West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Oct 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE 1VEST VAN NE)VS October 17, 19 in. ~x rr r Y \ ',rrv 1 rivi V'ves w I r e r ~m vi -1 '\ 1Iw !11"n 11 r .1r' r.ew 'I r. I'1'" I ' ': r-I '1J "': 1'ir 1."r'"- rv rrverrrr r"rvv .rrvv r .v. Cv~rrYrvvr*. 1 )VEST VANCOUVFR t Christian Science Society CBURCM RDIFICR 20th ssd Bxquimsa, Beiiybsrs This Sexirty is ~ Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boxias Massachusetts. Sunday Services IL80 s, m. ssd 7.80 p. m, SUBJECT, OCTOBER 10th, "I)O('.TRINE OF ATONEMENT" ! Sunday School at 10 00 ~ m Testimony Meeusg Wedsmxjxy ~ I 8.15 p.m. 1 BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL IIALL NRXT SUNDAY 10 a m ~heel fw Chudxrs. 8 p sl Sptskwi MR. PERCY KING LADYSHIP WOOLS GIFT sf'~ +P~ EM TO ~oYAL DANK Min.& A. J, MAR.LI N 6 ~ 90. O. RIO)C 227. P)ICyNEl WMIIT 22v4. United Church Hollybnrn Hall Cor. 14th a Duchess Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunduy, October 19th, 1930. The Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. The morning service will be conducted by Dr. Henry. The sermon topic will be "Walking on the Water." At the evening worship, Rev. E. R. McLean, hI.A., B.D., Field Secretary for Religious Educa- tion, will preach. Last )Vednesday the Autumn get.together gathering of the congregation took place with the Session and Boanl of Stewards and their wives acting as hosts and hostesses. A varied program of music with recitations by Rev. D. A. Allan, short addresses by repre- sentatives of Departments, and greetings from Rev. A. Harding Priest and Rev. H. P. Humphries followed by refreshments and social half hour made up a very interesting and enjoyable even- ing. The Young People's Society has decided to meet twice 8 month--the first and third Mon- days--snd to meet at different residences. The first evening will be devotioral and the second missionary, in each case follow- ed by a social half hour. Next hiondsy the gathering will be at the residence of Dr. Henry. 2174 Argyle St. The minister will give a short paper dn Japan. The Junior Choir have return- ed to their former custom of Saturday practices and meet Saturday morning at 10 o'lock. A week from Tuesday, October 28th, the first supper of the hien's Club will be held in the church hall. The speaker after supper will be Rev. Dr. Dobson, Field Secretary for Social Ser- v.'ce and Evangelism in Alberta and B. C. His topic will be "The religion of Jesus adapted to the problems of today." As near 6:30 as possible is the hour. LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday SchooL 11 a. m.--IVorship 8 n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p. m.-- Gospel Ad- dress. Speaker for next Sunday hiR. J. McLAREiV WEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--Prayer and Bible Study. October is the month for Photographs A Few Suggestions %adding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photos Framing Pictures Prices te 51 aa packets. THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. IV. Bsisbiished 1002 AB )York Guaranteed Phone Sey. 1046 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th 41 hisrine EXPERT SBRVICB R. MARSH, Proprietor Establishes on North Shore 20 Yesrs. (Lady Axsisixsi) HARROiN BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral QIrertars Next Tuesday afternoon at 2:15, the Autumn Thankoifering of the )Yamen'8 Missionary Soci- ety will be held in the Church hall, The speaker for the day will be Mrs. Stobie, who spent many years with her husband as a missionary in Manchurja. The first meeting of the offici- al Board is called for Tuesday evening at 8 o'lock in the lower halL The official Board is formed under the Manual of the United Church and is made up of the Session, Stewards and the lead- ers of the Women's Assn., the W.M.S., Y.P.S., Men's Associa- tion ard Sunday SchooL It deals with Missionary and other gener- al subjects and matters of joint interest. Do not fargpt November 5th when Dr. Henry will give ha lecture on "Some Girls" in behalf of the S. S. fund. The Hollyridge Camp of Trail Rangers have elected as officers: hientor, Mr. W. N. McDonald; Chief Ranger, Douglas McNair; Sub-Chief, Ronald Irish; Tally, Frank Beamish; Cache, Tom Grieve. North Vancouver 1'arlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver I'arlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 ")Vhat did you put in this pre- scription?" "That I can only tell to the doctor," said the druggist. "The doctor wants to know. Seems I gave you 8 Chinese laundry ticket, and you filial that." TBB West Van Nems I'ebiixhed Every Friday Aenisrsx ssd Ydilwlsi Offirei 11th sse Marine Drive (Next to HoByhurn P, O.) I'hone 1Vest 363 Ifsii Aaarxss: P.O. Box 51, HuBybura, B.C. Pebiisher F. F. LOVEGIIOVE Phone West 363 51.00 s year by msu er carrier. Newsstsmjs 54. per ropy The kiesi of the Fsihrrheed of Gad snd the Brotherhood of Msn is the crying need of the world, Df.hiarjory MICubbin DFJITI ST Hours: I . m. Io S p. m. Saturdays: I ~ .m. Io 4 p. m. Evenings by sppo'.nimeni Ro ~ I Bank Buudieg 'bono Weri lie neriarsce I'bene West 202. Dr. F. Stasnsby Subject: "Sl'I RITUAL GIFTS hfr. Xisg broadcasts over CXWX every Wednesday at 8 p. ni, Corner 14th esd Marine Drive (above West Vas. Pharmacy) I'bene Wrsi SL NURSING HOME 0 (Mix. M. Ik I.schssce, R.N.) 254 - 24ih Street Rsxi Nwth Vancouver iiexiees1 ~ I'hose i North 125SR St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 18 (October 19th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Children's Service. 