West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Sep 1930, p. 3

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0001 hoot glob 'n,t; I aub hoiug taltd Iohilo hefb tag. ztor, aleut par. youl ually alai diag ilk uyls aoo', !will lout uaho !taa nloa have 4 b tti ~ 0 IES Iof SISS tho THE WEST VAN NEWS September 26, 1930. Mrs. Draper's HOME BAKERY All Goods Home-Baked Try Our LUNCH ROI,I.S and MFAT PIFS, IIOMEhMADE BREAD 3 for 20c. Open all day Thursdays 2476 Marine (nr. 26th St.) Phone Wast 366 POLICE REVOLVER SHOOT The annual revolver shoot of the three North Share police forces took place on Wednesday, 17th instant at the Mountain Highway Gun Club. Particulars are as follows: 10 yards deliber- ate fnr Morden Cup, 1st Const- able J. Young, North Vancouver City; 2nd, Deputy&hief G. Cauld of North Vancouver City; 3rd Constable C. Hailstone, West Vancouver, 20 yards deliberate for Robson and Mackenzie Math- eson Cup--1st Constable W. Bowling, North Vancouver City; 2nd, Constable C .Hailstone, West Vancouver; 3rd, Constable J. Young, North Vancouver City. Chief Constables'vent for Re- volver Association trophy--1st, Chief Peter Stewart, North Van- couver City; 2nd, Chief W. W. Hemmingway, North Vancouver District; 3rd, Chief F. Squires, West Vancouver. Police Commissioners'ontest for the Revolver Association's Cup -- 1st, Commissioner T. hfilLS, North Vancouver District; 2nd, Reeve J. B. Leyland. Snap Shooting Contest for G. J. Fowler's Cup-- 1st, G. Lindsay, North Vancouver City; 2nd Con- stable J. Hailstone, West Van- couver; 3rd, Constable R. 14)wes, '1Vest Vancouver. Constable Jake Young of the city force turned in high aggre- gate for all events and carriedofi'he trophy donated by the Van- couver Creosoting Company. Constable Charlie Hailstone of West Vancouver, was second, Deputy-Chief George Gauld of the city was third, Constable Lowes of West Vancouver was fourth and Constable Walter Bowling of the city force was fifth. Constable Young's win- ning count was 140 points and his nearest competitor, Const- able Hailstone received 131 points. Inspector T. V. Sandys Wunsch of the R.C.M.P., acted as range officer and at the conclusion of the meet the prizes were pre- sented by Reeve J. B. Leyland of West Vancouver. imc Local and Personal West 37 If the Weather The members of the board of school trustees have been in Vernon this week attending the convention of B. C. School Trus- tees in session there. The min- ister of education announced there the four year high school course was optinnal, and that he was preparing 0 schedule for the 3 year course. ~ ~ Dr. Marjory hicCuhbin wishes Io announce that owiag to lhe duties of the newly established school denial clinic her o(fice hours for private practice are now from I p. m. Io 6 p. m. ex- cept on Saturdays when they will be from 10 a. m. Io 4 p. m. Even- ings by appointment. s Four men appeared in the West Vancouver yoKce court charged with unlawfully fishing, catching, or killing salmon by the use of a spear or jig con- trary to the Fisheries Act of Canada. Fines were imposed on iwo of them. hfr. and hire. Charles Pearce of North Vancouver, who are well known here, left last Satur- day for England, where they ex- pect to take up residence. ~ ~ ~ Miss IA)ma Thomson has re- sumed her duties at the Holly- burn Post Office following a va- cation at Cherry Creek, B. C. ~ ~ Miss Phyllis Bell of the B. C. Telephone staff here, is back at her home after undergoing an operation in the North Vancou- ver General Hospital. o ~ s Mrs. Bengough and bliss Daul- ton of North Vancouver, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. s 4 Dr. A. C. Nash has moved his office in the Barrow block at Dundarave to 2206 Marire Drive. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hawess, 23rd and Bellevue, have moved into the Cooke house at 22nd aml Marine Drive. \ Miss Doris Taylor of the local stair of the B. C. Telephone Co,, is on her annual vacation. s o ~ Mr. Riches anil Mr. Shaelfler, both of Vancouver, are staying at the I"ortune Cup Inn for a few days. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mills and family, have moved from 22nd and Belle- vue to the Dinsdale house at 15th and Duchess. The Lesage Drug Store have put in nne hundred new books, which will be changed every month. Is bad--and you don' want to come out phone for your needs. Our Delivery Service is for your convenience. Use it. WEST VII I'HAIIIACY Tbe Stoio of Service. West 31 WE DELIVEIIStudio of Dancing HUltVTHMICS -- NATURE DAN('ING -- HALLET VOCAL EXI'IIFASION Fall Tenn, September 13th, Enrollment Legion Hall, Satur- days, Io a. m. to ly, soon. CATHFRINE PATON Residents Phone Wmi MIX Buy Home Products Strattou's Bakery 1468 Manse Drive Passe West 22 for BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY Scotch Shortbread, iNut Bread, Birlhday 6; Wedding Cakes Surprise Party A number of friends of Frank Dorchester an ived at his home at 29th and Nathers last Friday evening on tho occasion of hia twenty-first birthday. The party was in the nature of 0 surprise, the evening being spent in dancing. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Houghton, hfrs. Harold Walker. Mr. and Nrs. Alan hfclntyre, the Misses Nancy Rudolph, Snookie Sanderson, Jean )Vatson, Bar- bara Reid, Sue Procter, 51ollie Edwards, Sybil Chapman, Aud- rey Laster, Dorothy snd Gert- rude Parkyn, Joan Cullington, Margaret Armstrong, Louise Brown, ELuie Tait, Betty Mc- Kenzie, Leona Parkyn, and Messrs. Alee hlcKenzie George Arliss. Ronnie Brown, Mer- vyn Ball, Fred Procter, Ralph. and hlickie Mason, Jack Par- kyn, Rodney Poisson, John Fox, Charlie Chapman, Vernon Laster, Douglas Johnston, Mur- ray Watson, Eric Allan, Stuart Breckenridge„Stewart Smith. BURRARD I'UNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E Phone North 028 FURNACE Rnd SHEET METAL REPAIRS AMBLESIDE FISH and CHIPS We use BAKEASY Amblesigse Sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK, Pmpdetor 1466 Marine Drive Phone 1Vest 4371.2 Mrs. T. E. W. Russell was hostess on Monday afternoon at 0 delightful tea in her home at 14th and Esquimalt. Among the guests were: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. J. Duncan Mrs Harry Jones, Mrs. A. Kruger, hirs. R. Norman. Dr. And Mrs. F. Stainsby and family, who have been at hiayo, Y.T., for the past two years, ex- pect to move back into their old home at 19th and Marme Drive at the beginning of next month. o ~ s Miss Lillias Davie, who has been spending a vacation at Cherry Creek, B. C., has return- ed to her home at 15th and Ful- ton, o Mrs. L. C. Barry has moved from 24th and Haywood to 8 house at 23rd and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. King and family, who have been away on a sum- mer vacation, have returned to their home at 2446 Bellevue. v ~ \ The Swimming tank at Dun- darave pier has been towed to Eagle Harbour for the winter months. 3 slices of fish, 10 cents I or'der c&pd ......... 5 cents Coffee, 6c, Tea 5c. Chocolate 5c.Vote for ihe Water By-Law oz Wednesday. Thomas--Coldwell A quiet wedding of interest to many friends in West Vancouver took place at West United Church, College Street, Toronto, on September 16th, Rev. R. S. Johnston officiating, when Edhith K.W. Savory FUEL 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside JAPANESE ELECTRIC STRA)1 MASSAGE 20tb ta Nelson, West Vancouver Successful treatments by com- petent operator fram Tokio for cerebral aod spinal nervousness rheumatism, artbritio, sciatica, tonsilitis, neuralgia, paralysis, !steat!neo kidneys. VERNON FEED STOREPhone 1Vest 340 Evenings, 1Vest 143 Coldwell became the bride of A, C, SEARLE Pboso Woot 8 Next door to TheatreIvor Rosser Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas, 7th Real Estate Street, West Vancouver The bride wae dressed in her travelling suit of blue trimmed with pan velvet and carried 0 bouquet of red roses. She wasFinance and Insurance attended by Miss Betty Knight 'I'he groom was supported b) Mr. Kenneth Cross. After the ceremony the bride and groom left to spend a short honeymoon at Trails End, Con- nestogo, Ontario, and on their return will reside at 299 Oak- GORDON ROBSON Banister 0 SoRcltor IVEST VANCOUVER- Offico No, 1447 Marino Drive. Pbone Wast 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 8)8; sio Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199., wood Avenue, Toronto. Among the many friends who were present at the church were: Mrs. David Thomas, mother of the groom; Mrs. Violet Sager, sister of the bride; Mrs. George H. Faulknor, Mrs. Jessie Ziegler and Mrs. Edgar Stevens. Nrs. S. J. Nasmith, 14th and Jelferson, who is away on 0 holi- day trip in the east, was recently the guest of honor at s meeting of the Strathroy Literary Socie- ty, when she gave an address on the works of Bliss Carman. o ~ Major H. T. Curtis who has been away on 0 trip to Bolivia, South America, has returned to his home at West Bay ~ ~ Mrs. Glen, wife of Captain Glen of Kew Beach, who kft here 0 few weeks ago for 0 trip to Australia anil England, recently spent a few days in Adelaide and is now on her way to the Old Country. o Miss Flsie Harrison hss re- turned from her annual vacation and has resumed her duties here with the B. C, Telephone Co. NOTiCE Will Start on Tuesday. October 7th. The Board of School 'Irustees ls prepared to institute night classes during the winter months in the following or any other subjects, provided sufficient applications are received I WOOD'IVORKING DRESSMAKING SHORTHAN I) 3: TYPEWRITLNG BOOK-KEEI'ING and COXIXIERCIAL ARITHXIETIC A minimum number nf ten is required to form ~ class in any one subject, and all applications for enrolment are to be in the hands nf the Siwretary by 6 p. m. on Tuesday, September 30th, 1929. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees.