West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Oct 1930, p. 5

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS Plum I'uddlng wiihout Eggs I quart cooked mashed carrots '/g ib flnely chopped suet '/2 cup sugar 2 cups flour or bread crumbs I I/2 teaspoons salt I teaspoon cinnamon I/5 teaspoon cloves I/g grated nutmeg 8/4 lb. currants Wi. lb. raisins I/2 lb. citron. Sift bread crumbs, salt, cinna- mon, cloves and nutmeg togeth- er. Dredge currsnts, raising and citron with flour. Mix ingredients in order given. Steam 31/2 hours in 8 buttered mold. May be steamed in indiv- idual molds.'arrots should be forced through a fine strainer. October 1?. 1930. Hard Sauce I/2 cup butter 2 3 teaspoon vanilla extract I cup powdered sugar I/2 teaspoon lemon extract. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually and flsvoring. To hard sauce may be added a little fruit juice or jsm, such aa raspberry or strawberry. Spnniah Cream 2 tablespoons granulated gela- tin 3 cups milk 3 egg yolks '/2 cup sugar or syrup I/g teaspoon salt 8 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla Reserve I/4 cup milk to soak gelatin. Scald thc remaining 2"I cups of milk. Separate the eggs, beat the yolks, add the sugar Rncl salt; stir in the scalded milk slowly and cook in double boiler until custard thickens, stirring all the time. Remove from fire, add the soaked gelatin snd stir until dissolved, then strain. Beat the whites until stiff, fold into mixture. Flavor Rnd turn into cold wet mold. Chill. lwmon Sauce I/ cup sugar I tablespoon cornstarch 11/» cups boiling water I teaspoon butter I'/ teaspoons lemon juice Mix sugar and cornstarch. Add boiling water gradually, stirring until thickened. Boil 5 minutes. Add butter and lemon juice. HER REC ~!I Useful Recipes i Steamed 1Vhole IVheat I'uddink I I/2 cups whole wheat flour I,k teaspoon soda I/2 teaspoon salt I,IS cup molasses ccg cup milk or water I egg, beaten 2 tablespoons butter, melted I cup chopped raisins. 51!x snd sift dry ingredients. Add molasses and milk. Add lesten egg and melted butter, en the raisins. Beat mixture thoroughly. Chopped fig or dates may be used. Steam 21iff hours in 8 large mold, or 30 minutes in individual molds. The physician's little boy was endeavoring to entertain a pros- pect!ve patient in his father's of- fice, and as they were looking at the skeleton in the closet, the nervous patient timidly asked: «IVhere did your father get that?" »Oh, he has hsd that 8 long time," quickly answered the little fellow. "That ucas his first pati- ent." lmmon Jelly 2 tablespoons granulated gel- atin I,» cup cold water 2 to 21/2 cups boiling water I cup sugar I/2 cup lemon juice Rind I lemon Soak gelatin 20 minutes in cold water, then dissolve in boiling water. Add sugar, the lemon juice aml rind;;strain into a 0 ld and chill. Beating the lem-jelly while it is jelly-like with a Dover egg beater will make it white and fluffy. Orange, rasp- berry or other fruit jelly may be made in the same way, using I/3 cup of the fruit juice with lemon juice to taste. Fuiociuiic Jiml »You don't look like you slept very well last night." Joe: »No--my wife bought some new futuristic furniture ssd I discov- crcd this morning