0001 October 17. 1930 THE WEST VAN NEWS rr i v'vr v"rv rvi o i r '~rw«.vm o i"' 'i." ;iic'. - ~ ~»""i 'ryi cwri r iv& o riOr ~viir" Is'copri'v» ~ ri'8'r i'vp,c c r~'rr w~' 'rrwo~rrv 'i~ '~ vrv'rvr rrrvrvhvvrrvw" 1 rrr'r% rvrv-r. rov wvrv vrv v BRIDE-EI.ECT HONORED IVITH SHOWEIt Complimenting Miss Violette (Toy) Laurence, a bride-elect whose marriage is to take place shortly, Misses G. IVatson and J. Herrin were joint hostesses at a shower held recently at the home of the former, Fourteenth and Gordon Avenue. After the cere- mony of presenting the gifts had concluded, bridge games were enjoyed, three tables being at play. Later supper was servml when the guest of honor presid- ed at the tea urns, and was as- sisted by Misses Betty Watson ard Miss Lucy James. Mrs. IV. D. Watson wss responsible for the arrangements of the dainty tea table which was artistically decorated in a color scheme of mauve and pink, the floral cen- trepiece being composed of mic- haelmas daisies and greenery, combined with pink dahlias, to complement the colorings used in decorating the shower gift- basket. Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Saturday Speciafs Fruit Cake hf adeira I 20c. Nut Loaf Local and tegggg~ For the fiirst time this fall there wss a light snowfall on the higher North Shore peaks last liionday night. ~ ~ ~ L.O.L. Nth 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday evening in the new Orange Hall, ~ ~ ~ Mr. aml hire. IValter Porter of Horseshoe Bay have taken a suite for the winter at the For- tune Cup Inn. o ~ Mr. anil Mrs. A. A. J. Ridley of Csulfeild, spent the week end in Portland, Oregon, going by motor. ~ ~ C. A. hfcDonald of Burnaby, has purchased property at 26th and Ottawa, and expects to build there in the spring. This is national pharmacy wtmk throughout Canada, when the druggists throughout the country endeavor to bring home to the public the professional part of their work. The West Van Pharmacy have a display in one of their windows showing drugs in the raw state. A very large school of smelts came in to the waters around Hollybur» last Sunday evening. Driven by s number of hungry dog fish and pursued by the sal- mon they.came night up to the shore line, where some of our residents gathered them from the water by the bucketfull. While the salmon kept to the deeper water, the dogfish pur- sued the smelts right to the water's edge, one big fellow, five feet long being hit on the head five times by a man who was catching smelts. o o hIrs. IV. Urquhart has return- ed to her home at 15th and Ful- ton after a» extended visit to Los Angeles. ~ o v A son was born to Mr. and Nrs. Arthur Stevenson, 12th and Duchess, last Monday in the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. i o o A house league for basketball and football has been started 8- mong the scholars at Hollyburn school. o The first bridge party of the Young People's Bridge Club was held last week at the home of Mrs. Bean (nee Cally William- son) Capilano.\ v Mrs. T. Crowther of Altamont, has returned to her home after 8 short holiday in Victoria. A slight fire broke out on Wed- nesday afternoon in the roof of Mrs. Gibberd's house on the East Beach. The fire brigade turned out immediately, but their serv- ices were not required. Dr. F. Stainsby has opened an office above the West Van. Phar. macy at 14th and Marine Drive. During the few years during which he has been absent the doctor has taken post-graduate courses at Mayo Brothers, Ito- chester, and also at the Chicago Postgraduate School and hospi- tal. hill K LUNCH ROLLS Dolly, Open All Day Thursdays. 2476 Marine (nr. 25th St.) Phone West 366 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. Vi'HITE, blgc. Distinctive Fosccol Service Lady Assistant SZS--Zcd St. K Phoae North sss FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS da.mbleside Sheet Metal%Works CAltIEI.S'EAD CLlhIB Sunday in the clear October weather, members of the Grouse hiountain Ski Club created 8 rec ord among local mountaineers. Out of a party of thirty enthus- iasts who left Camp Telemark, the clubs'eadquarters on Grouse plateau,'wenty-three succeeded in climbing to the Camel's head. This almost per- pendicular rock at the top of Grown hIountain, curiously shap- ed like a camel, is considered one of the best rock climbs on local mountains. The clear weather gave the party a wonderful view which was ample compensation for the energy expended in reaching this eyrie perch. LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1456 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 IL W. Savory 1443 ihlarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 PROGRESS AT BRIDGE RIVER Activity at the Bridge River hydro-electric development of the B. C. Electric Railway Com- pany is new being centered on lining the two and a half mile tunnel with concrete and this work is going on continuously. Already 780 feet of arch lin- ing have been poured and near- ly 6000 feet of invert lining. When the concrete is in place the interior of the tunnel assumes the shape of a