West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Oct 1930, p. 5

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0001 PRIMARIES will be held at 8 p. m. On MONDAY, October 1;3th in the a FORTUNE CUI'IVN FOR THE PURPOSE OF ' ELECTING DEI.EGATES for the nominating convention ta be held in North Vancouver I GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HIJIT, landscape Architect C dust iu L dm pi t U. oI C. A trna Soho I I L 4 V A bitsatum auda da Iat. M tutu nathusal L d p 3 u . al IIAL When yau nre planning your home grounds, avoid as far as possible, planting in a straight line. Straight lines, of course, have their beauty and uses, but for the amateur gardener the &hartcst distance between twa &aintso should be for the most part caniined to the vegetable garden. In the cities or towns practically every gar&lcn is en- closed by straight lines which is ns far as we should permit our- selves ta ga with that sort of planning, except where a divid- ing fence may be artistically in- corporated into the design, anti this oftentimes can be dane with advantage. Driveways and paths alford opportunities for the use of jud- icious curves, provided of course that they are curves, nat wig- gles, and have some rational rea- son for appearing. Groups of shrubs or small trees, 8 pool, a sundial or 8 bird-bath give point ta such deviation from the straight approach, and frequent- ly capture just the charm of be- ing the right thing in the right place. In large areas some people find it desirable ta have several beds of similar flowers more or kss symetrically arranged. Person- ally it is nat pleasant ta mc as I think the border plantings alford n much more effective display and opportunity for the flowers. Hedges are usually thought of as being definitely 'straight-line. This of course is so of formally clipped hedges, but let any one plant of which the hedge is corn. posed be allowed ta "just grow" the natural grace and beauty of the plant is soon apparent. Such lovely things ta work with as the Spireas, Berberis, Lilacs, Abelia grandiflars and Cydanias and sa many others can enable any of us ta procure 3 screen, if that be necessary, and beauty too. It is fairly safe to state that at least fifty percent of the gardens or potential gardens in West Vancouver are on 8 slope either one way or the other. Some rise quite sharply from the roadways and others have a more gradual slope. If at all possible it is usu- ally better to plan your garden as nature has set the example. A slope, rather than terraces, givrs s more plcxsingappcarancc. Ofton careful grading will elim- inate to a great extent the need of terracing by bringing the last utiif slope close ta the house where steps may be used to the entrance. It is surprising how steep a slope may be maintained by using such vines as honey- suckle, matrimony vine, Dutch- man's pipe, wistaria, trumpet vine or Mulsiflars, lVichuriana or Rugasa rmscs ta bind the soil and keep it in place and mailing even a stiff slope very attractive. NOTE--Ths u ui a a Id It ~ pisa u I a sstlo aoussr I v tbs v M I IhI ~ oI The a salons bould I add ~ d tb v It« I s oi Ib Xdttos. Tbs II ~ psr oui molt I ~ d stood ~ ~ I HOXIE OIL DISTRII3UTORS Home Gan Symphony Orchestra Sunday, October 12th, 1930. CKIVX, 9 P. M. Special Prosperity lVeek Program uO Canada" "Merry Makers Dance" from "Nell Gwynne ............ German Waltz "Gold and Silver"....Lehar Intermezzo uPittarcsque" Kacian Selections from "The Fortune Teller" ..................... Herbert Overture "Raymond" ....Thomas Symphonic Transcription..... ...................................... Popular Finale from the Fourth Sym- phony ................ Tschaikawzky "There's Na Gas Like Home" ED. BLACK DUNDARAVE GAS STATION ALL HOME OAS PRODUCTS PRSE Alk PHONE WEST 68 ills iixk lVFST VANCOUVFR BOARD OF SCHOOI. TRUSTFES Night School Classes iofli g 31st I' II68 Start Tuesday, Oclober 7th. INGLEWOOD SCHOOL:-- Shorthund and Typewriting--Mrs. W. Raid, Instructor. Dressmaking--Miss E. M. Wheelwright, Instructor, Fce 87.00 for the term. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL:-- Waadwarking--Mr. J. E. Condan, Instructor. Fee 810.00 for the term. Classes 7 to 9 p.m. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees. s'! October 10, 1930. IVEST VANCOUVER CONSFRVATIVF. ASISOCIATION THE WEST VAN NEWS NORTH SHORE JUVENH.E FOOTBAI,I. ASSOCIATION Games to be Played Saturday, October 11th, 1930. DIVISIOIV I. Csnucks vs. West Van; High School (West Van.); 3 p.m. Referee Mr. Bothnm. DIVISION H. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Kingslcy School; Boulevard Park, 3 p.m. Referee, Mr. Hilder. West Vnn 0 Keys vs. West Van. Midgets; Inglewoad School, 2 p. m. Referee Mr. Mottershesd DIVISION 111. North Shore Rangers vs. Kings- ley School; Boulevard Park, I:30 p. m.; Referee Mr. Curtis. Capilana vs. North Shore Wand- erers; Mohan Park, I:30 p m. Referee Mr. Wardlaw. Kiwanis Bluebirds a byo. i/I REMIER SUI I OIITS I'ROSPERITY lVEFK Enthusiastic support ta the Prosperity Week committee is given by Premier S. F. Talmic in a letter to one of the members, in which he states that he heart- ily endorses the idea and urges observance of the slogan, "Keep your dollar at home and gct an- other chance at it." Prosperity Week, which will open on October 11, has the backing of the leading public men of the province. The Vancouver committee is composed mainly of business mcn. Discussing the idea of Prosperity Week at this time, one of them says: "Common sense must back up the enthusi- astic thoughts of this special week. There is no question in the minds of a great many that we have been saving money in the fear of unemployment. This has been a preservative measure which is common in all people. However, all lines of industry ard business suffer when the saver goes beyond the reasonable point of economy. "The committee asks that dur- ing Prosperity Week people spend 8 little extra, which will improve business conditions in all directions. CADETS The West Vancouver Cadet Carps has been reorganized for the coming season and will hold its first workout in the Inglcwaad gymnasium on Monday from 4 to 6. During the winter, activiti- es are confined ta physical drill znd organized games. FOR SALE -- 1027 Suvua-paaaaagar Hudaoo Sedan Maatsr Six Motor, 127 inch wheel base; recently re- coaditloliud at ~ coat of $3001 bored aod new pla4ms, new rabber; aacrifice price For cash $650. Ap- ply P. O. Box 221. WINIMIW BLINDS blade le Order ~ud Repaired. Estimates Cree. Cur- tain rods Apply E. Pearse, 19th Street aud Marine Drive. ReuMvuco phone West 3571 GARDEN CONSTkUCfION--Lands- cape and goaeral gardouiug. Phone, R. J. Kytv, 2557 Ballavae. FOR SALE--Canada Pride Range. Good condition, $ 16.00. Phoae Waul Iiaa. TO kENT AT 540.00--Atttuttivu mod- ara daven-room house in Kitsilauo. Hardwood floors. Garage. Phone Seymour 4482 or Bayviuw 1587L WOMAN WANTS WOiili -- Day or Fvoniug. taking care of childrva. Phone West 289Y. LOST--On October RML ooe lire tuvot 3lx6.26. Phone West 697YZ, FOR SALE--Ktouh!vr Chair. baby'a high chair. kitthvu gata-lvg table and itvo chairs, Moirat kitchen heat- er. Phont West 261X. Household Eifects Gentlemen "resting" and drawing unemployment insur- ance sre nat supposed to engage in remunerative sidelines, and any suspicion of irregularity in this respect will entail vigorous cross-examination whe nthe sup- posed culprit presents himself at the bureau. Hence this dialogue: Clerk: "Are yau quite sure you have earned na money?" Jae Biggs: uAye." Clerk: "lVe have been to!d that yau have been seen hawk- ing firewood on a handcart?" Jae Biggs: uGer away I aw wor flittin'." Dan t wipe your knife on the napkin. That's not clean either. Keep your eye on the peas. You are penalized for each one lost. Pumpkin Pie 11/4 cups steamed pumpkin forced through a strainer. I/4 cup sugar IQ teaspoon cinnamon I/4 teaspoon ginger Iik teaspoon cloves I/ teaspoon salt I slightly beaten cgg 7-8 cup milk Mix ingredients in order given. Bake in a pie tin lined with pastry. WANTED--Futaiabvd Medora House for uiutar months. Vkiuiiy Hoky- burn. Ttvo adults. Reasonable rent Apply Box 33, Wmt Van ylvtva FOR RENiT--Feat-room bouse, batlh toilet, itreplace, partly Caraishad, $ 16.00 per mouth. Phone West 61X. 'iVORK WANTED--First class drvae- making aod tailoring. Phone West 280k. FOR RE.rf--Four toom aparimual oa Waterfnmt. Hokylmra, modern. Rent moderato. Phone Wast R18L FOR RFNT--1246 Koiih RaatL Ave rooms, plumbing, garage, $20.00. Phone West 620k. FOR 8 hi.P Evvaiag Star Itvatvt. Good toudition, $4.00. Phoae Wvai Rl IL. HAVE YOU SEEN ~ dog uitb loag. light brown hair, name "Loo," Loai last Friday. "Eastman" scratchad on collar. Phoae West 69IJX3. FOR RE.iT--Aiitavtivu three roost cottage. Pull plombing, aad Atv- placdt Nicely furnished. Ideal situ. alias. Call al Pdud aml Bakevac. or phone Baker, West anifL SNAP--6 Tabv Slvuatt-Watuvt unb Balkiiv A Charger. New booty B bativty. Loud Speaker. Compkio. Phoae West 027B. LOST -- Embroidetvd band bag be. tween 16th aud 18th Siraata on Mar- inu Drive. Pbouo Wast 71L. FOR RENT--Esquisaalt Aveaae. half block east of 11th Si attractive aix- room avmi-buagalotv Including kit- chen range installed. 50 ft. Iot, maguiscent view, immediate pos- session rent only $20 on lease «u $ 17.50 for next uix or eight months. AAFPly Whitakvr and Wbiiaker, IMZ«ast Pander SI„Phono Say. i94S FOR RENT--Lower potiioa duplex house. Partly fmuiahad. Very cosa- foriab'.a. Pall plumbing; Sre-pkce. Good location uohr fatty. Samk family raquired. Rent $20. Phoae'iVest 4271 BCNGAIAIW uitb exits large liviax toots, tuo bod teams, fully modem, beautifany aitaated m accladad gar- den. $30.00. B. R. Hatrisoa, Wom 404 L. M hIL DELIVERY--We will iaatal letter slot in your door vaty ruaaoa- ably. Pboua West 64L or West 282R. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK Latukcaping and Lawns laid. Rook walls. drains. septic tanks, Ceuctug ~Iul latid cieartog chaaaays ami furnaces cleaned aud repaired. Phone T. Barnott, reaidvnce phoae West HMFL FURS CLEANED, STORED Ia modeled. Summer prices. HokybomFar Store, Keiih Block, Hokybum, I'AINTING, Detotatiag. Ftvavh pob iahing, Carlvy, Residence Phono West 71Y. WBBB'6 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave, Yoff Can Save One Dollaf If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month ALL THE BEST Brands of Clguta. Cigarettes aud Tobaccos Atvo Ex- change Poker Hands and Consol cards Free. Amblaside Tva Rooms. FOR MOVING aad BUILDING SUP- PLIES. Phone ll ust 17 or Residence Phone West 332R. FOR Tkk BEST SLABS aml laakk Fir phoae West I FOR PAINTING, KALSOMINING- Apply C. I Koaiugs, aaideava phone West 394k. FOR PLUiHBING REPAIRS -- Rua- idance Phone lvaat 241Th LISTINGS WANTS~IT oua. vra are invited io submit their list- ings, Watetftoai houses, hillside mu- idvacos. acreage or vavaat buildiag sites. This office apotialisaa ia West Vaatoav«r aad dutmg the thmo bourn ua have toatributvd over 310,000 iu texas to th» blunivi- h akty. R. IL CLARK H CO. ESTATES LTD. Phoae Svymour 7464 or Phoae C. J. AkCHER, 'Wsut 225 B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY GEO. HAY Real Estate and IHAurance Noiaty Pabtk Flkk INSIIRANCB wv bavo Smak Amtmaiu aa Hami fev Gaud ikottgago Louau 14O5 Matbm D ivo Ofkco Phoae Wast Rl or Say. 1200 Raaideace Phoae W. RRR or W. 204X CLASSIFIED ADS The rate fot LTauaiAad Adverusemoai~ ia 2 teats pvr uotd. miaimum 25 reals. Ettapi la lbv aaaa of thous baviag rvgalat atvoaals, ak daaab soda are potabk strictly ks sdvaato. Remember Ciamisads la tlm West Vaa Ness gat lmmmkata maaka