West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Sep 1930, p. 5

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0001 I, . September 26, 1980. THE IVATFR SITUATION By l. Duncan Cyprc00 Creek WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The ycgular meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society which was held at the Clachan on Friday the 19th September, took the form uf a auciai gather- ing and there wa6 a large attend- ance of members and friends. The usual ycpor(8 ws&v) read and the entcrtainmcnt commit- (os showed that some interest- i In the By-Iaw $115,000.00 have been provided 10 construct a new in(ake at Cypy066 Falls and a i ~ new adequate feeder main from that point lo the dfatributiun system in Cauifeilda, and also 10 devslup disiribuiion meina boih east aud west of CaulfOild, covering a strip of land from West Bay io Eagle Harbour and )inking up with the Nelson Creek waterworks which now Supply 4 ~ '&o entire popuiatinn of the 6)vca(criy end of the District. - This group of lands has been 'ery much rc(arded In its devel- op&pent through the lack of wat- er supply and in the writer'8 opinion can never develop to any Ivjex(en( until the said supply has [ ", been provided. At Arat giancc this might scorn ! m)9a large sum of money for the '." number of miles of mains pro- posed, bui not if one reflects 08 ~ihe fact that the country under //consideration Is nearly ali solid 'ock, whore water mains cost -, nearly (wicc as much as tbny do ' kk ', in more favorable conditions of'uii, and that there is heavy caring as well as bridges to be unsidcred, also that the task of installing the said number of :. miles of water main is as formid- able and costly an undertaking an could well be attempted by anyone. The pipe provided in ! Ib(6 proposal, with the exception of some small fran(iona) pieces , f )over bridges and 80 forth, is all ] )cas( iron of the best quality and ing mseuaga will be held m the near future. The musical program included songs by Mra. Watt and Mr. Lowden, aud Eleanor Campbell danced the Highland Iiing in 6 way that delighted the audience. Refreshmcats were served and the evening closed with a dance, No Iiad Names! The traveler wan on hia way east, but had gotten no further than the fever and ague district of a southern state. As the train jerked to a stop at one particu- Iariy desolate town, be put hi8 head out of the window and eall- cd 10 a native propped up 8- ga)88( the post: "Tell me, what do you call this damn, dried-up, dreary place!" '"I'hnt's near enough, 6(rang- er," waa the melancholy answer, 'just let it go at that." The only two who can live as cheaply as one, says the cynic, are a flea and a dog. g WEST VANCOUVEk '&YARD ABOI.ITION BY-LAW No. 462, 1930. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that the Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver do res. cind the adoption of the Proportional Representation Act. AND WHEREAS it is deemed ad- visable to secure continuity of policy in the int&rests of the Corporation by providing that a portion only ot the Council retire each year. AND WHEREAS this can only be done by abolishing wards. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation hes authorixed the submission ot this- By-law to tbe Electors. NOW THEkEFORE the Reeve and Council of the Corporation of the Dis- trict of West Vancouver in open meeting assembled enact as follows:-- (I ) Wards within the Corporation of the District of )Vest Vancouver are hereby abolished. (2) This By-law msy be cited for aR purposes as "WEST VANCOU- VER WARD ABOLITION BY-LAW, No. 452, 1930." PASSFD BY THE COUNCH on the day of August, 1930. RECEIVED the assent of the Electors st the Election for that purpose on the day of A.D, 1930. RECONSIDERED snd Anally ADOP- TFD by the Council, SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the Corporation, ail on the day ot A.D. IOSO. will m aii probabdi(y give Ser- vice for a period ranging from 50 10 70 years. The quality of water available at the Cypress in(ake 'in periods of dry weather ranges from 400,000 io 500,000 gallons per day and will be an asset of great value in the de- vciopmen( of that middle section of West Vancouver which alwaya 8 w I ae f 0 bav a (endenc be rir xl he 6& TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy ot the proposed By-Law upon which the vote ot the hiunieipal- ity will be taken at the New Amble- side Hall, corner of 14th Street and hisrlne Drive, Ambleside, West Van- couver, B.C., on Wednesday, the 1st day of October, 1930, between the hours ot 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. (Signed) JAMES OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. 