horseshoe and the inverted lining refers to the base of the shoe. It us expected that the task of lining the tunnel will be com- pleted by the early summer of 1931 when work will commence on the dam. A pole line carrying power for construction purposes has been extended from the Bridge River tunnel portal to the damsite. This line originates at the Diesel generating plant on the Seton Lake shore, a distance of ten miles from the damsite. Real Estate Finance and Insurance COAL SPECIAL ILC. j Egg poc too 611.60 SOOTLESS I Lump 'IZ.OO PHONE WEST 24 Coochi Soo, where did you learn to nm like that 7 Studcoti Born in mo. Coocbi Father s track moot Student; No--o fogitivc from jus- ticeo. WEST VANiCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES 1Wight School Classes Start Tuesday, October 7th. INGLEWOOD SCHOOL:-- Shorthsnd and Typewriting--Mrro W. Reid, Instructor. Dressmaking--hiisa E. M. Wheelwright, Instructor, Fee 67.00 for the term. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL:-- Woodworking--Nr. J. E. Condon, Instructor. Fee 610.00 for the term. MRS. MARIE JONES I'ASSES The death of Mrs. Marie Jones, mother of Mrs. Harold Byrnell of Victoria, took place last Sun- day i» the Vancouver General Hospital. She is survived by her husband C. E. Jones of Calgary, and Mrs. Howard Byrnell. Fun- eral services were held and in. terment made in Victoria. Classes 7 to 9 p.m. H, B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees Personal ( PharmacyWeek George Bulkley, 26th and Bel- levue, picked lovely ripe rasp- berries last week from his gar. Al.l. Gvlta Nont B ASIERIcA. den also a line lot of mushroomo Thi~ week wo call vooc at- after the big raili or a week ago. olde of your Drug Store. ~ ~ ~ Although your l)cogglot moy I'riends front the city met serve you with stationery,Ico Cream or Candy, ho lo West Van. friends at Dreamy acct of oll ~ Pharmacist. Bl~ Nook, 26th and Bellevue, for a ~ocvlcoo are oc necessary to social afternoon, on Thursday, Eou os yooc Doctor'o. 9th instant, and enjoyed bridge, "««else poor neighborhoodncoggict when yoo'm wou contests, music, etc. The prizes ~od he'l be there to assist were won by Mrs. hicLeotl snd yoo m time of illooos Mrs. Blair. o ~ ~ hir. and Mrs. George Ashdown WEST VAN PfIARNAC'T Mrs. W. A. Spear, Mrs. A. Field- ing and Daughter Grace, all of The Store of Sccvlco. VanCOuVer, Were Sunday ViaitOrS West 67 WE DELIVEII with Mr. and Mrs. Grafton and family st Point Atkinson I.ight- ouse. ~ ~ ~ The annual gereral meeting and election of officers of thc North Shore Cmtket Club will Bny Home ProductS be held next Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the North Vancouver Stratton's Bakery Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Haworth, who have been residing at 26th and Marine Drive, have moved to 25th and Haywood. for BREAD, Mrs. Morgan, 13th and Clyde, vrho has been confinml to her i home through sickness, is noir I'ASTRY out and around again. Scotch Shortbread, Miss Connie Thomas of the B. Nut Btead C. Telephone staff here, has re- turned to her duties after a Birthday & IVedding Cakes week's holiday in the Frsser Val- ~ I Mrs. S. Harrison and family, 28th and Marine Drive, have left FUEL here to join Mr. Harrison in Cal-i VERNON Captain Vint has moved into PggP gTORg the McClellan house at 29th and Marine Drive. A, C. SEARLE Phone West S Next door to Theatre C. T. Stewart of Vancouver, I'ucl and Building Suppti~ has moved into a house at 1328 Argyle Avenue. o ~ Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, 25th and Mathers, moved on IVednefr day into a house at 24th and Lawson. Sccood ('cowth Fir sod Alder Grafton--Johnson No salt water wood DIIUlilBELI ER I,OAL A quiet wedding was solemn- ized on october 4th, at cadger HObb COal 8 TranSfer Cottage United Church, Rev. Herbison officiating, when Hazel LOrena JOhnSOn, daughter Of Mr. I'hose W'cot 17. Rco. West SZZR. and Mrs. Johnson of Victoria, be came the bride of David Douglas A pageant play "The Amber Grafton, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Gate" will be presented at the D. Grafton of Point Atkinson Avenue Theatre, Vancouver, by Lighthouse. They were attended members of the Girl Guides and by Mr. snd Mrs. R. E. Grafton. Boy Scouts on Friday and Sstur- After the ceremony a recep- dsy, October 24th and 25th. tion wss held at the home of Mr, On Saturday there will be a mat- and Mrs, W. A. Spear, 4070 Njl- inee at 2:80 p. m. at which Girl lar Street, to relatives, and s few Guides and Boy Scouts in uni- form will be admitted at 8 re- The happy couple have taken duced rate. Tickets msy be ob- up residence at 4825 Lanark St., tained from Vernon Lester, West Vancouver. 63R3. HALLOWE'EN NOVELTIES Erooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th snd Marine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I. 0, D. E, ANNUAL MASQUERADE DANCE INGLEWOOD HIGH SGBOOL FRIDAY', October 31st, 1930 AROADiANS OR(,'BESTRA Dosolog 6 to I Ac i i ii. ,'b',"p;" „", M clean's Orange Pekoe Tea» P«EI«s If it 1 gcslt tb dsfci UUUUI st ssl IU II shi G'