0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS October J, 1920. 'r» . re) ri Cr rrrrv" z qcrr w ir r&r rcw r w rr Vr lli ~wzlv r C q J z» w .r zc&c o i cr ~wCC C ~ ~ 4 C S .:c4,yr rzr' z cc&c W 'O'C C'rc rc ~cr wr c 'C /rr'rrrz'V c rrrc ~ ' c rrr'rrrrr rc q 'rrr 'r cr rrr rrrr rV rrr r i Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Duudarave,',",„".'.,w',,",„,',„", Hollyburu Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3 and 4 Telephone Service Free Delivery OXO ('t&BES ) le Kvnugu'z AI.I. BRAN... Ipc swan&down CAKE FLO(!n .. 36& CHERRY «AKE, 2 IK cake &9c Rcd A White I'RACERS, pcr &iu ... .......... ... U&c Quaker QI'I&'K OATS Cbfuzwzre .... 62c Red a Whnv BAKING I'OWDER zsc Red A ii'hnc TEA, pcc ih ..... 66& SANDWICH BISCUITS, per Ib 2.&c Sww&'« I'URB I.ARI), prc ih. ISC Rcazi SALT. pcr cxcu&n... Iee Hcdluzd'z QUH'K DINNER ur 2(EAT BAI.I.S. pcc Izrgc Os gzc Rmxd &9 Ru«rr I'I&'Kf.k"1, )6 ox. Jar .. 31c "EAM OF WHEAT, pcc pzckei .............................. 22c BR I I.I.&) ................................ I sc Red E Vi'hnv MATCHES, pec car&«u (2 Imzrz)..... 29& PrimC Beef LOeztl I zilllb Dairy Fed Pork iWew LaiLI E»gs The Store of Quality Meats (GOVERr(MEiiT Ir(SPECTED ONLY) Daily Deliveries to all Parts Phone %Vest 190 FOR "Everything Good to Eat" 1580 Marine Drive C&)Opcrzuos Ysu have a doUxr. I have s dollar. We swap. Now ysu have my dollar -- I have your dollar. We are uo bet- &rr og. You have an idea. I have an ides. We swap. Now ysu have two idesz sud I have iwo ideas--both xre richer. What you gave you have; what I gsis ysu did uo& lose. Th!~ is co-operation. Nw NW Maudie--John Bunyan wzx m)t x specialist on foot troubles. Peo- ple in Ice!xud are uot csUed Equiuoxex. The Hunchback of Notre Dame wxz sot s fooibzU player. "Come, Louise, kiss your old uncle asd Iqi give you x penny!" "Pooh! Mamma gives me more than that io ixke castor oU!" Cicero the Cynic Says: "There is s!wxyx x luU before the storm; it ix sometimes called a hoaeym&x&s. The victrola needle is the only kind some wives know. Where Are &he VnzmiszT Many people spend much of &heir time searching for foods or medicines that contain this or that vitamin, fnc it is uow x well-recognized fact that we u ed the various vitamins for per- fcc& hez!ih. Ax x matter of fact, vhsmiux A, 9 zud C are aU found in such common f&zzfx as string beans, beets, cabbage, carrot,lettuce, onions, peas, peppe&v., potatoes, spinach, &orna&ace xud tur- nips. Why worry xbou& vitamins f Exi vegetables ssd fruit. If you have an orchard xud z garden of your awu whizz these foods mzy be obixiued ab- solute!y frezh, yuu are indeed fortun- a ie. When I have lost my temper I have lost my reason, a)o. I'm never proud of anything which angrily I do. When I have talked in anger xud my cheeks zre naming rcd. I have z!wxyz uttered some&hing which I wish I hadn't said. DFMI. WITH THP, LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAII. ORGANIZAT)ON IN BRITISH COI.U91BIA Speeials 2 by 4 common sled, any length. Shipisp, good grade ................. Cedar Bevdled Siding ............ :.. 59.00 59.00 .. 59.00 Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p.m„West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent Roberts'etter Meats I ALO&qfE! Of all the vurird forn)s of gainful endeavor the minds of men incline to in this diverslfied British Columbia, there are sure. ly few which hold a greater measure of independence than the life of 6 placer miner on a proven claim on good ground. ,Excepting high water he can work the year round, his monev is in the safest bank in the world, he gets his pay for every dsy hr works, and hc lives as he choos- es. P&rhaps the lot of nn experi- ence&1 trapper in 6 good fur country runs it close for he also is independent in the widest sense. An&I yct, for these lone men in secluded places the bright face of danger, sheer aml stark with impending tragedy, is seldom absent. A broken snowshoe, s shp on a water-planed rock, and the stage is set for a "hairbreadth 'scape in the imminent deadly breach;" if he is lucky. 'But sometimes he isn'. &cluny years ago this scribe and one other came into B. C. through Kananaskis Puss to I ording River, thence through a high un-named pass to the Kootenay-Columbia valley. Trav- elling on the hurricane decks of two good cayuses in slow and easy stages, we shot, hunted, fished aml camped where we listed with nowhere as our ob- jectivee. High noon on a bright October day found us in a rough country some miles below the headwaters of Sheep Creek looking for a suitable campsite for the night. Rounding the shoulder of a mountainside we descended to the stream to find a few acres of level terrain with good grazing. Horses were ofl'-saddled, wat- ered, &md hobbled, and a meal made. Then we began to look around this lonely silent place. On foot we travelled up a trib. utury of the creek, through a ravine that was little more than a cleft in the rocks and then we stumbled almost upon it, a small cabin in a pot-hole of the hilLs, a natural amphitheatre with towering crags looking down up- on it watching "Time Slide into Eternity." It had been well built, but there were all the signs of ab- andonment about it. The stove- pipe was gone, but the oiled pap- er window was still intact. The slab door was closed. On the bank of the stream a rocker, two gold pans, u shovel, the remains of s pack-saddle, and a broken box. The door was pushed open with a pole, but there wasn' any need for caution here. We went inside. He had been sleeping on a bunk, covered with an ancient pair of four point H. B. blankets that parted as we drew them off, s gaunt dessicated husk of a man who had come to the end of his earthly trail three or four years before. There was little evidence of food in the cabin of his passing and of identity not a trace, though we searched the place for hours. The sheet-iron stove was empty and there was not a stick of fuel near to tell 6 tale to 6 woodsman. No one will ever know his name or the manner of his dying. Quietly we went out, pulled the. slab door shut, and left him sleeping. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government inspected Only I.AMB. BEEF, I'ORK, VEAI., F.ic. COOKFD MEATS OF Au. KINDS. »EuCATFCSSEN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) {Two Stores for your service) HOI.LY BURiz( STORE Aiillil.ESH)E STORE (Vest J WEST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LU BEE SASH DOORS ROOI'ING BUILDING PAPER Immatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lioard Beaver Board -- Shingles I'IIOGiltAXI OF FIILST ltl':CITAI. Of the West Vancouver Musicians'lub in (he Nev& l,egion Memorial Hull Tonight ut RU10 o'lock Mc)NTYRE QUARTETTK (a)--INDIAN LAMENT (b) --SPANISH DANCE (c)--PRELUDE 0 CALL (from Mary Rose) . Drorak Sara)sir O'NeUI W. A. KNH HT (Tenne) (x)--SILENT NOON .............. (b)--)VHKRK'ER YOU WALK (c) -- MY LOVELY CELIA (d) --0 MISTRESS MINK.................................. Vxughu Win!arne ............... Exude) ..........Munro Roger Quilter Hif.i)A WH.SON (I'iznix&) SONATA(Opus 13) ....................................... --..---- Beethoven MRS. F. X. IH)DGSON (Cos&rzno) (z)--AH! MON FILS (Freuch) ........ Ir Pcopheiv Meyerbzer (b) --WEIGKNLIET (German) .......................... Brahms (c) -- AH RFNDIMI QUKI. COR (Hi&cane) (1&xi!su)...Roxzi (d) -- THK EAGLE.................................. Areuxky LESLIE BROOKS (Vud&u) (z)--FEUILLET D'ALBUM (Opus 28) ........ (b)--LANDLER Tes Hzre ... Moxa i A. J. AUDY (Ra&Ruse) (a)--ON THE DAY THAT DEATH )VILL KNOCK AT THY DOOR ...................................................... John Aides (b)--THE SLEEP THAT FLITS ON BABY'S EYES...... Carpenter (c)--TWILIGHT FANCIES .... Fcxdemck DeUrx (d)--THF. )VANDERER ................................ Schubert At the Plxuw Mcx. J. E Du&bio kirz, Knight Hedge NOTE:--The artists will xppc&ciz&z generous applause bui !I Ix requested that there be no encores. Experienced Hc (zx &bey dr!ve along s lonely road):: "You look Iovenxr io me every minute. Do you know what that's a sign off" Shz: "Sure, you'e about io ruu oui of gzx." THE SKY HAWK AT THE HOI.I.YBURN "The Sky Hawk" is at the HoL lyburn Theatre Thursday, Fri- day snd Saturday, October 2nd, 3r&l aml 4th. It is taken from a story by Lewellyn Hughes en- titled "That Chap Called Bar- dell," featuring John Garrick, Helen Chandler, Gilbert Emery, Daphne Pollard and many other favorites. The punch of the story is a Zeppelin raid on Lon- &lon during the Great War. Many of the sceres are actual movie- tone views of London, some tak- en from the air. Those who read "Photoplay," will perhups re- member that this play received special mention. It was listed as one of the six best pictures of ihe month. Ala'& I«h'zuceT The shipwrecked four!xi hxd hxd terrible experiences on S«u&h Sex Is- lands, xo on ihix scca&Ion, be did uoi reUzh hi~ fute. Faint with (xi!gus, hx dragged h!&xzzif toWard the die&au& voices. At ixzi he caught x gnmpze of &hx party-- they wecv ~!&iisg In ~ c!cc!v on ihe sand xud holding obfxc&zquF uncezvgzixxb!e at &he distance, close u) ihe!r sxz& ~ . "This Ix xomi hzodf" snorted one. "Aw. Cz&z!" carne &hp m&woux voice of xnu&hzc, "I only pulled ~ couple o'uszxfrom ihxi pub" "Woi yuh griping'ort" grated 6 &h:&d. "Yuh don't xxpxci more'u ~ ps!r u'us&) fram s pair o'ueens, d&i yuh T" 'fhe &ouc!zi roUmi over on the sand, ~ud Just before he breathed h!~ Iaxi hv gasped: "Caen!bzi~ again!" P. H. Old I.zdy (io drugg!zi): "I want a bottle of cau!ne pills," Druggist: "What' the mai&er with the dog!" Iz&dy& "I'0 have you unde&6&sad my husband I~ a perfect ges&lemsnl" The druggist, In prufousd xUexce, pu& up some quisin pUix. I'!upper (xt bxxebzU game): "Asd what are those mes sway oui there f«c T" Ox&xi "They'e fielders. They cx&ch &Uzx." "I wish you'd quit bziug &m xsrcsz&lc when I axk ~ civU quextk)u." 15th and Murine LIMITED Phone West 115 IV. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence I'hone: IVest 36SL SEII VICE Everything for ihe Building.