West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Oct 1930, p. 3

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0001 October S, 19SO. Mas. Draper's HOME BAKERY All Goods Home-Buked Try Our LUNCH ROI.I q and NFAT PIES, CLOSED EVERY NIGHT at 7 P. 51. Except Saturdays 2476 Siarine (nr. 26th St.) I'hone West 366 Studio of Dancing EURYTHMICS -- NATURE I) ANCING -- BAI,I.ET VOCAL EXPRESSION Fsii Term, September 18th, Enrollment Legion Hsii, Ssiur- iisys, 18 s. m. ts 12 noon. CATHER)N E I'ATON Residence Phone Wssi 241X RURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B, D, WHITE, bfgr. nisfiu«iivs Funeral Survive Lady Assistant 22~rd Si. R Passu Nsrtb 628 FURNACE aud SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1466 Marine Drive Phone 1Vest 4371.2 K.W. Savory 1443 Siarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and ~ Insurance GORDON ROBSON Bsrrisisr * Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER- Offics No. 1447 )aeries Drive. Pbuns West 488. VANCOUVER OFFICF Suits 818; 618 Hastings Si. W Phone Seymour 4188. I.O.D. E. The September monthly meet- ing of thc Duncan Lswson Chap. ter, I.O.D.E., was held on Mon- day, September 16th, at the home of Mrs. Leyland, with the regent, Mrs. Small, in the chair. After the routine business, re- ports from the various commit- tees were heard concerning their activities. Mrs. Small described a visit she had paid to the new Pander Harbor hnspital this summer and spoke of the splen- did work they are doing and the need they still had of 8 great number of articles to complete the furnishing and add to the comfort of same. The matter was enthusiastically taken up by the members and a committee was formed with the result that 8 letter has been sent to Dr. J. B. Thompson asking for a com- plete list of things needed for the nursery for the Chapter to work on. Tentative arrangements were made and a committee appointed for the Annual Hallowe'en dance to be held on Friday, October 31st. Dui'ing the afternoon a snlo was charmingly sung by Mrs. Donohne, after which an inter- esting presentation was made to Mrs. Alan Mclntyre, the Chap- ter through Mrs. Leyland pre- senting her with six silver salad forks. Mrs. John Lawson in the course of a short address com- mented on the splendid work and loyal service always so willingly given by this popular member, also the fact that she was the Chapter's first bride. A bunch of Opheiia roses accompanied the gift, quite a delightful touch. Great sympathy was expres- sed for Mrs. Leggatt in her rec- ent accident and it was hoped that her recovery would be speedy. A new member, Mrs. Weedon, was elected and will be received at the October meeting, which takes place at Mrs. Blair's home. Tea was served by the hostess- es, and after the national anthem was sung, the meeting adjourn- ed. Returning the Compliment During a grouse hunt in Eng- land, where men and women both were in the line of shooters, two families were shooting from covers close together. Suddenly a red, angry face showed over the side of 8 "blind," and the man shouted-- "Curse you sir, you nearly hit my wife that last shot." "Did I?" said the other, 8- ghast. «I'm horribly sorry, old fellow-er-have a shot at mine." "Will you lend me ten marks?u "Young man, money-lending destroys friendship and ours shall not be destroyed for ten marks." "Then lend me twenty marks." Bridegroom (iu poetic frsnsy, as they stroll along the shore): "Roll on, thou deep sud dark blue ocean, ro)1"'ride: "Ob, Gerald, bsw wonderful yuu are. 11's doing ii." Vis)ting Duisgsis (in hotel clerk): "Wby didn't ysu call ms at seven. thirty ibis msruiugf" bs demanded. "Because," returned the sifubis clerk, "ysu didn't gu ls bsd till eight." Owing to the reduced winter complement of Ferries, any passengers using 8 a.m. Ferry from West Vancouver, who can pos- sibly do so, are requested to travel by 8.20 a.m. boat. WEST VANCOUVER ii,iUNICIPAL FERRIES IMPORTANT NOTICE THE WEST VAN NEWS Try theLocal and Personal Drug Store First The Hollyburn scholars are getting themselves in shape for the basketball season. Two posts for the game have been erected at the north end of the school grounds. ~ 4 ~ School Trustee Mrs. Selwood, who with the other West Van- couver school trusteees attended the B. C. School Trustees'on- vention in Vernon, took 8 trip through the upper country be- fore returning to her home here. during which she visited 8 num- ber of the schools in that part of the province. The Hollyburn boys'occer earn defeated the Grade 9 boys of the high school last Tuesday afternoon by a score of 4 to 1. The game was played on the Hollyburn grounds. s Nr. and Mrs. R. J. Kyte, 23rd and Kings, have moved into a house at 28th and Bellevue. ~ \ Mrs. Kyle, who has been occu- pying a house at 28th snd Wat- erfront, has moved into 8 house at 17th snd Esquimalt. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barnden have moved from 25th and Mar- ine, to a housi. at 25th and Hay- wixxl. Mrs. Roberts and family of 24th and Heywood, sre leaving shortly to join Mr. Roberts in Calgary. ~ s s Nr. Duranil has rented the Dewar house at 26th and Belle- vue, for the winter. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bond have rented Miss Murray'8 cottage, 26th and Lawson, until spring. s \ s Col. Whyte of Whytecli(F, is returning to Vancouver this week. s The West Vancouver Exuigh Association will meet next Mon- day at S p. m. in the Inglewood School. There will be a knockout tnurnament at the miniature golf course at 17th and Marine Drive tomorrow (Saturday) eve- ning open to everyone. ~ ~ Twenty-First Birthday Party A surprise party wse held at the Clachan last Saturday even- ing in honor of Miss Doris Cleathero's twenty-first birth- day. There were approximately fifty of her friends present to ofFer their cnngratulations and best wishes. The evening, which was mmit enjoyable vras spent in dancing. s s ~ Mrs. Pochin, 19th and Marine Drive, underwent a serious oper ation last Tuesday and is pro- gressing very favorably. She ex- pects to be home next week. L.O.L No. 2990 will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the new Orange halL ~ ~ Rev. H. P. Davidson has moved from 2918 Marine Drive into the Ritchie house at 28th and Wat- erfront. ~ ~ s Nrs. Gordon, 31st and Belle- vue, has left for the Southern States, where she will join her husband. ~ s Mr .and Mrs. IIIarchant of Vancouver, have taken the Mc- Gechaen house at 13th and Ful- ton. ~ s Mra Howard, who has been oc- cupying a house at 22nd and Marine Drive, has moved into one of the Bruce cottages at 21st and Marine Drive. s Mrs Pender of Vancouver, has rented a suite in the Hay blick, 14th and Marine Drive. ~ s Stan Stronge, 14th and Belle- vue, left here last night to re- sume his duties at Ocean Falls. A party of West Vancouver P.T.A. members are leaving to- morrow to attend the convention at aNnsimo of the Vancouver Island P.T.A.'s. s s ~ Nrs. Rouleau, who has been summering at Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, has returned to her home on the East Beach. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Flockhart of Vancouver, have taken a suite in the Hay block, 14th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Captain C. J. Archer and Cap- tain Dick Cullen have returneil from 8 two weeks'unting and flshing trip around Campbell River, Vancouver Island, where they were successful in bagging two deer, 8 number of grouse and some big salmon. s ~ \ N. Nelson, 22nd and Fulton, has movcul to the city. ~ ~ s A son was born on Sunda!, 21st ult., tn Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hilton of Clyde Ave., at St. I'auls hospital. DRUGS, STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, CHOCOLATES, TOBACCO, MAGAZINES, 'IOILET GOODS WEST VAII PHARMACY Tlm Sisrs sf Service. West 27 WE DELIVER Emergency Pbsss Wsst 221 (Af)sr 8 p,m.) Buy Home Products Strattou'8 Bai(ery 1468 sissms Ds)vu Pimus West 27 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY Scotch Shortbread, Nut Bread, Birthday 6: Wedding Cakes Mr. and Mrs. Clark, who have been guests at the Clachan hotel, have returned to their home in Kerrisdaie. Dr. and Nrs. F. Stainsby and family, have moved back into their house at 19th and Marine Drive. ~ s klr. and Mrs. H. Lang anil family of Altamont, have moved into their new home at 30th and Waterfront. s s s Dr. ard Mrs. Richardson have moved into their new house at 14th and Duchess. \ Mr. Brown, general manager of the Union Steamships, is hav- ingsa new house built at 29th and Park Drive. M. Spanks of Vancouver, has taken a cottage at 17th and Wat- erfront. s s ~ Miss Dot Taylor of the B. C. Telephone sta(F, is spending her annual vacation in California.\ ~ George Sharps of Vancouver, has taken a suite in the Holly- burn block, 16th and 51arine Drive. ~ \ ~ Andy Goodlad and Roger Brooke, Pacific Stage operators, have taken Mr. Richards'ouse, "Braeside," Royal Ave., Horse- shoe Bay, for the winter months. AMBLESIDE FISH and CHIPS We use BAKEASY 3 shoes of fish, 10 cents I ordeiof)ips......... 8 cents 'offee,5c, Tea 6c. Chocolate 6c. FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SEARLE Phone Wssi 8 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. CANADIAN CLUB ANNUAL SIEETING The North Shore Jubilee Can- adian Club will hold their annual meeting tonight (Friday) at 8 p.m. in the council chamber of the North Vancouver City Hall, when the election of officers will take place for the ensuing year. It is also intended at this meeting to arrange a program of activities for the winter months. In the three years during which the club has been in existence it has taken a very acbwe part m the community life of the North Shore, and has been responsible for bringing a number of prom- inent speakers to address the members at the club functions. All members are requested to be present tonight, HOI.LYBURN- PACIFIC SKI CI.UB XIEETING The annual meeting of the Hollyburn-Paciflc Ski Club will be held in the sports meeting room of The Province on Octob- er 14 at 8 o'lock, when officers will be elected. UNITED CHURCH The October meeting of the W, A. will be heki in the church hall on Tuesday afternoon, 7th October. at 2:15 p. m. All women nf the congregation int- erested in helping to make the church a success are cordially invited to be present. Cheering Patient) Doctor, what are my chances? Dnctor: Oh, pretty good, but don't start reading any serial stories. 14th and .'Ilarine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Universal Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, School Supplies. See our Window Display for SWEATERS Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 4 i.w V : h i' qbhA . ~. Vh A