West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Oct 1930, p. 5

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0001 lbq iter it&k Csy 464 Ot,'ctober 3. 1930. SAFEWAY STORES 1414 Marine Drive I'hone West J13 Empress Marmalade 40 oz. jar ........., ..... $8c Lyle'6 Syrup, 2's, ....... 23c Sunlight Soap, per carton .............. 19c Bread Flour, 7 lbs..... 29c 24 lbs.. 89c Canadian Beauty Macaroni 16 oz. packet.... 3 for 26c Quick Quaker Oats, per packet ................ 23c Piest Foods Mayonnaise, 8 oz. j ar ............... 29c Safeway CofCee, fresh ground, per lb............ 49c Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. packet.......,..... 23c Finest New Zealand Butter, 3 lbs. 99c 13 RID(i E-TEA Of )Vomen's Auxillnry to North Van. General Hospital. ~ The W. A. to N.V. (Ieneral Hospital will hold their annual bridge-tea on Wednesday, Oct. 16th, in the K. P. Hall, 4th St. West, North Vancouver at 2:16 p. m. prompt. For those who do not play, tea will be served from 4-5 p. m. A special draw prize for tca- guests will be given. Following are committees-- flrst named being convener of each:-- General convener: President, hire. C. R. Lane. oh Bridge and whist-- Mrs. J. S. Morrison, Nrs. M. E. Sowden nnd Mrs. Gordon Hobson. Tea- Mrs. G. E. Herrmann, Mrs. Geo. Campbell and Mrs. A. Donaghy. Decorations--Mra R. V. Mc- Carley, Mrs. H. N. Garwood, and Mrs, H. L. Fraser. Prizes--Nrs. E. A, Martin, Mrr«H. M. Proutt and Mrs. H. C, Graham. Press Secretary--Mrs. Geo. (V. Anderson. Those wishing to reserve'ables for bridge and whist, for which excellent prizes will be given, kindly phone Mrs. I. S. Morrison, or Mrs. (iordon Rob- SOIL . The President will receive guests, assisted by Mrs. Goodwin Johnson and Miss G. M. Currie. B. Stockey of Vancouver has rented the Riefel cottage at East Beach for the winter. For GALT ~ COAL PHONE ED. BLACK WEST 68 NORTH SHORE JUT ENII,E FOOTI3AI,I, ASSOCIATIOiq Giames'o he 1'lnyed Salurday October 4th DIVISION 1. North Shore Canucks vs. Lions High School (West) at 3 p.m. Referee hir. Bothnm. DIVISION II. West Van. M'dgets vs. Kiwanis Blue Birds; Inglewood School at 3 p.m, Referee Mr. Hikier. DIVISION 111. North Shore Wanderers vs. North Shore Rangers; Mshon Park at 1:30 p.m. Referee, Mr, hioon, Kingsley vs, Kiwanis Blue Birds; Boulevard Park at 2 p.m. Rei'- eree, Mr. Curtis. Jemima wss A young nkgr,ss, fresh from the cotton fields af ibe south. One sf&cmobs sbc came ta ber mis- tress asd beaded ber a card, «De lady what gib me dis is in de parlor," sbe explained. »Dey'4 anotb r lady an de steps" "Gracious, Jemima!" exclaimed the mistress, «Wby dldn't you ask both of them ia&" »Kbse, ma'm," grinned &be girl, «dk one on dk da'steps done forgit bkr ticket." lodge niekung last nigh&7" Rsfuc: "No, sub, we done bsd io postpone it." Boss: «How wss that?" Eefus: »De Grand-AU-Powerful-In- viak&b&c-Most-Supreme- Unconqucrhb&c Patents&e done got beat up.« Spiced APPles I/„cup water 1 cup vinegar I cup bro&hn sugar 3 inch piece stick cinnamon I teaspoon each--whole cloves and allspice &/t peck apples Put water, vinegar, sugar and spices on to boil 10 minuteq. Wash, pare and core apples. Put in snucepan and pour the boiled vinegar over. Boil 5 minutes with cover on. Remove the cover and boil until apples are tender. Drop Biscuits 4 cups flour &/4 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk (or enough to make a soft dough) Sift together two or three times, flour, baking powder and salt . Rub in butter with tips of fingers, then add the milk to make a very soft dough. Do not roll out. but drop into well but- tered tins and bake ln 8 hot oven. Pickled Onions &/» peck silver skin onions 1 cup salt Vinegar 3 tablespoons whole spices. Skin onions and sprinkle salt over them. Leave for 2 hours. Pour oi? brine, then pack in bot- tles and pour on sharp cold vine- gar and whole spices. Seal and put away for a few weeks before using. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEFS 1Wight School Classes Start Tuesday, October 7th. INGLFWOOD SCIIOOL:-- Shorthan&l and Typewriting--hfrs. W. Raid, Instructor. Dressmaking--Miss E, M. Wheelwright, Instructor. Fee 67.00 for the term, PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL:-- Woodworking--&Mr. J. E. Corulon, Instructor. Fee 610.00 for the term. Classes 7 to 9 p.m. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees. THE WEST VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADSColor Note The janitor'8 little boy, very black, wss nickramed «hfid- night" by his white friemls, He didn't mind them calling him that, but one dsy one of his own race exclaimed, "Hello dare, Mid- night'" and he retortc&l indig- nantiy, «Yo'es'bout quarter to twelve, yo'-selC!« And Get the Gate Doris: "Father, would you care if I married a man with 8 title?" Father: «Not if it were the heavyweight title, Doris." DESSERT Ice Cream Use whatever you have leCt. Caution: Don't sneeze if you have a mouthful. Note: Don't take any cake home in vour pocket. Accidents will happen. Fresh I Rinks (to bookkeeper): "Have you any eggs in which you can guarantee there are no chickens.'rocer (pausing 8 moment): Yes, s&r--duck eggs. Stuttering Moss: «J-just think t-that b-b-beautiful b-b-butter- fly once c-came from 0 cocoon." Rastus: «Goo'ord, ise guess we is the ancestors of every- thing." «Why did you stop singing in the choir? Because one day I didn't sing and somebody asked if the organ had been fixe. FOR RENT--Eeqaiaish Access, half block east of Ink Si., si&isktivb six- &oem skwi-Imagslew including ki&- chen range isstbUod. 60 ft. 1st, magnificen view immaUsie pos- session. rent osiy 820 on lace or $ &740 for sext cix or eight moauw. APPly Wbiiskkr ssd Wbi&skkr 0&2 Weki Pesdkr Si.. Phone Sey. 7949 ROOM AND BOARD WANTED--la modern bnme. Pnvs&e family Rcy&y Box 25, West Vss News. To RENT FURNISIIED--FaUy Mod- ern Imngslbw, $26.00. On bos line. Phone Skrmnqr 1051. EXI'FRIENCED TFMCHRR (LL.A. ...Frcskb boaois ssd B.C. Acbd.) wishes pep&lb for psb&ic sad bi b ckboc& subjects. Phone West 877 WANTED--Kind mo&bcily wbsiba io care for two Utile girls in ows home. Apply Bcx 21. West Vsa News. yon 8 h& Fop&eke dmtsx ioow isis lure $66 00 Cbccmrfa&d $M 00 desk $ &6.00; chair with lks&ber cs&b- iona $16.00; furniture sfi ia fumed csk. nice green rug sx9, $6.00. Apply Wt»tt 858L IX&ST--At Aksaoat, w&re-bared &»i- ncr (Psl&, &929 Vbscosvcr i&cence st&ski&cd io coUlti. RkwbnL Pbcnb We I 885&L FOR SALF "Sol" pisa, ibis ssd . wind prttof. Good condition, 5Ãtx&0. I& m Wcci Sssf &VANTED--Glsxkd &op for Xsidcs kb&d frame. D. EU&otb Css&fcld P.o. V&AN &4/ITH DRAG-SAW Whats Werk matong 6rewood. Ticks er logs. Phone North 16&RL. FOR SAI.E--E2 Single Sate& Rifle. AI condnios, $5.00. Phone West 2271L MAN 'li'ILL WORK fbi Satan Wage. Phone West 499L To RE'.&T--SmsU fsraisbcd cottage fcr the winter aodenh fireplace cic. On Marine Drive. Phone West 82. Ff&R SALB-- 1927 Scree-passenger 1&odette Sedan Msstkr Six Mo&or, 127 inch wheel bask& recently i»- conditioned at s koct of $500: rc- bared Aad new 'stone, new rubber; sacrifice price or cshb $850. Ap. ply P. O. Box 221. WINDOW BLINDS iuadc &o Order bnd Rcpsind. Fat&ms&ks free, Cer- tain rods. Apply E. Pcbrke, 19&b Street sad Marine Drive. Residence phase West 257L. Nurse: IVhom are you operat- ing on today? Orderly: A fellow who had a golf ball knocked down his throat at the links. Nurse: And who is the man waiting so nervously in the hall, a relative? Orderly: No, that's the golfer, a Scotch gentleman He's wait- mg for h&s ball. FOR SAI.E OR RENT--SissU co&- &Age; fiicplsce, llgbL water, yarily furnished. Phone West 7&Y. I'OR RENT--Lower peri&os dsptkx hot&he. Partly furnished. Very cosa- ftw&able. Pull plumbiag& fire-place. Good location near ferry. Small family nquiraL Rent $20. Phone West 427L. BUNGALOW wiib extra large Uk&ax room. &we bcd rooms. fuUy amdcrn, beau&ifbUy situated in hkklsdkd gsr- dkn. $20.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404 L. GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTF, Landscape Architect 0 4» t tc & 4 »Ice u. okC„A«&a Sh &oI & cack A«hit tO«dcl ~ . M«bi N tla & Last m 6 cb A splendid method for getting a reasonably good idea of how your grounds will look after they are planted is to write down the names of all the shrubs and trees you think you would like in your garden. Get a good book describ- ing the habits of growth, etc» ot plants &f you haven't one al- ready. Take each shrub or tree separately and look it up in the book to determine what height it will grow and what spread it will have after it has been plant- ed seven or eight years. Then take a piece of cardboard and cut out circles to scale to represent each tree and shrub on your list. For example if a tree will have a spread of approximately six feet in the length of time decid- ed upon and using the quarter inch scale, the same as you are using on your plan, your circular piece of cardboard should be an inch and 8 half across. The cardboard pieces representing evergreen trees may be co)ored green, blue may be used for the deciduous trees and yellow for the shrubs. After you have made up a cardboard piece to repre- sent each tree and shrub which you have decided you will try to place the pieces on your plan in the location which from 0 pre- liminary study would appear to be desirable. By the way when you are making up your card- board pieces mark on each one the name of the shrub or tree, its approximate height for the per- iod and whether or not it is 0 sun of shad~loving plant, so that you will have an additional guide in placing your pieces and not g.t a tall growing tree or shrub located in front of a lower grow- ing one or a shade-loving plant in a sunny location or vice versa. The little cardboard pieces may be moved around on your plan the same as an artist arranges the details of 0 picture before deciding on the best arrange- ment, If you flnd you have too many trees and shrubs it is much better and less expensive to fmd it out before you make your purchases rather than aft- er. Some landscape architects claim it is best to plant thick for immediate results and thin out later when the plants become too thick. Others plant thinly and let the trees and shrubs fill in the open spaces as they grow. For ourselves we like to plant just enough so that the garden will look reasonably well the first few years coming into iis best in seven or eight years. In this way it will require no additional expenditure for a long time ex- cept to replace any plants which may die. NOTE--Tl Wt tit c «4 it ~ ct «« tc c cct tba ~col c tl lath& cl rb q tie bc h& ~ «h& ~ t iil It i tc t cl ihc selt i. rh« tii cn. t ~ «lr i m « &i ~ p «lct t lr I ~ ii«4 ~ lc p«h hihn DE&I&BEY--&bk wlU ~m& letter slot in your door very i»Aha« ably phone Wat 84L or lbwt 252R, FOUNDATION LEMFhT 1%0Bb LandscaPing aad Lswsc &ebb walls, drain, septic tbski, fencing bad land c&csrisg, chimneys bad furnaces cleaned snd rcpsiiat Phone T. Rskatcbb iso&desks phoae West 290&L 5URS CLEANED STORED oi Re- modeled Summer pnccs. HoUyburs Fur Store, Kkitb Block. HoUybsrs. PAINTING. Docbrsiisg. Fikakb Pol- ishing. Cbrley, Residence Phoae iveii 71Y. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIBS WBAR BEST--Deeda&Ace. AI.L THB BEST Breads bf Cigars Cigarettes and To&areas. Abo Ex- change Poker Hands .and Coacol chide Free. Ambi»side Tcs Rooms. FOR 5&DYING ssd BUILDING SUP- PLIES, Phone West 17 ar Residence Pbonk West 522IL FOR THE BFST SLABS ssd Isa&dc Fir phone &rest 220. FOR Ph&NTING. KAI tlOMINING- Apply C. L Ken&age, Residence phone West 294R. FOR PLUb&BLNG REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone West 241IL I &STINGS M ANTED--Pteykrty ows erh are is»i&kd &o submit their liso lngs, hvsierfroat homes, hillside ieh- ideaccc, acreage or vakaai bsudisg sites. This office s &AUses in West Vancouver and uring the past three years wc bare contributed over $ 10,000 in &axes &o the Mus&c&- IAU&y. R. I'. CLARK &k CO. ESTATES LTIL I'beak Seymour 7464 or Phone C. J. ARCHER. Wee& 225 ANNOUNCEMENT BERT GISBY and BILL THOMPSON flhic th&tca over &be Imperial Service Station 14th Rnd hfarine Drive (ibrmcriy rsn by S. I Oi&ntbal Imperial Gas an$I Oils ~ Repairs Tires ~ Battery Charging Electric Iiolst for Greasing Rnd Spflnfl Spraying AH Work Guarnnteed. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Noibiy PabUc FIRE INSURANCB &hk back Ss&AU Amoco&s eit Read for »bod M»i&gcgk Lease. 1406 &far&ac Dncs Office Phone Wbci 21 or Scy. &260 Residence Phono W. 22R or W. B&4X Bekt hian igasn't it annoy ing tl.c way that baby cncd all dur- ing the ceremony. hiaid nf Honor: It was dread- ful. \Vhen I am married I shall have engraved on the invitations 'no babies expected.'he icic fei Clhbcifikd Ad»crux»ace&h is 2 conic ycr «onL misimws 25 teste. Except is Ibc case of &bess bsiisg regs&si setose&b, AU c&sw&- fiodc sic payable dr&i&i is sdcssce. Remember Class&8 A Is the West Vsa News gc& iaa«UA&e rkssitb. wc« ~c -c h«'ck hh