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. Soln, "My Task" Mrs W R. Clark The third Sunday in October is kept throughout the Anglican Communion in Canada as Child- ren's Day. At St. Stephen's there will be a corporate communion for teachers and conilrmed pupils of the Sunday School at 8 a. m., a special Children's Service at 10 a. m. and in the evening the Rev. R. A. Hiltz, D.C.L., Gen- eral Secretary of the Board of Religious Education will be the preacher. Dr. Hiltz is an out- standing figure in the field af re- Bgious education rn Canada and is paying his flrst visit to West Vancouver. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, on Sunday at 3 p. m, At Tuesday evening's meeting of the A.Y.P.A. there will be an illustrated lecture and moving pictures by the Canaitjan For- estry Association to which the general public is cordially invit- eil. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence. 13th and Haywood, Phone West 252k. Sundny, October 19. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. We use the International Les- sons. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Fol- lowing Christ." Mrs. J. Blair will sing. 7:30 p. m.--Evening worship. Topic, Questions that Perplex, "What is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?" Miss J. Johnson will sing. A hearty invitation to all. Monday, 7:30--Young Peoples meeting. Wednesday, 8 p. m. -- Prayer meeting. Friday--C.G.I.T. C. T. 1VILLIAMS Radio Repairs sxd SFRVI('R Rexidexre I'hnse Ize.uz I I' Ik Ruad, Wem Vsweevw GORDON ROIISON uxrrixiw 8 Sruriter WEST VANCOUVRR- Office No, 1441 I!arise Drive.g )Phase West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818'10 Hastings Si. W Phnse Seymour 4100. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sl'ECIAL OCTOBER DEVOTIONS Sunday -- Wednesday -- Friday 7:30 p. m.--Solemn Exposi- .sition, Rosary, etc., Benediction. Week Days: 7130 a. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 s. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The annual meeting of the Little Helpers branch of the W. A. for children and their moth- ers will be held next Thursday afternoon in the parish hall at 2:30 o'lock. The superintend. ent is Mrs. S. Wallace, phone West 258R. CDEATH OF J. JOHNSON'S MOTHER Mrs. Knstine M. Johnson pass- ed away last Friday after 8 short Illness at the home of her son J, Johnson, 13th and Marine Drive. The deceased, who was in her 79th year, leaves to mourn her loss besides Mr. Johnson here, her husband and two other sons, Albert of Golden, B.C., and Byron of Wiiiviipeg. Funeral ser- vices were held last Monday at 3 p. m. at undertaking parlors in the city, Rev. F. Frederickson, of Blaine, officiating, and inter- ment was made in Mountain View cemetery. The annual bazaar under the auspices of the Women's Auxil- iary will be held on Friday, Nov- ember 28th. In connection with Dr. Hiltz'isit there will be a meeting for all Anglican S. S. teachers on the North Shore to be addressed by him at St. John's Church, North Vancouver at 7:30 p. m. Monday. Midgets Defeat 0 Kays In 8 well played soccer game last Saturday at Inglewood School the two West Van. second division teams met for the first time and the Midgets triumphed over the 0 Kays by four goals to one, One or other of the three local teams will be playing at Ambleside Park or Inglewood school each Saturday from now on and the parents oi'he boys and others interested in sport are asked to attend and encourage the players. NOW TIIXSTSS PLAYING LONSDALrs AL80 "OUR GANG COMEDY" COMNG Man. TOES., WEO. NEXT SEATTLE FERRY ARRIVES TO GO ON INLET SERVICE The Seattle ferryboat Wash- ingtan, leased by the North Van- couver City Council to augment service across Burrard Inlet while Second Narrows bridge is under repair, arrived here Wed- nesday mormng. The vessel which is berthed just west of the North Vancou- ver ferry slip, will be 04Iujpped with aprons, dry-docked and in. spected before she is put into service. JOI I iV hlcCORM ACK IN "SONG OF MY HEART" "It ain't sanitary," protested the traveller, "to have the house built over the hog pen that way." "Well, I dunno," replied the native. "We ain't lost a hog in 15 years," BUY oooDS MADE IN CANADA avrilm.II lis II.IIm.~Ill nle ~ Ilail SCIIOOI, DENTAL CLINIC Mrs. J. Dixld Allan was bimtess yesterday at 8 luncheon brj&lga st her home on Rsdcliife Ave. Royal ljank Building-- 17th nnd INarlne Drive. SCHOOL DENTIST--Dr. hiarjory McCubbin Children treated dally 9 a. m. to 12 a. m., except Sstunlay. Appointments given In rotation For Radio Repairs eall C. T. Williams )Vest 150RT (.'OXHNG EVENTS Friday, Nov. 28th--Annual Ba- zaar of St. Stephen'5 W. A. Open Morning for Eztractlons and Advice to I'srents- Every I"rlday. No appointment necessary.