that I slept on u bookcase." AHOT oaot l X MIS2+SW l%~ 5 FIRST PRIXES At tbc Iolccumiouli out solid Spccdboct Races, held ~I New Wcllmlullcc, August 30 lo September I b»c clem pcilcl wcm uwlsimi lo boca iucilcc oil b iioulc Gca icily scylot. wilb the Auu iiow, made the ccaccilubic lime of 41.507 mscl pcc hour. the illicit limo mccc cuciug the meet. Iwty il. Sulu»Oily, u gccot cocbuliolc for Home Gcl'V,9~ KR %% r Cl I I» S C ~C I~~Su uc ~ »us c .Ic u IIOMK 0 I L DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED ~ RODUCSRS RRPIHRRS DIST Ri ~ U Tons IV% "YQU CA.N BUY hIO BETTER" CLASSIFIED ADS Tbc csic for LVcaiami Adrccibcacsio is 2 coaio pcc woccL aiaiaua MAIL DELIVERY--We wki iacisi Iciicr cioi ia your door rely reason- ably. Phoae West 84L or West 282 R.Wi.iDOW BLINDS Made io Order sad Rcpsircd. Estimates free. Cur- tain rods. Apply E. Pcsccc. 1911 Street sud Marine Drive. Rccidcscc phone West 257L FOUND'ITIO'i CEMFVT VCORK Landscaping ssd Lawns isicL Rock wc!is, drains. Scpiic tusks, fcsdsg sad iosd cicsclsg, cbnsocyu ssd Csrnsca cicsscd sod rcpsicod. phone T. Bsnwts. mldcsco phmw West 290IL GARDPV CONSTRUCCION --Imsdu- cspc snd general gardening. Phono, R. J. Kyic, 2667 Bcncvuc. TO RENT AT $40.00--Ailcsciirc mod. cro cocos-coom house in Kiisilsuo. Hardwood floors. Gsrsgc. Phone Scymoor 4482 or Bsyvicw 15871 WOMAN WANTS WORK -- Doy or Burning, iskiog csee oC chiidccs. Pbmw 'lvcci 289Y. FURS CLEANED, STOkED oc Rc- modcicd. Suswscr priccu. Hokybwra Fuc Stare, Kciih Bhwk, Hoiiybwcs. I AINTIN(., Dccocuilsg. Fccscb Pcd- ishisg, Caricy, Residence Phono 1Vcct VIY. WEBB'3 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dsadscsrc JUDGESIEVT GIVEN AGAINST BROKERS Following trial in Supreme Court, Mr. Justice D. A. McDon- ald hss awarded R. K. Clay, Gor. don and Marine Drive, judgment against S. P. Powell A Co. Ltd., stock brokers, Hastings and Sey- mour Streets. The amount of the award hss not been deter- mined. Damages were given a- gainst the defendant for its fail- ure to carry out the plsintIIPS instructions to purchase certain 8 tock 8. The plaintifPR wife succeeded with him on a claim based on defendant's failure to transfer their accounts to another firm as requested. On a third issue, in which Syd- ney P. Powell, director of defend- ant company, was 8 co.defend- ant, the judge decided that R. K, Clay failed. In this matter the plaintifF sought cancellation of the purchase of twenty shares in the Powell company, for lshich he paid $2,000. He alleged that he contracted for treasury stock, and instead received shares of the company's issued capital be- longing to Powe!L PlaintifFs were aflowed two- thirds of their taxed costs a- gainst defendant company. Captain Clay alleged that he lost $990 as the result of the company not carrying out his in- structions to pumhase Pend Oreille and Noble Five lrhen thc stocks dropped to certain figures. lf the part:es are unable to agree on the amount, there will be a reference to the registrar. directed his lordship. After the sum which plaintiffs lost through the company's neglect to trans- fer the accounts hss been ascer- tained, there will be judgment in their favor for the amount, said the judge. They claimed $2500 