West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Oct 1930, p. 2

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0001 TIIE '(VFST VAN NE)VS October 24, 1930, 0(( x% r .p pr lp rl~ )r ~ rr ) l ~'l r o ~ P)) r r-p t r)« ~ 'r 'r xt 'l D. )x p ~ wt r)rrp 'rrrr 'r ..- ~ r )r ~ r'-'r'w% r r )rrrr" 'r) r ~'rr w rrr ~ 'vr rrrrrrrrP)rrr '"~rrrr r r LADYSHIP IVOOLS g.'I'a p tb It GIFT Sic)&~q5 Vgt thobrA l 0)A 4 )4 hy!R S A. J. hAaia.! INm ~ P. Cy. e)(DX 227. 5)h(Orget WEST 22rrb. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH ED(PICK gath osd Foqo(mo(L Hokybxto This Sot)t(y ix ~ Brooch o( The Mother Church The First Church o( Christ, Sciroiixi, In Boston Masoochuxo(tx. Sunday So(tiros 11.60 o. m. ood V.go p. m. SUBJECT, OCTOBER 26th "I'ROBATION AFTER l)EATIF'uodoy Scbool at 10 00 ~ m Testimony hioo(iog Wodooxdoy at $ .16 p. m, United Church hiinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sundny, October 26th, 1930. Dr. Henry will preach at both services. 11116 topic, 'The Kingdom of God ':15, topic, "The Tragedy of Saul." 10 a. m., Sunday School De- pnrtments. Tuesday evening is the time for the opening meeting of the Men's Club. Tables are set for 6:30 p. m. After supper the address will be given by Rev. Dr. Dobson. His topic is a study of our mod- ern problems and the adaption of the religion of Jesus to them. It is a very vital modern subject and Dr. Dobson is an expert in his departement. A very instructive an&i enjoy- able time was spent by the Y.P, S. group on hionday last at the honie of Dr. and Mrs. Henry. It was the missionary evening and Dr. Henry gave a reading on Japan. A social half hour with light refreshments followed. The next meeting will be hei&i at Mrs. O'Donnell's and will have a devotional topic as its chief feature. A cordial invitation is given to the public to attend the lec- ture by Dr. Henry on Wednes- day, November 6th. The subject is "Some Girls" and is the com- panion to "The Boy" given last season. The funds are for the use of the Sunday School. By mistake the ticketslhave Tues- day, although the correct date day on them instead of )Vednes- (November 5) is there. Of course everyone knows that November 5th is Wednesday and not Tuesday. Hollyburn Hall Cor. 14th A Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.sunday School. 11 a. m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p.m.-- Gospel Ad- dresss. Speaker for next Sunday JOHN BRAY Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone West 252K. Sunday, October 26th. 10 s. m.--Sumlay Schoul. Classes for all ages. We study the International Lessons. 11 a. m.--hIorning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Beautiful For Ever." I"ive minute talk to children. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Series on Questions that per- plex. Topic, "Is Jesus Cuming Again?" A cordial invitation to all. WEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--Prayer and Bible Study. October Is the month for Photographs A Fow Suggestions tVedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photos Framing Pictures Ptkos (o fit sk pock((a THE Monday, 7:30--Young Peoples meeting. All young people over 16 hea(qily welcome, Tuesday, 2:30 -- Meeting of Cradle Roll Mothers nnd after- noon tea. We&lnesdsy, 8 p. m. -- Prayer and praise service. King Studio V. V. V(NSON PROP. 311 Hastingg St. 1V. Ko(obkxhod 1002 AR Wort Goxtoo(cod Friday, 7 p. m.--C.C.I.T. Teen Age Girls welcome. 8 p. m.--Choir practice. 3(ext Sunday evening at the Baptist Church, by request seats will be reserved for young people to be followed by an after meet- ing for sacred music at the home of Mr. Tabor. Phone Sey. 1046 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop Last Monday evening Rev. W. L. McKay of Point Grey, gave a very informing and interesting lecture on "How We Got Our English Bible," to the members of the Baptist Young Peoples So ciety; 40 slides were shown, de- picting the history of the vari- ous translations up to the pres- ent time. The president Miss Phyllis Mercer was in the chair. The )V. M. S. held their Aut- umn Thankoffering meeting last Tuesday with an encouraging at- tendance. Mrs. Dr. Stobie, for many years a missionary in Man- churia and now a resident of Vancouver, gave a very helpful address. hiissions are so vital to the spiritual life of the church that the W. M. S. is anxious to secure the co-operation of every woman in the congrega- tion. 16th A Not)so EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprio(or Established on North Shore 20 Yeota (Lady Assis(xs() HARRON BROS. & WILLihhiSON I'uuerailIirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 '(Vest Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. The Junior Choir under Mrs. Colin McLean and Mrs. Sheffield on Saturday morning at 10. Sl'ECIAL OCTOBER DEVOTIONS Sunday -- Wednesday -- Friday 7:30 p. m.