West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Oct 1930, p. 3

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0001 (4th 10. October 10, 19SO. Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY Try Our Iiome-made BREAD CAKES, COOKIES, LUNCH ROLLS FRESH DAILY Open AU Day Thursdays. 2476 Marine (nr. 26th St.) Phone West 866 Studio of Dancing RUilYTBSIICS -- NATURB DANCING -- BALLET VOCAL BXPilBSSION Fall Term, September 12th, Enronmvnt Legion Hall, Satur- days, 10 s. m. lo 12 soon. CATHERINE PATON Rvvidvsvv I'ause Wrvl $41X i BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mer. Divlisvlira Fssvrst Servile Lady Avlislssl $20--srd Sl. R Phone Norlb 626 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS JkmblesiIle Sheet Metal 1Vorks LAURiE SPECK, Proprietor 1466 Marine Drive Phone West 437L2 ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, YVest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance COAL SPECIAL s,c. I Ess pvr los $ 11.60 SOOILESS ) I ump '12.00 PHONE WEST 24 GORDON ROBSON BvrvLter a Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER- Oriive No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone Wvsl 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suilv 91$ ; 610 BssUnev Sl, W Phone Seymour 4199. +bIUSICIANS'I,UB RECITAL DRAWS LARGE CROWD The first recital of the newly formed Musicians'lub of West Vancouver took place last Friday evening, when an audience which completely fioed the Legion hall enjoyed 0 program of distinct excellence. J. Haydn Young introduced the new club in 6 few well chosen words, outlining the sim of its founders and commending the programs to the music lovers of the community From the first group of instru- mental numbers given by the Mcintyre quartette to the last song it was 0 very delightful evening muslcaoy speaking. A- mong the numbers of the quar. tette wss the "Prelude and Call" from the incidental music to Barrie'0 play "Mary Rose." This charming number was outlined in a delightful manner by Miss Joan Durbin. W. A. Knight, the visiting ar:- ist, was very enjoyable in his group of songs which ranged from Handel to Vaughan )Vioi- sms in scope. Miss Hilda Wilson gave the Sonata Psthetique by Beethoven in a thoroughly masterly man- ner. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, whose choice of songs ranged from operatic to modern, interpreted them in her usual delightful manner and to the complete sat- isfaction of her audience. Leslie Brooks'iolin solos were well played snd received a gen- erous response from his listen- ers. A. J. Addy's group of four songs were most artistically handled and worthy of the con- tinuous applause given them. Mrs, Durbin and Mrs. Knight- Hodge were the very capable ac- companists for the evening snd as usual a large meed of the success of the recital is due them. VOTERS'.IST 1931. AU those desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the voters'ist for 1931 as house- holders, licence or poll tax hold- ers sre required to file declara- tion before a notary or the muni cipal clerk on the form provided on or before 31st instant. These forms may be obtained at the municipal hall. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. T. E. SNELGROVE MISSING OVER YVEEK-END T. E. Snelgrove, late of the West Vancouver police force, but now pilot for the Air)and Manufacturing Co., left here last Saturday afternoon by plane to pick up a passenger who was on a fishing trip at a small lake thirty miles east of Sechelt. He arrived there after dusk, mak- ing a landing in the darkness and fog, and missed connection with his party. When he did not report ao day Sunday, George Silke, Commerci- al Airways pilot, hopped o(f late in the afternoon in an attempt to locate him. The fog which wrapped the Coast lifted shortly before dusk and the two, rescued and rescuer, proceeded to Sechelt from which place 0 wire was re- ceived from them on Monday in Vancouver, advising of their safety. F. Erickson of Vancouver, has taken the Scott cottage on West Beach. West Vancouver Fine Art Class Bessie Adelalde Fry, Instructor. Pupil of Frank Spen)oveWpen)ove, snd Member of B. C. Society of Fine Arts. Class meets alternate Saturdays in members'omes by turn Landscape and Stol-life In oo and water-color. 87,00 for winter term of ten lessons. Phone Miss Gertrude Lswson, West 66. THE WEST VAN NEWS Local aud Personal 4 -- ~sssasssas= Prescriptions-- This time of year you may have need of this service- We are well equipped to serve you in this. Ernest Busst has rented 0 store In the Barrow block, 25th and Marine Drive, ~ \ ~ birs. Ronnie Jackson, 20th and Inglewood, has returned home with her newly born girl from the North Vancouver General hospital ~ ~ ~ Mr. Rnd Mrs. Joseph TIte ent- ertained last Wednesday evening at their home at 16th and Mar- ine Drive, in honor of the form- er'0 birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent at cards. Mrs. Martin snd family and Doctor and Mrs. Hobson, ao of Vancouver, will continue to re- side at Miss bicBain's house at 29th snd Waterfront. The many friends of Mrs. Martin will be pleased to hear that her health is showing some improvement. ~ ~ The Ex-High Association is playing two basketbso matches tonight in the Inglewood chool against the boys and girls teams of the high school. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. O'NeiU, 14th and Inglewood, are leaving to- morrow for a visit to Los Angel- es, California.r ~ v / Repairs have been made at theHooyburn Post Office in readi- ness for th chouse to house de- livery. Mrs. S. J. Nasmith, who has been away on 0 trip to Eastern Canada, has returned to her home st 14th and Je(ferson ~ r v'he B. C. Electric Railway Co. 6 letter re Whyteclig light snd power extension was refer- red by the council to the reeve, the chairman of the light com- mittee, and the engineer to inter- view the company and obtain as low rates for that district as possible The engineer reported cost of slashing for the above to be 3360. An expenditure not in excess of this sum was authoris- ed. ~ v ~ The following wiU represent the West Vancouver Football Club tomorrow (Saturday) 1 B. Traiford, J. Cornish, )V. Irish, N. John-Cox, R. Forrester, A. Grieve, G. Ashe, G. MacVean, A. Kendrick, M. Lennox, Fred Murray, M. Stevens. Mr, Meekin has moved from Park Road into 0 house st 29th snd Marine Drive, ~ ~ ~ ~ Ed Black has taken over the Dundarave Gss Siation at 26th snd Marine Drive, where he will sell ao Home Gas producbL ~ ~ ~ Thos. Bubb is down from Clax- ton, B.C., and is staying for a short time with Mrs. E. E. Reck, 26th and Nelson. ~ ~ v Mrs. )V. J. Hilton hss return- ed t oher home at 1331 Clyde from St. Paul's hospital, bring- ing with her her new little boy. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Scrivener of Vancouver, hss taken one of the Burley cot- tages at 28th and Bellevue for the winter. ~ ~ Mr. and birs. Hutchinson, 24th snd Bellevue, have moved into the Stevenson house at 26th and Bellevue. r Miss Connie Thomas of the B. C. Telephone stall'ere, is a- way on a week's vacation. ~ ~ v Mr, Markle of Vancouver, is having a house built at 29th snd Mathers. ~ ~ ~ A schedule of house football matches has been drawn up for the pupils of the Pauline John- son School. ~ ~ Mr. Rnd Mrs. Lyman Jones of Ambleside, have moved into 6 house at 22nd and Je(ferson. v ~ Mr. and Mrs. Carey of North Vancouver, moved on Monday in- to a house at 29th snd Marine Drive. v ~ ~ Mr. Roberts of Calgary, has been spending a holiday with his wife and family at his home at 24th and Heywood.\ v v The B. C. Electric Railway Co. are erecting posts for the instal- lation of domestic hghting in Whytecliif. 4 v r Negotiations sre being made for the opening of a Badminton Club in Dundarave hall for both ladies and gentlemen. v A charivari was given on Sat- urday evening by their friends for Mr. snd Mrs. Herbert Rush at their home in the Hoayburn block, 16th snd Marine Drive. Mrs. Rush, who before her rec- ent marriage was Miss Nellie Scott, was presented with 0 large house plant. r v Divine service under the aus- pices of the Loyal Orange As- sociation will be held next Sun- day, October 12th, at 8 p.m. in the Orange hall. Rev. Brother S. H. Smith, Grand Chaplain of the order in B. C., will conduct the service. The public are cordially invited to attend. Members will assemble at 14th Street at 2:SO p. m. and parade to the hall head- ed by a city lodge band. v v ~ Guy Desmond has taken the Tanner house on Marine Drive near 26th Street for the winter. The Hooyburn Pubhc Library board are buying twenty-five new books this week. They expect to have them on the shelves at the end of this week. ~ v ~ A little son was born last Fri- day to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Web- ster, at Mrs. M. E. LaChance'9 nursing home, 264-24th Street East, North Vancouver. Both mother and baby are doing well. blr. and Mrs. G. 1V. )Vebster are well known here, having former. ly resided in West Vancouver. ~ ~ E, H. Nevioe, 19th and Belle- vue, has rented a cottage et 21st and Marine Dreve. Your prescriptions are dispensed by 0 Graduate Pharmacist st ALL TIMES We will send for dispense snd deliver your prescrip- tion. Phone West 37 WEST VAN PlhRI)IACY Tbe Stere ei Svvvke. West 27 WE DELIVBB Evsrrxvsvy Phoae Weel $21 (AILvr 9 ILm.) Buy Home Products Stratton's Bakery 146$ Msrisv Drire Passe Weel 27 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY Scotch Shortbread, Nut Bread, Birthday (k Wedding Cakes FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE Pbose Wert 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. WOOD Srvosd Grovvb Fir sad Alder No salt vslvr vere DRUIIBELLER COAL IIobb Coal & Transfer Isla sad Marisv Drire Phoae West 17. Rva. Wrel 222R. ~ 9 '0 I I I ~ I 14th and biarine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticeoi Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Suppliea Waterworks Construction hll persons, resident in hvest Vancouver, and desir- Iua work on the hvater Works Construction, may call at the Municipal Hall, aud sian Application Form.