West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Oct 1930, p. 3

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0001 )Ip I lb es om lllg ig) gy. py i»4 j October 24, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS WII.L AHK GOVT. TO AID IN BR)I)GK COST Asserting "that Second Nar- rows bridge provides highway access between Vancouver anil the North Shore, and that the structure has proved its neces- sity to the whole travelling pub- lic,w Alii. E. H. Bridgman sub- mitted to the North Vancouver City Council Monday night s resolution suggesting that the Provincial Government be peti- tioned for financial assistance in restoring the bridge for traffic. As the shareholders in the bridge are the city of Vancouver, North Vancouver and the dis- tricts of North and West Van- couver, a copy of the resolution will be forwarded to each coun- cil and the petition for financial assistance sent by a joint com- mittee, provided it receive en- dorsation of the councils concern- ed. Aid. Bridgman stated that ap plication for financial aid can not be made under the Highways Act, but added that the Provinci- al Government now has 8120,000 invested in the bridge. He argu- edit can well alford to give more, especially in view of the two rec- ent accidents. The City Council passed the resolution unanimously. Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY oo 4)o gjo 4)o Hallowe'en Specialo Pumpkin Pies Cakes Cookies MILK LUNCH ROLLS Daily Open All Day Thursdays. 2476 hfarine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 3G6 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mge. Diu&iue&ive I"uue&ui Service Lady Assistant 32S--3rd Si. R I'buna Nurib 525 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Amblesigae Sheet Metalworks LAUR&E SPECK, Proprlciiw 145G Marine Drive Phone West 43ZL2 Kit&hen Shower Miss 'Toy" Lawrence whose marriage takes place tomorrow night, was honored recently when Miss M. Johnson and Miss Lucy James entertained at a kitchen shower at the home of the )atter, 1748 Esquimslt Ave. The shower gifts were wheeled in in a daintily decorated pink and green coach, by little Reid Mitchell. The invite&i guests were Mrin W. Lawrence, Mrs. Lawrence, Jr., Mrs. A. Lawrence, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. C. Roberts, Miss Margaret Johnson, Miss Jean )Vatson, Miss Lucille Johnson, Miss Ivy Miles, Miss Vivian Armstrong, Miss Selma Sievert, Miss Marjorie Murray, Miss Audrey Laster, Miss Joyce Herrin, Miss Ola Mc- Lean, Mrs. C. Hailstone, Mrs. W. Harrington, Miss Dorethea and Miss Gertrude Parkin of North Vancouver. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone )Vest 310 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance The government wharf at Horseshoe Bay has been towed to Eagle Harbor for the winter. Now is the &ime io get your WINTER'8 FUEL We have an unlimited supply ui THE Handy Ann Store 2444 Marine Drive (Burrow Block) Dry Goods, S&u&&usury, High School Suppneu, Teu, Cu&fee, Cacus, Ez&mc& Pluvu&iugu. Orders received uud delivered after 4 p. m. Phone West 49. DRY FIR TRANSFER MOVING Drag Saw to rent. Phone West 48 DOC COOKE PETE LE NEAL LECTURE by DR. E. A. HENRY "SOME GIRLS" The place is--the West Vancouver United Church. The date is--Wednesday, November 5th. The Tickets are--35 cents. The Time is 8 p. m. It is the companion lecture to "The Boy.w It is on behalf of the Sunday School Fund. WEDNESDAY, NOVESHIER 5th. WEST VANCOUVEII CONSKItVATIVF. AHHO('.IATIOV A Meeting will be held in the CONSERVATIVE COMSHTTEK ROOMS (Yates Block) Next Monday at 8 p.m. to appoint l)K)'UTY IIFTI'RNING OFFI('Elhi and I'OI.I. CLERKS All Conservatives interested are asked to attend. Local and Personal SarjyonEx-Reeve V. V. Vinson and Charles Roberts of Roberts Bet- ter Meats, returned Inst week from a hunting trip in the region around Cariboo Lake tn the Csr- iboo country. Each was success- ful in bagging a moose and a car. iboo. They expected to also shoot grizzly, but were caught in a wild snow storm on the summit of a mountain, and so lost all op- portunity of adding a bear to their bag. ~ u 1 Mrs. Sigmore of Cypress Park, is leaving this week to spend the winter in the south. u The Fire Prevention Commit- tee of Vancouver for the seventh year In succession are sponsor- ing an essay competition on fire prevention, open to high school» and grade 8 of the public schools thyoughout the province. The first prize in each district is a 85 gold piece and a diploma, and the second a diploma of honor- able mention. All essays have to be handed in to school princi- pals by November 16th. The first prize for the North Shore district has been won on s num- ber of occasions by West Van- couver scholars. ~ ~ u The West Vancouver meat markets will close at 7 p.m. sharp every Saturday night from 1st November to next April. The S.S. "City of Vancouver," inward bound, went aground in the fog about 2 p.m. hionday, near the mouth of the Capilano. She freed herself about two hours afterwards, and proceeded up the harbor. The Owl Club of Dundarave gave a dancing party at 1361 25th Street last Saturday even- ing. About forty guests were present. Mrs. Tait, 29th and Nathers, is spending a few days in Van- couver with her mother, who is ill. u u At the recent annual meeting of the Viking Club of Vancouver, R. J. Verne of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club wss one of a committee of three chosen to handle the new winter sports section. Guy Desmond, 2459 Lawson, has moved into a house at 26th and Bellevue. ~ u ~ Mrs. I. Wells Crawford. 