West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Oct 1930, p. 4

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0001 4»» r. rr».tr 4 '\ 4 '»A t 4 ~rru l I 44 '4' » r JW m . O'J,r urrtt 4 t»4Jr ' erat rt rr-r'. ~ '«4rrr -r. - ~- ir"t'-4 . 4'Jc 4'!'4 r t r t'r ~ r.' ~ "r r ~urerr . -r ..r rr r'r"'rt tv Jrrae rrV re e-r4'e err. ST. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN aad GIRLS'CHOOL IVIII Rc-Open MONDAY, SEPTE)IBFR 0th A RT aud hi U SIC hiiSS J. DURBIN 20th aad Haywcad I'hase West 97R In buaiacaa in West Vaa. 10 Years. BARBER In Ncw Stare blat&ac Drive at I&&a Next Jcffcrica Meat Store Expert Wort--Lad&ca', Cbihhca Gas&lames Phoae West 125 fcr appaia&mcat The West Vancouver School band is increasing very rapidly, thirty-five turning out for the practice on Sat&lrday morning in the Ingiewood auditorium. Prac- t'.ces from now on will be held every IVednesday from 4 to 6:30 in the lunch room of the high school snd every Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 in the auditorium. It is the intention at present to limit the band to fifty mem- bers so that th&me interested are asked to get in touch with hIr. Condon at once. NORTH SHORE VITAL STATISTiCS The report of George S. Shep- herd, registrar of vital statistics, shows that there were in the three North Shore municipalities during the month of September twenty-five births, twelve deaths and eight marriages. West Van- couver had two deaths and five marriages. There were twenty- five births, five marriages and five deaths in North Vancouver City, while in the District of North Vancouver five deaths oc- curred and no births or marriag- es. RADIATOR AND FENDER REPAIRS Have your Headlights Properly Fccutcd. Home Oils aud Gaaaliac Hollyburn Garage 15th aad bier&ac Drive H. DAVISON, Prop. I'haec West 100 Support B. C. Industries Get Genuine GALT COAL Wc buy direct fram the mine. ED. BLACK g West 68 VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO„LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER SKATERS John A. Schuberg presents A Grand Fancy Dress Skating Carnival at the HOLI.YBI'RN ROI.LER RINK WEI)NFVDAY Nl(IHT. OCTOBEII 15th. 7130 to 11:00 $2,5.00 in Cash Prixes QX5.00 $10.00--BEST DRESSED ('OUI'LF~IO.OO $5.00 -- BEST DRESSED LADY -- $5.00 $5.00 -- BEST DRESSED GENT. -- $5.00 $5.00 --BEST COhHC COSTUhlK -- $5.00 Costume Not Contpui»ory. Admi»vien--All Charges: Gents, 50cts., I a&dies, 35ci». Sl'ECTATORS ('onte and enjoy the fun. Scores of ('ostumed. ! Merry-Makers in a hlediaevnl Skating Frolic. AdmLssion 25 ceni». SCHOOL BAND THE WEST VAN NEWS I'. T. A. The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver P.T.A. will be held next Tuesdny at 8 p, m, in the Pauline Johnson School. bliss Helen G. Stewart of the B. C. Government Fraser Valley FIVE I'IIILSONS ('BARGED IVITH 'l(t(tlN( ~ SAI htON Charged with "jigging" sal- mon in Seymour Creek, five per- sons were summoned before Magistrate R. A. Sargent in North Vancouver District Police Court during the past week. Two Library Commission will speak on the librury experiment in the I'rsser Valley. Miss Stewart, who was at one time librarian in charge of the provincial lib- rary in Victoria, und was later doing library work in New York, is one of the greatest authorities on the subject of libraries on this continent. Members, therefore, should make a point of being) present to hear her speak. were fined and three were given suspended sentence. Many salmon in the North Shore streams have been gaifcd during the past few months, ac- cording to inspcmtor T. K. Light- ly of the fisheries department. who states the Fisheries Act will be vigorously enforced. EXTRACT FROSI CHIEF (,'ONSTABI,IPS RKI'(HlT October 10, 1930. Hollyburn THEATRE i THURSDAY, FRIDAY aad SATURDAY 'MAMEA'ith JEAN HEILNHOLT atlti BALI'H 9'ORB&'.S for Month of September 1930. Police Court Fines......... $ 45.00 Trade Licences ......... 45.00 Dog Licences ........ 27.00 I. O. D. E. The monthly meeting of the Duncan I,awson Chapter, I.O.D. EJ will be held next Monday aft- et noon, 13th instant, at the home of hire. Blair, 15th and Gordon. The annual Hallowe'en dance (masquerade optional) will take place in the Inglewood audifori um on Friday October Sist Dancing from 9 p. m, till 1. The Arcadimis orchestra will be in nttendsnce. h(INIATURE GOLF The knockout tournament staged on the miniature golf links last Saturday crested a lot of interest and some good scores were turned in. Some players stayed in many rounds before go- ing down to defeat. Although not playing in the earlier rounds Bil! Gentlentan was successful in carrying home the clock as tho final winner. » 4 a c g0Total ........... $217.00 Summons & Warrants............ 