West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Oct 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE IVEST VAN NEWS October J. 1930 nr &&& v'v 'v& && u E vu & I mhm . ~n rrr &4 r'r tu' i"uu' r&uw &v «.-rrvvr& vv «~ v* V v.rv~rvv rt&rvv rvrv rr«rwAr 1 BRITISH ISRAEL B"v IADYSHIP AVOOLS GIFT eh jf~~ +peru NR&&T T&p Ro&rAI E&ANK MPS.S A. J. hr&IAQ I IN &. IP O. R&OM 22'y. Pk(ONEl WEST 22A. WEST VANCOUVFR Christian Science SOCiety Df. Marjory hfccubbin DENTIST Hours: I p. m. Iu 0 p. m. Ss&u&dsyx 10 ~ m iu 4 9 m Evenings by eppuiuimeu\ Re ~ I Bank BuSdiug 'Imue West 444 Residence Phone West SPE CANADIAN I FA'ION SIESIORIAI. IIALI. CRVRCE EDIFICE Seih uud Fuuuimua, HeSybu&u This Society I ~ ~ Branch uf The Mother Church The Pi&at Church of Christ, Scientist, in Buxtuu Massachusetts, Sumlsy Services 11.$0 u, m, uud 7.$0 p.m. SUR)KCT, OCTOBER 5th, "UNREALITY" NEXT SUNDAY-- 10 u. m --Schuol fur Chndreu. 8 p. m.--Speaker& MR. PERCY KING SAI'ANF&IR ELBA'TRIO STEAM liiASSADE Seih 4& Nuixuu, Wuui Vsucuuve& Succumfui treatments by com- ps&out operator from Tokio for cereb&ui snd spinal nervousness, rheumatism, srih&itis, sciatica, tunsiiiiix, ueuruigi~, ps&sly&is, ~iemsch. Intestines, kidneys, habitual cuuxilpsiiun prostatic troubles. Free Informative. Hours 9 te 8 p.m. or uppointmeui Phone West 4$9RI After 8 p. m., Fsirmuui 484$L NURSING HOME United Church Subiuci& "IN THAT ACE." Mr. King broadcasts over CKIVX every Wednm&dsy st 8 p. ui. hiinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, October 5&th. 1930. Next Sunday is Harvest Home Anniversary. The church will be suitably &lecornted and the morn. ing music will be Harvest Thanksgiving in chatxicter, with 8 short address suitable to the season by Dr. Henry. Donations of vegetables, fruit and flowers will be received in the church on Saturday after- noon. These gifts are distributed after the day's service by the Welfare Committee. In the evening Dr. Henry will continue his series uf sermons on Grout Bible Tragedies; for Sun- day night the topic is "The Tragedy of Cain." At the Sunday School at 10 o'lock the theme will be on Temperance, At the morning service in- stead of the usual girl and boy Islk 8 short promotion service will be held of those moving up in the Sunday School grades. (Mru. M. E. I+Chance, ILN.) $44 - ziih Stree& Rex& North Ysucouxe& Resides&» I'houri North 1$54R TO VVIIIIY PASSENGERS Owing to the Marine regula- tions requiring a reduction In the number of passengers carried by No. 5 and Sonrisa during the winter months any ferry passen- gers who can possibly do so are asked to take the 8:20 a. m. in- stead of the 8 a.m. boat from Ambleside. Sunday Scbool si 10.00 s. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p.m.Get Ready For Fall Baptist Church EN(i A(i k: M VNT Captain and Mrs. A. F. Law- rence announce the engagement of their youngest daughter V lette (Toy) to Mr. Dudley fl. only son of hlr. Snd Mrs. C. hl. ltoberts, 11th snd Esplanade, wedding to take place in St. Stephen'8 Church at 8 p. m. October 25th W. C. T. U. The monthly meetmg of the, IVomen's Christ;sn Temperance '.x: Union will be held Thursday October 9th, in the Uni Church hall at 2:15. Reports oi'he work from t recent convention held in Van- couver will be given. All bern are requested to be presen A cordial invitation is ex ed to all ladies interested. Now is the time to have your Clothes Renovated and Cleaned before fall sets in. lncn's and Ladies I'lain Suits, 61.25. SPECIALTY--Men's Suits to onler Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Hnywood, Phone 1Vest 252R Sunday, October 6th 10 a. m.