West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Oct 1930, p. 2

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0001 t cr .V'irr ~rrr. ir i~ i\c '+ci t '-r'crm iiiocue i C cia-4~c'rr idi ,rr c,iir i.- 'c ." . rrc ~ r ir- 'r,, iri'rc. 'rrr .rrrrrr~ rr-.rrrrcrrr',r rrr rrirrr 'Jr rrrrrrrr~rrc err"nrr rrrWrrrrrr NURSING HOME (St&a M. E I.aChaacc, R.N.) 264 - 24th St&cat Sac& North Vaacaacc& Rcaidaacc Phone: North )SSSR Get Ready For Fa11 Now is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. hlcn's and Ladies Plain SuiLS, 81.25. SPECIALTY--it(en's Suits to order M. WILLIAMS ISSS $(ARINE DRIVE I'hone West 20 Ociolber is the month for Photographs A Few Suggestions IVedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old Photos Framing Piciures Prices ta fit aB pockets THE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings SE. W. Established 1902 Aii Work Gaaraatccd Phone Sey. 1046 BOLLYBURN Barber Shop 1Stb 4& Marine EXPERT SERVICB E. MARSH, Proprietor Established aa Nor th Shore 20 Yea&a. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLI Ail,ISON funeral Qirettar8 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nezrs PabUahcd Scary Friday daaiacca aad FJU&aciai Office) 11th aad Iuarbm Drirc (Neat tc uciiybara P. O.) Phone )Vest 363 Mail Address: P.O. Bcc Si, Raiiybara, B.C. PabUcbcr I". F. I.OVEGROVE I'hone )Vest 363 SIJN ~ year by )aaii cc'arrier. Ncwsataada Sc. pcr copy St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Trinity 17 (October 12th). 8 a. m.-- 1ioly Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and B:ble Class. 11:15 a. m.--lilorning Prayer. 3 p. m.--Holy Baptism, 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. The rector will deal both morning snd evening with the findings of the recent lambeth Conference, when three hundred and seven bishops of the Angli- can Communion throughout the worl&i met in London for the month of July. In the morning the encycHcal letter from the as- sembled bishops will be discuss- ed and in the evening at the monthly young people's service the report of the committee of which the Bishop of I.ondon was chairman, on Youth and its Vo- cation will be presented. There is the monthly meeting of the Church Committee on Monday evening at the Parish Hall at 8:15 o'lock. The )Vomen'0 Auxiliary meets Tuesday afternoon in the Par- ish Hall at 2 o'lock. At the annual meeting of the Girls Auxiliary held last Friday night at the home of Mrs. Fred Parkes the . following officers were elected: Hon. Pres. and Supt.--Mrs. Parkes; President-- Florence Edwards; Vice Pres.-- Eileen Dent; Secretary--Mabel Phillips Treasurer--Joyce Dick- inson; f.iterature Secretary-- Dorothy Dickinson; Thank Of- fering Secretary--hIildred Lett- ner; S.S. by Post Secretary-- Jean Lettner. The Lions'amp of Trail Rangers last Thursday night elected officers for the year as follows:--Grand Chief, Will Par- ker; Sub, Chief, Harry Phillips: Tally, IV. J. Murray; Cache, Jim Bloxham. The mentors of the group are Mr. Fred Parkes and the rector. Though somewhat late in arriving, word has been received that the Camp placed first in Greater Vancouver in the National Athletic Contest held early in the summer and the nine boys who competed won an ag- gregate of 48 ribbons. At last week's meeting Vincent Brace- well came iirst in the stump spe hes. rDivision H Footbnll Heavily outweighed and faced with three local boys on the op- posing team, the West Van. Mid- gets met a 9-2 defeat at the hands of the North Vancouver Bluebirds last Saturday at Ingle- wood School. The Midgets team was composed of Clayton Stew- art, W. hfason and N. IVigington, D. TimbreH, W. Tearoe and G. Jones, W. Thompson, It. Irish, W. Atwood, J. Watson and F. Tearoe. There are four teams in the league arul the Midgets hope to turn in a vktory in their next game. Chiropractic Will Heip You. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS N dc)i&cd. Roberta A. Vass D.C„PS. C. 1404 MARINE DRIVE Phoae West $0$ Caaaaltatica Free. LADYSIIIP iVOOLS 6IFT ~jfop p'6 )4 EHT To sscyb&Jh4- 49m)4)C MRLE A J MAO LIN & ~ 6). O. e)CSX 22 y. $)b(ONEI WEST 22A. THE )VEST VAN NFIVS )VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CEURCB BD(FICE 20th and Esca)meit, BaUybara This Society ia a Branch cf The idcthcc Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ia Beaten bfaccachaccttc. Sunday Services 11 $0 ~ m and 2.$0 p. m. SUBJECT, OCTOBER 12th, "Are Sin, Disease, and Deuih lteslc" Sunday School at 10.00 ~. m. Testimony Meeting )Vcdaaaday ~t $ .1$ p. &a. I Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone West 2521(. Sunday, October 12. ('HIIRCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 10 s. m.--Sunday School. We study the International Lessons. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Preacher, Itev. A. C. Bingham, pastor of Grandview Baptist Church. Solo--Mr. A, T. Riley. Anthem "Praise Ye the I.or&I'hoir. 7:30--Even)ng worship. Pastor will preach. Topic "Tho Church and Its Ministry." Special singing Come and worship with us on this day when we complete an- other year in the history of our church. Tuesday, 14th, 7:30 p.m.