--Solemn Exposi- sition, Rosary,'tc., Benediction. (Veek Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 a. m. snd 7:30 p. m. The B. C. Electric Railway Co. wrote the council advising them that from November 1st to the end of I'ebruary, street lights would be turned on from 5:30 a. m. to 7:30 a. m., and that there would be no extra charge for this service. Com.'ng dates, Nov. 21--A play by the Women's Association. Dec. 2--Sale of Work. The annual Shower of the Vancouver Service Home, Sus- sex Avenue,on Wednesday, Oc- tober 29th. ")Vatchagotna packidge?" "Sabook." "Wassanaimuvitt?" "Sadickshunery, fullinisms. IVife'0 gonna gettaplecedog an- gottagettansimfcrim." I,EGION LADIES AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary oi'he Canadian Legion will hold their regular monthly meeting next Monday afternoon, October 27th, in the Legiun Memorial hall, The meeting will start at 2:IS p. m. All members are requested to at- tend. West Van Nems Pobkohod Erety Friday dot(stot osd Edkot(o( O(Hoot 11th ood Not(so Dr(to (Next (o HoByboto P, O.) I'hone West 363 SCHOOL DENTAL CI,IMC Nail Address: P.O. Box si, Hokybots. LC. Pobkobot F. F. I.OVEGROVE Phone West 363 $ 1.00 s yeot by mail or cottier.'owmumdo So. Pot «opy Royal ILqnk Building--17th and hiarine Drive. SCHOOL DENTIST--Dr. Marjory McCubbin Children treated daily 9 a. m. tu 12 a. m., except Saturday. Appointments given in rotation. Open Morning for Extractions snd Advice to Psrcnts- Every Friday. No appointment necessary. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION h(E'i(ok(AL HALL NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 o. m.--School (ot ('hkdtoo. 5 p. m Sproktr) MR. PERCY KING Bobioc() "SPIIIITUAI. C) IFTS" hit. King btoodcoxis otot CKWX every Wednesday at 6 p. III. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 19 (Oct. 26th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 s. m. ")undsy School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m,--Morning prayer. 13 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. Solo "Thanks Be to God." (Dickson), Mr. Norman Sewell. On Sunday morning the rector will continue the presentation of the lambeth Conference reports. Next Thursday evening the monthly meeting of the Sunday School teachers will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bern- ar&l Hayes, Radcliffe Avenue, )then the Rev. E. R. McLean will give an account of the Interna- tional S. S. convention in Tor- onto last June. Tomorrow (Saturday) at the home of Mrs. Parkes, 2227 Ingle- wood Avenue, the Girls'uxili- ary are holding a donation tes for their stall at the forthcom- ing bazaar. There is a Sewing meeting of the W. A. on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ogilvie, West Bay. in preparation for the Christmas Bazaar. Keen interest was shown by both parents and boys and girls in all the services of Children'6 Dsy and in the evening a large congregation listened to a force- ful sermon by the Rev. Dr. Hiltz on the problems and challenge of Religious Education. In this connection it is interesting io not that s graded series of Bible readings published by Macmil- Ians have recently been made part of the curriculum in the Ontario Public Schools. 1 Dr. hfarjory hICCuhbin DENTIST Hoots: 1 p. m. (o 0 p. m. So(otdoyx: 10 o. m. (o 1 P m. Ktosiagx by oppoiaimost Royal Bonk BoSdisg I'hoot Wox( ((0 Rook(toto 1'boot West SPL NURSING HOME (Nto. M. E Lo('honor. R.N.) 20( ~ gi(h Sitoo( Boo& Notul Vootoetrt k&wldooto 1'bono& Not(b lssek C. T. 1VILLIAMS Radio Repairs ood Skkri('E Rromroto Phooo 150-kg 1 1'otk Rood. Woo( Vootootor Now Playing LQHSQALt'. A ()oud Comedy l)terna r(uty o( the inchltn(x in the li(e u( a desert Ruhin Huud MON., TUES., WED. NEXT Th)x i)lc(uf& needs nu cf)i) cixm. Sixteen or Sixty- You'l Love Grumpy COMING "SCARI,ET I'AG)ESu 50th, 51st, lr( Nux. "BLUSHING BRIDES" Std aod 5th No&. N&tfk: h(uo xmi '&Vrd. &)oly. «I,ITTLE ACCIDEN'I"'th, 1)h, 5th. COMING "sl'& u(.Blur'rki. f Fli(sv" rO(.1) Kxui.i xi(" Boys and girls are practismg for the Anglican Road Races to be held on Thanksgiving Day at Hastings Park. Tonight Mr. 1)on Le Neveu with s party of Tuxis Boys from St. Paul's church is conducting the initiation of the local camp of Trail Rangers, SOCIAL WINTER EVENINGS Under Auspices Order of the Eastern Star. All Residents Cordially Invited. A Series of Monthly Military Whist Drives will take place during the winter social season. Attractive prizes will be given to high scores each month. Valuable prizes will be awarded for the aggregate highest total scores compiled by the end of the series. L ight refreshments served. First event will take place in the MASONIC HALL, foot of 17th Street, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 8:30 p. m. prompt. Note the Date. Admission 35c. Optical Announcement! EDWARD ROBERSON, FB.O.A o( the Mortis Op(its( Co., Vancouver, gtodo- o&o or the Not(hemp(oo Polyiothoic isx(ko(o, London, England, togio(otod is Btkioh Col- on)bio by &xomioo(ios o( the Government Board u( Kxxmloetx, wkl br at SAGAR'S JKWEI.KRY STORE, WFJ(T VAN. Fk)DAY NEXT, OCTOBER Si. from 0 ~ . m. os(B ? p. m., ssd thereafter 16th osd 51st of each month. SPECIALIST IN biUSCU(.AR AND RE- FRACT(VE OR FOCUSSING KkkORS Oi" THK KYKS. Lotto( Modes In Kyo-Woo( Ptopotiy Fk(od whoa required at tooxosobio the)got. ('.oil or moke your oppoio(mos( early. kooidooto 1'hoss West 055Y. or IL