15th and Haywood, gave a bridge tea yesterday at her home in sld of the furnishing fund for the new Pender Harbor Hospital. ~ u u A baby girl was born on hion- day at the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. snd hire. Franson, 13th and Fulton. u 'I'hos. Sorenson of Shsughnes- sy, who has a summer home at West Bay, has returned from a hunting trip in the Cariboo country. u u Mrs. Helen Lloyd, who has been residing at 1926 Bellevue, has returned to her home at Sherman. ~ u \ Ed Black, 25th and Marine Drive, recently purchased a new light delivery truck. ~ \ ~ Under the auspices of the PhiL harmonic Club, the Dundarave Ladies Choir will present a con- cert at the Central City Mission on November 3rd, under the dir- ection of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, and with Mrs. J. E. Durbin as accompanist. It is expected that a pleasing program of choral and solo numbers will be arranged. ~ ~ ~ Miss Jean McLaren entertain- ed at her home at the corner of Jelferson (k 23rd Street in honor of the birthday of bliss Ois htc- Lean, on October 20th, 1930. The affair took the form of a camp fire party, those invited being hiiss Ola McLean, hIiss Jean bic- Laren, Miss Joan Durbin, Miss Eddie Archer, Miss Helen Stev- enson, Miss Freda Herrin, Miss Madge Farmer, Miss Blanche Neville, Mrs. Herbert Rush, Miss L&has Dav&e, hi&ss Lorna Thomp son and Miss Etta McVean. ~ u W. Black, who for some years has spent the summer at his house at 27th and hfathers, has returned to Vancouver for the winter. The Order of the Eastern Star announce a series of monthly social evenings during the com- ing season in the form of MiTit- ary Whist Drives. Attractive prizes will be presented both for the monthly and grand season' aggregate scores. The committee will provide an entertainment program and refreshments will be served. ~ ~ hire. Keith and her son Gor- don, who have been spending some time at McGrath, Alberta, have returned to the Keith block, 15th and Marine Drive.t ~ The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Hay will regret to learn of her bereavement in the passing away of her father, Dr. D. L. Allan, Arthur, Ontario. w u ~ Bob Edmond, Radclifi've., is on a trip up coast. He expects to be away about a month. We are the West Vancou- ver agents. Our second shipment just opened. Get yours here. Phone West 37 for prompt delivery. WEST VAII PHARI)IACY Tbu Store of &rvice. West 3T WE DELIVBR Emu&guuuy Pbuuu Wiw& 32& (Afiue s p.m.) Buy Home Products Strattou'8 BRILc,ry &453 Mu&hm Dr&re Pbuwu West 2T for RRKAD, CAKF&L PASTRY Scotch Shortbread, Nut Rread, Birthday Ik &Aeddmg Cakes I UEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE Phone West 3 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. WOOD Seeuud Grow&b I &r uud Aider Nu salt water wuml DRUMHELLER COAL Hobb Coal I Transferw ~ u &5&b uud Murulw De&vc Phase 'i&eu& IT Res. 'Wus& 33 R i The November program of the Musicians Club which wto be given on the hrst Friday will of- fer as artists Mrs. Chas. Dono- hoe, soprano, hiiss Joan Durbin, contralto, Mr. J. Louden, bari- tone, Miss Freda Herrin, pianist, and Mr. Allan McIntyre, cellist. Miss Margaret McIntyre, htrs. Durbin, Mrs. Knight-Hodge and Mrs. Burbridge will offer as a piano quartette Moskowski'3 Valse Brilliant in A tlat Major. This will be a number which will be quite a novelty. ~ u St. Anthony's Altar Society gave a card party last night at the Legion Memorial halL w Four inches of snow fell on the plateau of Hollyburn Ridge on the afternoon of Thursday, 16th instant. It has, however, since been washed sway by the heavy rains of last Friday and Satur- day. u e new store which E. Pcarce has had constructed on his prop- erty at the corner of 19th and Marine Drive is now completed. Mr. Pcarce this &veek opened up there his business in window shades and curtain rods ~ ~ ~ The L.O.B.A. gave a whist drive last Saturday evening at the home of hire. W. Carley, 2152 Marine Drive. Miss Bowman won the Ilrst ladies'rize, and Magnus Boss the gentleman' first. The consolation prizes &rent to Mrs. Parker and Vic Ferguson, SPECIAL &44u. Cedar ( Pe& Load $23O STOVEWOOD I 3 L&mdo $&oo PHONE WEST 24 Permission was granted by the council to the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., to hold a ser- vice at the biemorial Arch on Armistice Day, which service &rill be attended by as many of the council as find it possible to attend. A wreath was also ord- ered to be placed on the arch on Armistice Day. HALLOY) E I.N NOVELTIES oo ao Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone )Vest 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER L O. D. E. *NNLiAL MASQUERADE DANCE INOLEW(X&D HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY', October 31st, 1930 PRIZESARCADIANS OR(&HRSTRA Duuuisg 3 tu & Admission 7oc.