-- Young People's Meeting. Lan- tern Lecture, "1000 Miles Up the Nile." Collection for Young People's work. Wednesday, 8 p. m.--Prayer Bnd praise. Friday 7 p.m.--CG.IT St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey ltesidence: 2558 Marine Drive. SPECIAL OCTOBER DEVOTIONS Sunday -- IVednesday -- Friday 7:30 p. m.--Solemn Exposi- sition, Rosary, etc., Benediction. Week Days: 7:30 a. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions: Saturday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rush Scott Of interest to many friends was the marriage which took place on September 29th at St. Helen's Church, South Westmin- ster, Rev. J. T. Dingle officiat- ing, when Nellie Lillie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, R. Scott of 1912 West 36th Avenue, Vancou ver, became the bride of Mr. Her- bert Rush, eldest son of Major and Mrs. F. C. Rush, 12th and Jeiferson. Mr. Snd Mrs. Rush left immediately for Victoria and will reside in West Vancouver on iheir return. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family are well known here, having lived in IVest Vancouver for some time. SKI CAMI'.EASF. TRANSFER ASKFD ltepresentstives nf A. Israebb O. Pearson an&1 O. Anderson ap- peared before the council on Monday evening to present written application for a renew- al and transfer of the ski camp lease (with the lessee k. J. Verne'0 written conditional ap- proval) from the present lessee tn themselves for fifteen years. They were told that no lease beyond the term of the one now in effect would be granted at the present time and that the coun- cil would consider the transfer for that period if applied for. October 10, 1930. BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAi& I.FAIION MEMORIA( BALL NBXT SUNDAY-- 10 a. m.--Schcci for &'hi)dree. 2 p. m.--Speaker: MR. PERCY KING Sabicct) "Sl'IRI'I'UAI. (ilFTS" Mr. Hing broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 0 p. m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, October 12th, 19JD. The Communion Service will be held in the morning. In the evening Dr. Henry will continue the series on "Great Bible Trag- cdies," the subject for next Sun- &/ay will be "The Tragedy of Samson ! Df.Marjory McCubbln DENTIST Bears I m tee pm Sate)dc 4; I a. m. Ic 4 p. m, Evcalagc by appcintmcat ! Royal Bank Buiidiag I'hcac West 440 Residence I'haec West $9$. HcI)bare HaU Cor. 14th dt Duchess LORD'S DAY-- 10 a. m.--Sunday School. ll a. m.--Worship a n d Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p, m.-- Gospel Ad- dress. Speaker for next Sunday I Mlt J ANI)Fit&ION WEDNESDAY-- 8 p. m.--I'ray& r and Bible Study, Sunday School meets at 10:Hi0. Next )Vednesday evening the Session an&I the Board of Stew- ards with their wives will be hosts and hostesses at n congre- gational social gathering at 8 o'lock The evening will be given up to sociability, intermingled with a short program and followed by refreshments. It is hoped that all the homes will be represented. On Wednesday, November 5th, under the auspices of the Wom- en's Association, and on behalf of the Sunday School funds, Dr. Henry will give a lecture entitled "Some Girls, or types of g)rl life," It is the companion taIL to "The Boy," given last season. Two coming events are ached uled by the women--one on Nov. 21, a play; and one on December 2ndi the annual sale of work. Keep these dates free. 'Ihe Junior Choir meets on Fri day at 4 o'lock instead of 4:30. The Trail Rangers hold their weekly meeting on Tuesday at 7 p.m. and the C.G.I.T. Sb Lhe same hour on Friday. The girls are reminded of the Radio Rally on Saturday, Octob- er 11th at Chalmers Church to welcome Miss Anne Fountain home snd hear her message. Miss Fountain has been on a 4- months'our and is the Secre- tary of the Girls'ork Board. The opening meeting of the Men's Club is on Tuesday 28th, supper being served at 6:30 snd Dr. Dobson being the speaker. NOW ca ~ cca ~ PLAYING LGNsDALrc sin lo th SHORT SUBJECT CI IARLII'. Ci(ASP COhiEDY CA RTOOiN COMING--Mca„Tact„wcd "Czar of Broadway" ISPECIAL--Dog Comedyl On October 13th, the Wofnen'0 International League for Peace meets at 1899 Balsam St. (4th Avenue Car). Mrs. Ed. Mahon will speak on the Women's Pan- ~ Pacific Conference at Hololulu. WEST VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. NOTICE Ferries No. 5 and Sonrisa granted special certificate to operate with summer com- plement of passengers untii repairs to to Second Narrows Bridge completed. SCIIOOL l)I'NTAL CLINIC Royul Bunk Building-- I'Ith and iilarine Drive. SCHOOI DENTIST--Dr, Marjory McCubbin Children treated dally 9 a, m. to 12 s. m., except Sstur&lay Apix)lntments given in rotation. Open hlornlng for Extrsctlons and Advice to I'arents-- Every I"riday. No uppointment necmmnry.