West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Sep 1930, p. 4

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0001 ro v '\ oA vvv 4 ~r * r~ra o~ ' tstwaa ~ r*~ 'r 'o. a t ivtrra~~a ~ t a .i vtvi a ~ a t tro asa'atol il t. i a tw%t ' ~ t t.i'w t'r' i~ ' tom lt 'i 'a 'i'vr ~ ri rv vrr a -"vr r. r vvi vvrvr vvrr rv'r i'4 r V. rrvvvVV vv rv rvvvvrra's v rv rvvr ir ~rr 4 MINIATURE GOLF COURSE 17th and iafarine Dundarave Cash Cracery 25th ssd Bolkvso GROCERIES, CoiNFECTIOiJS, FISHING TACKLE ICE CREA51 PARI.OR BOATS FOR HIRE Pboso West 3 )Vo Dolivor ST. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN ssd GIRLS'CHOOL Will Rs-Gpss 51ONDAY, SEPTEviBER Sth ART ssd bIUSIC MISS J. DURBIN 23th sod Hsywomi Phone West 97R Pacific Stages )VliNTER SCHEDULE North Shore Service Becomes Eifective Thursday, Sept. 25th. For information Phone North 705 or Sey. 4000 A surprise shower was given by her friends to Mrs. Iteginsld Rh&xles, who is shortly leaving for Penticton, at her home, 18th and IVaterfront, last Friday. A very pleasant afternoon was spent and the hoste&ks and her little daughter Dorothy received many charming giftm Those present were Mrs. C. 51clntyre, hirs. Hugh Hodgson, Miss M. Jack, Mrs. Colin hiacLean, Mtw. J. Hunt, hIre. H. L. 51acLean, Mrs. Alan McIntyre, hire. Blair Edwards, Miss hiargaret Mr- Intyre, liiiss Beatrice Hodgson. I'ROGRA51 Home Ctas Symphony Orchestra Sunday, September 928th, 1930. CKWX, 9 P. M. a ('.em«&a&itious of Rudolph Friml l. 5(arch, Carnivalesque. 2. Selections from Katinka, 3. Egyptian Dance. 4. Selection from The Fireily. 5. Chansonette. 6. Selections from High Jinks. 7. Soloist- RINA iklcLEOD, Soprano 8. Intermezzo, In Love. 9. Selections from Vagabond King. "There's No Gas Like Home'ote for the Water By-Law on Wednesday. The BURRARD LAUNDRY &3m&ass For People Who Are Particular Agent for S)VAN BROS., DRY CLEANERS THIRD ST. ssd ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IVest Van. Representative I F. RIVERS Phone West 410L VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Covy LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER OPEN EVERY AFTERNOOiN AND EVENING (except Sundays) Knockout Tournament Monday ENTER NOW. An Evening's Play for 25c. THE IVFST VAN NFWS Local and Personal Miss Agnes McLernan, M,A., Math., Glasgow University, is the guest of her cousin Margaret Nyland, Altamont, while taking a postgraduate course at the Un)terstt) of B Ci o ~ J T Watt last IVedneadav evening, saw three racoons at the roy&)er of 16th and Emiui- malt. They were all fully grown and m excellent &on&litton. ~ ~ i Charles A. Waddingham of Wan«a, Oregon, has been invited to sct as one of the judges at the band concert at Yreka, Csl., yes- terday and today. Ile judge( at the Oregon State high school contests ln 1929 an&I 1930. Mr. aml Mrs. Waddingham are form- er residents of West Vancouver, an&i left here about two years ago to go to Oregon. ~ ~ ~ The mal)slaughter case in con- nection with the death last sum- mer of Robert Bell as a result of being struck by an auto at West Bay will come up on 1st October at the court house in Vancou- ver. Grade 9 of the high school defeated the Hullyburn girls baseball team on Thursday, 18th instant, by a score of 3 to 2. The boys of Grade 9 also were the winners by a score of 3 to 2 over the Hollyburn boys football team. Both games were played on the Hollyburn grounds. ~ o Douglas Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morloy Johnston, 26th and Lawson, has entered the University of B. C. He is staying at the Collegiate with hi» friend John Dauphinee. \ Mrs. Burch, who has been spending the summer at Csul- feild, returned yestenlay to the city for the winter. J Ridley--Thorpe A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wedesday evening 17th instant, in St. Stephen's Church, when Emma Eliza, daughter of Mr. and Iiirs. Herb- ert Thorpe of Whytecliif, was united in marriage with Arthur Frederick Mumby Ridley, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley of Caulfeild. Rev. A. Harding Priest officiated and the service was fully choral. Mrs. D. J. Thorpe was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Wiu- nie Gelling and Miss Annie Rid- ley. The groom's brother, Mr. Charles Ridley, acted as best man. During the signing of the register