on this issue ALL THB BEST Bccsdu of Ciguca Cigarettes snd Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands snd Coacoi coeds Free. Acshhwidc Tco Roomc. FOR THE BEST SLABS os4 Isci4O Fir phone West 280. FOR PALVTLVG. KALSO311NING- Apply C. L Kosisgu, Rosidcacc'hone West SRIB. FOR PLUMBLVG REPAIRS -- Rcc- idcsa Phoae West 241IL fJS'fiNGS WANTED--Pcopcriy owa- ccu are incised io Submit their Iixi. iogu, Wsicrfcoui hoslcs, hillside Icu- idcaccu, acreage or vscsai bsilding sites. This ofCIIO spccisiiscs ia West Vsscourcr snd dsrmg ibo Imst three years we have cosccibuiod over $ 10JHCO in taxes io the Muaici- Isiiiy. R. P. CLARK Ik CO. ESTATES LTD. I'hobo Scywosc 7484 or Phono C J. ARCHER. Wcoi 225 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance iloiscy Psbbc FIRE INSURANCE Wl'are SIOOB Amousio os Huai fol'ood .liol Cgsgc Locus. 1406 Msciao Dcirc Offleo Phoae Vfcui 21 oc Scy. 1950 Residence Phoae W. 82R or W. Sogx WHY NOT TRADB FOR CITS BOISE KERkiSDALB Hot:SE -- $2700 for bouse in Weri Voacoavcr sisusd csccc prior. GRAN DI Iklb BOISE--83200 as purl trade on West Vss. house up io $400R SOUTH VAN. HOIISE. pcatwslb new 8 rooms Caky modcca, 2 lots. cic» $3000. Cor equal vsiuc West Vsa. Sw ouc representative, Mc. Sutton. GI I.LKVPIF HART R Ci). (Vss.) LTI). Seymour 8380455 Howe SL Mae: "Since you have broken your engagement to Jim because your feelings towards him aren' the same, why do you keep his ring r" RIabel: "Because my feelings toward the ring are still the same as ever!" Teacher: "It gives me great pleasure to give you 85 on your examinationiw Jimmy: "Why not make it 100 and give yourself a real thrill r" The captain, taking inspection noticed Private Brown had no tooth brush. "Where's your toothbrush?" he demanded. "Here sir " said Private Brown producing a large scrubbing brush. "You don't mean to tell me you can get that thmg into your mouth»'houted the captaiu angrily. -CVo, 0'r," replied Brown. with- out change in his expression, "I take ml teeth out" ED. BLACK DUNDARAVE GAS STATION Att HOKE fiAS PROOIK75 FHRE iciR PHONE WEST 68 25 cents. Exccyi is the case of ibooc bsrisg ccgoisc occosais, sk Hsmd- Scdo are psychic strictly ia odrsscc. kcacabcc LVsaiscds In ibc Wag Vsa Nero gri iaacdisic malta TO REVT--Throu.coom fscaiuhcd coi- TO RENT--Gauai goor bedroom ssd isgc, 16th ssd Ciyda Close io ferry. Iscgc iirisg rocua. Partly fursiuhcd. SISAlO. Apply Mcu. S. Lancaster, Suit cospic. Phone West SSIL 16th osd Clyde. FOR REVTORSALE-P mly Curn FOR RENT --1248 Kmcb R d 8'c ichod house on Woiccfcoot. Apply Lcyisnd, West 85RI. Phono West Ii20IL IUIST~ld-fahioacd silver brooch ««ENT-Lower Pauos duplox ~ct wiib Scotch pcbhla, bus»con aiib oud 2640 BCIIcruc. No roiuo fociob'.C. Puk Piumbisg; Rcs-yisoc. except as kccpssko. Rcwsld Phono Good location near ferry. Small Wcui 68LI Cornily ccqaircd Rent $20. PhoaeWest 42VL FOR SALE--Fswcoii Rouge is cu- cciicut condition, $88.00. Phono BUNGALOW wiib cxico large iirisx West 499L. room, iwo bcd ccomu, Caky augers, bcsuiifuky ciissiml ill sccIsdcd gsc. HCIOM AND BOARD FOk LAIIY dcs, 070.00. B. R, Hscricoa. Wsc\ Near school ssd Curry. Rcsuossue goiL terms. Phoae West 131Y. BOY OF 18 YEARS Wants Odd Jobs. Phone Wcui 89.