West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Sep 1930, p. 6

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0001 r tan wr, Telephone Service Free Delivery Rad Arrow SODAS, patke( ..... 17c Aunt )omimu PANCAKE FI.OUR 29 oa, pkla.. 2 for 25c PtCKLINGVINEGAR, Finest Grade Old Country Mu)t, ivhiia or )howe, por gakon...,.. 65( Rown(tto'a COCOA, ii& Ih iin 22t ktd a White I'EANUT Bt)TTER 1 Ih (in 19a Cowaa'a VEI.VETS. Delicious Chotoiaia Buda, ",j Ih ........ 19a A&inter 1'ORK (9 B)kANS, 16 oa. (iaa ........ ... .. 2 tins 29c Shou&ra CAKF Maple Nui. oath .......... .. ................ .. 25o PEAS. B. r. Pack. Sim 2. small and (oadot 2 tins 2)a Rtd 5( White FLOOR WAX 1 ib. (ia .......... ............. .... (ea LIFEBUOV SOAI' cakto 19t (lUI('K OATS, (iuaktt, Nun- premiam, por patko(....... 22t (VITCH HAZEL TO)I.ET SOA)'akta 11c '(VEALTHV Ai'I'LES, for eating or tuoking ....,.....,.. 5 iba. 25e By (bo Boa............... 51.(5 Santa Clara 1'RUNES, Nuhob. 2 Ib cation......--... 2(c kcd (1 ivhiio BREAD FLOUR 7 ib. sack .. . .................... 2 I c iu lb. sack .......................... 95c (9 Iin sack ...............,. 51.96 Dr. Rakatd'a DOG FOOl) I ib. (in . Isa Nabob T(&51ATO CATSUI', B.C. pack, 12 ua. buiue........... )ea ked R While I'EAC)IES, 16 oa. 2 tins 22a Roberts'etter Meats "EI)erythinII Good to Eat" Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES DuudaraVe,',",'„-.'„,"'„",.,',„". IOllyburu (7('h ad hi i.". Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26 and 27 THE WEST VAN NEWS (.'OUNCII. ASKS ('O-OI'ERATION IN INLET CROSSING PROBI.EM The council has sent a letter to the Vancouver City Council asking If they were prepared to co-operate with the North Shore Councils with the view of get- tink some more dependable and additiunal access between the south snd the north shores, be- lieving that such an access was essential in the best interests of all cnocerned. If fnvorable. they suggest(xl that Mayor Malkin be asked to call a meeting of thc representatives of the various councils interested. J W. I.. GltOUT TO TAK F. OVER )VEST VAN. MOTORS W. L. Grout, 15th and Belle- vue, is taking over from Harry Farr next IVednesday 1st Oc- tober the garage and service sta- tion known as the West Van. Motors, 1448 Marine Drive. Mr. Grout has been a mechanic with Begg Bros. in Vancouver for the past ten years, and has a thor- ough knowledge of repairing snd ~onditioning all makes of care. Bring your car and tire tmubles to him. An advertisement rela- tive to this appears in this issue. oDo you know, my dear," said the young housband, "There' something wrong with the cake. It doesn't taste right." "That is all your imagination," answered the bride triumphant- ly, "for it says in my new cook- ery book that it is delicious.o September 28, 1930. JEFFERIES'" SUPERlOR MEATS COOKED MEATS OF ALI. KINDS, DELICATESSEN (All kept in refrigerator during hot weather) {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AIHBI,ESIDE STOIIE IVest 3 WFST 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. ~ 16th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 W. J. TurnbuU, Manager, Resid«nce I'hone: Went 3CSI. SERVICE LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- Plunter ltuard Beaver Board -- Shingles r BUS WINTER SCHEDULE l)ltUG STOltES TO CIA)SE EAI(I.Y The Pacutc Stages changed to their winter schedule on the On and after 1st October, West North Shore yesterday, Septem- Van. I'harmacy, the Lesage Drug ber 26th. Information can be Co. and the Dundarsve Pharm- obtained by phoning North 706 acy will close at 9 o'lock every or Seymour 4000, evening except Saturdays. Prime Beef Local Lamb l)airy Fed Pork NOD Laid Eggs tw ro rtr ~ o ot)tm t ) w ~ P t t'rt t(tb rt t m~ ..a ror t t,i onptimt 4to t (r'. r'r 'wp r't 'rr r trr. r ' ' 'rr rr . .r rrto'.wr -rrr:rrt rr ~ rr r rr rr r trr trr'w tr rrrwrr Ir Watch Our Windows for Special Display Phone %Vest 190 1580 Marine Drive J ST. PATRICIA SCHOOLPUPILS IVIN HONORS The following results of the July examinations of the Royal Drawing Society held at St. Pat- ricia School have just been re- ceived: Preparatory Division -- Hon- orsi Ivy Cowley, Pearl hicLen- nan, hiargaret Roberts, Douglas Miller. Division I.--Honors: Ivy Cow- ley, Pearl McLennan. The above comprise the entire list of candidates and much credit is due to Mrs. J. Roberts who is visiting art teacher at the above school, for such excellent results. Coming Events Tuesday evening, October 7th- Whist Drive, Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, in the Masonic Hall. Friday evening, October 17th- Annual Dance, Naomi Chap- ter, Order of the Eastern Star in the Legion Hall. "ADVERTISF.,w SAWS BABSON Roger IV. Babson, the noted statistician, concludes a recent analysis of business conditions in the following fashion.: ol certainly am optimistic re- garding this fall. It is just as evident today that business is now bound to improve, as it was evident 6 year ago that the high pace of early 1929 could not be kept up." Declaring talk about over-production was "largely hysterical," Babson said the real solution to the problem lay in the speeding up of the circula- tion of money. To accomplish this he made the following four suggestions to industry: (I) I(educe overhead; (2) give bet- ter measure; (3) increase re- search work; (4) advertise more." Vote for the Water By-Id&w o.) Wednesday. DEAL WITH THE (.AkGEST EXCLUSIVE kgrAIL OkGANIZATION 1N BkiTISH (X)LUMB(A Speeials 2 by 4 common sized, any length Shiplap, good grade ... Cedar Bevelled Siding .......... .... 59.00 f9.00 ... 3900 Ambleside Lumber Ca., Ltd. Phone %Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th Nl(tHT I'HONE after 5 p.m., West 241R. Ask for Gerry Dent What we say to Our Employees E VERY public utdity company needs the goodwill of the public before it can bring the maximum benefits to the community. Buc goodwill must be earned. It is essential that each of us in the B. C. Electric Railway Company render that alert, helpful and intelligent service to our customers which is their due. Only so ~hali we merit their goodwill. What we say to Our Customers E need your goodwill but we realize thatI goodwill results only from honest, eifi- cient and economical admin)stration; from ser- vice that is safe, certain and abundant for all demands; from fair prices and rates; from employees who are courteous, painstaking and elficient. Public utility compan)es need only one rule& tu serve the pub()c well and truly. Only on that basis does the B. C. Electric expect the attitude of public mind towards it which will enable it to progress with maximum benefic to itself snd its customers. W 8 MURRIN President BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.