0~CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTIIICT OF )VEST VANCOUVEk Notice to Elec(ors PUBI.IC NOTICF, Is hereby given that the Vote ot the Electors qualify- ing on pmperty situate within the Municipality, will be taken at the New Ambleslde flail, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive,'West Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, the 1st day of October, 1930, between the hours o! 8 s. m. and 8 p. m. on "West Vancouver Ward Abolition By-law No. 462, 1930," and that Jss. Ollason has been ap- pointed Returning Officer to take the votes ot such electors with the usual iiowers in thnt behslt. (Sienrd) J, 8, LEYLAND, Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Cler k. fork 'I 'y Wife: "I'e invited one of my old swee(knur(s (0 dinner. Do you mind'I" Husband: "Mind I Hcavena, Aoi I always love to associate with lucky people." I'd like a nice hook for an invalid. Yes, Madam. Something relig- ious! Well-cr- no. He's convalescent. I FOR RENT Pleasant 8lttlne Room snd Bedroom (Board optional), suit business couple or two Irlenda Near Ferry. Apply Box 57, West Van News host 1(e for attracting the very 0ne8t of resident population. General It is evident uow that the Wat- erwork6 installed in 1928 cover- ing Eagle Harbour, Gieneagica and Whytcciiff region are the i)est investment these lands could have made; as they relieve the population of any anxiety regarding supply and as an in- 'tanco of what follows amongst others a home to the value of 812,000.00 is being constructed there. Also the fact of that end of the District showing 8 well I imlanccd development baa made it possible for a Utility Company to undertake construction of a- bout four miles of Electric Ufght transmission ia the same region. Without water the far Ond of tho District &vould never be favored by a private Corporation in this 7 It may aot be widely known that in 1928 West Vancouver m. stalled nine miles of water mains and for most places of similar population that would be a large undertaking but in this District iad it is only a fraction of our needs. On a rough estimate I have concluded that the losses which the citizens have suffered during 8) this year by having their lawns, gardens and shrubbery destroy- ed, would have amounted to 8 num equal to ur greater than the annual lixed charges on the pro- posed By-iaw. As 8 moana of supplying an adequate quantity of water of.- doub(ed purity I know ofi(hing better that iaxpaynra of (bo District can du than endorse this proposed By-law. THE WEST VAN NEWS 'FJIT VANCOUVER WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION ItE CONSTRUCTION AND EXTENSIOV MONEY BY-LAW No. 449. 1 930. A By.Law suthorlxing thc constrac- tioa, rcwo&mtractlon sad)or cx(sa- tion of tbe consolidated water wacko systems o( the Corporation ot &he District ot West Vsncoarer asd (o raise by «sy of loan the suw of One handred sixty-Ave thoassnd DoRars ($ 165,000.00) to be paid for such naris WHEREAS by sn A*of tbe Legis- lature of the Province of British Col- umbia the various water systems of the Corporation of the District ot West Vancouver have been consolidat- ed Into one system. AND WHEREAS It le deemed ad- visable to increase the amount ot water available tor use of the inhabi- tants of &he Corporation by the in- stallation of new and larger mains connected w&th the mains of "Greater Vancouver Water District" snd new snd larger mains from Cypress Creek. AND WHEREAS it ls necessary to replace certain water mains and to constru* certain extensions. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to consent of the Provincial Board of Health hss been duly obtained pur- suant to Section 29 ot the "Health Act" being Chapter 102 of the Re- vised Statutes of British Colambia, 1924." AND WHEREAS the estimated cost ot such work Is One hundred sixty-Ave thousand Dollan& ($ 186,000.00). AND WHEREAS the sum of One hundred sixty-five thousand Dollars ($ 166,000.00) Is the debt intended to be created by this By-law. AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the money to be raised hereunder be raised upon the credit of the said Corporation. AND IVHEREAS ths Counril of the said Corporation has authorixed the submission ot this By-law to the Elec- tots. AND WHEREAS it would be nec- essary to raise annually by special rate the sum ot Two thousand nine hundred and Afty-three Dollars &Hty cents ($2,953.60) principal and tho sum ot Eight thousand two hundred and fitty Dollars ($8,260.00) interest, making together a total amount an- nually of Eleven thousand two hund- red and three Dollars fifty cents ($ 11,- 203.60) for the term of thirty years (30) for the payment of said loan and interest thereon as hereinafter men- tioned. AND WHEREAS tbe Assessed value of the whole land of the said Corporation, according to the last re- vised Assessment Roll amounts to Four million sixty-four thousand eight hundred and twenty-two Dollars ($4,064822.00) and the assessed value ot the improvements amounts to Three million tour hundred eighteen thous- and one hundred and eighty Dollars ($3,413,180.00) making together a tot- al of Seven million four hundred'eigh- ty-three thousand and two Dollars ($7,483,002.00). AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land of the said Corp- oration, according to the last revised Assessment Roll amounts to Three million one hundred twenty thousand nine hundred sixty-eight ($3,120868.