West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Oct 1930, p. 4

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0001 ~u rv r&r 4 Y r r hm ~ vr rv vr rett ' 4» 'v u 4 i v v%& v 'v J v't v' &rYr r 't str "r 'rrr- Yr-'r rr irt~tYv rrv 4'Y Y rrrV rYrvrvr rv rv~:rv~ YYr vY rmr wr MINIATURE GOLF COURSE 17th and lkinrine OPEN EVERY EVENIiNG (except Sundays) Knockout Tournament Saturday Evening OPEN TO EVERYONE Duudarave Cash Crocerlf 35&h uud BcBcvuc Useful Recipes GROCERIES, CON FECTIONS, FISIIING TACKLE ICE CREAhI PARLOR BO&(TB FOR HIRE I'huuc West 7 Wc Deliver ST. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN uud GIRLS'CHOOL &Vill Rc-Open MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3&h ART uud bIUSIC MISS J. DURBIN 29&k uud Hayucud I'huuc West 97R iu business iu lvccl Vuu. 19 Years. I BARBER In New Since bluciuu Drive at 14&k Next Jcffccicx Meal Store Expert Worl&--Ladies', Chiidrcu Gcuiicmcu Phone West 135 fuc uuuciulmcul hIrs. McHunt: "Dead! Dead! Dear me! Poor Mrs. hfcSnorter gone to join the great majority." hfra. hicSorley: "Well, I wouldn't say that! She was a good woman, so far as we know!'o Gravy Abaci "Why are you running that steam roller over the field?" Seedy: "I'm raising mashed potatoes this year." Grammar Note "Percival," said the southern school teacher, "why are you so late?" "I went with papa to 3 lynch- ing party and we stayed until the last man was hung." Teacher (severely): "Was hanged, Percival"'ne has always suspected that Jonah did r.ot psy his passage because the sailors threw him overboard.--Mr. A, Wyat t Tilby. Slesmed Corn Bread 2 cups fk&ur 2 cups corn meal I teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Baking Soda 1 cup molasses 2 cups sour milk Sift together flour, corn meal and salt. Dfasolve baking soda in a little molasses, then add to re- mainder of molasses and sour milk. Pour into dry mixture, beat well and stenm for 2 hours. Brown Bread I cup corn flour I cup wheat flour I cup graham flour I/ teaspoon salt I cup molasses I cup sweet milk I cup baking sodu I;I cup sour miilk Mfx together corn, wheat, graham flour and salt, then add molasses snd sweet milk; lastly, the sour milk, in which the bak- ing soda hss been dissolved. Beat all together, pour into pail, place in kettle of cold water and cook for 2 hours after water com- mences to boiL ihluffins 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 21/I cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/3 teaspoon salt I cup sweet milk Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one by one, beat welL Sift dry ingredients together and add to first mixture alternately with milk. If batter not stiff enough, add a little more flour. Put in well greased muffin pans and bake for 20 minutes in a quick oven. Chili Suuce 12 large tomatoes 2 onions 8 sour apples 2 small cups vinegar 2 small red peppers 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons salt I teaspoon each--ginger, L&in- namon, cloves, nutmeg. Chop tomatoes, onions, apples, then pour on vinegar and add peppers, sugar, salt and spices. Boil 4 or 5 hours. If tomatoes are too moist drain part of liquid off before boiling. Doctor (to patient): "Now go home snd relax." I'atient: "But Doc, I can'. We have antique furniture." VANCOUVER CREOSOTING CO&9 LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER October 2, 1900.THE WEST VAN NEWS I.EGIOV hIONTIILY MFETING The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver branch of Ihe ('.ansdlun Legion will take place next hlonday, Gih October, at ii p. m. In the I.eglon Mem- orial hall. The supper which It is proplmed to give on Arml»tice night will come up for discussion akso a number of other matters of interest to the brnnch. All members are asked to make s point of being present. (&AS EXTENSION TO NOIITH VAN('OUVER Taking gas across Burrard In. let to North Vancouver without using an under-water main is now an accomplished fact. The B. C. Electric Power snd Gsu Company has completed the lay- ing of a high pressure main a- cross the Second Narrows bridge using a special joint which ad- apts itself to the rising and low- ering of the lift span of the bridge. Thi» is the first instance on record of a gas cumpsny sending it» product over a body of water spanned by s draw or swing l&ri&lge and it has been accump- lishe&l by the Inclusion in the joint of a new automatic bronze valve, the invention of F. E. lteed of the Vancouver Comp- any's gas department. Successful tests have been car- ried out and everything is in readiness for the inuugurstion of gss service to North Vancou- ver which will take place the second week of Octuber, accord- ing to officials of the B. C. Elec. tric I'ower and Gas Company. When the bsscule lifts for the passing of vessels the joint is dLscolmectcd and the gss supply to North Vancouver is automat- ically cut of?. This &lees not af- fect the supply since the demand is taken care of by the storage of gss in the Hortonuphere hold- er at St. Dennis snd Main Sts., North Vancouver. As the bridge opens s series of check valves in the mechanism prevent the gas escaping; when it closes again the joint is auto- maticsuy recoupled and the valve reopens. At first it was thought that 3 submerged main would be neces- sary but the development and successful operation of the new automatic joint dispenses with the more costly under-water line and the physical difficulties which would have attended its construction. The joint has a special system of packing which assures its be. ing gas-tight. It has been sub- jected to the maximum test of 125 pounds water pressure snd 05 pounds air pressure. One of the salient features of the inven- tion is the fact that variations in side play, expansion, or con- traction of the bridge-work through changes of temperature are provided for. The total cost of construction work from the compressor sta- tion at Grandview to the end of the trunk line st the corner of Keith and Centre Streets, North Vancouver, including the Hor- tonsphere holder was approxi- mately 250,000. Survey of additional territory in the city and district of North Vancouver is being proceeded with and work has started on six miles of gas main extension. Of- ficials of the gas company state that the connection of new later- als to the trunk line will continue steadily. Ho11ybaarn THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY umi SATIJRDAY The l Sky Hawk, WEST VANCOUVER "Y" The monthly meeting of the IVest Vancouver "Y" will be held on Tuesday, October ?th at 8 p. m. st the home of Mrs. Thompson, 20th and Esquimalt. The speaker for the evening is Mrs. Gillespie, Provincial Presi- &lent for the IV.C.T.U All young people over the age of sixteen who are interested, are cordially invited to attend. LOOK Cedar 1Vood $2..50 a load Cli ESTEI&PIELI) WOODYARD I'bouc Nurlh 132 FIVE-DAY WORKING WEEK ON IuiuitAIID BRIDGE I'ROJECT DECLARED lhIPRACTICA III.E A suggestion that a five-day wurking week be fixed for labor on the proposed Burrard bridge and other civic projects wus re- ceived by the civic bridges and railway committee hionday aft. ernoon from the Buil&ling Trades Council. Members of the com- mittee, however, declined to take any action, explaining that spec- ifications covering the bridge have been issued and tenders called. It was also explsine&1 that the contract will contain u clause providing for a penalty if the contractor does not complete thc work within u stipulated time. Aid. G. C. Miller questioned the efficacy of a five-day week as a means of providing for more workmen and thus meeting the unemployment situation. He sug- gested it would be better to in- stitute two shifts, to work six hours each, In that way, he said, the machinery would be occupied twelve hours s day instead of eight. Have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Avenue Phoae No&lb 345 Rca I'houccl Nurlb 913 Y-1552K DANCIN&i--Guc Dawson, "Thc Professional Dancer," holds cluc- cc in the Duuduruvc Hall avery Wednesday afternoon. Musical Comedy Ciuuc ul 4:16 which In- cludes, ballet, acrobatic uud the popular Tup Dancing. Pupils ucw enrolling. HOhIE OIL DISTR I BUTORS I.lihlITED Home Gas Symphony Orchestra under Calvin IVfnter The BURRARD Sunday, October 5th, 1980. CKWX, 9 P. M. LAUNDRY LlultcuMarch "French National Defile" ........................................ Turlet Waltz "L'Amour de I'Apache" ............................... Offenbacb "Adoration" ................ Borowski Selections from "The Merry Widow" ........................ Lehar Tone poem "Finlandia"..Sibelius Symphonic Transcription "The Skaters" ........................ Hand Selection from "The Pirates of Penzance".. Gilbert 4& Sullivan "Dancing Butterflies" ....Golden "There's No Gas Like Home" For I eople Who Are Particular Agent for SIVAN Bl(01(., l)RY CLEANERS THIRD ST. uud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver I Phone North 1910. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 4101. Twu uf u Kind A iud whu looked ubcul 13 wuc lean- ing against u wail smoking u cigaret, when an elderly wumuu upi&couched him. "Does your fuihcc kuuw yuu ucc smoking, little buy 2" che Iuuuir&sb bit- terly. The boy regarded hcr open-mouthed. Betook u fcw more pulfu from his cigccci uud looked hcr up und duwu cicudiiy. Smidcnly hc caught sight of the wedding ring on hcr hand. "You'e u mettled woman, uccu't you? 'hc caid "I um," ugiccd the woman. "Then," scapi&cd the boy, "dues your hucbuud know yuu cl&cuk lc strange men?" Fame has its limits. A wo- man went into 3 book store the other day and asked for 3 copy of 1&indberg'5 "It." They grinned when the waiter spoke to me in Greek, but their laughter changed to ashoniuh. ment st my ready reply: "I wsnua roasts bif ssn'wlch, str-r-r-omberry pie two cup skawfee," was the simple and clear statement I made without hesitation. Landlady: Isn't this s good chicken? Boarder: It may have been morally, but physically it'9 a wreck. (3 C3 MILITARY WHIST IVEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISI I SOCIFTY are entertaining ut TIIE CLACIIAN SATURDAY, Oct. 11th, at 8 p.m. sharp Q Admission 35c. Q "it wuc terrible" caid Mcc Murphy Thurs were twenty-seven S&vcdcc uud un icixhmuu killed In the wreck." "Indeed," uuld Mcc. Groguu, "the ycuc muu." The TEA with 40 years'xperience behind it Mflcleau'2 Orange Pekoe I i S L? 3ll Of br 15 p 41 c 'll 5