Mr. Wm. Mudie, uncle of the bride, sang "Because." Following the ceremony a re- ception was held in the Legion Memorial hall and was largely attended. The happy couple left later for a honeymoon trip in the south and on their return will take up residence in Caulfeild. Ihrthday Party Mrs. George Herring, 2530 Mathers, gave a party at her home last Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter Blossom's seventh birthday. Favors were distributed, and the children enjoyed themselves -to the full w'ith games. Refresh- ments were served later in the afternoon, the table decorations being in pink and white. The guests were: Doreen Foster, Bar- bara Edwards, Ariel H&xlgson, Betty Donohoe, Carmen John- ston, Bunny IVhippie, Ersler Archer, Dorothy Piper, Babbs McCallum, Bud hIcCallum, Billy Hill, (iordon Cunningham, Willie Nichoi, Georgie Piper, David Ilerring. Vole for the Water IIy-lstw on )Veda«)&day. The meeting of the Ex-High Association next Monday even- ing has been postponed until fur- ther notice. September 26. 19'«) I.EG ION LA I) I ES'UX ILIA II Y Hollylsurn THEATRES The Ladies'uxiliary of the Canadian Legion are holding their regular monthly meeting next Monday afternoon, 29th in- stant, at 2:80 p. m., in the new Legion biemorial hall. All mern. bere are asked to keep the date in mind. THUItSDAY, FRIDAY ssd SATURDAY t "Such Men~SI. Stephen's 8 S. )Vins the Allan Cup With 68 points to their credit the boys and girls of St. St«ph- en's Sunday School on Saturday last carried oif the Allan Cup emblematic of the track and fleld championship for schools ululer 200, for the flfth successive time and were third in the grand tot- al, preceded by First Church United with 126 points and Chown United with 76. There were very large field in practic- ally all events with the best of Greater Vancouver's athletes taking part and in the course of the day thirty records were broken an&i five tied. The local athletes placed as follows: Senior Boys--Chas. Chapman, 1st in hop, step and jump, 2nd in bicycle race, 3rd in 100 yards and broad jump. R. A. V. Laster, 3rd in bicycle race. Intermediate Boys -- R. A. Body, 2nd in bicycle race, Junior Soya--W. J. Murray, 3rd in 8 lb. shot (46 ft. 5 inches). Juvenile Boys--M. IVard, 2nd in sack race; J. Bloxham, Br&I in sack race. 440 Relay, St. Stephen's, 2n&l, (M. )Yard, C. ihiiles, J. Bradley and IV. H. Parker). Bantam Boys--Dick Lester, 2nd in bicycle )vice. IVheelbarrow Race--Laster dt Wallace, 1st (new record); J. biacleod and R. Ward, 3rd. Senior Girls--Relay Race, St. Stephen's, 2nd (M. Atwood, N. H. Cornish, M. Crickmay, D. Dawson, E. Dickinson and K. G. Iiampson) . Junior Girls--Relay Race, St. Stephen'9, 3rd (M. Dawson, P. Johnson, J. Lettner, G. Lightley, B. and M. Morrison). Muriel Dawson, 1st in suck race. Molly Morrison, 2nd in broad jump and 3rd in high jump. Juvenile Girls--Relay Race, St. Stephen's, 1st (Eileen Body, Wylma Donaldson, Jean Garrett, Mildred Lettner, Pat Wallace and Edith White), new record. Time 60 seconds. W. Donaldson, 2nd in 50 yard &lash and 3rd in broad jump. J. Garrett, 1st in high jump (new record, 4 feet 4 inches) and 3rd in skipping race. are Dangerous" LOOK Cedar %Vood dt'2,.50 a load CHESTERFIELD WO&)DYAItD I'boss North 132 sip llave your Furnace overhauled or new one installed before the cold weather. Burrard Sheet t)ietal 229 Lonsdale Avenue I'hoss North 315 Roo I'hososi NorMa 9)SY-)533X DAN&'ING--Gos Dawson, "Tbs I'rofossiossi Darner," ho&do ciss- os in the Doodsrsvo Hsii every Wednesday afternoon. Musical Comedy Class st 4&15 which Io- ciudos, ballet, acrobatic sod the popo)sr 7'sp Dancing. Pupiis oow enrolling. In l&osisoss in Wost Vss IS Years. C. J. Overington BARBER The game department of the provincial government were re- quested to extend the closed ares for shooting to include the en- tire municipality of West Van- couver. In New Store bisriss Drive st 13th Next Jefforios Mes& Store Export Work--Lsdiosb Children Goat)amos I'hoss West 135 for oppoistmost ANNOUNCEMENT On and after Wednesday, Oct. 1st, the garage and service station known as THE WEST VAN MOTORS (Harry Farr's) Will be occupied by W. L. GROUT Formerly with I)egg Bros., Vancouver, for 10@ears Repairs - Tires - Shell Gas and Oils Bring Us Your Car Troubles AII Work Guaranteed. Estimates given on work