- 00) Dollars and the improvements a- mount to Three million one hundred &ighty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-Ave Dollars ($3,189,S96.00) making together a total ot Six million three hundred ten thousand three hun- dred and sixty-three Dollars ($6,SIO,- 363.00). AND WHEREAS to provide tor the payment of interest snd the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the said principal sum of One hun- dred sixty-Ave thousand Dokars ($ 106,000.00) it would be necessary to levy a srecial rate sufficient to raise the sum of Ekven thousand two hun- dred and three Dollars Atty cents ($ 11,203.50) the amount to be calcul- ated annually on the whole of rate- able land or lands snd improvements of the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Council ot the Corporation of the Dis- trict of &vest Vancouver In open meet- ing assembled enact as follows:-- (I) The Council of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver is hereby empowered and authorised to construct, re-construct, and or extend the consolidated water works system as before detailed in this By-law and to do all things necessary in connec- tion with the said work. (2) It shak be lawful for th& Reeve ot the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council, for the purposes aforesaid to borrow or raise by wa) of loan fram any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willine to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures (hereinafter mentioned) of the said Corporation ~ sum of money not exceeding One hundred sixty-Ave thousand Dollars ($ 106,000.00) and to cause the same to be placed in the Royal Bank of Canada at West Vancouver, British Columbia, to the credk ot the said Corporation for the purposes above recited, and the debentures of the said Corporation to the amount of Ono hundred sixty-ilve thousand Dollars ($ 165,000.00) in the whole may be is- ~ued by the said Reeve arel Clerk in CLASSIFIED ADS LOST--Pair of Eyeglasses la dark case. Reward $ 1.00. Apply West Vsn News. TO RFVT--Small furaished cottage for the winter. modern, Amplsce, etc. On Marine Drive. Phone West 83. SACRIPICE FOR qUICK SALB- Beatty washer used only four months; Siw mons bed, c)ieonier, baby crib, medicine cabinet, refrig- erator, Branswlck Console, phono- graph, good shot gun. Phone West 16L WA.iTKD Freacbwomaa to give evening French lassoes. Phone after S p m West 496Y FOR SALE--Moest Electric Raage Good condition. Phone West 800. FOR SALE--Or «enid cxcbaage for mnsR bungalow, w&tb seam cash, must hc neer terry, 6 roomed mod- ern house with large sleeping porch. Solendid location and view, risee &o Marine Drive end Waterfront. Box 64, West Vsn Vews. FOR SAI.E--8 pkce diaiag room fora. iture, $66; Chesteracld $50; desk $ 16; bookwase, 3 sections $16.00: chair w&th leather cash&usa $ 15., small gate-leg taue, $51 piano bench $6; furnitare aU in osk. Also green rug Sx9 $6 Phone West 868 FOR RFJ(T-- Is&ocr portion de&des home. Partly furniehe&L Very c&ua- fortable. Full plumbing; are-place. Good location near ferry. SmaR family required. Rent $20. Phone West 427L MAN WILL IVORK tor beard sad room during winter months. Phone West 4991 FOIl SALE--Gileoa Magic farasce. Phone West 172RI. WINDOW BLINDS Made to Order and Repaired. Estimates free. Cur- tain reds. Apply K. Pearce, 19th Street and Marine Drive. Phone West 267L. accordance with the "Muniripal Act" in sums as may be required of not lees than One hundred dollars ($ 100.00) each. Each debenture shall be ~ ignad bv the Reeve and Clerk snd the Clerk shall attach thereto the (lorporatc ses! ot the said Corporation. The said debentures shall be dated the 2nd dsy ot January, 1931, and shall bear interest at the rate ot Avc per cent (6&4&, ) per annum, payable on the 2nd day of January and the 2nd day of July in each and every year during the carrency ot the said de- bentures, or any ot them, and tbe principal of the said debentares, or any ot them, shall be payable on the 2nd day of January, 198L There shall be attached to each of the said deben- lures coupons signed by the Reeve and Clerk for each and every payment of interest that may become due, aml such signatures may be either printed, written or lithographed. (3) The said debentures shall be expressed to be payable in lawtul money of Canada. (4) The said debentures as to prin. cipal and interest shak be payable at any branch of the Royal Bank ot Can- ada in Canada at the holder's option by the Corporation. (6) There shall be raised and levied anaually