--Sun&lay Schooh We study the International ~ Lcsson8. 11 a. m.--Morning worship, Pastor will preach, topic, "The Soul's Awakening." Anthem, followed by the ord- inance of the Lord's Supper nml reception of new members. 7:JO p. m.--Evening worship. Questio&,8 that Perplex, 4th sermon of the series--"Csn One Be Sure He has Eternal Salva- tion?" Anthem: "Lct Him In." A cordial invitation to all. Tues&lny, 7;30 p. m.--Young I'eople's Meeting--Social night. All young people over 15 heartily welcome. )Vednesdny 8 p. m. -- PIT&yer and praise. 9 p. m.--Choir practice. ANDIIF)V LUhlSDEN OF HOI,I.YIHIIIN IS l)EAD Andrew Lumsden, a resident of Hollyburn since 1919, died st North Vancouver General Hos- pital on Tuesday. The funeral was held Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. from Center lk Hanna'8 chap- el, Vancouver, to Ocean View Bur&al Park, Rev. E. A. Henry, D.D., officlatmg. The deceased wns in his 94th year nnd until his last illness, when he was stricken with par- alysis three years sgo enjoyed remarkably good health. Until past his 90th year it was his daily practice to take long walks, frequently walking from Holly- burn across Second Narrows bridge to Kitsilnno, Vancouver. He wus born at Keene, Ont., an&I resided at Lindsay for many years. He was un enthusiastic curler and 8 member of the first curling club established in Lind- Say, probably the best-known organization of its character on the continent. He was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church until the advent of church union when he joined the United Church. A msn of Sterling char- acter nnd kindly disposition, Mr. Lumsden was highly respected by all who knew hiln. The deceased comes of a fam- ily noted for longevity of its members, and is survived by five sisters, hfrs, H. Gnrbutt, snd Mrs, 'I'. Fitzgerald of Lakefield, Ontario, and Mrs. Hannah Mnrr, Miss Agnes Lumsden and Miss Alice Lu&psden of Keene. Mrs. Margaret McSweyn of the Staif of the Dominion income tax of- fice, Vancouver, is 8 daughter nnd Mr. C. A. Sutherland of 1921 Collingwood street, Vancouver, is n grandson. M- WILLIAMS 1548 MARINE DRIVE I'hose iveut $0 October Is the month for Photographs A Few Suggestions )Vedding Groups Baby Pictures Family Groups View of Your Home Copying Old I'hotou Framing Pictures Prices tu St sii pockets. TIIE King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hastings St. W. AR Work Gus&au&cud Phone Sey. 1046 I.ast Sunday a. m. a large at- tendance of scholars and adults celebrated Rally Day and 8 liber- al oifering was made by the school for the Religious Educa- tion Committee of the United Church. Now Playing LQNsDALE 'norder to make a completeCradle Roll, Miss E. hl. Philipwould be pleased if the homes would report to her the names of ail children under 4 years of age. The Trail Rangers meet on Tuesday evenings at 7 o'lock nrd the C.G.I.T. on Friday even- ings at the same hour. On Friday evening nt 8 o'- clock the Young People's Society will be held in the Lower Hail for final consideration of the fu!- ure plans. I"ridny, C.G.I.T. Teen age girls are welcome. EVENINDS I sue 9 St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Iiesidence: 2558 Marine Drive. SPECIAL OCTOBER DEVOTIONS Sunday -- Wednesday -- Friday 7:30 p. m.--Solemn Exposi- sition, Rosary, etc., Benediction. Week Days: 7:30 n. m.--Mass. Bible and Catechism Classes: Saturday 10 a. m Confessions: Saturday, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. The opening meeting of the Literary Society will be held &n Thurzday in the Lower Hall. This is 8 community all'air for all interested in literature, On Thursday evening at 8 0'- clock Dr. Henry, the president, will give the inaugural for this season on the topic "Books nnd their influence." HOLLYBURN Barber Shop For the' Defense15th Ik MarineEXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Last Wednesday the largest crowd for many weeks met in the congregational Quiet Hour. This week's subject in the "Chain of Graces" is "Self Con- trol." Sunday, October 12th, is the Autumn communion. On Wednesday, October 15th, the Session and the Board of Stewards and their wives will be h&mts and hostesses to the con- gregation. There will be 8 short bright program snd 8 get-togeth- er time, It is hoped all the fam- ilies will try anti keep that even- ing free. Established on North Shore Ze Years. (Lady Assistant) HhRROl&J BROS. 8& WILLlhMSON funeral Strertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Trinity 16 (October 5th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 8. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. Duet, "In the Garden," Mesdames Rivers and Turner. 8 EIIT GISBY AND HII.L THOSII'SON TAKE OVER SERVICE STATION Bert Gisby snd Bill Thompson have taken over the Imperial Service Station at 14th and Mar- ine Drive formerly run by S. L. Gilman. Both are well known here, Bert Gisby having conduct. ed the Dundurave Garage, an&i Bill Thompson having been with the ferries and lately with Boult- bee Ltd. in Vancouver. They will sell Imperial gas and oils and do all auto repairs, tires, bst. tery charging etc The station is equipped with an electric hoist for greasing and spring spraying. All work dune is guaranteed. COMING MON„TUES WED. NEXT RU'I'I I CIIATTERTON AN I& Cl,l VIA ilk()OK IN "Anybody' Woman" Harvest Festival services will be held at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, on Sunday. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at ii:16 a. m. snd Evensong at 3 p m 'I'he Diocesan Board of the IVomen'8 Auxiliary meets on Tuesday at 10:30 n. m. at St. Barnsbas'hurch, New West- minster. EXTRA S PEC I A L ADDED McLARNIN FIGHT PiCI'URES THE West Van Nems On Tuesday, October 28th, the opening meeting of the Men' Club will be held, gathering a- round the table ns near 6:J0 as possible. We expect for our speaker Dr. Dobson the Field Secretary of the United Church Committee on Social Service. f)r. Dobson is a strong speaker. 'I'he Junior choir meets on Friday afternoon next from 4:30 to 5, instead of Saturday morn- ing. The regular monthly &nesting &if the Women's Association on Tuesday at 2:15 p. m. Published Every Friday duxiuuuu sud Editorial Oflice: 17&h sud Marine Drive (Nexi te Hoiiyburn P. O.) I'hone )Vest 363 Mail Add&euui P.O. Bux 41. HuHyburu, S.C. Pubiiuiur F. F. f.OVEGROVE Phone West 363 This evening (Friday) the an nunl meeting snd election of of- ficers of the Girls'uxiliary ix being held at the home of the superintemlent, Mrs, k'red Park es, 2227 Inglewood Ave., with the diocesan secretary, Miss L. Burpee in attendance. Instead of their regular meet- ing the members of the A.Y.P.A. are asked to attend the annual Vancouver rally to be held on Monday evening, October 6th, at (,'hrist Church Cathedral. SCIIOOL ldENTAL CLINIC ltoysl Bunk Building--17th and Marine Drive. SCHOOL DENTIST--Dr. Marjory McCubbin Children treated daily 9 a. m. to 12 a. m„except Saturday, Appointments given in rotation. $ LSO ~ year by mail or carrier Names&suds 5e. per copy Open Morning for Extrocilonu and Advice to I'arents- Every Friday. No appointment necemmry.