16 Motor Accidents ............. 3 IVarnings to Drivers ........... u Coroner's Enquiry ............. 1 (Sudden death of J. T. Prout) Missing, Indigent, Hospital Enquiries, & Searches ....... 4 Street Lights lteported Out.. 9 Fires Attended ....................... S I'remises Found Insecure ...... 2 Dogs Destroyed ................. 2 Constables'eports ..... 6 Permits Issued- Shooting .......... Burning Blasting WS Ai~e, OF~I Rij Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. 30 14 4 8urraril Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue I'hase North 2»5 Rca. I'huaca: Narih 9ISY-I502X TOLMIE TO INSPECT SEASON'S P.G.E. WORK Premier S. F. Tolmie left yes- terday morning on a trip of in- spection over the Pacific Great Eostern Railway. He was ac- companied by members of the board of directors, including Mr. W, J. Blake Wilson, Mr. Willard Kitchen, Mr. Chris Spencer, Lieut.-Col. Nelson Spencer and Mr. Robert Wilson, assistant to the executive. Considerable replacement work done this year and progress of the diversion of the line, at Lii- looet, will be inspected by the party. Engineers are still in the field preparing data for the joint re- port which will be made on the P.G.E. by the C.P.R., C.N.R, snd Provincial Government. The BURRARD LAUNDRY NORTH SHORE SERVICE IIHI'ROVED Enlargement of the B. C. Elec- tric Railway Company's substa- tion at North Vancouver is being accompanied by a further im- provement to the service on the North Shore. One of the two high tension circuits serving the North Van- couver district, immediately north of the Second Narrows crossing, is being re-routed at a cost of $8,000. At present the two circuits are carried on a single pole line a- cross the Indian reserve and un- derneath this shingle mill and barge channel have been built, Both these features involve hazards which may affect the op- eration of the high tension line. For example a floating derrick pulled down the wires of both circuits some time ago and dis- rupted all light and power ser- vice to North and West Vancou- ver as well as to Britannia Mines. By separating the two circuits any lengthy interruption due to fire at the mill or interference from vessels plying in the chan- nel will be avoided. The re-routing involves the erection of a pole line from the north anchor tower of the Second Narrows bridge, following the Bridge River transmission line right-of-way for a short distance then turning west and joining the present transmission line at Seymour and Main Streets, No wiring will be removed from the Indian reserve, how- ever, say officisi» of the B. C. Electric Railway Companys elec. trical department, ss it is expect- ed that the conductors of the second circuit will be used for a 12,000 volt distribution circuit to serve the waterfront area which is destined to become an industrial centre of Importance. Llctltea For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN 131(OS., DRY CLEANERS TH HID ST. aad ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 4101. (Iuite Satisfied A certain North Country man had received his first Income Tax papers, and being unable to und- erstand them, said to his wife: "There must be some mistake here, lass. I sm going to return these." So he returned them with the following letter enclos- ed:-- Dear Sir: 'Ave no desire to be a member of the Income Tax. 'Ave been a Druid for 40 years. Now it tba lima tu gct your WINTEIVS FUEl Wc hara an uuihaitcd supply cf DRY FIR TRANSFER MOVING Drag Saw tu ruat. Phone West 48 DOC COOKE PETE LE HEAL "Whu made the Stat cotton glair JHcavcuai Are they mating it fram that ucw, tool" If mustard is mixed with milk instead of water the spoon will not be blackened. A Basketball Tournament 1 71,'IO TO - NIGHT in the INGLEWOOD SCHOOL AUDITORIUM THREE.. GAMES--Junior High A versus Junior High B. Senior High Girls versus Ex-High Girls. Senior High Boys versus Kx-High Boys. Admission: Adults, 25 cents. Proceeds for securing Children, 15 cents Grass Hockey equipment %lest Vancouver Motors 8'I RI.I.T SICiNS IIEING KRECTFD During the next few days the new street sign posts will be erected in connection with the house to house mall delivery. 'I'he sign posts have been painted 0 yellow chrome and bear the name of the street clearly paint- ed in black on an iron plate. BII.I (IROUT I'hune: Bu»Incus West 268 (late of Begg Bros.) Res West 45HR Firestone Tires Raybestos Brake I.ining Willurd Batterieu Shell Gmt, Oil snd (Irea»e. Bring your csr troubles --Battery charging snd Tire repairs. I'rices quoted on Valve Grinding. All Engine, Clutch, Trans- mission, Rear Axle, Brake an&i Steering Jobs. Work Guurunieed