West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Oct 1930, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 10, 1930 ~v 4 vr. hw xv- v v . .~ \ .'v'. " ~'v '4v'rr &v r&zu 's. xr & s"c'& -' ssp'- &r ~ "r '- ~ ~ vari'rrr .r, '~ ~sdr 'Vv'mrrrvhrrwv'rv rr vrrv'F rrrVr vvr~rr 'v wrr r rrrr Smith s Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dunda rave,"„„"".„,w"„'„',„", Hollyburn Prosperity Week) October 11 - 18 Prefer B.C. PRODUCTS! Nearly all of following list packed or made in B.C. ST. CHA!(LES Mi(.K, tall iis 1)v SHEE)&DED WHEAT. pvr pki. )ev "Ksy" Bvssd PANCA!iE SYRUP 2$ ) sx lsg... 21e D!NA-ht!TE, Heskk Food, pvr psvke& ..... 22c Rsvss'AKEASY Sksviesisz 2 packets szv Rvd &2 While BAK)NG 1'())VDEk 12 ss. (is ......... 2$c Msvvsy's h!AkMALADE ( lb. &is........................ !iec HONEY, Fere. Sssvikesv(, 12 sx isv............. 21c SHOkTBREAD JEI.LY TAkT'S, Rvd Arrow, psr lb. $0v Rsbvv(sss's WALNUT CA!iE ~ Dvlis hisssv BONELF&S CHI('K- vsvb ..........., . 25c I EN. 1 ss. &is .............. $»v kvd (I Wbi&s PASTRY F(OUR '((u(E((S SYR(&l'. 5 ns iis ... $zc 5 ib. ssvk......... 2$v ('URE JA))S, l lb. &is .......... (5v Quaker (11'(Cli OATS, pvv pkt. 22v DO('!S('FITS, s(c. Nsiisssl. Rvd (2 11'biiv WHO(.E CLAh!S 'I "» ns psckei.... 25s tall (iss ..... )tv Bsi's&d's Dsz Fssd, is........ 15v Friday and Saturday, Och 10 and 11 Telephone Service Free Delivery Cranberry and Raisin Pie, or ht(&ck Cherry I'ie 2 cups cranberries 1 cup water ),O cup seeded raisins I cup sugar )5 cup cracker crumbs I egg I tablespoon lemon or orange juice. Boil first 3 ingredients until cranberries burst open, then add the sugar, Cool, add the cracker crumbs, egg and orange juice. Line a pie plate with pastry. Fill with fruit mixture. Arrange strips of pastry lattice fashion over top and bake in a quick oven 25 minutes. &Yi(ck Hazel hirs, Murphy: An'hat have ye ssm(d your baby gorrs! 1 hiss. Grsgss: We'e going ts eall bsr Haxel. h!rs. Murphy: Sure ssi! 1Viib 2:& ssisis io choose from, ye'rs sst going is name bsr after s sst'! Breaking It Gently Insignificant Parent: "Isn't it time he could say 'Daddy'" Fond Mother: "IVe've decided not to tell who you are until he gets a bit stronger." The vocabulary of the average co-ed is about three hundred words. Ye gods, what a turn- over! Prime Beef Local Lamb Dairy Fed Pork 'e&vLaid I':&gs,'he Store of Quality Meats (GOVERN&KIENT INSPECTED ONLY) Daily Deliveries to all Parts Phone %Test 190 FOR "Everything Good to Eat" i 1580 Marine Drive DEAL WITH T)!E LARGFJ)T EXCLUSIVE RETAIL ORGAN!SATION IN BRIT!SH ('OLUh!RIA Specials 2 by 4 common sized, any length ... Shiplap, good grade ................ Cedar Bevelled Siding ............... 59.00 ... 59,00 .... 59.00 Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT I'HONE after 5 p.m„hvest 241 R. Aak for Gerry Dent 'oberts'etter Meats CORRESPONDENCE Fditor Dear Sir:--Your editorial a short time since on the local post- al delivery, recalls the earlier ef- forts to obtain same. The writer refers to the firs elfort in the early part of 1914 undertaken by Mr. J. J. Hanna or "J. J." as he is more familiarly known by the older residents and a small com- mittee from the General Rate- payers Association (a very act- ive organization In those days). The question was taken up by J. J, with Mr. Green then P. O. Inspector and prospects for the establishment oi' daily rural de livery was assured for the settled portions of the district. All that was necessary was for a repre- sentative number to sign a peti- tion and instal Rural Mall De- livery boxes at their front ap- proaches, said boxes to be pur- chased from the the P.O. Depart- ment and costing 33.60, to be owned outright. J. J. in his fam- iliar Hup two-seater (and both seats occupied), made a canvas of the district from Capilano to Dundarave and south of Mathers Avenue. Every encouragement was given him all along the route until he reached the Western part of the district and there hc struck a snag. Some people pro- fessed to see the nativedn-the- wood pile and refused to sign on the dotted line. He reported back to Mr. Green but unfortunately it was all or none and NONE it has been up to the present. Re- miniscences sre sometimes sad; but every cloud has its silver lining. Thank you. --R. F. JEFF ERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAhlB, BEEF, I'ORK. V EA I., Etc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, I)EI.ICATFkSSEN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) (Two Stores for your service) HOI,I.YBURN STORE AMBI.ESIDE STORE W(st 3 WEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine IA5IITED I'hone Ivest 115 W. J. Turnbulb hlannger, Res!dence I'hone: West 3SSI. SERVICE Everything for ihe Building. LU SER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING )'APEI( ld&mateo -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Beaver Board -- hhmgles (susiry K&d. Beat &1 The bulls coming!" Ciiy K&d& "Aw, s&ssd ye& i(round. '&Vs sis 1 done nothing The Soulful One: "Yvs, I loved s girl once snd sbs made s fool sf mv." Companion (swssi!y) & "What s lasting impression girls msks." Cosiumsv: G imms s msrcsi!isg Iron ssd s battle of esrbsiic acid. Clerk: Wast ds yso wssi ibst fort Customer: Gonna curl op ssd div. "I threw s kiss st Mary today." What did sbs ssyt "Said I wss the ississi ms&& sbs ever ssw." , I(i!'d~ THE B+C+ ELECTRIC ACiENT IS THERE TO HELP YOU Lfcfu scd Pvsvv gvp&vs'v(s)»s& P W GILLSSPIS Hsscy M. I. LAwRENCB Cb i!!iws(k 3 WEBSTER hbboisfo&d T AKE your lighting or power problemsIo the nearest B.C. Electric represenra- tive. Like you, he is vitally interested in the development of the Fraser Valley and he will welcome an opportunity of discussing your elecrrical problems. You will nor be importuned or urged unduly ro do business. You can look upon a B.C. Electric agent as your adviser, assisting you Io solve your problems and Io obtain Ihe maximum benefits from B.C. Elecfric light and power service F. YATSS, Manager, Light and Power Dcp(. Frshcr Valley Division, New Wcs(minz(cr BRITISH COLNMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COe i ~ ~ &