r. '. 'r' ss rt vv v'vr r ~v rvv Vvrrr r ~vrvh h Vr .r v.rrrv«rr'rrr Under Nv» Huuueemeut uf Hvs. IL Urxuu THE Bungalow Store 29th uud bluriuu Drive Full Lruu of Fresh Graver&vs, Tuber&us uud Cuudius. A trial suricirud. Colonel A. Whyte, being the original owner made sn olfer to buy back the abandoned P.G.F.. right of way running through D.L.'5 1493, 1494, 1495, also the narrow strip west of the said right of lvay to the shore ir. D.L. 1495, all of which the muni cipality had bought in for taxes. The council advised him that the property in question was not for sale. In business in Wmi Vuu. 19 Yuure C. J. Overington BARBER lu New Store Huviuu Dvrvu at 1&tb Next Jeffvvisu Heat Stare Expert Work--Ludivx', Cbndveu Gvuilemvu Pbuuu West 155 for uppers&must RADIATOR AND FENDER REPAIRS Have your Huudngbrs Properly Focused. Home Oils uud Gasoline Hollyburn Garage 15tb xus 5&sr&us Drive H. DAVISON, Prop. 1'buue lyvsi lee Support B. C. Industries Phone West 444 TOWING SERVICE, BATTERY CHARGING and RENTALS, REPAIRS OF ALL KltxIDS, TIRES k TUBES, ACCESSORIES, GAS & OILS. West Van Imperial Service Statioa ! 14th Rnd Marine Bert Gisby--Bill Thompson A HOT FIRE is what You Need( Phone ED. BLACK West 68 (Established 1919) Nanaimo-Wellington Lump ................ $12.00 ton Nanaimo-Wellington Nut ................... $11.00 ton It lasts longer, gives more heat and is a B. C. product. SOOTLESS COAI Drumheller Lump.................'. $13.00 ton Drumheller Egg ............................... $12.00 ton Gait Egg, the Super Range Coal ....... $18.00 ton Canmore Briquette ................................ 515.00 ton All Prices are for Cash Only, with ()uick Delivery. 25th and 51arine Drive, Dundarave, B. C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 1VEST VANCOUVER VOTERS'IST 1931 Persons desiring and entitled to have their frames placed on the Voters'ist for 1931 as Householders, Licence or Poll Tax Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October, 1930. Forms may be obtained at the hIunicipal Hall. Dated this 10th day of October, 1930. JAS. OI LASON, Hollyhurn, B. C. Murricipal Clerk. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER REGENT CLOTHES Overcoats $~6vOO No Less""'Ag'"'. WILLIAMS Phone West 20 15ss Nsrbm or&vs Rvs. phone west 2551 Our Owu Make Suits and Overcoats from $45.00 Dr&Y GLEANING ANO 1'RRSSING Suits, Ore&costs uutr rrvussvs &rum 91.25 THE )VEST VAN NEWS I. O. I). E, The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter was held hfonday, October 18th, at the home of Mrs. 1V. Blair, with the regent, Mrs. Small, in the chair. After the formal rout- ine business, hire. Small gave a summary of the current work of the Municipal Chapter. In connection with this It wss decid. ed to ask Mrs. Patterson, Muni- cipal Regent, to act ax delegate to the Provlnnal meetmg m Burnaby. It was decided by the Chapter to give calendars to all schools in West Vuncouver also to the Public Library. Mrs. Young gave a report on the Shnughnessy Hospital work, par ticularly with regard to patients from )Vest Vancouver, and mcn. tioned a Whist Drive to be held at Shaughnessy some time in November, date to be announced later. Mrs. Jackson in giving her ed- ucational report spoke of tho presentation of the I.O.D.E, priv cs given to the two pupils with'he highest aggregate marks at Hollyburn and Inglewood schools I"reda Joan Norris being winner at the High School and Dorothy Boshier who also won the Gov- ernor General's medal, at Holly- burn. The Chapter gave instructions that a letter be sent to the Reeve an&1 council asking for per mission for a service to be hei&i on Armistice Day at the Memori- al Arch. A committee was formed to take care of the arrangements for that dsy. Notice was given out that a St. Johns Ambulance Corps would be formed in West Van- couver if sufficient people wish to join. This course is not limit- ed to members of the I.O.D.E. If any ladies interested will phone Mrs. B. Hayes she will be glad to give them particulars. Mr&4 Leyland in her report on the Girl Gqi&jes qpok&e, &rf,the openmg of the Fall Season aml. said that on the occasion of the first meeting, the Guides togeth- er with the Brownies made a presentation to Mrs. J. McIntyre tvho has so faithfully and loyal- ly worked in this connection. In connection with Child Wel- fare a play will be presented on December 3rd and 4th in the Orange Hall. Plans for the Hauowe'en dance to be given on Friday, Oc- tober 81st, were discussed and committees appointed to take charge of the arrangements. This dance shows promise of be- ing one of the most successful held. Four new members were norn- inated for election, Mrm P. Mast- erman, Mrs. Dundas, Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs. Jagger and will be received at the next meet- ing, which will be held on Wed- nesday, November 12th, at the home of Mrs. A. E. Young. Tea was served by the host- esses, and after singing the Na- tional Anthem the meeting ad- journed. NE)V I'ERRY MAKING GOOD The new ferry "Washington" which hss been brought from Se. attic to assist the North Van- couver ferries in handling motor traffic, went on the run last Sat- urday. She is reported as quite speedy, and did valuable service over the week end, greatly re- ducing the waiting lists of cars. For the first time since the ac. cident to the bridge quite a num. ber of autos from Vancouver were noticed on Marine Drive on Sunday sfternoorr. A. D. Cross and J, A. Eggie applied for permission to lease the island on Eagle Lake and tu build a cabin thereon as head- quarters for a hiking centre. They were advised that Eagle Lake is within the municipal watershed where no permission to erect cabins are granted. October 24. 19:10. COililN(i EVENTS November 18th--Hollyburn Pub- lic Library Card Party in the Legion Hall. November 21st--A Play by tht Women's Association of thc United Church. Drcember 2nd--United Church Sale of 1Vork. HALI.OIVE'EN The council have written lo the b&uird of school trustees re- questing that instructions he Riven to all the teachers of the older boy» to impresm upon these pupils thai steps tvill he taken &o arrest nnyone caught destroy- ing property of any kind on Hsl- loue'en with special reference io the new street sigrxu, and that any such destruction will be sev- erely dealt with. In ndditlon parents of any b&rys who do so destroy property or cause it to be destroyed will be held responsible for the dam- age. The coucil have also itmued in- structions for a number uf speci- al constables to be on duty dur- mg Hallowe en. WEST VAN(.'OUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY At a nreeting of the West Van- couver Scottish Society hcl&l in the Clachan, Friday evening a very interesting address was given by Prof. Wm. Black of B. C. University on the question of Vocational Guidance in Brit ish Columbia. In the course of his lecture the professor showed how, if the several agencies, the home,the school, etch the muni- cipal authorities should c~per- ate and adopt a systematic pro- gram of guidance, the results would be felt withi nten years. Some of the high schools have already taken steps in this dir- ection and are having talks on the various vocations given b). competent men in order that the boys snd girN may know about the various occupations of their country. But counselling needs time and should be a fundament- al part of the high school work. There should be in Vancouver city and districts a capable agency for placing the boys aml girls who leave school,which would have the data concerning wages, chances of advancemeni, and those jobs which are likely to have a superfluity of labor supply available for parents or others seeking such informatio:r. The work at present done by employment bureaus is very meagre in value and has no thought in terms of guidance. Summing up his lecture the professor concluded with the statement that we should aim to Hollyburn THEATRE THURSOAY, FRIDAY uud SATURDAY "THE GIRL FROM HAVANA" u oh L&! L l 1 A b 1 g JD NS Ai~o or~1 Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Surrard Sheet Netal 229 Lonsdale Avenue 1'bose North 355 Res. 1'bouest North 915Y-1552X The BURRARD LAUNDRY 4&mr&vs For People Who Are I'articular Agent for S)VAN BIIOS„ DRY CLEANERS TH11&U ST. sas ST. I)AVIOS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone )Vest 4101. have in Canada a race of people enjoying a fuller life and a great- er sum total of happiness than is the case at present. Mrs. S. Lancaster snd four other ratepavers applied for the installation of a street light ut the corner of 15th and Clyde. Placed on the light lile. For the forthcoming Bye-Election have been established iu THE YATES BLOCK 14th Rud hiarine Drive Phone West 160 You may be caught Any night now! See Bill Grout at %Vest Van Motors For your Anti-Freeze Phone bvest 208 West Vancouver Conservative Association COMMITTEE ROOMS rv rrvvv hr