by special rate sufkcient therefor upon sll ratesble land or lands and improvements ot the Corp- oration the sum of Two thousand nine hundred lifty-three Dollars Atty cents ($2,9532M) for the purpose of Corm- ing a sinking fund tor the payment of the said debentur&a am( tbe smu of Eight thousand two hundred and fifty Dollars ($8460.00) for the pay- ment of interest at the rate afore- said, to become due on such debentures during the curmncy thereof (being the equal annual special rate of three decimal Afty-nine mills (389) an thc dollar of the present land valuation) or such further or other rate as shall be sufficient for the said purpose, the same to be in addition to ak rates to be levied and created in the said Corporation doring the whole currency ot said debentures or any of them. (0) This By-Law may be cited tor sll purposes as "WEST VANCOUVER WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION RE-CONSTRUCTION AND EXTEN- SION MONEY BY-LAW, No. 4&9, 1930." PASSED BY THE COUNCIL on the day of August, 1930, RE- CEIVED the assent of the Electors at the Election for that purpose on the day of 1930. RECOi(SIDER- ED snd Anally ADOPTED by the Council. SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Corpor- ate Seal of the said Corporation, ak on the day ot A.D„1930. Reeve. Clerk. IA)ST--On Ferry Wharf -- ke(ara ticket to Chilliwack, C.N.R., dated 24th September. Phone West 632R. FOR SALE OR RENT--SwsB cot- tage; Areplace, light, water. partly furnished. Phone West 71Y. BUNGALOW with extra large living room, two bed rooms, fuky modern, bw&utituRy situated in seeluded gar- den $30.00. B. R. Harrison, West 40&i FOk SALE--Hoay Trees trois one to Ave test in heieht. Phoae West 847L or West 21. LADY would care for chddrca atter noons or evenings. Refereneea Phone West 486YI. MAIL DFLIVKRY--We wiB iastal letter slot in your door very reasoa- ably. Phone West 64L or West 282R. FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-- Landscaping and Lawns Ishb Reek walls, drains, septic tanks, fascine ~nd land riearing. chimneys and furasces cleaned and repaired. Phone T. Barnott, residence phoae West 290R. FURS CLEANED. STORED or Re- modeled. Sunuaer pc&sea Hokybww For Store Keith Block Hollybarn. PAINTING, Decorating. Freach Pol- ishing, Carley. Residence Phoae lvest 71Y. WEBB'8 8HOB REPAIRS WBAR BEST--Dmnlarave '&LL THE BEST Brands ot Cigars. Cigarettes and Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands and Consol cards Free. Ambleside Tea Booms. FOR MOVING and BI.ILDING SUP- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Residence Phone West S32IL FOR THE BEST SLABS and Inside Fir phone W«st 2$0. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING-- Apply C. L Konings, Residence shone West $94R FOR PLUMBLVG REPAIRS -- Rcs. idence Phone )Vest 24IR WANTED in VVest VancouverTAKE NOTICE that the above ia s troe copy of the proposed By-Law upon which the vote of the Municipal- ity will be taken at the New hmble- slde Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, West Van- couver, B. C., on Wednesday, the 1st Jsy of October, 1930, between ihe hours of 8 a m and 8 p m (Signed JAMES OLLASON, Musk&pal Clerk ]CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 'IVBST VANCOUVER Notice to Electors PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify- Ine on property situate within tbe Municipality, will be taken at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive. West Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, the 1st day ef October, 1930, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m, on "&Vest Vancouver Waterworks Construction, Reconstruc- tion and Extension Money By-Law No. 449, 1930," and that Jaa Ollason bax been appointed Returning Officer to take the votes ot such electors with the usual powers in that behalf, (Signed) J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. (Signed) JAS OLLASON Clark. Modera Basgalow, Two adults, keasoaable rent. Apply Box 57. )Vest Vss .(ews GOOD BUILDINiG LOT. Ambleside. with view ot water, on paved ros&L &Vater liebL phone school. Just simply $ 10 down, $ 10 monthly. Fall price only $ÃiO. SL'MHKR COTTAGIL 3 reoma water, light, games. Very attractive and eonveaient location for building per- maaent home; situated N. F corner 17th and Duchess. $ 1250. or vill tully comdder an oeer Phoae Scymoar 7484 IL IL CLARK 8 CO. FJITATES, LTIL or Phone C. J. ARCHER, Wwt 335 GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public FIRE INSL&RANCE We have Smaa Amosats ea Bawl fer ('eod Mortgage Loam. 1405 ktariae Drive Office Phoae West 21 or Sey. I260 Residence Phoae W 32R er W 20(X The rate for Classiaed Advertlsemeats is 2 cents pe& «or&L mbdmsm 25 ceata Except ls um csee of these having regular accoauta, ak classi- Acds are payable strktly in advance. Remember ClaesiAeds la tbe West Vsa News eet lmmmliste resalta, P' vew a